It was another late start to the day in the Big Brother 16 house, but the HGs did manage to get A LOT of scheming, backstabbing and all around despicable behavior in. So all in all, it was a good day in the house. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house.
Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, August 5, 2014:
9:47 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Wake-up time.
10:02 AM BBT – Feeds back. HGs up stirring around and getting ready for the day.
10:50 AM BBT – Nicole planning what to say in her HOH blog.
11:30 AM BBT – Donny and Hayden talking smack on Christine. Donny hates her laugh and Hayden says it weirds him out when she touches and flirts with Cody. He reminds us that she’s married.
12:25 PM BBT – Nicole has the HOH camera. HGs taking photos of one another.
1:30 PM BBT – General chit-chat going on. Not much going on.
2:10 PM BBT – Christine and Victoria are talking about wanting to vote Zach out. They don’t want to get blamed for weird votes though so they think they have to talk to Cody and Hayden about their votes. Christine says that Zach will go off on his way out the door. She also calls Jocasta a major floater.
2:45 PM BBT – Donny, Nicole and Hayden talking game. They talk about bringing Caleb into their alliance. Donny seems apprehensive about voting out Zach, but Hayden works on Donny to prove Zach only looks out for himself.
3:50 PM BBT – The rest of the HGs are finally getting up. Yes, at almost 4 PM.
5:06 PM BBT – Victoria and Derrick are talking about Zach. She says she wants to vote him out. Derrick says he is voting him out. Victoria tells Derrick that Christine told her Derrick was keeping Zach. Derrick tells her not to trust anything Christine says.
5:26 PM – Frankie and Christine talking about a plan to tell people that Zach came to them about forming the Detonators alliance last night. That way if he blows them up, they have their backs covered.
5:43 PM BBT – Frankie tells Christine that he plans to tell Zach he only has himself to blame for his eviction. They agree they’re the only two plaiting the game (OK, yeah sure. Derrick is totally not playing the game. Whatever Frankie).
5:48 PM BBT – Christine telling Nicole that Zach tired to start an alliance called the Detonators. She tells her he asked her, Derrick, Cody and Frankie.
6:29 PM BBT – Hayden tries to get creative by changing underwear while still wearing underwear, but gives a frontal flash.
6:35 PM BBT – Frankie tells Derrick about the lie they plan to tell people to cover Zach’s potential explosion. Derrick tells Frankie to tell Cody about it.
6:50 PM BBT – Cody tells Nicole about the alliance Zach proposed. Nicole told him she’s already heard it but couldn’t remember the name (haha).
7:25 PM BBT – Victoria tells Nicole that Christine told her Hayden wants to keep Zach. Nicole says she doesn’t believe that to be true.
7:57 PM BBT – Zach says he’ll be so pissed if he goes home this week. Derrick, says “I wouldn’t blame you one bit.”
8:26 PM BBT – Derrick tells some of the others that Frankie asked him if he’s a cop.
8:45 PM BBT – Zach tells Frankie he’s nervous but feels like he has nothing to worry about. Zach asks “You’d tell me, right?” Frankie says yes. (wow Frankie).
8:55 PM BBT – Hayden tells Victoria not to trust Frankie or Christine.
10:22 PM BBT – Nicole and Hayden are talking how many lies Christine and Frankie tell. He says he’d rather Christine go before Frankie.
10:45 PM BBT – Hayden notes how Christine can’t keep her hands off Cody. He’s trying not to judge her on it being married, but thinks it’s odd.
11:05 PM BBT – Nicole talks with Victoria and relays Christine’s story that Victoria and Hayden hooked up. Victoria laughs and says no. (They didn’t.)
12:40 AM BBT – Hayden working hard for a kiss from Nicole. He eventually gets it after plenty of resistance.
1:05 AM BBT – Victoria talking with Cody. Says people think she’s in “la la land” and retells Christine’s lie about her making out with Hayden.
