Get ready for a messy week on Big Brother 16 as HGs prepare to unleash their latest plan on the game thanks to the Power of Veto Ceremony later today. Things are going to get ‘turnt up.’
The winner of this week’s PoV has coordinated the day’s events and I don’t think we’re going to be surprised by any last minute changes on the targets. Here’s what you can expect to happen.
Hayden is set to use the Veto. He promised Victoria on Saturday that she would be the HG rescued over Jocasta and everyone involved, mostly the Detonators, is on board with that except for Caleb. Caleb thinks Jocasta will be coming down but no one has told him otherwise just yet. Frankie has considered telling Caleb just before the meeting, but we’ll see if that happens.
Once Victoria is off the block Frankie will name a renom and that’s going to be Amber. This plan has been in the works for quite awhile now as HGs have wanted to split Caleb and Amber and her attempts to rally girl-power to go after the guys only accelerated the situation.
Adding a bizarre spin to this situation is Caleb’s belief that he has masterminded the whole plan. Having been informed of it after everything was settled Caleb was manipulated in to believing this was all his doing, but he only sees part of the plan.
While Caleb knows Amber is going up, he thinks it’s just to scare her. Caleb wants to “put her in her place” and scare her in to running back to him. He is anxiously awaiting for Amber to hear that Caleb is the reason she’s made it this far in the game and will only last as long as he will allow it. Yeah.
I’m hoping this will play out as a blindside to both Caleb and Amber on Thursday night, but Amber is a good bit more perceptive than Caleb so there’s a better chance she’ll figure this out long before that. Even if she does it’ll be too late and she’ll go home.
On top of all this scheming, Team America is set to make another go at their mission. They’ve convinced Zach to give a new speech at the Veto meeting. Why would Zach be allowed to talk at this event? It doesn’t make much sense, but BB is bending over backwards to hand out cash to Team America.
Zach has been practicing his speech and while some are concerned that he’s planning a “vicious attack” this looks to be about as intense as being called a “Froot Loop Dingus.” And if anyone in there takes Zach seriously on this third meeting speech then I’m not sure what will make them stop listening to Zach. Team America will collect their check, Amber will go home, and Zach will dig that hole even deeper.
What do you think of this plan on Big Brother? Should the HGs be targeting Amber or is there a better option to take at today’s meeting?
Pretty smart of Team America to push Zach into tossing himself under the bus. Again.
It’d be nice if they got some sort of restriction next time that they couldn’t use Zach for a change.
That is an interesting thought. He’s been so easy; it’s been amusing.
Things could change. Everyone already tip toes around Caleb cause he is unstable. I could see he blowing up t Cody? or if he finds out that Frankie and Zack masterminded Amber being evicted.
It was the fans that decided it would be best for 2 houseguests to have an argument at one of the ceremonies..
And apparently the rule has changed. It will be considered an argument even if Amber doesn’t respond.
It seems it is almost impossible to get a rise out of any of these sheep.
The better option would be to not use the veto at all, especially since Frankie is so worried about not getting more blood on his hands. If Amber goes home all of the actual players are going to start taking each other out, and the final two will be Victoria and Jocasta. I hope Amber has a convincing campaign and actually gets the others to start really playing against the detonators.
Ok so you Caleb supporters still think he’s harmless?
There are far more annoying people on the show than Caleb.
Maybe Zach or Jacosta, but he still needs to be the one to go now.
Heck no! He contributes majorly to both the entertainment value and the competitiveness of the game as a whole. I’m ready for Jocasta, Victoria, and Hayden to be out the door so the game can really start.
But, what is Caleb going to do once Amber is gone? I feel a little bad for Amber..he has had a strangle hold on her game since the first day..not of her choosing..totally all on him and his delusions about her. Her only mistake was not telling him from the get go that she was not interested in him..only as a friend..I think she thought she could use him to get her pretty far in the game. That didn’t work out so well for her.
This has nothing to do with “annoying”…the guy is psychotic and needs some serious intervention…
They need to have a straight jacket waiting for him when he leaves the house. At least when Amber gets voted out on Thursday, she will be able to get a restraining order in place…
He went to where she was sleeping last night and threw a pillow at her head and the night before he stood there in the dark watching her sleep.
He was egged on by Cody. That’s why a lot of people don’t think he’s dangerous. The other guys are always egging him on and telling him she just doesn’t want a showmance. I think once he gets out and sees the footage he will be fine.
Don’t worry about Caleb when he gets voted out. He will be voted America’s Favorite, get cast on Survivor and The Bachelor. Not to mention he will probably just walk on to a MLB team and get picked up by an NFL team. He could even be on USA’s next World Cup team even though he never played soccer before. Essentially, he will be just fine.
