Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 8 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother
Big Brother spoilers from the Veto competition – Source: CBS

The Big Brother 16 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the results! After yet another failed attempt at controlling the outcome of the Battle of the Block has put the house in a spin and that means fun for the rest of us to watch and enjoy!

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 8 Veto Competition Results:

Frankie has the Power of Veto
Frankie has the Power of Veto – Source: CBS

  • Frankie won the Power of Veto!

Players today were Frankie as HoH, Caleb and Cody as noms plus Donny, Christine, and Victoria as drawn players. Derrick hosted the competition.

The plan originally was for Christine to sabotage Donny in the BotB, but he overcame and won his safety for the week. That left Caleb and Cody on the block with Derrick promising the new target as Victoria, but since Frankie is the HoH the decision will be up to him.

Kathy Griffin apparently also joined Zingbot for the jokes. There is a LOT of fallout from Zingbot joking about Christine and Cody being all over each other. They’re very concerned about appearances. Christine doesn’t want her pastor to see/hear the Zing joke, but apparently she’s not worried about what she’s actually been doing. Christine & Cody immediately start doing it again.

Frankie quickly said he would backdoor Victoria. Minutes later he talked privately with Caleb who was pushing for Zach saying all the guys were on board. Frankie said he was already thinking about it. Uh oh, Zach.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up on Monday and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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  1. Will Frankie use it or not?…………..I say.. leave it !
    Unless he has something else in his mind, that’s worth evicting.

      • the original agreed upon plan is for victoria to go up as a renom…. now we get to watch derrick in action once again… this time though, he will not get his way. bye bye v

      • Did you hear Derrick last night telling Frankie putting up Victoria would be a wasted HOH? Derrick is going to do everything to save her and I hope it blows up on him.

      • Yes, but Frankie and Zach were just having a convo about telling Derrick that Victoria was going up. Zach wants to be the one to tell him. Knowing Derrick, he will figure out a way to get what he wants.

      • I can’t wait to see when Derrick and Frankie are alone what Frankie will say. You don’t really know what any of them will do because they all lie to each other.

      • I hope not. I guess we’ll see how much Zach means to Frankie. That’s supposed to be his BFF.

      • Well it looks like Frankie’s putting Zach up. So Monday should be a fun live feed day and night. Zach will flip out. I go back and forth with Zach. Now I’d like him to stay. He’s been really nice to Donny.

      • I think he should convince derrick to go up to be voted out thus then winning his way back in to protect their ‘alliance’ from either hayden or Nicole coming back in the house and spilling the beans, LOL do u think derrick would fall for that? LOL

      • I don’t think he can save her without exposing his deal with her. He’s good but I don’t think he’s that good.

      • I think it would be a wasted HOH if he doesn’t make a big move in getting out the comp. He really has to think who will give him the biggest advantage in the end game. He HAS to make a big move now while he has the chance. He has a lot going against him having a famous sister, and not needing the money…but hey a doctor won it before. He really needs to make a big move.

      • Right, he told Zach Victoria. Why get rid of Zach? I’m beginning to like him. He’s been nice to Donny. Donny won’t evict him. If they evict Zach and he comes back in, watch out.

    • I think he definitely will. The questions are a) who he would put up as a renom and b) who Derrick says will go home. I think Frankie will pull Caleb off the block and Derrick will have to try and get Frankie to put up Zach. We’ll have to see if Frankie does it or not or if he puts up Victoria. I know Zach would go home over Cody, but would Victoria go home over Cody?

      • Well another move I’m hating. Derrick once again gets to say he saved his girlfriend. The only good thing is the fireworks that will happen on Monday. I’m getting everything done early so I can watch the feeds. Glad there’s a 3hr time difference. Lol

      • I can’t believe Frankie will put Zack on the block. He used the word “euthanized” him. as in slowly telling him “you’re toast” Four days, anything can happen.

      • I saw that, he was so impressed with Frankie for knowing that word, and he doesn’t….I just said NO WONDER !

      • wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had those clouds thingys over their heads as they say stupid things, with the correct thing that they should have said, like them talking crap about Donny winning — what they should have said was “I suck at game play, now that Donny he is really good, older than us but man can he get it done” [all vewied in that cloud thingy!]

      • Frankie told Donny they had to win so they could do something big. I think Derrick is going up. Can’t keep them the same because Derrick would make them vote Caleb out. I see wheels turning in Frankie. He knows he can’t win, and he has done all Derrick’s dirty work so the blood is on him. I soo hope he gets it now and gives a speech about giving them a chance to play their own game by taking out the guy who picked every nomination. That would be fantastic. If they all can’t see it after thinking about every nomination, then they deserve to lose. I think Hayden or Nichol can beat Derrick so even if he came back, they all voted him out and finally know. Frankie isn’t talking big game and when he has its been “was thinking about that”. All non-committed answers. He can’t tell Zack for fear he would tell. But..him and Donny have some understanding now. I so hope he does. Donny took his first breath tonight.

      • There’s a difference between wanting Derrick to get dethroned and thinking it will actually happen. Frankie is just not going to backdoor Derrick this week.

      • Now is the time to play for yourself not as an alliance. Frankie if he wants to make it to the end needs to make a big move now. He needs to think who is his biggest competitor is and get them out and it is not Cody or Victoria. I think Derrick is playing the best game and is thinking way ahead of each comp. and keeping who he wants in the end safe.

    • I don’t think he’ll use it and if he does, Derrick will know that he’s targeting his pawns which draws lines. Something tells me he’ll leave it as it is to show Derrick he trusts him.

    • I don’t see Frankie using it at all considering who’s on the block..he doesn’t care since it isn’t Zach on the block…am I right?

  2. The interesting dynamic now is how hard Derrick decides to push for Victoria to not go up because if he tries too hard Frankie may just put him up. Derrick should just let Victoria go but he might not.

  3. If Frankie doesn’t save Caleb and put up Victoria or Derrick he will look back at this week as his downfall. He needs to play his game not Derrick’s. My gut feeling is he will save Caleb and renom Victoria. If he somehow gets swindled into renoming Zach that’d just be idiotic.

    • It will be interesting because they will make the 4th jury member; I would want Victoria to get evicted because she stinks at competition and probably would not be the one returning. If you put up Derrick, Caleb or Cody they may win, esp in an endurance comp. I would LOVE to see Nicole win and come back…that would make it intersting.

      • A good point. With Frankie as HoH and with PoV… I doubt Caleb goes home. So unless Cody leaves, it’s likely Nicole or Hayden returning to the house…barring a surprise victory in an endurance comp.

      • Zach is pretty good as well, so that would add more competition to an endurance comp. It DEFINITELY could change by tomorrow though.

      • I wish the plan to blindside Derrick was happening now. I think it will happen tomorrow, but only because the DR will get in Frankie’s ear sometime in the next 36 hours.

    • I agree get Derrick out of the game. I really hope Derrick blows up his game trying to convince Frankie not to put up Victoria and gets himself put up beside Cody. Even if Cody gets voted out instead of him it will tear things wide open and give Donny a fighting chance. Also hopefully whoever gets voted out doesn’t wind up returning.

  4. Zingbot to Frankie: “You look pale, It must be hard to get sun, standing in f your sister’s shadow” ..hahaha…ooohhh.. that’s bad

    • Funny. Did you here Christine’s? She doesn’t want them to air it. It was about her and Cody all over each other.

      • Yeah, Cody is not in the mood, Apparently, a lot of them got Zinged really bad. lol..I love it !

      • Derrick’s was about all the good looking guys in the house, but wait, I didn’t see you Derrick. Zing

      • Derrick is too smooth to be good looking. He spends a lot of time grooming himself. He is just not all that.

      • Donny’s was about looking like Duck Dynasty but playing like suck dynasty. Referring only to his social game.

