Big Brother 16 – Team America: Frankie Blames Viewers For Rejecting ‘A Man In Drag’

Last night on Big Brother the Team America alliance received word that Frankie’s signature mission, “House Swap,” had failed after viewers voted “overwhelmingly no.” Frankie said such a defeat would be crushing for him, so how did he take it? By blaming America!

Team America remains with Derrick & Frankie
Team America remains with Derrick & Frankie – Source: CBS

Even with Donny’s eviction last night the Team America twist will continue on. As long as a member is in the house, or Big Brother pulls the plug on it, the missions will keep going.

Derrick wanted to figure out what went wrong and if they had been miscalculating their efforts all along. Flashback to 12:47AM BBT 8/29 as Derrick settles in for a talk with Frankie. Go ahead and guess who is to blame for the flop? America. We’re just not ready for a man in drag, says Frankie. Yeah, that’s the problem, Mr. Social Media Mogul.

“Let’s make you feel better,” says Frankie to Derrick as he arrives in the Fire room. “The entire thing was about Donny.” Yes, yes it was Frankie. “You sure?” asks Derrick. “Oh yeah, absolutely.”

Frankie says production likely edited the show to focus on how they rejected Donny’s pleas for help. “Frankly, we didn’t want to save him,” explains Frankie. That was an accurate interpretation, but then Frankie says “even though that wasn’t the case.” No, really it was at that point in the week. Frankie flat out rejected Donny’s request for him and wanted to put on a play instead.

Just when you think Frankie is being realistic on the situation and saying this was constructive feedback he tells Derrick what went wrong:

Frankie: Just thinking about it, a man in drag is not a popular concept to the rest of the world.

Derrick: Okay.

Frankie: So, now that I’m thinking about it, you know a lot of America is not ready to see a man in drag. This is an American family show. There are a lot of American families who do not understand drag.

Derrick: And the fact that we were bashing other Houseguests probably didn’t help.

Frankie: Yeah. We took a shot. We thought this was what they wanted to see. It was not correct, but then, honestly, tell us what you want.

The discussion continues with Frankie explaining that it seems this was not a freebie mission. “I thought wrong. I thought this was a gift,” says Frankie. He turns to the camera and in an annoyed tone says “because I am building schools in Africa with the money.

So let me get this right. America is “with it” enough to be able to vote a gay man on to Team America, but when it comes to drag that’s where viewers draw the line… riiigght. Okay, Frankie. America just isn’t ready for a gay man in a woman’s top, huh? What a…

Derrick says he’s “on tilt” now with the revelation that they failed a mission they thought was a lock. Derrick wants to know how many missions Frankie seriously believes they’ve passed. Frankie tells him four and they count off Zach-Amanda relation, Amber being a physical threat, the fight at the ceremony, and the Saboteur.

Derrick questions the “Amber is a physical threat” mission as most of us did. Frankie is sure that passed though. It did, but I don’t think that’s what most viewers had in mind that week. As for them using Zach to berate Amber, that mission did not pass. Derrick was assured that a one-way berating would count, but it did not.

Overall they passed three missions while Donny was in the house and have each earned $15,000 for it. Not bad at all. The missions will continue and they’ll have more chances to earn.

What do you think of Frankie’s interpretation that America is just too Stone Age to vote for a mission that involved a guy in drag? Why do you think viewers voted overwhelmingly against Frankie’s “House Swap” mission?



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  1. The thought of these two having the chance to make more money makes me want to throw up. I wish production would stop this TA twist.

    • He is no more giving that money to charity than I am. Frankie thinks that he has the favorite locked up and he is not even close. He can’t believe that America doesn’t love him. Get over yourself Frankie. We’re tired of hearing about your sister. If we had wanted to see her, they could have had her on the show.
      Wake up Derrick and get him out of there. That should be his challenge this week…………get rid of Frankie, and then maybe we could enjoy the show again.

      • Frankie Grande- Savior of 3rd world education!! Tell me, does anyone really see that in him? I may be wrong, but I’m not seeing it. Therefore, I’m having a hard time believing it. I dont think it much matters, anyway. He is the last HG I see recieving any prize money, over and above his stipend and payments from TA missions….

      • took the words right out of my mouth!! Frankie go home you first I was all about Frankie loved him voted for…he is a self adoring pos cuz nobody else adores him..well..maybe his sister..who..I never heard of till this show… get over yourself Frankie if you win I will never watch this show again!!!!!

  2. Frankie… we just don’t like you. And as for your schools in Africa… I’m glad you want to be charitable and help others, but it doesn’t mean everyone else needs to roll over and hand you the game. If you really want money for your schools, I’m sure your sister can give you more than $500,000.

    And the vote had nothing to do with you dressing in drag. The idea was just totally lame. Thanks for the effort though.

    • My thoughts exactly. I said the same thing the first time I heard his sister is famous even though I have never heard of her before he told us who she is.

    • First of all if you want to help anyone, help the starving children right here in our country. The kids in Africa need food more then they need school.And the more we help them the less they do for themselves.

      • Yikes! You do realize when a school is built in Africa children often spend more than 2hrs walking to school, spend 8hrs in an overcrowded and hot little room they call ”school” then walk home another 2hrs each day so that they can be educated right?
        Let’s compare that to our fine North America families where kids get up, get driven to school which is one block away, and sit in fairly comfortable surroundings. Then they get a bus or car ride back home because that one block is far too scary for little Johnny to walk…then it’s the brutal life of video games for the next 4-5hrs while they wait for their parents make whatever large amounts of food they want. At the end of these brutal days they go into their beds and do the whole painful routine again the next day.
        Dang it! You’re right – spoiled and reliant African kids! Why aren’t they more thankful and use resources responsibly like our kids do here? If only they would get their act together! I say we cut off all funding and not build anymore schools before they really get spoiled.

      • TOTALLY inappropriate! Sorry about that Josephine, you touched a sensitive spot for me as I have personally worked with children from Africa, Asia & South America only to see them later die of malnutrition and disease because countries around the world feel its perfectly fine to label them as lazy when in fact it is us who are the villains by stealing their land, their resources, and using it for our profit. It’s not your fault you haven’t seen or learned what I have seen and know… My apologies.

      • Matt, you must be very compassionate person with real commitment to those less fortunate. We need more people like you in this world.
        But your statement that many children end up dying of malnutrition which is what Josephine was expressing, that food, etc., is needed more than schooling.
        And I, like Josephine wish as much focus was given to children in US. Not only kids living in poverty but those kidnapped and entrapped in slave trade forced to work as prostitutes.
        But back to Big Brother. My 1st year to watch and thank goodness as my focus now is on these cast of characters and off all the tragedies happening world wide.
        Question, will the Jury House now, each week, have a contest and continue to bring back one houseguest?

      • Matt I always loved your view point on topics but this one really won me over and I respect you for trying to at least help her see it in perspective like you tried to explain it to Anel up earlier in the posts, much respect for that Matt.

      • Thanks North, the truth is I am actually NOT proud I said it this way, but I left it visible so others can see I am a jerk like anyone else from time to time… It is inconceivable in my mind how people can post what Josephine did and sleep well at night, but I am not her judge nor do I have the right to act like it. I posted an apology in the hopes she understands why this topic is a sensitive one for me…

      • I totally get it cause it is a sensitive topic for me as well as I share you views 100% and also know what it means to come from surroundings that are less fortunate and to be where I am now and to do what I can to give back home. The fact that you can still apologize even though I totally agree whole heartedly and still try and help ones who don’t understand that side of the story is commendable, honorable, and without a doubt deserves my respect truly, thank you again Matt for having that understanding, heart and patience when it comes to this topic, means a lot in my book.