2:15 AM BBT – Zach asking Cody for assurances that he’s safe this week. Cody says he’s definitely safe.
3:00 AM BBT – Hayden and Cody whispering in HN. Hayden tells how he caught Christine in a lie about the Detonators reveal. Hayden doesn’t trust either Christine or Frankie and says they’ve got the entire house working against them.
3:00 AM BBT – Outside Derrick and Frankie are telling Caleb that Zach is going to get sent home. Caleb is onboard, but notes that Zach is a number for them.
So as you can see, Zach is gone this week. Everyone is lying to him and making up lies to cover when if he exposes them after his eviction. Pretty solid game play, I must say. But I’m sure Zach fans are thrilled they finally decided to start playing the game at Zach’s expense.
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There seems to be broad agreement in the house that the next ones out after Zach are Caleb and Frankie. I am torn on this. All three of these guys have given us a lot of entertainment value this summer. But each of them is pretty played out for me. I am tired of their characters and ready for them to move out.
But, at the same time I hate to see them go before Victoria and Jacosta who are big, big zeros in my book.
Am really glad that Hayden and Nicole are in the alliance. Hayden at least should have been in it from the beginning.
Hayden taking his time which is the right strategy. You have to feel out people and figure out who are the liars not to be trusted at all costs! That would be Frankie and Christine especially! At the same time, he is quietly, trying to consolidate support to form a very strong alliance! Go Nicole, Hayden and Donny!
I think Frankie, Christine, and Caleb should go in that order.
I think this is what they are thinking of doing. Either Christine first, then Frankie and Caleb next. I would like Caleb gone after these two.
those 3 are dangerous now in the game, Maybe Donny before Caleb
Methinks, Hayden has the potential to be America’s answer to Canada’s Jon Pardy. Both were complete newbies in the game and weren’t targets from the get go. And strikingly had showmances with superfans, although Neda no doubt is more aggressive in playing the game compared to Nicole.
Jon played his cards right and had others, usually Neda, carry him far enough for him to make his own moves once the house been ridden off of people who will certainly go after him had they stayed on.
I expect a similar gameplan for Hayden if he’s also just as careful. My only concern is Derrick which is a definite impediment for Hayden to go further.
You could be right! I liked how John Purdy played the game with Neda, but I don’t think Nicole is a Neda. She is nowhere near Neda. Neda was the bomb!
I agree Jason when Zach ,Caleb & Frankie go it is going 2 Be Beyond Boring!! These remaining girls bring Nothing 2 the Table ,just a bunch of Silly Laughter , Crying , & getting Sick. I really Like Donny , but no disrespect he is so Boring! Especially when he didn’t agree with TA.. He lost out on $10,000! Why? Because according 2 him, he’s in this 4 himself. Then Y be on TA Team. My Choice @ the time 4 TA was Joey , Caleb & Amber.. They were my Choice ,It would’ve of been A different game Trust! Now we will be bored maybe….
He didn’t volunteer to be on Team America. Besides, would you want $5,000 or $500,000? Pretty simple answer to me!
It is not going to be boring as there are still a lot of game to be played. What do you call the current status quo with the Detonators controlling each and every eviction? You might as well write a script! This a reality game. People should be playing like in Survivor? There should be scheming, lying, blindsides, etc. which is part of game play. Not floating with your alliance from the beginning of the game all the way to the very end. That is what we got last season with nobody wanting to evict Amanda till the very end! So, we wound up with Andy as the winner! Zach must go to serve as the
catalyst for bigger game moves down the line!
Of course Donny’s in the game for himself. They all are! And if one of the challenges is going to mess with his game, it’s his perrogative to NOT do it. He’s playing the bigger picture here, not some silly Team America game.
Zach is the catalyst that sets the ball rolling. Now, only if Donny or Hayden win the next HOH and put Christine and Frankie on the block. Wow! That would be awesome to send one of them out in the 2nd eviction! Now, we are cooking. We just need Hayden, Nicole and Donny to pull Caleb in with Victoria and we can have the Fabulous Five! Now, that would be a big game move!