      • i hope they do air it so the ugly bitch will know exactly what america thinks of her,then i hope Tim divorces her a$$ for cheating on him,because thats exactly what she is doing cuddling and kissing a single man while she is married is not appropriate in any manner

  5. OMG Zingbot was in true form according to the HG. Christine got zinged on her husband. Cody says they’ve done nothing wrong. I guess dry-humping under the covers and feeling each other up is nothing. I call it cheating.

      • I was thinking the same, but don’t you think she would have mentioned that at some point while in the house this long. Especially when she is being talked about. Like the other night with Caleb and the guys.

  6. Caleb telling frankie that everyone is on board with back dooring Zach. Of course HE is lol cos he on the block

  7. If Frankie uses it on Caleb which last night he said if he won he would then it’s going to be funny to watch Cody campaigning and Derrick voting Victoria out.

    • Yep should be a lot of conferences going on this week. I like the TA challenge even though I voted for the other one. They both looked like fun.

  8. Thank heavens the veto has been won! I can go to bed now! Am I the only one who gets “antsy” when these competitions come up? Ugh. I am getting way too old for this type of reaction! Goodnight from the East Coast!

  9. Frankie should just leave it the same. If he takes Caleb off, he needs to put up Derrick. That’s the only way to help his game. If puts up Zach and Zach is evicted, he may return with vengeance and go after Frankie.

    Did anyone tell Caleb that the BS alliance is over? Anyway this goes, it should put holes in someone’s game.

      • Just when I was starting to like him. Everyone I like goes out the door. Maybe I should start liking Derrick. :-)

      • Feeds are so boring right now. I want them to start talking game. I can’t stay awake much longer. I want to hear Frankie and Derrick talking to see what Frankie is really thinking.

      • Are they still in the kitchen? Caleb talking nonsense?..and nobody seemed to be interested?…yeah..I turned mine off. OMG !

      • lol maybe you should since he’s the one that’s been pulling the strings. After watching him go to work and getting him to put up Zach I swear it makes me question people who hate him so much for playing a brilliant game, just when he thought of putting up Victoria he pulled a last minute hail mary and got him to flip Zach, one of his numbers and he plans to do it in a “Group Meeting” lool oh this should be fun and explosive.

      • I was about to say that. Zach needs to tell Caleb. Donny, Zach, and Caleb could form an alliance and talk to Frankie….

      • As much as I’d love that cause it could further Donny’s game, Zach is just not a credible source. Derrick has made it his mission to make him look crazier then he actually is. So even if he spilled I doubt Caleb would believe him

      • I like that. He gets so jealous when anyone talks about how good someone else is at the comps. He was saying about the POV to Frankie I almost won.

      • If Zach goes up, he will know he is going and boom, he will blow up everyone’s game.

    • Caleb is so damn stupid that he thinks the BS is still in operation and that is boss of the house and running things,he is dumber than my 2 yr old grandson.

  10. Even as a Derrick fan who is disgusted by the camera-preening scum that is Frankie J. Grande, I would be extremely impressed if Frankie and Donny made a big power grab and moved to renom Derrick. Team America has only stayed together because its members have won enough comps to keep them from going after each other. But now Frankie and Donny — especially Donny — have a chance to get Derrick before he gets them.

      • True. And he’s so delusional he would believe them. But with Zach saying a name he might believe just a little of it. Remember how he believed Nicole v

      • Nicole never really threw anybody under the bus before. I think that’s what made it more reputable

      • Except he’s not at the bottom of the pecking order anymore. Everyone within the Detonators values him more than at least one other person.

      • Caleb is still at the bottom. His only value is as a pawn or a vote since, he is not even part of the Detonators. If Frankie were to leave the nominations the same, Caleb would be evicted!

    • Most definitely. Hope it doesn’t happen right away. If it does Caleb will stay on the block.

    • Caleb should have figured that by now. He keeps getting put on the block which should be a clue that he is expendable! Doesn’t he also notice how Christine and Cody have been acting? What about Victoria and Derrick? There are too many clues to miss.

