Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother
Big Brother spoilers from the Veto competition – Source: CBS

The Big Brother 16 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the results! The house is dividing and the players hoped to control the upcoming eviction with one group hoping to lead another Backdoor attempt.

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Read on to find out who won and what that could mean for the game this week.

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Christine won the Power of Veto!


The Veto comp took an incredible amount of time. Feeds went down just after 5PM ET and five hours later the comp wrapped up. FIVE HOURS. We got to watch the 4 non-competing HGs sit in the HoH room for a 1+ hours on BBAD. During that time we could hear HGs competing.

It was an individual timed competition. HGs were isolated in rooms waiting for their turn. Zach, who went last, was YELLING that he was missing a piece of the puzzle. We hear that claim a LOT when someone just can’t find it. Production would not have screwed that up. Zach was offered to forfeit if he didn’t want to finish. Ouch.

Players today were Jocasta & Zach the noms, Nicole as HoH, and then Christine, Caleb, and Victoria as the extra players. Frankie hosted the competition.

Heading in to today’s comp there was talk of going after Frankie with Nicole promising to renom him if either of her original nominees came down from the block.

At this point I don’t see Christine using it, but maybe she’ll surprise me. She could break the streak of the Veto being used every week. Ah well.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up on Monday and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

Turn on your Live Feeds and enjoy the drama. Watch it all now live & uncensored.



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    • Christine is selfish, her using it I would be very surprised. I do hope that Derrick can mist her into using it. We now Bowtie doesn’t have a chance in hell this week.( see my pun. lol) I need Derrick to mist her that Victoria should be there, not fellow detonator…Zack. Nicole and Derrick say yes Victoria all the way or pretend it should be Donny. ( please not Donny) Both lie to her face and convince her so Frankie is on the block and out the door. ASAP. I am willing to break out last years voodoo to praying to candles to whatever takes, even Bowtie Jocasta speaking in tongues…Girl make it work.

      • You are aware that Derrick just made a 180 degree turn around..he’s now advocating on keeping Frankie.

      • yes, he does this all the time. It is a shame because eventually it should back fire on him, If is is know about his gazillon alliances he is selling.

    • I agree. Nicole should ask Christine to use the POV. Tell her she needs to use the POV otherwise, her loyalty is suspect. Then, tell Cody and Derrick that you expect them to evict Frankie and will compare the vote results! Sometimes, you have to put pressure on people to make them make a move. If they refuse and Jocasta or Zach is taken off then, put Cody or Derrick on the block because they cannot be trusted.

  1. save Jocasta now, and put Frankie in her place, thus sending him home
    *Christine please
    *Go Nicole

  2. Well, Christine doesn’t have a choice but to use the veto if she still wants to maintain that side alliance of hers with Nicole and Hayden. If she does use it, hopefully she gives it to Jocasta so it will be an ideal Zankie break-up scenario. :D

    • I agree totally! They need to get rid of Zach and Frankie in the DE this week, or the rest will be in jeopardy of going home instead next week.

  3. Disgusted with this result, now the most annoying houseguest, Frankie, gets to stay while the only person who keeps this season entertaining, Zach, is going to be evicted.

    • I still don’t see the Detonators voting out Zach. Derrick and Cody want to keep him, and if Derrick wants to keep him, so will Caleb and Victoria, who are attached to his hip.

    • If all goes according to plan, Frankie will sit next to Zach with Frankie the one leaving.

      • Christine is with Frankie and she doesn’t want Zach gone. I don’t think she will use the POV. I hope she does but don’t think it will happen.

      • If she does that, it’s gonna blow up on her face. Her alliance will drop her as soon as she’s not needed and she needs a fallback option if she wants to make it to the end.

      • True. I just hope someone can convince her to use it. Maybe Zach will convince her to take him off. Then Nicole could still backdoor Frankie because they have no idea that was her plan.

      • The problem is that taking Zach off and putting Frankie might screw that backdoor plan. For one, If Frankie sits next to Jocasta, he’ll sure have the votes to stay as I don’t think Cody and Derrick would flip against him this week.

        Christine can’t afford to expose herself to Nicole without good enough reasoning as to why she’s going to give the veto to Zach.

      • Cody and Derrick want Frankie gone. They don’t trust him at all. If Nicole can get him up I really think he will go.

