Big Brother 16: Veto Outcome – The End Of Frankie’s Game?

When the Big Brother Rewind twist hit the game it gave the HGs an extra chance to go after one of the season’s top competitors: Frankie Grande. Now that the week’s comps are over and a special eviction is arriving early the Veto will complete its role and the HGs will move one step closer to their goal.

Frankie Grande announces "defeated!" on Big Brother
Frankie Grande announces “defeated!” on Big Brother – Source: CBS

The Power of Veto’s return to the Big Brother Freakshow was completed last night and it brought a whirlwind of results with a serious shake up in the player performances and rankings. So with the results confirmed, will this be the week be the end of Frankie Grande’s game?

Not only did Frankie lose the Veto in what I thought would be a face-off between him and Derrick, but he got fourth after losing to Cody, Derrick, and Victoria. Frankie fell apart in the comp and the pressure got to him. Derrick’s plan to have the pressure of the block on Frankie’s shoulders appears to have worked as even Frankie admitted it was a stressful distraction.

Cody holds the power and has the option to veto either of Caleb’s nominees, Frankie and Victoria, but there is not a chance he’ll do it. When the Veto Ceremony is held this weekend Cody will close the little silver box and leave both of the original noms intact. So what happens next?

Flashback to 9:34PM BBT 9/12 Cams 1/2 as Derrick, Cody, and Caleb discuss how to handle the situation. They all agree that Frankie must go and despite Caleb’s request to be the tie-breaker, Derrick and Cody say that they will vote unanimously to evict Frankie and send him to the Jury.

Caleb suggests Frankie, as a comp beast, should be evicted by the other comp beast in the house. He of course means himself. The other guys laugh at Caleb’s hubris and decline his request.

Frankie will do his best to try and persuade and he might have gotten a little traction with Caleb, but there’s no chance that will happen with Cody and Derrick. Frankie’s game is over.

The Big Brother 16’s Final Four will be Caleb, Cody, Derrick, and Victoria. Better watch out, Caleb, they’re coming for you next.



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  1. JeanJeannie doing her best to break dance with her newly replaced knees!! Thank the BB gods that the freak show is over!!!!! Someone wanna help me get up?

      • Thanks Red! Hope I did’nt put your back out. Gotta say I am tickled that Frankie Grande joins the list of orher long forgotten names of HGs who went out in a fizzle with 5th place! Tee Hee Hee…

      • These knees were bone-on-bone for 20 yrs. Much less painful now for sure. Had 1 done in May. Recovered so well and so fast that I got the rt knee done in middle of July. Spent a large part of my summer watching BBAD and peddling my arse on my recumbant bike. Gonna be riding my Harley next summer. Will be the first summer since 09 IVe been able to throw my leg over the seat!

      • Throw them over anything you want, just throw them! Congratulations on your fast recovery, that’s tough surgery.

      • Thanks all! You are a great gang to chat with! Its the only reason Im sorry this season is ending. I have so enjoyed this chat. Meet you next year….same bat time-same bat place?

      • woo-hoo, continue on your journey to a full recovery. My husband had his old fireman knees replaced too, jumped off too many trucks! Now you can enjoy life to the fullest again!

      • My saddlebags are already packed, for sure! Spent my down time getting her completely re-done! Even got a special tie dye paint job! Summer ’15 is sizing up to be amazing! Thank goodness for my faithful DVR..I can catch episodes of BB when Im home!

      • Right on may as well use the downtime efficiently as you clearly did. Enjoy that first ride on the newly overhauled bike. If has been 2 years since I got to ride as I had to sell my bike because of hard financial times but things are looking good for getting a new one next summer. So I understand the hardship not being able to ride has been for you but we should both be back in the saddle roaring down the open road next summer.

  2. Serves Frankie right because he had multiple chances to evict both Cody and Derrick. Like Judd and Helen of last season, now is not the right week to evict Amanda. Of course, those two house guests got evicted way earlier before Amanda! “Those who do not learn from the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat it.” Remember that Frankie, that is one expensive $500,000 lesson for you!

