Big Brother 16 Start Date Announced By CBS – Early Premiere Revealed!

Get ready for Big Brother 16 to start up early again this year! CBS has just announced the BB16 season will launch on June 25, 2014 in a move similar to last season’s early arrival. Awesome!

Julie Chen at the Big Brother house
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

We’re thrilled to hear CBS is making another strong move of support for our favorite summer series (and fav reality series!) by giving us extra weeks of the dramatic BB show. Of course we’re hoping we get to focus on the better drama than some of last season!

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So when does Big Brother 16 start? The series premiere arrives on Wednesday, June 25th and brings back its triple weekly episodes schedule. We’ll be watching new episodes Sundays and Wednesdays at 8PM ET/PT plus live eviction shows every Thursday at 9PM ET/PT.

BIG BROTHER, hosted by Julie Chen, will debut early for the second straight summer, beginning Wednesday, June 25 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) with the first of its three weekly broadcasts. The Thursday edition, featuring the live eviction show, premieres June 26 (9:00-10:00 PM) with the first eviction the following week (July 3). The Sunday broadcast premieres June 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

We’re thrilled to get that official confirmation from CBS and can’t wait to keep rolling out the BB16 preseason news. If you’re planning to apply to be a HG this summer then you better hurry. The application deadline this year is April 4th so that is coming up soon!

Source: CBS press release



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  1. I can’t wait for it to start. I hope it is ALL new people this year and no relations to the past yrs!!!!

  2. Great!! Can’t possibly be as bad as last season can it? Ok maybe it can but i thought once they drug the bottom of the barrel for HGs last year that the barrel would be empty. Hopefully it will be.

  3. Hopefully CBS will get back with the program and put After Dark back on Showtime instead of that stupid network only DISH subscribers get… And from what I hear they weren’t impressed since it was edited and had a butt load of commercials… JMO

    • Lots and lots of homes get TVGN. I do not have Dish and we get TVGN. Seems AT&T UVerse doesn’t offer it, but most others do carry TVGN.

      CBS has already confirmed BBAD will be back on TVGN this year.

      • Ugh!! I know!! I can’t stand watching it on TVGN! We have Verizon. We can only hope they will go back to Showtime or any paid subscription channel.. Can not wait to see the house guest!! Please no old HG!! We want all new!!!!

    • Um I have Verizon FiOS and I have the TV Guide Network (TVGN)…I don’t know what you are talking about.

    • Availability


      Channel 273 (SD only)

      Dish Network
      Channel 117 (SD only)


      Available on many cable providers
      Check local listings for channels

      Verizon FiOS
      694 (HD)

      194 (SD)

  4. Sad to know this one won’t likely hit 100 days but 90-95 days is long enough so I’ll take it.

    At least I know summer will be filled with lots of BB’s: BBUS, regular and celebrity BBUK (again: 3rd clash of the English Big Brothers), and BBAU.

  5. This is great! Even though BB is probably gonna do a returning player/mixed cast instead :( Which sucks because all returning players seasons are really boring, except for BB11

    • Last year had no returning houseguests though. Even though one of them is related to past houseguest, but still not returning houseguest. Hopefully no one will be related to past houseguest this season either.

  6. If they can screen these HGs more thoroughly, then it should be a better season than Big Brother 15…they need to adopt a zero-tolerance policy on the racism though. First HG to make a defamatory remark gets immediately evicted. That will send a message. They kicked Chima out for being an impossible b-word. They can kick someone out for racism. I stopped watching season 15 because of the racism. I’ll stop watching 16 if it gets bad. I don’t “love” Big Brother. I watch it for something to do if I have nothing else going on.

  7. For me personally, Big Brother 16 needs to go 1 of 2 ways!

    The first option is the official 2nd All Star addition, with houseguests from Seasons 8 to 15. Yea Dick, Danielle, Jeff, Jordan, Jessie, Rachel, Brendan, Britney, Dan have appeared again after their initial seasons, but there All Stars (to me anyways) and I just thought BB7 was one of the best seasons (to me anyways). If they did All Stars for BB16 they can take time and come up with good twists for future seasons.

    The second option is similar to Big Brother 10, which was a Back to Basics format, after the last few seasons (especially Big Brother 15) the game needs a reboot, (not of the whole game per say) but just introduce really interesting twist(s). For example, my favourite twist was the twin twist from Big Brother 5, would be awesome to see that again (yes other versions of BB have had twin twists on multiple seasons, so why can’t BBUSA as they started the twin twist idea!) lol The X Factor twist from Big Brother 4 was cool to see. Hell, even though the twist from Big Brother 6 was quickly found out by the houseguests. Not that hard to figure out that every one had a secret partner, but still, it was awesome and when they learned the prize money would double had a secret pair made it to the end, it was just cool to see them take each other out till no more pairs remained. We need something like that again in Big Brother 16 and beyond.

    Sorry for this long post, I am just a passionate Big Brother fan as you can tell. The producers really need to cast interesting people as well, I mean Robyn (casting director) has been casting the US version of Big Brother and the Canadian Big Brother and she has done a fantastic job casting the first season of BBCAN and so far the 2nd season as well.

    I get that its hard to pick houseguests for a new season, But we have super fans on the show like Ian (from BB14) who won and knew the game too! We need more people who are passionate about the game, the house, the twists and not there for the cameras and the audience and to boost their “fame”.

    Also no more mixing veterans with new houseguests, either keep it all new houseguests or make an All Star edition.

    Thats just my thoughts and opinions on what I think. Thanks for reading :-)

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