      • Well just now on the feeds Derrick is saying they have to save Zach. And Derrick says he trusts Frankie and Christine and Cody says he trusts Hayden and Nicole. So they don’t agree who to trust. Derrick said he caught Nicole in 3 lies but she was telling the truth. I hope if Derrick turns on Nicole and Hayden it backfires and Frankie or Christine backdoor him.

      • I don’t see Derrick being voted out any time soon..but Zach and Frankie..oh yeh. Doesn’t matter about the TA at this point either since this will be the only opportunity Derrick will most likely get to voting out Zach or Frankie…he’ll be talking a lot to Hayden and Nicole to make sure this happens. Hopefully they’ll be listening for Derrick’s sake. Won’t it be fun if they don’t side with Derrick, though???

      • If Derrick will go back to trusting them. As of late last night he didn’t trust Hayden or Nicole. Haven’t watched the feeds today yet so anything can change.

      • Christine will save her own skin by going with the majority and use the Veto!

      • I think she’ll use it, because she doesn’t want blood on her hands next week.

      • She already told the guys she wasn’t using it. So hopefully someone can talk her into using it.

      • Either one going would be okay with me. Just hope Christine uses the Veto to take Jocasta off, so Nicole can renom Frankie. She did much much better as HoH this time round!

    • From the talk today I don’t think Zach will go. Nicole wants him gone but I think Cody and Derrick will keep him around because he’s a number for them. I think Nicole is going to be lied to this week thinking Zach is going but just have to wait until after POV.

      • The only problem I see is that both Derrick and Cody have an alliance with Nicole and Hayden too. They would not want to get exposed.

      • I thought the nominations were less than ideal. Jocasta and Victoria should not have been put on the block but, instead, Cody, Frankie and Derrick, Zach. If they did that, they would not even be sweating it as now, they would have 4 votes in Jocasta, Victoria, Donny, Hayden. The other 4 can try and save one of say Frankie or Zach but, Nicole would break the tie sending Frankie home! Nicole made the big mistake of trusting Cody and Derrick. That could be a very
        costly mistake on her part. I hope Christine does use the POV on Jocasta. Nicole should ask her to use it on Jocasta. That way, they get back that extra vote and two, with both Zach and Frankie on the block, Derrick and Cody have to pick and choose. In any case, they would have 5 votes now to evict Frankie with Christine, Jocasta, Victoria, Donny and
        Hayden and that is enough.

      • I wanted the 4 guys nominated too. And even with 2 coming down and one of the ones saves another guy she could of put Christine or Caleb up. Only thing is Caleb would of gone and he’s not a threat right now. So Christine could of gone up. Then one of that alliance would be gone. Christine said she wasn’t using the POV.

      • really jocasta wouldnt vote frankie out of the house and victoria i wouldnt think so either

      • Victoria will vote what Hayden tells her and Jocasta will vote what Donny tells her.

  4. This will be interesting. Christine was pushing for Cody or Derrick to be nominated… I’m not sure she’d use the veto if she knew Frankie is the man they want to backdoor. Should be an entertaining few days.

    • I would not care if it was Cody or Derrick on the block instead, of Frankie because they are shady in their alliances too and not to be trusted! Nicole could put either on the block and have them evicted since, she would control the votes with Christine as the 5th vote assuming Jocasta gets off the block. Either way, it will be a big move!

      • Test Christine. Tell her if she saves Zach, Frankie goes up.
        If she saves Jocasta, Derrick goes up.
        If she doesn’t use it, she shows her true alliance and Nicole and Hayden will campaign against Zach in full force and tell Frankie why, that Christine had a chance to save him and didn’t. That this was Christine’s choice and they’re not covering for her anymore. And blow up Christine’s game to Derrick and Cody and everyone.

  5. There’s a big chance that Detonators will remain intact…..CRAP !….Derrick!!!!!!

    • He just formed a four person alliance with Nicole, Hayden and Cody. He also has a two person with him and Cody. At one time with Frankie then Zack.. I can not keep up with all his alliances. If the comp was sleeping and doing nothing, being in the most alliances Derrick would win.

      • Wow, you have to be a pretty illogical cunt to accuse a man of being a shady cop based on the way he plays a game. He hasn’t hurt anyone, he’s just trying to win the money

      • Lavendargirl thank you for having my back. Wow, that comment made was disguising…plus, he used the word illogical…his comment was just that.