    • NAH, America is to blame for his eviction because he wanted to push the button. Well either that or Donny is somehow to blame if not Zach.

      • Frankie had other chances to evict Cody prior to that! Nothing will change that fact. The fact he did not use his head and pushed the button without thinking is still on his head!

    • well frankie was constantly rebuilding trust after he was caught turning on them, way back when caleb made frankie do the comp alone.

      • This late in the game, if you are still floating and hoping you make it to the end—-you deserve to be evicted!

  3. Hmmm…planning the menu for my Eviction Party Wed night. Thinking anything but fish!! Any suggestions? Perhaps some humble pie?

    • You might want to plan the party for tues when Frankie leaves wed will be more than likely caleb or Victoria IMO

      • Will be interesting to see how the rest of the season plays out now. It has been such an annoying bore this year. The one time I will be on the edge of my seat will be to see Frankie’s face when he loses the POV and that minute he steps out the door to greet the “throngs of adoring fans”. I don’t normally take pleasure from another’s defeat, but I really dislike everything about this guy. I read one of his journal entries left over from one of his trips overseas. He visciously insults airline staff, jewish people, fat people, etc The fact that he thinks he is so much better than anyone else really jerks my chain. Folks like that inspire the distain they recieve, I think.

      • I read it too, just goes to show he is as arrogant, self centered . crude and egotistic in real life as he is in the house.

    • He’s too narcissistic and arrogant, to enjoy a piece, of humble pie!!! Hope your recovery, from your knee surgery goes well and you’ll be able, to enjoy bike riding, next summer.

  4. I’ve never been a big fan of Frankie’s, but I think this rewind twist was dirty pool from BB. I would have the same problem with it being any of them. When you strategize and win comps to guarantee you have made the final four, and BB decides to just have a do over and you end up leaving, that’s low. Button or no button.

    • It’s on par with the restart button, pandora’s box, golden veto, etc. Either you love twists or you don’t.

      • The coup da tat was by far the best one eva, imo … especially listening to him pronouncing it … Ha!!!

      • I thought it would have been better if they allowed them to vote first and reveal the results. That way it would expose any voting deception, not that it would have occurred that time but in the future it could. Like if it happened during haydens eviction that would have shook things up.

    • And, the irony was that Frankie wanted to waste no time in pressing the button, while Derrick was hesistant and did warn him/them that nothing good could possibly come from it … Ha !!!

      • That’s true Andy, but it also said “it only takes one”. If Frankie hadn’t wanted to and some else did it, this would still happen. I guess I (and Frankie) never thought a button would be so severe at this point in the game. Wouldn’t have been a big deal early on. I’m really okay with it, but I still think it was low.

      • As a Super Fan, he/they (or, in this case just Derrick) was aware of the risk/cost benefits … would be interesting to go back in BB past to see when this type of twist have been offered and I would suspect usually in the final 5-6 players on average ….

        As Frankie told Julie on Wednesday, this is Big Brother after all, so how could one not push the button, to experience it all … Ha!!

      • even if Derrick could have convinced them not to push it, we all know that Caleb would have snuck in and pushed it. He was so sure that it was going to be worth a lot of money.

      • Frankie kept saying that America wanted them to push it and would not be happy with them if they didn’t,

    • Except the unexpected, is their logo and frankly, he sealed, his own, fate. It was his HOH he said and it was going down, he didn’t care what the HG said and that’s why it went down. I’m just so, happy he’s out the door! !

  5. Guess the sick and starving of third world countries will be missing out on Frankies Broadway in Africa. Unless reports online are wrong, which they often are, thats what this charity is about. Bringing a taste of Broadway to Africa…seems kind of silly, considering that these people would need a good run of Mamma Mia to make all their problems go away…

  6. I am ecstatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like all caps ecstatic but we can’t type in all caps so many exclamation marks will suffice.

  7. At least now Frankie won’t have to have that awkward conversation with America when he has to explain why he WON’T be using his winnings to build schools in Africa (“I didn’t realize you could hear me! It was just my strategy to win Big Brother! I only perform broadway shows in Africa, I don’t actually build schools, sorry if that was misleading.”