      • I think what Josephine is trying to say is that we should worry about local issues first. Not every American child has the routine you just described. I know ppl personally from growing up that looked forward to going to school everyday for a guaranteed meal that they weren’t sure they would get if they were at home. Also, I rode a bus for an hour to and from school, not one block. We’re not all as spoiled as you and Frankie.

      • Let’s talk about the children in Chicago who fear being shot while walking to school. Let’s talk about the kids in Appalachia that starve day to day. Let’s talk about the children whose parents do nothing but drugs and neglect their innocent children. Americans need to take care of their own and not the rest of the world. I don’t see any countries sending us money to help us out. The children in Africa and Mexico are in the conditions they are in because their leaders are vile, disgusting crooks and keep all the assets of the country for themselves and not their people. People helping Africa are turning a blind eye to their own country and I have no respect for them.

      • Excellent post. We tend to forget that people all over the world need help. even us.
        Now back to Big Brother.

      • I agree. What happened to taking care of our own? You’re so right nobody helps us. I live in a suburb of Detroit which is in sad shape. Thank God I live in a wonderful, safe community but Detroit not so much. When we go downtown for a function, sporting event, casino, etc. I am very careful. But there are homeless people on every corner. Just sad.

      • BIG BROTHER IF THE WRONG FORUM FOR THIS CHARITY! These are everyday people just trying to get ahead! Get frankie out of the house!

      • Josephine, I know how you feel. As a country we have been very generous with the world, Americans are very giving. Over the years we have found that our monies given to the poor in many countries were not used to help the poor. Many leaders, etc., have taken these donations to use as they wish.
        We don’t want to stop helping but, yes, we have millions here who are poor, enslaved, in need of help, especially in these days as our country is nearing collapse.
        And so, wanted to express my understanding of your post, you are not alone with your feelings.

      • There’s an old saying that goes like this: “If you give a fish to somebody, he will eat for a day. If you teach him how to fish he will eat everyday.”

    • The rest of these houseguest want to change their own lives! Not to help another country! At least BB make it an AMERICAN CHARITY like FEED AMERICAS CHILDREN if you expect us to want him to succeed over everyday people trying to better their lives and put their children through college! Nothing against what frankies charity is just think its the wrong forum!

  3. I would love to see this little putz’s face when he reads sites like this and sees how much people can’t stand him and thinks that he is a clown.

    • I wish that since CBS has him Frankie all over the place his face, his stupid play, in the DR room making all this stupid gestures, they will make him read some of our posting and let him really see how America does Not care if he is gay or straight, just that he is just disgusting and self absorbed! I would really really love to see his face and reaction to what America actually thinks! YES WE LOVE DONNY!

      • It’s so funny that he thinks it’s because he’s gay. It isn’t. I have gay people in my life that I love (my 2 best friends, and my brother), and I fully support LGBT rights. I still can’t stand Frankie because he is a horrible person!

        And using the “they hate me because I’m gay” excuse is insulting to those who are actually discriminated against in their daily lives! America not being able to stand this self-absorbed, offensive, cruel monster is NOT discrimination. It’s called “You suck, Frankie!”

      • Exactly Abigail, (love your name my grandbaby’s name) I too have family members that have a different life/love style that is Not what makes the person it is your portrayal as a human being and of good character and Frankie missed it, claiming he is famous, Ah no you are not! Hope someone really plays their own game and gets him out! BTW Next week will be the last week we can watch on WED AND THUR. check your listings, It’s because of Football on Thursdays, It will be Sundays, Tues, and Wed. Don’t quote me but yeah check in your area or read Julie Chan’s posting on BB16!

      • what really pissed me off on this freak is when he and Derrick were chatting and Derrick said something about Donny being a pervert and Frankie agreed with him since then i cant stand him or Derrick,i cant stand how the little punk primps in the mirror and always tries to get face time all i really want to do is punch the little a–hole in the mouth and i dont care if he is gay ,he is zackies clown.or as of now Calebs clown.

      • My solace is that he is only becoming MORE unlikeable as the show goes on, and AFP gets further and further out of his reach and into Zach or Donny’s hands. Votes from Ariana’s fans may just be a drop in the bucket compared to how disliked Frankie is among Big Brother fans :)

  4. Is Frankie really planning to use the money he wins to build schools in Africa? When I saw that on the show I thought he was just lying.

    • He’s apparently planning on donating the Team America money (and POSSIBLY the AFP money, if he wins it), but NOT the $500k if he would happen to win the whole thing.

    • I believe that he would donate a portion of his winnings & he has said his TA earnings would go to that. The question for me is how much of the other money he would donate.

      He never mentioned this plan in our interview & considering he’s not the most humble person it’s surprising that he withheld that info. Could have been something he came up with in the house or maybe he’s playing the other HGs. I don’t know.

      • I’ll go with the latter and take a step further that to him he’s willing to do anything and everything to get to that money and he’s definitely playing the other HG’s by sharing stories he experienced in only one part of Africa. Africa is a huge continent and for him to continuously bring up “South Africa” as if that’s the only part of “Africa” that exists demonstrates how shallow and myopic is scope of Africa really is. To name an example every summer NBA players take a trip to different parts of Africa and build schools and basketball courts all over Africa to help raise better awareness, that doesn’t seem to be in Frankie’s mind as he’s only using experience of one part of Africa he visited as a center part of his campaign to build schools? I’m African btw and I know people in my community as well as myself send money back home and if I was in the house playing for the 500k I would send the money back home (Africa as Whole) no question without a doubt but that’s based on my character as a human being, Frankie on the other hand does not exemplify a person of that nature but rather feeds on the allure of the Camera, Popularity, and hunger of fame to further his ambition and is only using charity to further feed that goal of his, that’s just my strong and heartfelt opinion Matt again everyone has theirs but mine comes from the heart and rides solely on how hard I try my best as a human being to try and help others who aren’t as fortunate as me living in a first world country and not have the same amenities as we carry and privileged to have.

      • Whats he supposed to do? Build one big school in the center of Africa? There’s no charity called “Africa”…

        Charity, big or small, is still charity. The fact that you’re condemning his efforts because they’re small shows what type of person YOU are. Are his efforts not good enough for you?

      • Gellie I’m not condemning his efforts, I just don’t feel his are as sincere as he portrays it to be. Your absolutely right when it comes to Charity big or small it’s still charity. There’s people in the African community as a whole send money out of their cheques to help who are less fortunate and don’t have the same amenities like we do. The question I’m asking is, are his as sincere as he likes for us to believe or is it just a ploy to gain support in order to fuel his own ambitions? Just as an example remember Adam from season 9? How did that play out after he gained support from the American people and I’m up in Canada and was shocked to see low he played in order to win, just saying.

      • But you can’t use your gut as a means of accusation. You don’t know his motives, so how can you make that call?

      • By his actions on camera, I fell for Adam’s claim to give his earnings to charity but the way he fooled people myself included and I mean the American people, it reminds you that sometimes someones actions on camera can be a reminder for us to pay close attention to either the cause he’s playing for or the cause he’s using to play for? Again Gellie I’m only stating my opinion you don’t have to agree but I’m just trying to help you understand it from my end.

      • lol yes and I always get a kick out of it when someone describes it just like you did, thanks FLdreaming you made my day, funny how Karma works there.

      • Too funny. It does sound more legit that showing kids in Africa how to do “jazz hands”.

      • In my research on him and his charity. I learned that the charity he would help is called BuildOn. He has also helped in Africa in an event where he taught dance to kids in South Africa. However, the videos I was able to find on that don’t show him actually teaching dance but mostly dancing in front of a group of children as they try to move like him. He is dancing really fast and there are a lot of moves which are not being broke down for them. However, they do seem to be enjoying the experience.

    • There are so many people needing help in America. I understand they need schools but serious America needs to start caring about America. There are kids that go hungry here.