      • Just because someone calling him a snake doesn’t mean it is a straight insult on his occupation.

      • Exactly. And he doesn’t have to use filthy comments. I think I just might flag his comment.

      • Noooo! Please don’t flag my comment! I beg of you! Anything but a flag!!!! Yea, I’m the disgusting pig when you’re judging the way a man goes about his job based on his gameplay on big brother. I’m not sorry that I take professionalism seriously and don’t like hearing insults to perfectly good people like Derrick from a moron who doesn’t even know how to spell lavender. And when you really think about it, what’s the filthier comment, calling somebody a cunt (a word which only possesses the superficial meaning you attach to it), or you attacking someone’s profession. If you don’t want to be called names, next time think before you type… cunt

      • Noooo! Please don’t flag my comment! I beg of you! Anything but a flag!!!! Yea, I’m the disgusting pig when Emma is judging the way a man goes about his job based on his gameplay on Big Brother. I’m not sorry that I take professionalism seriously and don’t like hearing insults to perfectly good people like Derrick. And when you really think about it, what’s the filthier comment, calling somebody a cunt (a word which only possesses the superficial meaning you attach to it), or her attacking someone’s profession. If she doesn’t want to be called names, next time she should think before she types, that cunt.

        By the way, I don’t need an idiot who can’t even spell the word lavender telling me how to act.

      • Hahaha maybe you should check again how it’s spelled. You’re a very sick person and I will not respond again to your filthy comments. Get some help okay.

      • Well it’s clear we’re on entirely different intellectual levels here. How am I an idiot? I’d be delighted to know. And how are my comments sick? Just because you’re a dumb arse that defends people who attack others’ professions doesn’t make me sick, or a pig. These unwarranted insults are getting old. Please, do the world a favour and hang yourself.

      • I don’t usually respond to comments made by filthy speaking people because my parents taught me better, but my father said that a true GENTLEMAN would NEVER refer to women with that discusting & degrading word. You were obviously NEVER taught how to speak with respect to women. HOW SAD FOR YOU!!!!

      • Here’s a newsflash for you. Your father wasn’t always right. My father taught me some things too and since I actually have a brain capable of critical thought, I would choose whether or not to accept the things he said. And you’re absolutely right. I wasn’t raised in a sexist household like you where I was taught women are feeble little creatures. Grow up. It’s the 21st century. Women can handle insults just the same as men and they deserve to be insulted if they’re acting stupid and attacking a man’s profession like the way Emma accused Derrick of being a dirty cop.

      • Thank you sir. I have a lot of respect for you. Your parents I believe are very proud of you. Really, I do not appreciate the Hang yourself comment to Lavendargirl. To me that is very twisted and morose.

      • Yea, you’re right. That part was pretty messed up. I wish I could take that back but I was just extremely angry at the way you guys were behaving. Do you seriously not believe it’s wrong to accuse someone you don’t even know of being a dirty cop? Do you not feel any guilt or shame for that comment?

      • Wow, at least he admitted to being a pig in a snarky way. Yikes, the spelling comment is juvenial at best….what is B-ry? B for Brainless? ry reckless yak?

      • Emma you should of seen his previous comments about you. I flagged them and Matt removed them I think. He was calling you the C word. That’s why this argument started. I have your back girlfriend. Did you see his comment telling me to hang myself? His name on here when he first made the remarks were producers box but then it changed to B-ry. I think it’s a troll.

      • The comment is hidden when you scroll down and in it’s place is “This comment is awaiting moderation. Show comment.” And when you prompt the show comment , it does. Being new to this, I was shocked when I saw the words used and then the reference to hanging, even the spelling of a name is subject to whomever is using it,( for example, Sydney vs. Sidney vs. Sidnee, I’ve seen them all )and the spelling bears no reflection on an individuals intelligence. That’s just a weird statement.That is bullying language pure and simple and it bothered me greatly for both of you. I take care not to use the word bullying lightly. I can tell you are both very capable of taking care of yourselves, but that was very much undeserved and intelligent people would know that no such language should permitted in a civil society and in a public post. The dude is crude and rude and ignorant as to how to be a real man. Probably loves Frankie and mussy. OOPS, what was I saying about being civil! And I saw the producer box,too. But later it was gone. That was confusing. Dear me, now I’m a target. I’m very afraid of the big bully hiding behind his evil keyboard.