      • Frankie was cool at the beginning and I loved him with Zack, but soon he became really paranoid and started to show his true self. He was probably being fake at the beginning to get the house Gs to like him.

      • After the reveal of who he really was, he did say that now he could be himself and they could see who he truly was. Boy did we see

      • Wow….no glorious reunion with throngs of Frankies adoriing friends (meaning no booze, hisses, heckeling, or throwing of rotting produce) That will certainly be tooo sad!

  8. WOW i can see it now Victoria floats to the final..and the jury votes for her..she wins BB doing nothing at all..If victoria does win BB she is the best BB player of all time..Better than Dan Dr Will and even better than Evil Dick

      • The only way that Victoria may make it to the end is if Derrick decides at the last minute that he rather have the money over taking his friend Cody. Victoria wins HOH she will take Derrick to the finals. she is way up his behind and put up a show so they won’t vote him out.

  9. Watching last nights BBAD..the HGs are all discussing the POV comp. Camera
    Watching last nights BBAD. HGs are all discussing the POV comp. When the cam moves from Caleb and Cody in the bedroom back to kitchen and Frankie is the middle of yellin Va JJ! He goes on to say that he cant believe he went from winning so many comps to getting his “ass fisted” in this one. “I walked outta there and I was like Wow, my ass is bleeding” (his words not mine). This is a prime example of why I, for one, cannot stomach this guy! I find his words offensive to type but he will go on and on with this vile banter on National TV. This is the kind of crreep I would absolutely avoid in the world. I own and ride my own Harley…have for years. I have spent alot of time in very mixed company and am certainly no stranger to colorful language. I don’t know anyone who could spend very much time listening to the graphic filth that pours from this fellow’s pie hole. I honestly don’t know how the other HGs can deal with him 24/7!. Any men I know would never talk like that, let alon spew that garbage in the company of a female. I would bet Victoria’s protective father would love to get his hands on this nasty little man for the lack of respect he has shown to his daughter! Hell, put that encounter on pay-per-view. I’d ante up to see

    goesfrom Caleb nd Cody in one of the bedrooms

  10. How about caleb last night on BBAD talking about veto comp “if I wouldn’t have messed up again then I would have been right just like you” to Frankie and Derrick. Well no kidding caleb if you hadn’t messed up you wouldn’t have finished last. He has an amazing grasp for the f’ing obvious.

  11. Can’t wait for frankie to get out of that house, wish it was sooner but then it’s better now than never. I wonder if his sister would make it far in her career or she’ll just be like the others who are one hit wonders, I’ve read a lot that she don’t treat her fans well and has been a diva to everyone, even Juliana rancic complained bout her attitude. Now I can really say they’ve been brought up as spoiled rich brats. Frankie your so called I’m better than you attitude will catch up on you.

    • Ariana emulates Mariah Carey and I think that she is talented. I don’t think that she will be a one hit wonder. Frankie did a great job getting a lot of attention on BB and he will probably land a bunch of acting jobs. Singing will probably only be on Broadway, but he proved to be a good actor. He got the attention he needed and will make it. Hollywood is made up of people just like him.

      • No denying ariana is talented but she hasn’t reach the Katy Perry or Rihanna status yet but then she’s already acting like a big diva. And yeah frankie is talented but his talent belongs in Broadway not for TV, he could do a reality show don’t know who will watch it though I don’t find him amusing since the season started.

      • I did read rumors about her acting like a Diva. It may be true if she is anything like brother.
        Her show was canceled because she wasn’t getting along with her costar. I think they wanted to be the star of the show.

      • But Miss Vic out acted him the other night when she was doing her thing about Derrick being an a$$. He actually believed her and was wiping away tears.

      • I did love her performance, but she is an idiot. Derrick was not voting to keep her or trying to convince others to vote out his friend Cody so she shouldn’t have tried to help him at all.