    • Frankie may be coming off as a despicable person in the BB house, but he has a long standing history with the education system in Africa. He co-founded the non-profit organization Broadway in South Africa in 2007, has been on several mission to Africa, and has done a lot of work with the buildON nonprofit organization. I do think he’s being sincere on his plan to donate some of the money to these African education causes.

    • First time I heard him mention it was when he gave his private eulogy to his grandfather on BBAD. I got the feeling then that his grandfather’s passing prompted the idea.

      • Completely agree bc he mentioned building one in his grandfather’s name. I hope that he is sincere. A person as vile as he is needs to balance their karma.

    • If he has all this money to donate then why is screaming on live tv every chance he gets to “buy my stuff ” and hash tag this and don’t forget to see my videos! I am just so sick of the “frankie show”

  5. I can’t even DEAL with Frankie anymore! Blaming US “not being able to handle a man in drag”?!?!? NO, you fame whore…WE HATE YOU, with or without drag!!!! I could care less who you love or who you dress up like….it’s your business, not mine. Trying to justify the Mission’s OVERWHELMING FAIL by blaming America is REALLY the way to lock down AFP, you moron. Keep it up….I can’t WAIT til you get out of that house & find out that you are ABHORRED by the feedsters & true BB fans!!!

    • I don’t think he cares about BB fans. He’s not relying on US to vote him AFP.. That’s what Ariana’s fans are for. He didn’t even apply for BB. He applied for survivor.

      • Yea it’s in his interview with Matthew. He said he applied for survivor about 3 years ago. He also said in his big reveal to the houseguest that he just with held the last 3 years before his sister was famous. Seems to me like CBS wasn’t interested until his sister was famous.

    • Frankie was flat out told by production that they did not think that putting on a play was a good idea ,but ht insisted ,becuz like you said he is a FAME Whore and cant live without being on camera and believing his poop don,t stink,because he is better than anyone else and deserves the money,but he can keep dreaming because he is not liked by most of america.

  6. Frankie it wasn’t because you were in drag that i didn’t like you! I didn’t like you because you always had to be in the spot light in the most annoying way! And you shamelessly promoted your sister when no one knew her in the first place! When you leave the house you will see how many people really really don’t like you for the actions you did in the house not because you were in drag!

    • Did you see at the end of the show how he gave a shout out to buy his sisters CD on ITunes when they were all saying goodnight to Julie, sad really and when he gets the wake up call I can’t wait for the fake tears to drop cause even those tears I won’t believe. This is him after the HOH comp in case some people thought he was trying to save Donny.

      Frankie โ€“ โ€œIโ€™m so happy Donnyโ€™s gone.. So happy.. thrilled couldnโ€™t be happier about anything actuallyโ€

      This sound like a guy who wanted to save Donny after you just read the article Matt wrote? I don’t think so and I’ve been saying it since he tried campaigning, it was Derrick that was on board at first and agreed with Donny but it was Frankie who shot it down so quick and wanted to do the stupid play instead which costed Donny’s eviction. I’m happy with what’s coming for Donny in his future but I’ll be more happy when I see this spoiled, vile, insensitive sad excuse for a human being be brought to reality and own up to his actions and behavior which I highly doubt since it’s CBS who’s funding this failed experiment of theirs.

      • Julie Chen herself said that minutes before the live show started Frankie and Caleb tried to turn the votes in Donny’s favor but the houseguests just weren’t having it. Are you accusing her of lying? And Of course Frankie said that quote to the houseguests. They just voted Donny out 5-0. What did you expect him to say? “I’m really sorry we voted Donny out. I wanted him to stay and you to go home, Nicole.”? Although, what would I know? As you say, I’m just as dumb as Victoria.

        Also, it’s nice to see you back, BBFanUpNorth. The last time we heard from you you blatantly lied about something I said in an attempt to discredit me and when I proved that it wasn’t true you were suddenly nowhere to be found. Welcome back!

      • Hey Joe first off in no way did I mean to say your as dumb as Victoria and I apologize for that immediately. I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to reply back to you it was just a case of me not reading what you wrote and interpreting that in another way so again my fault. As for this case with Frankie, I’m only going back to when Donny first got the mission he went to Derrick first and after a heartfelt talk both Donny and Derrick shared tears and agreed to be on board and would bring it up to Frankie but when they did he was the quickest to shoot it down like he felt it wasn’t a good idea and the play was a better one cause he had no intention to save Donny or TA but when he started seeing Nicole integrating with the girls he got threatened and tried to switch back to saving Donny only for his personal gain not TA when both Donny and Derrick were first on board in the first place, that’s all I was trying to get across really.

      • I must have misread your original comment. I really do apologize! You may have said something and I misread it over the internet and just assumed the worst. Welcome Back! (not sarcastically this time) :)

      • Ha thanks Joe and I appreciate the welcome from you, means a lot. I actually see your posts as intelligent and open minded views on the topics which to me is an open welcome.

      • Nah Joe it’s totally fine if anything I’m glad I got to apologize to you for my fault from our earlier discussion and I respect you completely, I’m just glad we had today to clear it up and come to friendly ground.

      • He only had to have 3 and Derrick was for it until FRANKIE being the Drama queen he is shot it down

      • Susan I completely agree with you and your right, he shot it down quick cause all he would rather do was perform his play and evict Donny at the same time.

      • That flip flopping of votes is a huge sham by Big Brother to drum up interest because the season has been so boring. I do not buy it one bit. If the house guests really changed their minds, why was the votes unanimous? It would not be beyond production to tell the house guests to pretend they are switching the votes by talking about it! lol

      • I believe your right Susan, why was it unanimous? I love how you connect the dots Susan cause to me that’s the one question some are forgetting to ask other wise it would of just been Derrick, Victoria and Christine just voting Donny out instead Frankie and Caleb decided they couldn’t get the votes and chose to ride with the house.

      • You definitely could be right that it was just one of those “production needs 10 minutes of doubt for the eviction episode” ploys, but apparently they really put themselves on the line but quickly shut it down when Cody got upset.

        As for the unanimous vote, if they know it’s a lost cause they ALWAYS vote with the house. You don’t even see a friend throwing a respect vote for their fallen comrade anymore. It’s just the way it is now.

      • He was trying to save Donny. You can review the feeds. He was pushing to evict Nicole which in turn would save Donny.

        But you can’t see through your Frankie hate blinders, so I don’t blame you for refusing to recognize fact.

      • The only reason he was trying to save Donny is because he thinks Nicole is coming after him and didn’t think Donny would b/c of TA. I didn’t mind him at first but he has shown himself to be a vile, narcissitic twit who desperately wants out of his sister’s shadow but doesn’t have an inkling of her talent to do so.

      • Exactly, that’s all I was trying to get across and the fact the he wasn’t the first person to be on board with saving Donny but that it was Donny’s idea right when he got the mission and that Derrick was first on board with it until Frankie shot it down quick only to suggest his play idea was better and had no intention to save Donny whatsoever until he saw Nicole integrating with the girls which threatened him, sorry Gellie no Frankie hate blinders on here just pure facts and logic.

      • What? Evicting Nicole SAVES Donny!! Unless theres some “no vote twist” where both noms go home, I’d say evicting Nicole would save Donny.

        You have blinding Frankie hate.

      • Gellie if you the first part of her post she clearly explains Frankie’s motive behind trying to save Donny and was purely out of fear of Nicole and not b/c of TA which is absolutely true if you go back to the feeds and review. Her opinion of Frankie though is shared by a lot of people in the forum and through other BB sites and reflected on his popularity vote but again is her opinion and does not reflect upon her facts behind why Frankie was trying to scramble and save Donny, that’s all I’m trying to get you to understand that he had a motive and was doing strictly out of fear.

      • Instead of trying to convince us all that we are irrational in our dislike of Frankie, why don’t you learn to read? I won’t bother to explain that because if you are a Frankie fan, you can’t be the brightest bulb in the box.