  11. Oh Zach you just can’t avoid danger can you. The good part is I’m pretty sure he’s gonna blow up everyone’s game once he gets nominated and he has a 1 in 3 chance to come back (Jocasta has no chance).

      • How by speaking in tongues and saying praise god 500 times a week,i dont call that causing trouble

      • So true. I hear ya on that once she got voted off I was glad so we didn’t have to have her shoving god down everyone’s throat anymore. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything against her beliefs but she didn’t need to tell everyone every chance she got after the first ten or twenty times I am sure we all knew also she was delusional having no game strategy other than trusting god. Hello jocosta it’s a game and god don’t take sides in who wins games.

  12. They’d better be strategic about who they send out this week. Whoever comes back in will probably return with a vengeance. Sure, if they don’t win HOH, then nothing will come of it, but if the miracle to end all miracles happens and the returning HG actually manages to pull of that HOH win, then the remaining HGs could end up scrambling again.

  13. Wow. Christine blows my mind. After crying for 15 minutes in the bathroom about her zing what does she do? She goes into the FR and lays on Cody. WTF Christine.

  14. I wonder at what part of BB the HG from the jury will come back? this week? ans does this week’s evictivee get the chance to come back in the game if it happens this week?

  15. Getting real tired of derrick skating through People better wake up like they did last season And get him out

    • Let me guess, you were on the other page celebrating that he would get put up and now you find out that he pulled the strings again to get Zach in Frankie’s head and guess what, no blood on his hands and he gets to keep both his pawns, I call that Checkmate lol.

    • they feel that he’s been sliding through the game. Which is ironic because that is what Cody has done. They also feel that Donny would target them as well.

      • everybody is going to target eveybody else very soon ,but these idiots are so damn stupid that they all think they are going to win because every is too chicken to nominate each other ,but there can only be 1 winner but these idiots dont seem to remember that.

      • They will remember it when they are evicted! All of them acting like Helen of last season. Now, is not the week to take out Amanda and the following week, now is not the week to take out Amanda. We saw how she got evicted long before Amanda finally got evicted. The same fate awaits Frankie if they let Derrick stay in the game. They will be in the jury house looking in!

  16. The best part of the next four days? Donny has a front row seat watching the bus roll back and forth over the other houseguest. Remember when Donny and Nicole were playing jenga and Donny said it’s going to be fun watching them turn on each other? I am so happy Donny got front row seats. Pass the popcorn!

    • she thinks her and cody have a final 2 ,not knowing that derrick and cody have a final 2 but victoria also has a f2 with derrick

  17. Another boring week with Frankie at the helm,…He won’t make a big move unless he puts up Derrick and backdoors him. Does he not realize that Derrick will win over him if he stays in the house? Derrick will be gunning for him soon and he is just too stupid to know it.

  18. I really hope Matt Boyer’s prediction that Frankie will use the Veto to put up Victoria comes true. For me, she’s in a tie with Christine for HG I’d most like to see evicted. That would be perfect if she ends up being voted out this Thursday. I’d rather see her up against Caleb than Cody, but I can see why Frankie would want to save Caleb to try to get back in his good graces. Just as long as the house doesn’t flip and evict Cody instead, which I would hate. I know a lot can change, but it’s nice to know at least right now the thought is to get Victoria out of there.

    If Cody stays up there I worry about the votes. Frankie and Victoria can’t vote, Derrick would think about which of his buddies/pawns he’d rather keep (I’d like to think he chooses Cody but who knows), Zach would be tempted to vote out Cody I think. Donny would vote out Cody. Christine would likely save Cody but won’t if she’s his only vote. Caleb is loyal but if the house decides to flip on Cody, he’ll go with them.

    In case I haven’t made it clear, Cody’s one of my favourites…

      • I mean last week they wanted Nicole out to give Hayden a better chance to come into the game, Which I did not think was a good move. Now Zach! I thought Frankie was supposed to be a good player? Derrick is not smart, the rest of HG are just stupid!