  12. Please if anybody reads this and is going to the live finale show please hold up a sign saying:

    It’s pronounced B-U-T-T-O-N not Bu-on you are suppose to pronounce the t’s

    I would be forever grateful Frankie & Derrick are the 2 that drive me the craziest with bu-on

  13. So when frankie said he was giving to african charities, was it the one that built schools or the south african broadway group he’s also associated with?

  14. Thankfully, Frankie’s time in the Big Brother house is coming to an end. Can’t wait to see the live show.

  15. Dont know if we will hear him get booed or not..Last season when it was an early eviction it wasnt a live audience of fans it was an audience of production and Im sure they are instructed not to boo..IMO

  16. I wonder if Frankie blows up “Team America” during the veto ceremony, if that would change Cody’s opinion of Derrick?

    • Then he would lose his $20k from his TA missions…. almost enough for one school, if he tops it off with his stipends…

      • Really? I don’t remember hearing or seeing anywhere that if any TA members reveal TA’s existence that they would lose their money made from missions. Where did you hear that?

      • It has been mentioned/posted on several time, mostly when Donny was a gonner…

        If I recall, he could expose himself, but not the otherTeam Members …

        So, not sure how it would better his chances of staying??

      • Interesting, I must have missed that. Thanks for the info. I’m also not sure how it would better his chances of staying if he only outs himself and doesn’t harm Derrick’s game.

      • That will be great, but Frankie lies a lot and he has only won 20,000 so far from the TA missions and after taxes it will be a lot less.

      • And now he is talking about getting his ears done when he gets out because they look like pixie ears

      • Given the options … Take the team America money and go quietly into the night, or, it’s not $$ from his pocket, blow the team and hope to secure the bigger paycheck. Worthy of a gamble. Plus, ours D as a master manipulator.

  17. The only other thing I would love to see is his reception from the audience. But since his eviction will be taped I’m sure they will edit the reaction from the audience. Too bad!

    • Because there is not one real bone in his body,his whole being is a performance,how can anyone care about someone so shallow and plastic.i just can’t.

    • While not a Frankie fan, I’ve always been a fan of competitors. With that in mind, I agree with you, he was really good in competitions and someone like Victoria doesn’t hold a candle to him in that regard. That being said, I’d still be happy to see him evicted. Unlike others though, I would actually be happier about Victoria being evicted than Frankie, for reasons listed above, but Frankie is easily my second choice. So if this happens (I re-iterate, if. I’m not ready to celebrate until I see it with my own eyes) I’ll gladly take it.

  18. I think Derrick is a different player than Frankie, and yes Frankie is great at winning competitions while derrick is good at manipulating everyone. They both are great players and deserve to win, but as a fan of the good guys and not the liars and manipulators, I do not want either of those two in the Final.

      • I just say Cody because even though Victoria is not in their alliance and I was a fan of any opposing alliance, she does not deserve to win. If she does it won’t be the end of the world and it will show the next contestants that sticking together until the end doesn’t always work. I change my mind every week since Donny, Hayden and Nicole left. They were my faves.

  19. FRANKIE GRANDE estimate net worth 2014 1.5 million dollars.
    ARIANA GRANDE estimate net worth 2014 10 million dollars.

    • Than between the two of them, they can build a few schools and do some Broadway in Africa, and maybe lose their passports and have to stay there

  20. how long do they leave our comments aferr the show ends? I know that nosy Frankie will come to all the sites, hope he see’s all the negative about him

  21. The only reason Caleb would ever wanna have Frankie to stay is cause of All the things Frankie promised Caleb and the BS recording crap that Frankie has No control over! Caleb is Star Struck over Non Existing Stars! Lol! Lol! Frankie has gotta go bye bye!

  22. Frankie has been promising and begging for everything like he does in Real life! Frankie is in for a rude awakening when he leaves jury house and goes home, more people than ever hate him and now his sister cause of their entitled, spoiled, mean, rude, horrible, meany personalities they both have….oh ya and their Diva attitude they both have shown people….they both should and will be boycotted! They both need to g9, they are both sick and so entitled! Yuk!

  23. If Frankie does not get booted something stinks . The HG’s left leave little to watch . Let’s just hope Derrick pulls it off and wins .

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