I think TA would have a better shot at succeeding, if they got Amber and Caleb to fight at the Veto ceremony. Frankie should let Amber know that it was Caleb’s idea. Amber probably isn’t going to react, but reacting to Caleb “masterminding” her going up is stronger than a “Zach Attack.” JMO
Amber and Caleb aren’t speaking to each other. She is too stubborn to say anything at this point to Caleb. Amber thinks she has more alias and he does not matter.
Soooo Amber has multiple passports, is that what you’re saying?
She meant “allies”. Come on. Fat-fingers.
When I heard the neanderthal make the statement on Saturday night, “she needs to learn her place in this house” made me wonder if those who make excuses for him actually absorbed the chauvinist statement he just made. As my grandmother used to say, “he’s touched in the head”. I can’t wait to see Caleb on the block for eviction but it’s looking like Zach is going to beat him there. lol
Yeap, that one was bad.
I was very annoyed with Caleb. I would like to see Caleb and Zack on the block together…could you imagine the crosstalk and shots fired at on another.
I’d pay for a ringside seat to that! lol
Caleb would be a unanimous vote to evict.
seriously, another house vote.
As would Zach too!
I sooo agree, because it’s Zach that’s becoming unstable with the power he thinks he has to wield maybe more so than Caleb believes he does. I think it would be such a grand move to show Zach where his real place is and shove him out before they shove Caleb out, then they’ll be on the home stretch to jury. I’m hoping it’s a double eviction this week with Amber and Zach going followed by Caleb next week! One can dream can’t they?
I’m thinking that Zack will be the sacrificial lamb if someone other than the Detonators get an HOH. I don’t think his alliance will fight to keep him in the house. They will dump and him and replace him with someone else, Nicole or Hayden.
Trust me, they’ve absorbed it and to their benefit for their games will capitalize on it too! LOL
I’m not a fan of ‘team america’. I’d rather they just play the game without additional complication.
I think “Team America” is the dumbest thing big brother did. I like last year when people voted and their were 3 on the block.
How ’bout when Eric had to do all those crazy things (Season 8?). Very unfair to him. I gave him a lot of credit for accomplishing what he did, though.
I am new to BB. I have only seen a couple of seasons. “Team America” is stupid.
If i hear the term “Blood on my hands” anymore i am going to vomit. Frankie is playing the same game that Andy did but just more flamboyant. Also this whole 2 HOH’s needs to go away. Just makes the game way to predictable.
Oh my gosh, it was such a coward thing to say he doesn’t want more blood on his hands. Stick up for your game.
They’re foolish for not back-dooring Caleb. What an idiot.
They have had many chances to get Caleb, but they don’t see him as a threat!
Nobody see him as a real threat, not even Amber.
I think maybe Cody does.
I really don’t think Amber is a threat? She is to stupid! I think their other people that are threats more.
But she try to start a girl alliance. That’s threatening for the guys.
These girls this season are clueless and are getting steamrolled by the guys.
None of the girls this year are good player.
I dont understand these people’s gameplan. Why (if you’re zankie) wouldnt you allign with the weaker players (jo, vic, amber), control votes, and go up against them at the end? I mean shoot – surely beating victoria at the end would be easier than beating out cody and derrick…
really good piece
I am confused because I don’t watch very often; but it seems that Amber and Caleb still think there’s a bomb squad, correct? If so then it would make no sense for Amber to Target Zach because he’s part of the alliance she thinks she’s in, Any chance of Nicole and Christine voting with the three guys? They could keep amber safe and send Jocosta home and we don’t have to listen to her crying anymore. She’s worse then Sabrina!
am confused because I don’t watch very often; but it seems that Amber and Caleb still think there’s a bomb squad, correct? If so then it would make no sense for Amber to Target Zach because he’s part of the alliance she thinks she’s in, Any chance of Nicole and Christine voting with the three guys? They could keep amber safe and send Jocosta home and we don’t have to listen to her crying anymore. She’s worse then Sabrina!
The “speech” that Zach is going to give is way over the top and I say shame on CBS for allowing it to happen. It is bad enough that Amber has been subjected to Caleb and his psychotic behavior. Zach should not be allowed to berate Amber the way he is planning to…
I totally agree. Amber was dealt a bad hand from the very beginning. I feel bad for her. Caleb ruined her game. He needs to be out the door next after Amber..I wish it were him leaving on Thursday instead of her.
I don’t like the way TA is working on this. To humiliate people for no reason but to earn 5k is not cool. Zach is too easy a target to use and it’s ruining his game (not that he really had one).
Production is trying too hard to create drama.
Yes they are, when all they need to do is better casting.
Or provide them with more booze.
I think all these idiots are playing productions game again, basically production is setting up Frankie for the win! He is targeting all the girls so it trending toward a sausage fest by week 8-10. And then Frankie will have his choice of “sausage”. Stupid girls should have listened to Joey first week, but their pesky vindictiveness always seems to get in the way….