      • Just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t justified. Sorry but he’s the WORST BB contestant ever in the seasons I’ve watched which is about half of them.

      • He was pushing for Donny until he saw that Nicole and Christine were talking again. That made Frankie paranoid because the only one in the house with balls enough to put him on the block is Nicole. He was afraid that Nicole would get Christine and Victoria to flip. For some reason it is not acceptable for the three girls in the house to have a conversation at the kitchen table but it is okay for Frankie to cuddle up with whichever guy is HOH.

  7. Frankie is the weasel in this game and it has nothing to do with him being gay. Really, who cares about that! He isn’t such a great guy and he will eventually find out that most people can’t stand him but, because his head is so big, he will blame that on something else anyway…probably that we are all homophobes.

  8. I thought it was dumb of Derrick to acquiesce to Frankie’s play idea. Gayness had nothing to do with it. You’re NOT a great showman, Frank. And to blame us for your overwhelming failure is lame. Personally I have had enough of the Frankie show for this season.

  9. (*huge sigh* while SMH) This guy is the biggest narcissist I’ve ever seen. Of all the things about Frankie that America find unappealing about him, being seen in drag is not one of them. Maybe the fact that his ‘drag’ was such a caricature was offensive…Anyway, Derrick, please backdoor this guy.

  10. OMG! I honestly despise this narcissitic twit douche bag and it has nothing to do with him being gay! If any of my gay friends acted like him, I’d slap them and tell them to “Snap out of it!” Granted he was ugly as all get out in full makeup but making fun of evicted HG is not entertainment nor a mission. If CBS thinks having him on there helped in any way, the powers that be need their freaking heads examined! He’s the WORST! I don’t know of anyone in their 30’s who acts so stupid and immature!

  11. I can handle a man in drag what I can’t handle is him thinking he is what America wants to see all day every day and when he says he is building a school in Africa he is not telling the whole truth he is building a ” dancing ” school not the kind of school people think oh when they hear school

    Frankie needs to buy a clue

  12. Is this stupid jackass kidding? Hello, Frankie..what America is not ready for is a self-entitled, crumb snatching mean guy!

  13. Building schools in Africa? Did he just come up with that? Humph! Frankie will donate no more than 10% of his total earnings to charity. Frankie is full of it. First, the “my sister is Arianna Grande” did not over as well as he thought it would, now it’s “America, I am playing for charity”.

    • What do you mean “did he just come up with that?” He’s been saying this and the houseguests have been aware of this for weeks.

      • I heard about charity but not that it was specific to building schools in Africa. I may have missed that.

      • Yeah, he’s saying he’s building schools in Africa but it sounds more like a dance academy or something. And at first he was saying he was going to donate the prize money, then it turned into only his Team America earnings, and now it sounds more like it’s just going to be his stipend. Also, not sure how in need Africa is for free dance academies.

      • The world needs ART, glitter, and glamour, never mind food, running water, shelter, medicine, education (like what Dargan said below). They need FRANK-STAR!

    • I had never heard of Arianna Grande before this show, and quite frankly after listening to a couple of her “auto-tuned” hits on YouTube, I am happy to return to Grande-Ignorance.

      • Whoa whoa whoa! Ariana Grande actually is talented. Have you heard her sing live? Her music may not be for everyone but she is one of the few people out there who can actually sing.

      • Gotta agree on this one. I saw her on the VMA’s and she actually has a great set of pipes.

      • I knew of her because my children watched the shows she was in. I didn’t think she was such a big star, only children and tweens know her. Doubt most of the BB audience knew who she was before he mentioned her.

      • We are all entitled to our opinion, and if you like her keep buying those CD’s … me, I’ll stick with Adele, Bette Midler & the like.

      • It just worries me that you said autotuned. I would say she’s the least autotuned popstar in many, many years.

      • Holy jeez, no one said she sucks! I saw two comments that said they preferred different style of music. I didn’t see anything in this particular thread that said she sucks.

      • No she’s super talented. Frankie still sucks. Why are you so defensive? The commenters here are super cool and explaining calmly what his issues are and you just can’t hear it.

      • I wouldn’t say least in years, but she does have a good voice. That girl definitely has a large octave range, she can hit those high notes.

      • She very well could be, quite honestly. Her vocal range (the amount of notes she is able to sing without straining her voice) is unmatched today & the last one who showed that kind of range is Mariah.

      • Ariana is very talented & beautiful! I appreciate her vocal range and don’t hear auto-tune in her songs at all. Regardless of my disdain for Frankie (and believe me, I can’t stand him!), I can appreciate Ariana’s talents.

      • frankie thinks he can sing but ,guess what most people fart better than he sings,he is now and always be in his sisters shadow

  14. I just re-read the article. Somehow, the first time I read it, I did not read that Frankie said “…I thought this was a gift”, then looked at the camera and said, “because I am building schools in Africa with the money.” I am astounded at the sociopathic behavior this Ariana Grande-wanna-be exhibits. If you look up the definition of ‘sociopath’ you’ll understand. He shows no empathy toward another human being, unless he thinks it may garner some more camera time—and even then, it’s not real. I actually feel sorry for the guy because he must be miserably unhappy. Look up ‘sociopath’. Sad, sad, sad.

    • I totally agree. There was a moment when Zach was still in the house and Frankie was trying to apologize for something. Zach refused to accept the “apology”, and Frankie’s face lost all expression and he spouted off something snarky about how at least he was safe. No real emotion there. None.

    • But mostly because it was just lame.
      I know Donny is a “nice guy” and a hero to some, but quite frankly he is a not too bright slow talkin’ rube. That he made it this far is a miracle.

      • Might also be because people have an irrational hatred for Frankie. It could have been anything and it would have failed, unless somehow Donny was saved.

      • How? By being boisterous?

        You guys are putting him on the same level of hate that Aaryn got. She deserved that hate… Frankie? What has he done?

        Oh right. He turned on Zach. I keep forgetting that!!!

      • I think that when (the majority) of posters say they ‘HATE’ Frankie, they actually hate his actions.

      • Then why are they calling him (as a person) “vile and disgusting”? Is that really warranted?

      • I don’t like Frankie because he acts and talks as if he is above everyone in the house. I’m not a fan of people who try to piggyback onto a family members talent.

      • Gellie, I don’t get the live feeds, but I do watch BBAD. The things I’ve heard him say are MEAN. Is he a racist or a bigot? NO, but he’s not a NICE person. Watch his actions; listen to his words; look at the whole picture.

      • It’s because of the disgusting, vulgar, mean, and self-absorbed things he says and does. His heart is as black as coal. All of his hanging on, rubbing on, and telling the other HGs “I love you” is so much obvious overacting it is sickening. If he really cared about anyone in that house, besides himself, he would display a shred of compassion and empathy. He shows none of that. He didn’t even empathize with Derrick when he lost his grandfather or help Victoria when she had her medical emergency. He actually made fun of Jocasta when she had her medical emergency! Add all of that to his preening for the camera and you get a person that is disliked.

      • yes it is when he talks about having his dick sucked and having anal sex all damn day it is vile and perverted and disgusting,while zach was in the house thats all he ever talked about ,having anal sex and getting his dick sucked ,his words not mine

      • Yea and CBS put this nice little disclaimer on the live feeds. Did you read it?

        Are you shocked people might actually talk about sexuality in their day to day life?

        Weird, eh? I thought everyone just recited bible verses and slept…

      • Sharona, thanks for this point. Frankie is like a rain drop in the lake of my life. I watch the show, I don’t like his demeanor, so I comment on it.