  19. What I really want right now is for Branden or Matt to chime in with what they think is going to happen and hopefully reassure me that Zach, Derrick and Cody won’t be leaving. Those two are usually right when they think something is or isn’t going to happen.

    • Because Zach won’t let what happened two weeks ago go. He’s also an easy target this week that the house won’t punish him for as opposed to getting out Caleb (an ally) or Cody/Victoria which would piss some people off.

  20. why is frankie even thinking about backdooring Zach? He can’t truly be that much of a moron can he??? He will have literally 0 Chance of winning this game if he takes out Zach over Derrick/Victoria/Cody. Not to mention his precious america will hate him more than they already do(if that’s possible). If zach goes, I hope to god he comes back. Donny/Zach should approach Frankie with an outing of Derrick/Cody and say now is the time to strike. Of course they won’t do that though. Zach will leave, then whoever comes back will try to work with donny, and they will have no chance either. Cody/Derrick/Christine/Caleb is too strong of a core for anyone to take out if they don’t do it this week. Frankie is on the outside of that core looking in and he is a f-ing moron for not realizing that. Umm dude they just tried to get rid of you last week idiot. Fuc* derrick and these idiots.

    • Looking through a pipe dream dude, Frankie just got convinced to put his whole game at rise by the same man who’s been pulling all the strings in this house from the start. Once he puts Zach up watch for Frankie to be running for the hills. Don’t hate on Derrick for playing a brilliant game, he just saved Victoria and didn’t even have to blink and the best part about the whole thing is no blood on his hands cause it was made to look like Frankie’s idea lol pure genius, the man deserves an applause not a F U, don’t blame him for Frankie’s inability to deflect a Mind F^^K from a great master manipulator like Derrick.

      • Master manipulator? Derrick is playing with a bunch of morons besides Donny. Zach likes to stir stuff up and can’t control what he says however, he isn’t as dull as the rest. If Zach leaves, and doesn’t get back in the house…game over for Donny. Nicole and Hayden were pretty dumb too at social game. Derrick is not that good of a player as everyone keeps saying he is. I’ve watched BB1 and up, missed maybe 1 season is all and this is by far the worst house ever. I’m hoping that Zach stays this week. This week determines the outcome of Derricks game imo. He has the numbers, anyting can happen but… Cody, Caleb or Victoria voting him out or turning on him? NOT GONNA HAPPEN

      • I’m hoping Donny will inform Zack that the fix is in and Zack’s going home. I want to see Zack turn the house upside down whilst throwing a fit.

      • Dude just appreciate the game play Derrick uses and stop hating on it for how he uses it on these HG’s. I’m sorry your fav player Zach is getting evicted and I know it sucks but you can’t blame Derrick for that, well actually you can lol but it won’t be any blood on his hands, you’ll just Frankie holding the knife in his hands with a smile. In that case I can’t blame you for hating on Derrick cause of he turned this all around, saved Victoria, and got Frankie to stab his one close ally Zach in the back, Again! I guess 2 is for good measure lol.

      • I am not hating on Derrick, I am hating on how ignorant most of these HG’s are. I’d like to Donny have an ally so we don’t have to see another predictable week. What’s wrong with wanting to see the house flipped? I stand by my notion that this is the most boring BB ever. I liked watching Dan, Dr. Will, Boogie, Janelle, Marcellas and rooting for villains and heroes alike. My favorite player is not Zach either, he could be however if he makes a game move and becomes more deserving of the money than Donny or Derrick.

        My favorite player, if you must know is Donny at this point. Derrick has not accomplished more than Donny has imo. While Derrick relies on other to do his dirty work and take advantage of the weak, Donny is a one man show and is carrying HIMSELF through the game. So, at this point I would say Donny deserves it more.

      • I respect your opinion, and I like Donny as well, I just also appreciate the game play Derrick uses which brought me back memories of how Dr. Will and Dan used to play with their manipulation tactics which have been missing from BB lately.

    • He wants Derrick’s position to be stronger and himself weaker…that’s all I could think of.

