Big Brother Canada Introduces “First Ever” Secret HGs & Room Twist

Big Brother Canada is underway this week after Wednesday night’s premiere of the sophomore season. Last night BBCAN host Arisa Cox officially introduced the secret cast that would become the first big twist of the season.

Big Brother Canada secret HGs & secret room
Secret HGs hiding in their secret room. Secretly. – Source: Big Brother Canada

Arisa proudly announced that this was a totally new twist for any Big Brother anywhere. Here’s how the twist works. There were fourteen original HGs sent inside the house last week. Meanwhile a separate secret “war room” was set up on the sound stage where three additional HGs would reside for the next week.

Those secret HGs entered the room last night and have been observing Feeds from inside the house. The regular cast does not know about the secret HGs or that they’re being watched by them. Over the next week viewers will vote on which of the three secret HGs will get to go inside the regular house and join the game.

They’ve got Nate Sandari, a 23 year old sheet metal worker, Allison White, a 25 year old registered nurse working in psychiatry, and Scott “Contessa” Bosse, a 36 year old hospital worker slash drag queen. Viewers will be voting on those three options. So far Allison seems to be a serious BB fan which means I’m rooting for her to make the cut, but considering Canada’s love for Gary last season there may be a wave of support for Scott.

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The three secret HGs had no idea what was going on last night when they were brought on stage and informed of their twist status. They probably thought they were preparing to head inside and start playing the game! So while it sounds like fun to be part of the twist it does not sound like fun for what they have to do.

Those HGs are trapped in one small room with three beds and a bunch of screens to watch the current HGs. There’s no escape or privacy for Nate, Allison, or Scott. I’d go nuts! But at least we can watch that happen with the 5th camera trained on them for the Feedsters to enjoy.

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If you haven’t started watching Big Brother Canada then be sure to start right now! It’s very easy to watch the show from the US including episodes and the Feeds. Get all our tips & instructions on how to watch Big Brother Canada. The join us on our BBCAN specific BB site right here. Woohoo! More Big Brother is always fun!



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    • yes cool I agree that should be allowed all three of them all out back in the Big Brother house

  2. You know they do secret rooms and secret housemates in Britain EVERY YEAR! So it isn’t “a totally new twist for any Big Brother anywhere”. However it is a completely different format over here (the public decides who is evicted and, ultimately, who wins), so it’ll be cool to see how the twist plays out in this format.

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