      • Correction..”no such language should ( be ) permitted”. Dang, now he knows I’m not perfect.

      • Lol. There is and edit button at the bottom when you make a comment. It says Edit Reply Share. Trust me I use the edit button a lot :)

      • Thank you for those kind words. Emma and I met on this site last year and continued are friendship on FB. I was upset for her and had her back and then he came at me. Lol. I think it’s one of those trolls that just gets on here to attack people.

      • God dammit, do any of you read a single word I’m writing? I’m not on here “just to attack people”. I made an original point that all of you have COMPLETELY ignored the entire time about Emma’s comment about Derrick. Holy crap, why are you all ignoring that part

      • Thank you for your post. I am laughing cause I did make previous comments about Frankie going around the house announcing he has a mussy. I was also tired of, in the next breath was cream for his rear. I also made the statement/observation how vigorously Frankie had to have ridden that horse in the comp. Mind you, no one was making a seen about their butt hurting. Do not worry about being a target, myself and Lavebdargirl have your back. (we have been friends since last season) I do appreciate you having mine. Do not despair with your comments. Sometimes, I don’t always share in the popular. That is the point of just a polite zingbot kinda debating. Nothing crude, cruel, or bulling. There are a lot of people who will shut it down. I do enjoy your comments.

      • High KSJB! Thanks for your comment! I wouldn’t consider myself a bully. I just a little (a lot) too carried away with the heavy accusations Emma was throwing out against Derrick. From what I’ve seen, he’s done nothing but be a nice guy and play a great game but Emma accused him of being a dirty cop. Then Lavendargirl stepped in and said something to me (I forget) and she defended Emma so it would appear Lavendargirl also thinks it’s okay to attack a man’s professionalism. And “cunt” isn’t a big deal in Australia. I guess to you guys, it’s a serious word? You guys continue to respond but none of you have addressed the issue which I was angry about in the first place which was Emma making a way over the line comment about Derrick’s job. At this point, I’m just curious to know if any of you guys agree that her comment was over the line or if you actually think it was okay?

      • I am not back peddling at all. The issue is you have chosen to twist and make your own spin and work yourself into a lather. I said shady cop…and your go to is c word, and welfare, to professionalism… I explained what I meant out of curiosity to the site. I do not own you a personal explanation. Please read the following, Shady is good when you are an undercover cop. Right? What is so negative about that? I also stated he needs to be in that job in order to survive.

      • I never responded to you directly because I feel that you are just trying to get people to react. If you are not a bully in real life then I apologize for using the term.I posted to the two women, whom I do not know, because what you wrote is very offensive. I haven’t been posting on here long, but it is the first time that I had ever seen such vitriolic spew and it hurt me just reading it. You found it necessary to post to me to try to explain from your point of view. When I read Emma’s post, it never entered my mind that she was in any way calling Derrick a dirty cop. The way I took it was that Derrick is a cop and he was throwing shade in the game. That means he is actually playing a good game. He is being manipulative and good at covering it up, therefore shady. It would have been the same if she had been talking about Nicole at the time and said, Shady Nurse, or Donny and said Shady Groundskeeper. You took it too literally and went off the deep end with it. In no way was she inferring that Derrick was a dirty cop. Now the question is am I wasting my time because you knew all of this to begin with and just enjoy being an ass, or did you honestly misunderstand and was having a bad day and in that case you are still an ass and need to apologize profusely and stop the comments. And yes Derrick is playing a great game and seems like a very nice guy.

      • Thank you. and very well said. I am happy you understand the slang term of shady/throwing shade. You explained it perfectly. I do appreciate your kind words defending us girls.. I am truly sorry for this ugliness. I do hope you do keep posting. I joined this discussion last year. Really good people on this sight. I am sorry if you may be uncomfortable. This will pass. I promise. My job is too move on and just be me. I have flagged his comments as well. I tried to have a hard shell of and armadillo..but he stung me over and over…the vile words, got to me. my feelings were hurt. A win for him.( I was wrong thinking I could squash it) I was a fish to a lure instead., not a hard shell armadillo. If he so chooses to stalk and think he is tricky changing his name, oh well, rock on, being a bully. Sad, over a comment made over a TV show. Yes, Derrick a really good player.