I think they overplayed his grandfather’s passing. Obviously, a very sad thing. It should also have been private–in fact–they didn’t have to tell the other houseguests at all. It gives him an unfair advantage; and now; to a lesser degree–Derrick.
first thing Amber should do when she gets out is file a restraining order on Caleb
That won’t be necessary.
It won’t be necessary…because he will be taken straight to the psyche ward when he leaves the house….
I feel really bad for Amber. She showed up and all she did was be a good looking girl and Caleb decided to ruin her game. First he ruined it by Caleb insisting he and Amber were a unit, then by trying to punish her for not wanting to date him.
Amber’s game was ruined simply because Caleb can’t take no for an answer. I mean them’s the breaks , unfortunately you don’t control how others act in the BB house, but what happened to Amber was unfair.
I do feel like she led him on a bit. One thing that sticks out in my mind is the night Devin was eliminated, she ran up to Caleb and jumped on him wrapping her arms and legs around him. I don’t think she has really told him to his face that she wasn’t interested in him. Don’t get me wrong, Caleb is delusional and has a definite stalker vibe to him, but I don’t think she told him he has zero shoot with her.
I think that is the case because she was afraid of something like this POV happening. As soon as she would reject Caleb in an outright way, he would try to screw her, see exhibit A of the planned veto meeting.
Amber didn’t want to risk 500k because of the cowboy, turns out the house would rather blame her than him in his obsession anyway.
This while thing sucked for Amber.
I think the house is afraid of his reaction to being put on the block. But if she would have rejected him earlier, their might be people in the house to work with. Her biggest mistake was trying to form a side alliance with Christine. I’ll never understand why Amber would approach someone in her alliance about another alliance. I don’t think she has talked game or formed close friendships with anyone in the house until it was too late. She relied on Caleb protecting her and that is never a good idea in a game like this.
Let me see if I have some of this correct and Captain555 and Matthew can correct me on alliances. BS- 8 players Chtne, Amb, Caleb, Derr, Frank, Dev, Cody, Zach: Hay brought in to make 9 the week Devin went out; Cody & Derr – F2; Nic,Chtne, Hay – F-3; Frank & Zach F-2; Nic & Chtne F-2; Derrick & Frank -F-2; Derrick & Donny F-2; Frank & Jocasta F-2; Detonators – Derr, Frank Zach, Cody & Chtne. I’m sure I missed at least 10 more LOL.
Probably more like 50 more, if you count all the alliance that lasted like 5 minutes.
Cody & Derrick’s F-2 name – The Hit Men. LOL And of course, TA – Derrick, Frankie & Donny
That’s a good alliance. For Derrick.
Why aren’t they backdooring Zach?!!?
Zack is loyal to the guys in his alliance, and they are the ones controlling the house. I think they are going to cut Zach loose when someone outside of their alliance gets HOH. He is a bigger target than anyone else in the Detonators. So maybe they look at it and consider they will be safe because Zack will be the target.
I agree. They seem to be much smarter than Zach; although he’s hard to read. He operates seat-of-the-pants…I think.
He reminds me of a child that acts out to get attention. Any attention is good attention. That could work if it was closer to the end, because he is so unlikeable and unstable, he would insure whoever took him to the finals of winning $500k.
That’s possible: That Frankie or Derrick is thinking exactly that. Either way, they’re going to use him…and they should. That’s how to play the game.
I’m hoping that won’t happen for a long time. He’s the only one who’s entertaining. What a dull bunch.
Where’s Rachel and Ragan when you need them?!
Funny….totally forgot about Jen City or my mind blanked her out of my memory.
I miss the days of Evil Dick dumping ice tea on heads and burning people with cigs lol…Now that was BB in its prime.
It ought to be called the Kumbaya Bunch this year.
I think after last year’s controversy involving some racist comments and having someone like Amanda, who was a strong personality, they seemed to cast most of these people to be as PC as possible.
I know many viewers were genuinely bothered by some of those houseguests; but frankly, I was entertained. They offended me personally, but I was not unhappy they were there. They were real people being themselves.
Just like any other season, some I liked, some I couldn’t stand. I don’t mind having someone like Zack in the house, he keeps everyone on their toes. I would love to see Victoria, Jocosta or Nicole leave first. Hayden is a little boring, but I could see him winning a key HOH when he is about to be evicted and being a catalyst for the Detonators turning on each other. I wish they would cast a bunch or real gamers, not recruit “pretty” people.
Yeah…& some older folks would mix it up. I agree on Hayden—He might be biding his time.
They definitely need a bigger age range on this show. It’s clear that they cast for a potential showmance rather than for an interesting season.