      • Quick response here, so don’t expect much depth in my reasons.
        I liked Frankie at the start of the show. I thought he was fun, and funny. But that didn’t last long … His humor is usually at the expense of others, just look at some of the “characters” he says he invented for the show. I admire self-confidence but, he is way over the top. There is a point where self-confidence becomes conceit.
        IMO, he is superficial & really only cares about himself. Dance Schools In Africa? Yeah, that is what is really needed over there …. Hey Frankie, how about some clean drinking water instead?
        And this last “mission” really capped it …. The fact that they didn’t get the money was NOT because it was a bad idea, it was because America is not ready for a man in drag! Really?? Hellooooooooo!

      • He’s a narcissistic jerk. He’s fake. He brags about accomplishments that aren’t his. He’s desperate for attention but not talented enough to get it. He’s shallow. He’s vain. He’s condescending. Is that explained clearly enough or should I go on?

  15. Frankie you are Skankie! When I see your face on the show now, my lip curls up in a (Dick Cheney like) sneer!
    I would like to think that as you watch the all the shows when the game is over, you will see what a preposterous & disingenuous person you really are. It’s not “the gay” American doesn’t like baby boy, it’s just you!

    • Nice sentiment, but narcissists only see themselves as behaving perfectly. What he’ll see is “cute”, “funny” and “loving.” He won’t see that he is none of those things, even if people point it out to him. He’ll just blame them on being a hater of gay men and/or men in drag. He’ll never see that being gay or dressing in drag has zero to do with it. He can’t see past his own image to what is real.

      • Frankie will be livid as hell when he finds out that Donnie was asked to appear on the soap opera BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL,wonder why his beautiful self [in his mind anyway] was not asked as he is the superstar ,not Donnie

  16. I think Frankie is using big brother to be his rise to fame title. His sister is successful singer, his mom is successful owner and CEO of an air & boat telecommunications company here in South Florida. So who’s Frankie? A struggling nobody Broadway actor who calls himself a media mogul instead of a video blogger. Frankie’s clan is rich and doing well so if he needs to build schools in Africa he can go and ask donations from them and let his so called YouTube fans donate too. Get off our tv’s Frankie were tired of your pink hair, sparkled face/nails and dancing around bb house, I’ll throw you a tutu and you can Dance in your room instead.

    • Not to mention that Frankie has said that each school is built for $25k and if he wins he plans on building 4 schools. Maybe my 2nd grade math is off but 25k x 4=100k. So he is still keeping the majority of the winnings, if he did win. Not to mention most people who go to church usually try to tithe about 20%, the same amount of money Frankie is donating. This guy just want notoriety and to be a z-list celebrity.

      • After taxes 100K is probably half of what he’ll take home.

        Also, 100K is a lot of money. Are you going to donate 100K any time soon? Is 100K not good enough?

      • Simmer down. I just don’t like how he presents what he is doing as being the rational for him to be given money for tasks or a win. He doesn’t know what others are willing to do with their money. Its similar to people on the show like Brittany, who feel because they need the money, others should just hand them the money. This is a game show, if it was based on who needs it the most or who is willing to donate the most, it would last two episodes, the first would be everyone presents their reason, and the second would be us voting on who should get $500k.

      • Thats not what your original comment read. Charity donation numbers should be irrelevant if your point was “it’s a game so we shouldnt hand him money because he’s donating it.”

      • If that’s your basis for what I perceived as a nasty reply to me, then more power to you. If you don’t want a reply from me that might elaborate on a comment I made, feel free to skip right by when you see my name.

      • You guys are so overly sensitive. I didn’t insult you anywhere in my comment. Sorry for disagreeing with your opinion, but that doesn’t mean I’m being nasty.

        To be honest I think it’s nasty that people are dismissing charity just because someone they don’t like is doing it. I also think it’s nasty to call someone you have never met “vile” and “disgusting”.

      • Did I call him vile or disgusting? Maybe don’t judge everyone on here who isn’t a Frankie fan the same. And you did question “Are you going to donate 100k anytime soon?” You don’t know me or what I choose to do charity wise. I donate what I can, as I don’t have a rich family, and I donate my time. Maybe just calm down and not try to judge everyone on this board just because they don’t like the person you like.

      • I just don’t think it’s right to dismiss someone’s charitable donation because you don’t like the guy.

        And lets be clear. I’m not a Frankie fan. I just don’t agree with the hate he’s receiving.

      • then you are are a delusional idiot who knows nothing and no kind of explaining will ever ever ever change your delusional thinking

  17. The viewers already disliked Frankie way before donny was evicted, what Frankie said now and blaming America just made fans of the show hate him more & more.

  18. Frankie must be oblivious to the fact that RuPaul’s Drag Race is popular with a large number of people. It’s wasn’t the drag aspect, Frankie.

    • That and Gary Levy, both gay and loves to dress in drag, is beloved in Canada. While Canadian views are not American views, they closely mirror ours.

  19. As soon as Donny was voted out I changed channels no more BB for me. I really hated this big alliance. Others will catch on and future shows will become predictable.

  20. America is not ready for drag?! honestly, after the death of Robin Williams, I bet Mrs. Doubtfire is the most watched and loved drag queen out there! Also the fact that drag shows in las vegas and new York are always sold out! yea that is it, America is not ready for drag. or just that Frankie wanted to be the one to run the mission and not save Donnie for his own selfish reasons. Poor Derrick was heart broken! I mean, he doesn’t want to make enemies and I understand that, but Donnie was a good ally! Also the whole “skit” that Frankie did was so not funny. The only one I laughed at was Donnie’s impersonation of Devin. but Derrick was spot on, the fact that they were making fun of past HGs isn’t something that I think TA would deem ”mission worthy”.

  21. I wish CBS would allow the viewers to come up with ways for TA to win the money. I personally think Frankie needs to be evicted next. He is so full of himself he actually wants to make Derrick believe it is the drag thing. If Derrick would only open his eyes, and see that America is down right upset that they did not save Donny. TA needs to be dissolved. The rest of BB will just be plain boring to watch. Time to move on to Survivor!!!

    • Janet you are speaking my mind, I can’t wait for Survivor, Blood vs Water 2, but going back to this I have a feeling Derrick doesn’t buy it cause remember what he said that if it didn’t work then the blame would be all on Frankie and the fact Frankie is blaming it on America as a whole just shows he’s willing to blame everyone but himself for his actions and I don’t think Derrick is that gullible to fall for his excuse.

    • They won’t desolve it until they are both gone.As for the rest of it being boring,I think it has been boring all season.With nobody having any smarts or guts to think on their own we have known every week what would happen.I hope Julie asks them at some point why no one was able to think on their own.So frustrating.

  22. On behalf of gay men around the world, gay men of the USA and gay men who are fans of Big Brother….. Frankie, SHUT UP! Losing the mission had nothing to do with drag, it had to do with your hostile attitude towards a fellow team member and your inability to understand that we don’t care who your sister is, you are screwing up your own game and taking others down with you.

  23. If Frankie is giving the money away what is the name of his charity? Why hasn’t he plugged the charity as much as his sisters new album? I think he’s blowing smoke! I hope they get him out soon!

    • Just checked his website and the charity is BSA, Broadway in South Africa. It kind of reminds me of the real life Book of Mormon.

      • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (taking a breath).hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! HA!

      • Jeez, you guys don’t realize how much I needed this laughter today! Thanks so much! “Disqus mogul’…”Book of Mormon”…priceless!

      • lol it is hands down funniest thing I heard today so far and what a great way to start the weekend, Disqus Mogul on a tear watch out ha.

      • OMG! NO! Really?!? Bull S%@t Academy! I love the arts, all of it, and it is a good thing but, really? I hope while teaching broadway, he is donating money for them to teach the children fundamental life skills.

      • None of the links about the BSA blog or Safari in South Africa even work. Click and it just takes you to a webhosting site.

      • Okay, I found a website that talks about the charity he is associated with (not BSA). I wonder why he is not plugging it? Is he allowed to?