      • I know he has some ulterior motives for being so nice to Victoria, and I don’t mean anything sexual, just strategic, but you can still tell that he is probably a genuinely nice guy. I hope Victoria is mature enough to keep it real so Derricks wife won’t have any reason to scratch her eyeballs out later. As for the froot loop dingus who is being a jerk, putting it nicely, you have the right to stand up for yourself and say how you feel. I couldn’t imagine being attacked like that and if I had been silent about it, I would have felt even worse.

      • Yes I saw both and made comments, rebuffing them. I said the hang yourself was twisted and morose. I had your back girl. I said the c word was disguising and I made a pun out the him using the word..he use the word illogical in the comment and said he was.

      • Hey Lavendargirl! Thanks for your response! B-ry here. I don’t know who this “producer’s box” is but please don’t drag him into this. We are different people and I’m sure he’s just an innocent bystander. I swear to it. I don’t want you guys to report this “producer’s box” guy because he didn’t do anything wrong.

      • I ordered him Thorazine and Haldol stat. I see his end game is to first change his name me being a c then you. Why? Hey I was called the c first…you were to hang yourself. Wouldn’t you be hang yourself lavendargirl. I do hope Matt sees what is going on the comments awaiting moderation. People can still read them, and it is disturbing. Yet, I am trying to have a hard protective shell of an Armadillo. Sorry, you are being stalked too.

      • Lol. I’m fine. I just look at people like that need help and I’m glad they’re not a friend of mine. Just ignore him from now on he’s not worth are attention. Maybe he will “poof” disappear. Lol

      • Have you resorted to mocking now? Because you don’t have anything intelligent to say? That’s fine. Did your thick brain every consider B-ry is a nickname that’s short for Bryan? Probably not. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything less petty and childish from somebody that jumps to conclusions about the way a man conducts himself in the workplace. Cheers Emma! You’re truly vain, and obnoxious. You probably don’t understand the seriousness of accusing a cop of being dirty because you’ll never work a proper job in your life. Now, why are you still commenting on this thread? Shouldn’t you be out collecting your welfare check?

      • Thank you for flagging, I am trying to figure out how. I do trust Matt will take care of this. It is sad to have a person implode over a comment.

      • His comments don’t show up for me so I thought they were gone. But if you still see them then I guess not. It just says where his comments were awaiting moderation.

      • Thank you James. I said Shady cop. The comment wasn’t intended as an insult, just an observation. Shady, is good when you are an undercover cop, right? you have to be to survive that dangerous position.

      • Jeez, you could be an olympic level cyclist with that level of back-peddling. You know good and well what you meant by shady. That is absolutely an insult

      • You really need to take a time out. I was going to suggest you go put a bar of soap in mouth and wash it out. I can see you are trying to bate me so here is your zing. Oh, wait insult…since you believe you know what I meant, cause you are a mind reader. Please read the following statement.: I am ordering Thorazine and Haldol for you stat and to be strapped down. The stalking ends here. Just walk away. Using Lavdargirl and my name in post? What is your end game?

      • But after Nicole told Cody about Christine now they don’t know who’s telling the truth. I think Cody and Derrick will talk with Nicole and Hayden later tonight. I hope they can figure a way to get Christine to use the POV.

      • I had the feeds on just to find out who won. I’m going to put them back on in awhile. They were all just sitting around in the kitchen everyone talking at once so I turned them off. I’m sure in a little while the scheming will start.

      • Nicole is still stung by Frankie. She knows Frankie is playing Andy’s game. Cody said the guy is social in everyone business stirring up trouble playing everyone, plus winning HOH…he is huge threat. Now, is time.

      • I know. She also doesn’t trust Christine anymore. She was telling Hayden that Christine is playing a dirty game.

      • I don’t think Nicole should trust Derrick and Cody. Christine has already suggested backdooring Cody or Derrick so, it would be a good move which is totally a big surprise if Nicole will go for it! I hope she does! Since, the alliance with Derrick and Cody is a sham anyway, yeah, backdoor Derrick or Cody!
        That will really shake up the house!

      • I don’t think she trusts him 100% either. But they are all she has now. If she backdoored one of them she wouldn’t have anyone. She doesn’t trust Christine now and Christine is tight with Frankie and Frankie is tight with Zach. They would easily get rid of her.

      • It may be a good time to backdoor Derrick instead of Frankie and he will not know what hit him! There is enough votes to take him out with Christine being the 5th vote. After all, Christine is pushing to take out Derrick or Cody.