  21. Did you all see Caleb and Cody comparing notes? As to why neither won the Veto comp? It’s so pathetic I’m crying with joy!!!

  22. I like to imagine Frankie is just entertaining Caleb and co. with the idea of backdooring Zach but he doesn’t plan to knowing how volatile Zach is and would instantly call everyone out.

    I just hope that if he does use the veto, he takes Caleb off and put up either Victoria or Derrick. If Victoria is the renom, then she’ll be the one leaving over Cody. If Derrick is the renom, well, let’s just hope he leaves.

    If Derrick watched last seasonr, he should be anticipating by now the possibility of a juror returning to the game so if it ends up being Cody/Victoria on the block or Caleb/Victoria, or even just Cody/Caleb and the comp involve endurance, he could risk taking out the more physical player in the hopes he will win his way back. Based on the last endurance challenge we had in a while, back in week 1, we can assume Caleb is the better option for Derrick to evict, crossing fingers he’ll be brought back.

    And in order to avoid getting on Caleb’s bad side, Derrick could mist him into thinking he could win his way back on a comp he has proven to be a beast of (unless it involves maintaining your balance while grabbing balls to collect like last year).

    These are just scenarios that could happen if worse comes to worse for Derrick.

  23. Everybody already went through Zach’s histrionics a couple of weeks ago, he already did about as much damage as he can do, everybody is prepared this time, so I expect several days of nonstop crying from poor victim Zach. Unknown to his alliance(s) Zach has been talking with Donny, telling him that Frankie without a doubt was running the house. This is how it works at the end, HOH’s want to make it count, not waste it on an ineffectual floater like Victoria.

  24. Frankie should put Derrick up. He has the votes to get him out and if Frankie made a move like that he be respected by the jury!

    • They may have the votes to take Derrick out if he gets put on the block. There are only 5 votes this week which means you only need 3 votes to evict. Donny, Zach, Christine could vote him out. Christine is going to save Cody over Derrick for obvious reasons and Donny and Zach could put the final nail on the coffin. However, Frankie being the dummy he is, will probably put up Zach because that is Derrick’s wish!

  25. Of course all the guys are on board Its not their ass on the block…Please put Derrick in the orange chair if nothing else it will send him a message that he is not all that matters…Please break the cycle of boredom

  26. Frankie is really a dummy if he uses the POV to take off Caleb or Cody and put in Victoria. Victoria is no threat and is only good for her vote to Derrick. While, it will strip Derrick one vote, I am sure Derrick would rather her than Cody. Zach is also in danger because now, he could get put up and be evicted. Derrick should be put on the block because he is the biggest threat and Frankie can claim to that big move if he gets to Final 2. He should also remember that he cannot play for HOH next week. If he does not try and take out Derrick this week, he could be sent home next week.

  27. Oh please these people need to wake up. Frankie needs to use the veto, take down Caleb and nominate Derrick. I can’t believe that no one (other then Donny) has figured out that Derrick is making all the decisions. This season has become boring, at this point the outcome is so predictable, a Derrick win for sure. It doesn’t matter who wins HOH, POV or BOB, Derrick is calling the shots and the sheep just go along. I’d like to see a real contest not this snoozefest of a season. Derrick isn’t even entertaining to watch, unlike Dan, and hasn’t made any real moves himself. Hoping things shake up the next few weeks and we see some good game-play. Not looking forward to a Derrick/Victoria final.

    • I agree 100% please let Derrick and Cody be sitting next to each other but your right prob won’t happen. :(

  28. And also why does Derrick not see that Frankie taking out Caleb or Cody gives him (Derrick) a jury vote??? Frankie is gonna lose all the way around if he nominates Zach and he is evicted. Would be better if he nominated Zach but the real target was Cody since Caleb is supposed to be saved.

  29. IMO…best case scenario….Frankie goes to Caleb….tells him about detonators….takes him down with the proviso of back dooring Derrick. Then to Zack with info about Derrick wanting to put Zack up and out. Form an alliance for now…Frankie,Zack,Donny and Caleb. They they have the votes and talent to win and get out Christine and Victoria. Hopefully Hayden or Nicole would return and team up with Donny. Ah me, in a perfect world…..