      • Found an article on bustle dot com. Typed in the search engine “What is Frankie Grande’s charity?” Are we allowed to say the charity here?

      • I don’t see why not, that charity actually seems legit opposed to the one on his website. I guess our social media mogul needs to do some website updating.

      • That’s what I thought when I read it, better than BSA. BSA sounds like their first alliance Bull….

      • BuildOn seems to have programs that benefit kids in the US as well. I hope this is the charity he is donating to. I do wonder why CBS would allow him to promote his sister, yet not promote a charity he is working for.

      • That’s what I am wondering but it may give him an unfair advantage? If he doesn’t win maybe he could go on Faux-Celebrity Apprentice and win money for BuildOn there.

      • He is probably not allowed to mention it because he is prob not actually associated with them officially. I think it might even be part of his ploy to gain sympathy if the link for his charity on his web site doesn’t lead anywhere as for the article on bustle are we sure they have the right charity where did they get the info? I hope am wrong but from what I have seen of Frankie’s character I wouldn’t put it past him to lie about the charity

      • Yes I read that the schools he wants to build in Africa is to teach dance. They need to learn how to dance more than they need food I guess is what Frankie is saying. Plus why should we vote yes just so he can donate money the show isn’t called big brother builds dance schools in africa

      • The thing about it is that the Africans taught us how to dance…Don’t see much need for a dance school over there….Wonder how the Africans are taking Frankies plans to educate them on dance???

  24. Frankie the only reason me voted against your play is because of all who were in it you were the only one that sucked.

  25. The whole play idea was just stupid. Hell, it didn’t even have to be about saving Donny either (though I would have liked that). We want to see you struggle to complete the missions and possibly get found out. There has to be some sort of risk to get the reward.

  26. Really Frankie??? You’ve been in drag pretty much all season, just added eye shadow this time. I can’t imagine what’s in his head, this Frsnkie world he lives in – just gross person and this is coming from a gay BB fan. Derrick has to know America is not happy. But the two of them in their goodbyes to Donny just insulting, saying they tried. Whatever ! Also no HG isn’t upset that Derrick went for money and not HoH. All literally bust their asses, he is so confident and cocky that he’s safe and they continue to do all the work. House full of Idiots!

    • they need to change their alliance name from the detonators to brain dead idiots,nobody has a brain except Derrick,they can,t think for themselves and should all have strings on them maybe then they would get the hint that Derrick is a puppet master but i doubt it.

  27. I like Frankie. But why have to go to Africa to help them? Why cant u help the poor and homeless children/ppl here in America, where u and your sister and family live? Why do most artists and politicians want to help other countries first before this country? It is sickening!!!

    • Anel, I know you mean well, but have you ever lived in Africa or Asia or South America? I was unfortunately a bit mean spirited to another person who said the same thing you are, but you strike me as somebody who is open to learning. Maybe take a trip (not a cruise or a guided tour, just a self guided ticket and a willingness to learn) to Africa, or Asia, or South America – go and see for yourself what life is like there and come back and see if you have the same perspective on our problems being similar to theirs…

      • Problems might be different and those in the other countries may have it worse but before you can try helping the rest of the world you need to fix the problems at home in my humble opinion

      • Doug by that logic the uber rich really should withhold their money from any and all cancer research if nobody in their family has died from cancer. Nor should they use their hard earned money to provide scholarships to under funded schools & students because there are surely some serious issues (and they are serious) to wealthy families that we could never understand like capital gains taxes, government regulations on market monopolies, and public sharing of private gains? Do you see what I mean? When we only ”take care of our own” it means we ALL suffer? I am thankful that many wealthy people don’t take care of their own and actually care about other people – otherwise things would be a LOT worse than they are! Likewise I’m thankful that even if it isn’t enough, many first world nations don’t just take care of their own, but they try to offer a little bit of support to those who are victimized by first world nations.

      • Don’t even go there I never said anything like that the whole cancer comment got my blood boiling I lost my father and several other family members to cancer. That being said I never said look after our own. The rich people thing was out of line too. I never even implied anything like that. I said before you can try helping the rest of the world you need to fix your problems at home. In other wards those rich or famous people could help the millions of starving kids here in North America first before going across the ocean. A starving needy child no matter where they live is a tragedy. Don’t put words in my mouth I didn’t say

      • Doug I am sorry for your loss (I too have lost loved ones to cancer and other illnesses). Where you & I seem to differ is that you indicated people ”here” (based on geographical boundaries) should only look after people here (in geographical boundaries). I am saying this not only doesn’t ”work” when we try it – but it ”hurts” the whole of humanity because the needs are greater outside of North America…
        My further argument was that when we live in a segment of the world that controls more than 50% of the world’s resources, yet you say we should focus not on 90% of the world’s population outside of North America but rather the incredibly small minority within. Do you not realize that people die from starvation in Africa, Asia & South America not for the reasons that people lack in compassion over there, it’s because they don’t HAVE enough food to feed everyone! In North America people who are hungry don’t die from starvation, it is US who simply choose not to feed them (there isn’t a lack of food – there’s a lack of humanity)! I don’t understand how you see this being an issue that needs MORE millionaires and celebrities giving their money when food is already available…but again if you say the problems are the same and that we need to take care of what you perceive are ”hunger & homeless problems” here in North America before we worry about the world, I will simply have to accept we experience the world differently… I will also continue to think you’re a good guy for the most part who simply hasn’t experienced things the same way I have.

      • I can respect your opinion now that I cooled off a bit but if you noticed I said children who are starving or doing without the necessities ( which is what I meant by poor) anywhere in the world is a tragedy. It is my opinion that we need to look after our own problems first. As you said there isn’t a shortage of food but of humanity. So we don’t have a shortage of food then we shouldn’t have starving children here at home. I agree that all the starving children and peoples of the world need help but if we continue to ignore the problems at home and keep putting all of our focus on other places then it sounds to me like people are more interested in a photo opportunity that makes them look good and caring than actually helping. I am not saying that we need to completely fix things at home first but we need to keep the programs here at home running and functioning. You here all the time how food banks and such are always needing more support. So I am saying first lets get those programs the funding and support they need year round (not just at the holidays or when they call for help) then we can try and help the rest of the world. On a side note we has vent brought up Frankie building a school for dance in africa doesn’t count. There are a lot if much more useful things africa needs like food and medicine ( the ebola outbreak) medical supplies and so on

      • I really sincerely meant that apology I know I took most of what you said out of context and I let my anger get the better of me. I guess we disagree on this people do die of starvation here in North America just a very tiny number compared to those who do elsewhere like africa. Just in my opinion we need to help our own people before we can provide adequate help and support to the countries that need it. I can see it from your side as well and I think we have both made valid points for our respective opinions. I wish you well as well

      • Talk about twisting somebody’s words around to suit your own opinion I clearly agreed they may have valid issues and I clearly said before you can try to help those others fix their problems you have to fix the problems at home in other wards help the poor starving children right here on this continent

  28. The fact is we voted for Frankie to be on TA. He wasn’t just randomly chosen, america voted for him to be a part of the team. If you didn’t want this you should have voted for another houseguest. As for Donny, i dont see why people are crying over his eviction. It’s a game, and Donny never played it well. If you felt so bad for the guy you should have voted the TA mission to be a success, so you give him 5,000 extra dollars on the way out

    • The majority of people loved Donny and thought he played it well. So we can have our opinion also. Plus if you saw the mission, it was a trainwreck. No wonder people voted it an “Overwhelming No”.