I would like a Fab Four better – Hayden, Nicole, Donny and Derrick. Anyone can say what they want but Derrick is playing an amazing game and, at this point at least, deserves to win. Would be nice to see him align with the other side of the house too (because we all know he will work both sides, and do it well!).
I think that Nicole should have said the alliance name out in the open when she was being told,,i.e. lied to…I am sure she remembered the name. That would have gotten them a little nervous. I am praying to the BB gods again: Please do not let Frankie or Christine win either HOH tomorrow night. Amen!
Praying that Frankie and Christine are on the block for the 2nd eviction.
Praying so hard!!! But, when we want something so bad in this game..most of the time it doesn’t go the way we want it!! Christine is not going to be throwing anymore comps, so I am concerned about her winning.
I think it smart to keep Jacosta only because she is easy to beat and no threat whatsoever. Getting Zach out is a big move for Nicole. He is entertaining, but he is starting to get on my nerves with his antics. Hoping that Hayden or Donny win HOH this week and put up Frankie and Christine, or even Caleb wouldn’t be a bad choice. I am still rooting for Derrick, but would like the Detonators to feel some pressure – shake up the house a little bit!
Sooo…Jocasta and Victoria final two and Victoria for the win! Because clearly that is what everyone on this feed wants from the comments I’m reading. “Get Frankie, Christine, Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Donny out!” Riiiggghhht….
No we all want them gone too. The good thing about floaters is they are a number when you are trying to get control of the house. They need their vote to get rid of Christine and Frankie.
The Bad thing about floaters is you look up and here’s the F4 and suddenly they when an HOH and you are screwed. I want Derrick and Donny in the F2.
That’s how we ended up with 2 weak players and a rat in F3 last year. I hope whatever plan they can come up with, work and that JoCasta leave 1st and then Victoria as 2nd. Then next week the game can start.
I think this year’s finale will be almost exactly like last year’s if they keep playing the way they have been playing. Anybody on the block next to Jocasta should know by now they are the target. People keep saying how useless Victoria is, but she does win battle of the block when she needs to. Even though Caleb gave her the veto she still beat four other people in that comp including a pro soccer player. So if the final 3 are Derrick, Victoria, and Jocasta – Victoria just might win that last hoh and take Jocasta to the final 2. Jocasta will win because they all like her better than Victoria, and Jocasta will get $500,000 for doing absolutely nothing all season, but get sick and have the veto handed to her even when she doesn’t compete for it. Frankie and Zach are annoying, but so are Jocasta’s phone calls from the block.
I know! It blows my mind that everyone is constantly talking about how they’ll put up Victoria and whoever, so they lose BOB… I’m sorry, but has Jocasta done anything all season? I would think she would be the safe bet if you want someone on the block…
This so so so much!!! Everyone, even the runners of this site, can’t help but trash talk Frankie (and recently Christine) every chance they get, but do they ever talk about Jocasta’s game? Or Victoria’s game? Or Caleb’s game? Nope. They hate people who are playing the game. They worship Zach and the ground he walks on and he’s got the worst game out of anyone left in the house, Victoria included. I’ve seen countless posts about how people want Derrick, Cody, Frankie, and Nicole out and NEVER do I see someone waning Jocasta, Victoria, or Caleb out.
So… is the Rationale currently a thing? Or is it a case of both sides (Nicole/Hayden and Derrick/Cody) just forming a side alliance that means absolutely nothing while trying to keep the enemies close and maybe get some info from them?
Latter. It’s a sham. An excuse for Derrick/Cody to hide their (or Derrick’s) true plans going further if events fall in their favor.
That’s what I thought, but I haven’t really seen too much talk about it either confirming or denying since they “formed” the alliance. Thanks.