Big Brother 16: State of The Game (Op-Ed)


I’ve been pretty straight forward this season doing Big Brother 16 Live Feed highlights and recaps, but I think the halfway point is a good time to weigh in with a State of the Game post. This week is basically the half-way point, right? Close enough.

A lot of people on Twitter are currently preparing for Zach’s funeral, so we’re getting A LOT of “this season sucks” and “if Zach goes, I’ll stop watching.” While it is upsetting that Zach is going home this week (I’m a card-holding member of #ZachNation myself), it’s not the end of Big Brother 16.

Here’s why:

  • That big alliance, that basically sort of (to some extent) includes everyone except Donny and Jocasta, is going to have to turn on each other soon. I mean they already are this week with Zach. But we always knew Zach was sort of low on their list. It’s going to get fun when Hayden and Nicole go against Derrick and Cody. And which side is going to steal Caleb? And who is going to be the unlucky one stuck with Victoria? And where’s Christine stand in all this? See? There’s SO much about to happen, that the second half of the game could be one of the best. And you never know, they’re getting to the crazy point of being in the house, so they might actually start fighting. Finally. One can hope.
  • The twist is ending this week. We won’t be getting any more of these same old nominations and everyone working together and deciding as a group who needs to win Battle of the Block and who needs to win veto and who needs to be evicted.
  • This week’s Double Eviction. ANYTHING can happen during the second eviction this week. I think Jocasta could be an easy target, but not if these people are finally entering game mode. We could see a major player following Zach out the door
  • There’s an extra week now! So MAYBE that means a jury member could return. And maybe, just maybe, it could be your favorite player who comes back in to shake things up. A lot of people don’t like returning players, but I think with the pace of this season, that would be a great idea. And plus I’m hopeful for a Zach re-entry.
  • Derrick. No one has played the game like Derrick in a few seasons. He’s even playing right out in the open and only Donny is onto him.
  • Team America. Maybe Team America challenges will improve. Or maybe that twist will end soon. I’ll be happy with either.
  • And finally, it’s not Big Brother 15. And no offense to Big Brother 15 HGs who are actually great people, but there’s no stigma hanging over this season. Sure there might not be any fighting this season, but there’s also nothing to be ashamed of for being a Big Brother fan. And as far as I can tell, none of the HGs should find themselves unemployed after the season ends. Well, aside from Zach, but that’s already his thing.

And if these HGs don’t start going at each other, then I’m going to start a campaign to fly a banner plane over the house accusing the HGs of something ridiculous. Who’s in?




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  1. Caleb doesn’t have to worry about being unemployed after BB since he is going to be a country music star, reality TV star, male model, and hunting guide.

  2. Very well said Branden! I think there’s a lot of good stuff yet to come in this season and so far it’s been pretty decent.

  3. Well, except for Zach, as he was unemployed before entering the Big House … Ha!!! But, at least he won a trip to Germany, when he leaves …

  4. “if Zach goes, I’ll stop watching.”
    Stop lying to yourself and to us if you say this. You know damn well you will continue to watch Big Brother.

  5. 6:22 PM:

    Victoria singing Ariana Grande songs, talking about how she has such a great voice.

    Jocasta says she doesn’t know who Ariana is.

    Frankie immediately drags Derrick to the beehive: “Change of plans, Jocasta has to go NOW.”


  6. I for one am soooo HAPPY that it is not BB15. I have been watching BB since season 2, and it is absolutely one of my guiltiest of pleasures. Last season, I was so appalled by the behavior and views of the house guests that I stopped watching. I wasn’t one that screamed at the top of my lungs that I was quitting, only to continue watching. I really did stop watching and did so quietly. I believe at some points in life there are gut checks, and for me that was one. That said, this season is awesome! Derrick is playing a great game, although I wish he had some competition to make it a tad more interesting. I am finding myself hating the twists this season. I love the twists like the twins, and Cowboy and Nakomis being siblings. Those were awesome, and not so contrived. Maybe we can get back to those kinds of twists, and for the love of all that is holy, can we please stop having recruits?!!??!

    • I’m with you about last season. I was disgusted but I watched and 3 times a week I sent CBS emails about how disgusting it was. I also told them don’t think any feedback is better than none because if there were not better HG this season I wouldn’t watch. I have sent emails this year but they have been much better. I love BB and cannot say I would stop watching, although I would have if they had a bunch of racist again. I live in the south and 90% of my friends have NEVER acted that way. While I hate to see Zach leave it’s better than Derrick or Donny, my 2 favorite players.

    • Amen! Let’s get back to reality tv actually having some REALITY in it (no more part time models, actors, and part time celebrities – enough is enough)! And yes a ”twist” is better when it has to deal with the relationships of people INSIDE the house not how production is planning on manipulating the game…. Wouldn’t it be neat if all the contestants on next season’s show were somehow connected to each other without even realizing it? (like they were all at a wedding together but never knew each other or something zany like that)…

      • With how well Derrick is playing and along with your idea, the house should totally be filled with undercover cops next year, but none of them know that the others are cops too. That would be freaking awesome!

      • you’re right that WOULD be awesome! See? We’d be great additions to the production team. ;)

      • Thats a decent idea, except cops can usually figure out another cop from a crowd. They have so many demeanors that are noticeable to each other

      • T will have to say that I enjoyed earlier seasons more. The only year that I have missed was last year and that is because my parents were both sick during that time so I just did not even began watching. From everthing I read about it, I don’t feel like I missed a lot. I agree completely that having a cast with no “special” people would be nice.

