Big Brother’s Judd Daugherty Appears On Big Brother Canada SideShow [PICS]

Judd Daugherty

Last night on Big Brother Canada we saw BB15’s Judd Daughtery make a surprise appearance when he got to pose a question to the three Secret HGs waiting for a chance to enter the game.

Judd’s question asked Allison, Scott, and Nate to explain which two BBCAN2 HGs they’d target for eviction if they went in to the game right then. It was a smart question and got the HGs thinking on what they’d do.

Sadly it was not an in-person visit to the house like we saw last season when Dan Gheesling spent a weekend in the house, but this was still a fun and unexpected surprise. Congrats to Judd on making the cut for an appearance last night.

Check out the pics below of Judd’s “visit” to the Secret HGs and then join us on our Big Brother Canada fansite!

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