Big Brother 16 Houseguests Reach New Milestone : Small Dining Table [PICS]

Ahh, the small table of Big Brother. It’s an achievement Houseguests and viewers look forward to every season even if it seems like an overall insignificant event. The large, 16-seater vanished from the kitchen and was replaced by a smaller dining table.

Big Brother 16 - Small dining table arrives
Big Brother 16 – Small dining table arrives – Source: CBS

When the Live Feeds returned from an hour break on Saturday the Houseguests were greeted by this week’s Have-Not food: Transylvania Goulash. The new food items which included blood sausage, canned pumpkin, and onions were nicely laid out across a much smaller table than the HGs had enjoyed over the past eight weeks. Get your Free Trial of the Feeds now.

Now with just eight players remaining it was time to downsize. The smaller table really does look tiny in comparison, but considering we rarely seem to see house-wide dining events this season it probably won’t matter too much.

As for this week’s Have-Nots, Frankie selected Christine and Victoria to endure a new week of punishments. Frankie said he picked based on who had done it the least. Hadn’t Victoria come off two straight weeks of Slop just a few days ago? That’s probably not going to help how she’s been feeling about Frankie recently, but he doesn’t seem too worried.

What do you think of the new table? I’m waiting to see if they get a smaller gear piece to go in the middle of this one too.



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  1. It would be great if somebody blew up Derrick’s game or if the other players started talking and realized he has been making deals with everybody so then if veto is used Derrick would be nominated. Way to go Donny for getting off the block. Here’s hoping against hope that Donny wins

    • Derrick deserves to win!!! He has played this game better than anyone else! #BB16

    • I have to disagree Donny deserves to win he might not be orchestrating things but he has been good at competitions and has been good at reading what’s going on he just hasn’t had the numbers to do anything about it and was smart enough not to try

      • Doug I think you are spot on. While I fully understand why people believe Derrick is the best player – I also thing Doug is spot. I do not believe Derrick has the skills to have survived like Donny has on pure skill and sometimes luck. Who other than Donny is 100% on to Derrick and has proven he can win or move the house when he needs to, while never getting his hands dirty
        Bobby W C

      • Well let me say that I agree with both of you. My hope has been all along that Donny & Derrick would be the final two (chances are extremely slim I know) – but if based on a ”deserved” basis of how I think their strengths lay, I truly do believe both of them played the game well.

    • Now hopefully Donny can get Zach to convince Frankie to take caleb off the block and put Derrick up instead. It would definetly stir the detonators up and make the remainder of the season very interesting

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