      • Totally agreed. But as for last season, the people were pretty harsh in their attitudes (I think some people were probably more harsh in their comments & judgement), but it was entertaining in a different sort of way. I mean never have I cheered more when people got voted out (and I was happy that almost every single person except one winner got voted out)! ;)

      • In that case, maybe I should find the episodes online and watch, then at least I would know what everyone was talking about. Thanks, Matt!

      • No worries – it’s all about perspective. Last season was a house filled with ‘villains’ which everyone complained about, but I tended to see the positive side of doing 2 things: First it was teaching the casting team a valuable lesson; and Second, it was reminding all of us that racism, sexism, elitism and homophobia happens without people noticing (the people inside the house were completely unaware of how they were being perceived as super villains outside the house)…

    • Well guess what! According to some faux-outrage writer on the Washington Post, this is the most sexist season of BB ever! Why? Because women keep getting evicted for being bad players and CALEB CALEB CALEB!!!


    • Loved last season. People are real on this show and you get many different kinds. You are not perfect to everybody else. Are you?

      • So in other words, you liked watching a bunch of racist people making a bunch of racist remarks behind everybodies back….. You are right, just like the show, there are also all kinds of posters that are unfortunately real also

    • Yes I don’t know why they need recruits unless they get so few people that want to be on BB. There have got to be plenty of people out there that want to be on BB if not for the money for the attention. Why and when did they start doing that? This is the first season I have ever heard about it.

  7. Of course I do not know the people of BB15 but on tv some of them did not come across as great people for the most part. This season whether Zach leaves or not has been pretty boring to me. I am fine with Zach leaving because he comes across as a jerk and the silly antics get old. Yeah it might create drama but there are those of us who don’t always care to watch really immature people all the time. Give me more people like Donny.Of course I will still watch as I have every single season but that doesn’t mean I have to like the cast. All I can do is root for the people i do like to start shaking things up like Nicole is trying to do.

  8. Branden you and Matthew have done an excellent job this year reporting. Spot on. I did notice in this post you don’t mention Frankie. Do you think he could possibly go behind Zach Thursday? Wouldn’t bother me at all.

  9. Zach is not boring, but, I can’t help it — sometimes when someone grates on you, you love to see them gone. I won’t miss him. Plus, it is smarter for everyone’s game. Is anyone seriously scared of Jocasta?

  10. Derrick is playing about as well as someone can play the game, he is getting everyone out who he wants to get out and he is doing it without getting any blood on his hands to this point.

  11. Derrick’s game has been impressively under the radar so far — especially for someone who is really the one running the show.

  12. Hey Matt. I heard that Julie said on The Talk today that the jury will only be 7 this season. Can you get confirmation on that Please?!

  13. Zach is an ass, but totally entertaining and I would really hate to see him go, so I am crossing my fingers that something major changes this week. I really hate that the house votes as a house. I’d much rather see more competition between alliances or more individual thinking. Or something! I will continue to watch when I have the chance, but will be sad to see no Zach. I was kind of hoping he would finally come out. Too bad it’s not Caleb going home this week.

  14. Zach has to go if only to provide the catalyst that spins the Big Brother House in another orbit. When he leaves, it changes things because the
    previous alliances get looked over and new targets picked for this double eviction week! I can only hope Hayden or Donny win this week. Would like to see Christine with either Cody or Frankie on the block. That would really make them choose sides and play their game if they want to survive!

  15. I haven’t been watching the feeds, but Is Frankie/Christine really pushing a split vote with the intention of switching their vote at the last minute for Zack to stay?..OH YEAH ! Why not? This is the kind of move I love to see, Whether it’s “Survivor” or “Big Brother” That will really flip the house, big time…Send Jacosmo home, get it over with. Viewers wont miss her….she’s bored in the house. (poor thing)

    • That’s what I think. However I also think Derrick will catch on before Thursday. Frankie was very insistent on Derrick and Cody vote to keep Zach and he and Christine would vote to evict. I don’t think that will happen.

      • Yeah, It looks like Zack is going. He just said on feeds, I’d be really pissed if I go home..Oh wow! lol Anyway I see the benefits for the outsiders like Hayden/Nic/Donny if the house is clearly divided

      • Which is why I’m hoping this little crack in the alliance helps create some hope for the outsiders..

  16. I really wanted Zach out from Day 1. He just made me cringe every time he hollers in the DR and intimidating the HGs. It’s just a game. He has to calm down. He plays Big Brother too seriously and he always gets what he wants. His goals on evicting Brittany and Amber were on his control, not the HoH. I will be waiting for his eviction on Thursday.

  17. Returning an evicted HG has always been wrong but @ this point it’s also a tired “twist” EVEN IF I would like the returning HG (none evicted so far qualify in my “like category” at this point incl. a potential evicted Zach). Hopefully (but doubtful), the extra-week is only b/c they decided to not do a DE….And Gator-Boy Zach needs to Gator Chomp himself out the door & into the nearest swamp never to return again!!!

  18. If Jalostit gets booted out, I pray she gives us one last eye roll and a little toung, but no curse words

  19. I would love it if a few people just flipped their votes last minute……and Zach stayed…….I don’t love him but I think he keeps things a little more interesting.

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