    • we also voted for Donny for TA but you must have forgotten that little piece of information ,and frankie was told by production that the play was not a good idea,the play was lame and only a way for skankie to get camera time and it backfired

  29. My (current) biggest fear in this game is that Arianna will tell her fans and followers to vote for her brother as Americas Favorite and those numbers will make our votes for Donny look small. Ugh. Makes my stomach turn just typing about it. :(

    • I really hope she’s smarter than that or that her people are smarter than that. If any of them are following social media, they have to know how much dislike there is for Frankie and that she needs to distance herself if she wants to stay on the top where she’s been all summer. I’ve read that she is as narcisstic and hateful as him so I’m not sure just how smart she is but hopefully her people are smart enough to not let this happen and her fans wouldn’t typically be the BB target audience.

      • Let’s not forget the number of BB fans that would be outraged by such a blatant attempt to “stuff the ballot box!”

    • Yeah I feel the same way. I will be so livid if Ariana’s teeny bopper fans vote for Frankie just because she says so. It won’t be fair one bit. Just have hope that someone that actually deserves it will win!

    • yes agree. Remember when Ronnie was on and his geek tech wife had bots dialing in to vote. That’s when BB installed the software to ensure that doesn’t happen again.

  30. Really,’re going to play the gay card? Delusional. It couldn’t possibly be that America actually Liked Donny’s plan to rally for him to stay. Nope, that couldn’t be it at all. Face it, Frankie. You’re your biggest fan.

  31. It failed the moment he rejected Donny and said America wants to see a play and not because America couldn’t handle him looking like a street whore!

  32. when this started I liked Frankie…. but his actions are getting just weird … and it has nothing to do with the fact he is gay… He is just a strange mean little man….

  33. not about gay drag or anything else other than your ridiculous behaviour..We are not from the Stone age – we live in the here and now.The majority of regular old hetero and gay human beings only dislike the bizzare behaviour nothing to do with anything other than that. If all you exhibitionists could only see that and quit bashing the rest of us.IT IS about the BEHAVIOUR!!

  34. This is very similar to Donny telling Julie Chen it was the other HG fault for not warming up to him. After all, all the people that were evicted loved him, he said. LOL

    • Well it is true if you watch the game. All the other houseguests were going around saying how Donny was lying about who he was. Caleb and others (mostly that idiotic beast mode cowboy)thought he was retired military because he had no hair on his ankles and that is from wearing high military boots, a comedian because of his wit and Caleb’s newest is that Donny must be working with an Intelligence agency. He said that because when anyone talks to donny, he is constantly moving his eyes like he is really thinking about things. According to Caleb, that is the sign of a genius. So yeah, they were making accusations about who he is since day one. They never got to know him because of there paranoia. I cant wait to see there face when they find out he is a groundsworker, like he has said since day one. And actually if you go back and look at all the other people who were evicted, they did say how much they love Donny when they got evicted.

      • including Devin said it in his interview with Julie,and pow pow,and amber.and Jocasta and brittany,and zach i watched them all and nobody said 1 bad word about Donny ,only Nasty christine .victoria,beast mode sissy,skankie and Derrick are calling him a pervert,cia ,college professor .only the low lifes that are left are calling him names and christine is the worst offender./and has done nothing to any of them except treat them nice.

      • Caleb is WRONG about a LOT of things a LOT of the time.
        Clearly he’s not the brightest bulb in the box…. In his own way he’s just as clueless as ‘Fakie’….they both live in their own little world…

  35. Oh, Frankie… No, just no. You are wrong on all counts. America voted that you failed bc it was soooo obvious that you wanted the play as the mission bc you selfishly did not want to save Donny as you know/knew he would beat you. Although we did notice your pathetic attempts to pull the wool over our eyes and act as though your reasoning for pushing the play was because America would NEVER want you guys to save Donny… Right, kiddo.

    • He has got to get all the attention! !! Frankie that play was not worth watching except for Donnie s part..he was great even got a part on the bold and beautiful. …oh that will kill frankie. .lol…

  36. Frankie is so self centred. Id rather see victoria win than Frankie. I seriously doubt the valitity of his claims to use the money for charity. Even so I wouldnt want him to win. He has money already. Use that for charity.

  37. Good God, would some of you people get down off your friggin’ soap boxes!
    This is a light-hearted site, about a dumb ass reality show on television. We are not here to solve the problems of the world, we are taking about people who have voluntarily put themselves in a public forum hoping to win some money. They know going in that they are being watched, judged & discussed by millions of people.
    Get Over Yourselves!

  38. Christine’s husband …. I am surprised his name has not come up today.
    Please let me superficially say …. if I had a choice of rubbing up against Cody or him …. It would be Cody hands down!
    Christine you Jezebel …. you should be expecting a “stoning” when you get home! Even your own mother thinks you’re a TRAMP!

    • She should sleep with Cody while she has the chance,then file for divorce by email the very next day,her husband looked like he just stepped off the cover of “Mad Magazine”…i would need very dark sunglasses on at all times to even talk to him.

      • She obviously married him because she is attracted to him and they knew each other since they were kids. Insulting him is not necessary since he is not part of BB, but having a man like Cody being interested in her is probably a first and she is taking advantage of it. I think that maybe she started to flirt as a strategy, but since he seems interested in her she is actually liking him.

      • He’s not really “interested in her”. He’s garnering a future “vote” from her by giving her so much attention, just like Derrick has been doing with “Victoria”. In the real world, I don’t think Cody would be “interested in her” at all.

      • probably the first time a good looking guy like Cody ever looked at her and of course she was flattered. But the poor man was trapped in the house with her. He was being friendly and she was coming on to him – sure he went along with it, it was a vote, nothing else to him

      • her husbands not that great looking, but look at her! I think she got the best of the deal, she’s ugly inside and outside

  39. When Frankie suggested “the Play”, did anyone else think of the old Mickey Rooney – Judy Garland movies?
    “Come on kids, let’s put on a play & save our school/church/asses!”

  40. Frankie. Skankie. Lamkie. To be honest that wasn’t even a play. Why in the world would we give five grand to Frankie and Derek for not following through with team America being number one. They even lie under the camera. We voted a gay guy on the team America, I’m personally insulted that he thinks the reason that they did not make the five grand was because he was dressed in drag give me a break!

    • Frankie. Skankie. Lamkie got voted in as a TA member at the beginning of the game, people had yet to see his true colors.

  41. Mark miller I agree!!!! Let’s all vote for Donnie as America favorite. .&I hope derrrick & frankie don’t get any more money now that Donnie is gone because of them frankie could have saved Donnie. .!!! I liked frankie at the start until I seen the real side of him..not because he is gay I have no problem with that. .but he is so 2 faced ..I know you have to lie in this game but frankie goes beyond lies…he is buddies with them all them stick s a knife in their backs…& Christine is a sorry thing laying all over cody, she wants him so bad she is so horney for him

  42. Frankie…… America rejected your “play” idea because we like Donny more than you, and would have preferred him being saved over a stupid bashing former houseguests session. I’m a huge supporter of the LGBT community, and Frankie in drag had absolutely NOTHING to do with why I voted no. I normally don’t even vote, but this time I actually had an opinion on the matter.

  43. How can anyone follow that idiot Frankie I just don’t know what people see you in this talentless idiot all he does is belittle America thinking that because no one though your play was good we’re all stupid and if the spotlight is not on him he brings up his sister we all know who your sister is but we are learning more about him every day time to be quiet

  44. America turned against Frankie when he backdoor his best friend in the house for no apparent reason except personal spite,this betrayal revealed him for what he truly is…a big liar,the viewers can respect someone they don’t like but no one likes a liar,if you are going to lie on BB,at least say lies that make sense and advance your game,Fakie did neither!

  45. Donny is gone. There is no Team America. America is too intelligent to want to watch media whore Flaming Frankie in drag. Yes, Frankie there are those that don’t like you, don’t like watching you, and don’t like hearing you. We are not all 12 years old and adore your little sister or her singing. The sooner they kick you out of the house, the happier I will be.