  30. What a waste of the pov, they need to start getting the power players out instead of worrying about a a worthless player who wouldn’t win BB, these aren’t the brightest players , they wanted Caleb out long ago why not now or Cody he’s another worthless, if they keep Derrick much longer he will win, I myself think Derrick deserves to go to the end he’s played a good game.

      • It wouldn’t be a waste to get rid of Cody or Victoria. Either of them going into competition to re-enter the house would likely lose against Nicole or Hayden. Keeping Caleb would be an incentive for Frankie’s game, Zach staying would help Donny and Derrick would lose a number. No way it Cody leaving this week, it will be Caleb, Victoria or Zach. Most likely Victoria or Zach, depending on Frankie’s judgement.

    • Cody is really starting to annoy me. He was so down in the dumps last night..Frankie pops in the room and mentions BD’ing Zach and it was like he was thinking….well, that was easy! I liked him at first, but, not so much anymore.

  31. If Zach is the renom tomorrow. he will blow everyone’s game sky high..and I hope he does…he won’t go quietly, that we know!

    • He already blew up everybody a couple of weeks ago, there isn’t a lot more damage that he can do. Everybody is ready for him to go this time. He pretty much shot his wad.

      • he can name the alliance’s and who is in each, info for caleb as he is left out of alliance #2, this is confirmation info for Donny and Victoria, outing how the noms were made this week — lies told to Donny etc… also a reminder that somebody is coming back in…

      • All that stuff is already out there. Caleb already knows that at this point it is just about everyone for himself. The nominations were made by drawing Skittles, and they all know that. Donny knows he’s been lied to, and Zach is convinced there won’t be a buyback.

  32. If they evict Zach can you imagine him being the one who gets to come back In!!! Hopefully the second time around he will be smart enough to get the knife out of his back and use to get Frankie out.

      • winning is just not enough if you have a blindfold on and ‘oh I am so scared of what America thinks of me’ and she knows what to do but like most of them can be manipulated by derrick, just another one getting in line to give derrick the money!

      • Pretty much, Zach would have to stay and Nicole or Hayden would have to join Donny to actually have a shot for a numbers shift.

      • yes and no, IF hayden comes back and both him and Donny win HOH and POV each time, it is 1,2,3…out you go, hayden Donny final 2!!!

  33. I am really sick of Frankie winning things. Donnie needs to win HOH and put Frankie and Zack up. Donnie should win Veto as well. I don’t trust Victoria.

  34. for a game that hates “floaters” I don’t see why Victoria has not been evicted yet. she may be putty in someone’s hand but she is a “floater”. get her out!!! and derrick too!!

    • It is too late for that, that’s how floaters make it too the end. At this point in the game are you going to waste your votes on evicting someone who can’t do you any harm, or are you going to evict somebody who can beat you?

      • heck yea!!! just tell her where to stand and for how long, now the person that is voted out I hope is either on Donny’s side or that hayden gets to win his way back in, he stated in interviews that his eyes were finally open!!

      • Hayden has been out of the house, he doesn’t know what’s going on or even who got him out of the house, unlike last year where everybody shifted their focus to evicting Amanda. J-U-Double-eviction only lasted 2 weeks.

  35. I think I want Nicole to come back in the house. does anyone agree? they have got to get derrick out. but I guess this week would not be the week cuz he could get right back in

    • normally I would want a strong female back in, but she has blinders on, knows what to do but follows, not a leader, too worried about what America will think of her

  36. As it stands who goes out thur. will have a chance to come back just in time for a DE in two weeks, Zach will start to move against frankie and derrick if he stays. he is no fool. he sees the knife in each of thier hands.
    Caleb still has no clue, but frankie would be the one that all would vote out, if they ever get a chance, IF hadden comes back he will exact a toll on those who lied to him and im sure all those in the jury house have been plotting and thinking , who ever goes back get them bad boys.

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