  46. Frankie is wrong about why we didn’t like the play he instigated. First and foremost it was a really bad play….wait was it a play??? It was more like a skit of impersonations. Our dislike had nothing to do with seeing a man in drag. Heck, now days men and women in drag are a common sight just going to your local Walgreens or drive through burger place. It is not because we can’t handle the truth about people dressing up like the opposite sex. Although, he made a very ugly women in this skit I thought his makeup and act wasn’t all that bad. This was simply- in no way a TA “mission”. It was simply another way for him to perform. Flipping the house to save Donny would have a been a “mission”. I don’t get the live feed or get to see the BB After Hour shows, but it seemed like Frankie may have been tipped off as to the face that we wanted to keep Donny since he did try to champagne to keep him before the actual vote. I feel that since it was him who chose the play over a mission to keep Donny he had no intention on his own of helping him or he would have went with that idea to begin with. Another thing is that he feels that we are all behind his charity in Africa. I have seen a lot of comments that if it were a cause we, American’s, were more closely related to we might be more vested in helping him win more money.

    • I wouldn’t trust “Fakie” to give more than a token amount to a charity in Africa…..I think it’s just another of his ploys.
      If he REALLY wants to give to his “charity”, he can begin by donating the thousands of dollars he’s getting from his participation in Team America, RIGHT ???

      • he say to build school in Africa – what his site says he wants to build A Dance school. Idiot!

      • NOT being one of “Fakie’s Fans”, I wouldn’t waste my time going to his “website”.
        I did read on the thread, though, that it’s a “Dance” school, but that doesn’t change the fact that if he REALLY wants to donate to that “Dance” school project in Africa he can begin by donating the thousands of dollars he’s getting from his participation in Team America….I’m not holding my breath on THAT happening!
        “Fakie is ALL about himself !

  47. Well Frankie did have a point. America didn’t vote yes because they didn’t want to save Donny…
    But were I started to disagree with Frankie is when he said that we didn’t vote yes because of the “man in drag”. That’s false. People just wanted to go against Frankie.

  48. He’s TOTALLY wrong. Gary from BB Canada dressed in drag and he was the favorite of the entire season. #FuckFrankie

  49. Frankie needs to get over himself, it wasn’t even a play it was nothing but bashing the other house guests!! Glad it failed.

  50. The best news about America voting down the mission is that Ariana’s fans weren’t able to sway the outcome. So maybe Donny has a shot an Fan Favorite!

    • maybe Ariana doesn’t really give a rip about her brother and isn’t plugging him. She’s probably so wrapped up in trying to stop her nude photos from showing up on the internet she’s forgotten about him

      • I definitely think she loves her brother, that seems clear. But I agree with you that she might not be plugging him as much on social media because of his behavior and her PR team’s awareness that people aren’t liking him.

  51. The best news about America voting down the mission is that Ariana’s fans weren’t able to sway the outcome. So maybe Donny has a shot an Fan Favorite!

  52. So paranoid Skankie is back in full form. What kind of excuse will he pull this time. I hope caleb remembers sitting on the ground during botb a couple weeks ago. Somebody needs to remind Caleb that Frankie got Amber out, his queen. Id love to see #backdoorfrankthesnake

    • he commented on that tonight, 11 noms ceremony and he’s never been nominated. Isn’t there just one person there to figure that out?

  53. Seven Deadly Sins, go figure- Pride-Derrick, Greed-Frankie, Lust-Christine, Anger-Caleb, Gluttony-Nicole, Envy-Cody, Sloth-Victoria, or you can mix and match………JK

  54. We voted overwhelmingly NO because it was a stupid attempt. Yes, we would have loved to have seen Donny saved, and possibly it was production’s attempt to throw Donny a hail-Mary and had they chosen ‘get Donny taken off the block in the Veto meeting’ and talked Cody into that, well, they would have succeeded and won. But that was gonna be really hard to pull off when Cody who was both HOH and VETO holder along with Christine (yuck!) were both deadset on getting Donny out of the house. They possibly could have done something else and it would have won, but nobody and I mean NOBODY that Frankie’s self-serving one-man show was worthy of $5 much less $5000…deal Frankie. At least Derrick got the message that America is not loving Frankie and hopefully will now act accordingly by distancing himself from the idiot before he takes him down and out as well.

  55. Idiot!! America didn’t vote because he chose that stupid idea rather than helping Donnie stay in the game. I don’t think most of America or at least the majority of BB viewers care about gay men in drag.

  56. I’m so hoping that Julie’s announcement for the results of AFP goes something like this: “And now, in an unpresidented landslide and with the most votes ever cast for America’s Favorite Player in Big Brother history, the winner of the title of 2014’s America’s Favorite Player is…..DONNY THOMPSON!” Followed by an enormous standing ovation with whistles and screaming cheers that lasts for minutes! Back to Julie. “Donny, Donny, how does it feel to know that you received more votes than any other player in BB history?” . close up of Christine. Donny answers. Julie: “And, and, not only have you won America’s Favorite Player but, you’ll also be making an appearance on the hit daytime drama, The Bold and the Beautiful!” close up of Frankie, Okay, when we return, the final vote for $500,000. ANti-clamatic much?

  57. Frankie is a narcissist who simply can not accept that he isn’t as wonderful as he thinks he is.
    And if Frankie thinks it was the man in drag that was the problem, I have 1 word for him: RuPaul.
    Then there are all the successful movies with men in drag.

  58. The viewers have rejected Frankie for his vile and vulger behavior and gross statements…not because he dressed in drag . His unkind, juvenile little play was ridiculous at best. As for his talent for drag, the pillows hanging so obviously above his pants looked ameturish at best. The garish make-up immediately reminded me of Bette Davis’ scarey face in “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane” (only way worse in living color). If anything, I believe that Frankie’s example of “gay male” is insulting to self respecting gay men everywhere! Any gays that I know work hard and try to be decent members of society. It would be very interesting, I think, to see what an average gay man would think of Frankie and his behavior/graphic statements on National TV. Would fellow gay men find that his performance justified a $5,000 reward? Fortunately, for all people (straight or gay) Frankie is the twusted exception – not the rule.

    • When the season began, I thought Frankie was fun and delightful. It didn’t take very long before he got comfortable enough (in everyone else’s big HOH bed) that he let his true colors shine through. I find it hard to believe that the man I am so disgusted by isn’t exactly who Franke Grande is in his every day life. Sad for his family to bear witness to his vulgar performance this year on BB16. His sister is quite talented. Frankie is just desperate and forgettable….

  59. It had nothing to do with you in drag, Frankie. The world knows you are gay. The problem is everyone wanted Donny to stay and you stuck the knife in his back. Really pretty simple.

  60. Frankie needs to go so bad it isn’t funny.It didn’t bother me he was gay what bothered me is that he believes because he’s gay and related to someone famous it makes him apart of a superior race.He also apparently has no problem threating to punch Nicole for what reason I don’t know.Frankie is a spoiled brat plain and simple, he can’t accept that America thinks his acting skills suck! I hope Nicole pulls off a upset and beats them all and I hope Donnie wins AFP.

  61. Wait until Frankie reads Julie’s EW interview, it was NOT what he promised, a play. It was a string of one person skits. Maybe if he had tied the characters together it might have worked as a play. I thought all but Victoria was funny, I think he should have given her more direction, Donny, Cody and Christine were actually funny, and I am not a C+C fan, but Zack was spot on and PowPow was ok. Donny as Devin was great.

    Derrick said, if it fails it’s all on Frankie, why didn’t he hint at that?

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  1. โ€˜Big Brother 16โ€™: Frankie Says America Not Ready For Drag, Blames Audience For Failure Of Team America Mission | OnlineNewsPortal
  2. ‘Big Brother 16′: Frankie Says America Not Ready For Drag, Blames Audience For Failure Of Team America Mission
  3. Julie Chen On ‘Big Brother’ Team America Mission: ‘That Was No Play’

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