  6. Please, for the sake of decency, as soon as possible, get the loud, obnoxious, vulgar acting, filthy talking, bad mannered, dirty minded,noisy eating, amoral, touchy feely, ridiculing, piece of freak out the door. If he stays much longer, I might have to say how I really feel. NO, not Donnie, FRANKIE!!!!

  7. Christine winning was the WORST possible outcome. I read that she completed the puzzle only 30 seconds faster than Nicole!!!

  8. Derrick and Nicole have about 36 hours to mist Christine into using the veto.

  9. After today Nicole doesn’t trust Christine and since Christine was telling her to put up Cody or Derrick against Zach so he will go home Nicole could use that. Nicole could make Christine think that she would backdoor one of them and then backdoor Frankie. Very doubtful but hey I can hope.

    • Works for me…let’s break out last years magic we used when Amanda was finally voted out. Frankie is my Amanda this year.

    • I don’t think Christine will use it..she is probably fine with Zach going home..she still has Frankie.

      • I don’t think she will either. But they’re talking about keeping Zach. And if they don’t let Nicole know this she will be blindsided and her and Hayden will be out for blood.

      • frankie isnt really amanda tho because amanda was cussing the whole game and being a huge butthole to everyone but mccrae

  10. Another reason why this comp took so long: Jocasta and Victoria each took TWO HOURS to complete the comp! Worthless! Both of them!

    • Jocasta got third in the competition, so does that mean Caleb and Zach are worthless.

      • Zach was too busy creating TV gold by throwing a tantrum at production. He’s far from worthless.

  11. Nic (yes I’ve dropped the KnowNothing for the moment) should tell Ratine that she needs to pull BowTie off the block. Ratine will ask who she’ll put up and Nic should say she can’t tell her but to just trust her it will be good for both of their games. If Ratine doesn’t do it she breaks any bond with Nic/Hayden and if she does Fakie goes home but Ratine can’t complain because that’s supposed to be a secret alliance.

  12. I dont understand why everyone hates Frankie so much ….he is playing a superb game.

    • He’s a good player but there’s just people who just don’t like him and his kind of gameplay. It’s very Andy-esque for the most part.

    • Don’t like his game play. He’s a snake. Plays like Andy did. Nobody can talk game without Frankie popping in. Hate that kind of gaming.

      • That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Andy did not want attention in the house. He tried to blend in like a chameleon and just sit in the room gathering information. Frankie, on the other hand, is a complete and total camera whore. The moment he skips into a room, he makes it all
        about him and all game talk ceases immediately. Andy encouraged game talk because he wanted information. Frankie squashes it, and so many of the other HGs — especially Hayden — are on to what he is doing. Why else would he constantly try to commandeer the HOH room like he owns the damn place?

      • I read what you said, and I’m saying that Frankie does NOT play like Andy. Yeah, he may pop into rooms all the time like Andy did, but he doesn’t do it with the same approach or purpose.

    • He’s a horrible person. He’s profane, whiny, two-faced, clingy, conceited, annoying, and the way he plays up to the camera is really obnoxious. He seems to think that his diary rooms are making him fan favorite, but they’re just so fake. For the first the weeks her couldn’t shut up about how he’s related to Ariana Grande, but there’s only one person in the house who probably even knows who she is. He’s like Andy 2.0, only real difference being he can win competitions.

    • I honestly think you are just saying that to get a rise out of people, but in case you are not, refer to my post about an hour ago. I have always tried to look for the good in people, but with Frankie, his real character is coming through loud and clear with all of the disgusting things he says and does that aren’t necessary for gameplay.,

    • I have a different take on this. I’m sure you know Dan Gheesling He’s one of the best player in BB history. He’s my favorite player, but he had a lot of haters too. This is nothing compared to the names he’s been called. Some fans even want to get him fired from his job. That’s why I never ask that question, because they have their own reason why they don’t like a particular player.

      Derrick is the best player in the house, but I hate cops, so I don’t like him LOL…just kidding

      • BB fans, man. We whine about everything being “predictable,” but along comes Dan, a guy who provided not one but two of the most unpredictable moments in recent BB history with his funeral and Shane’s blindside. And what happens? People send petitions to his boss to fire him and flood his wife’s twitter with demands that she divorce him.

        I don’t think any other reality show as a fanbase like this.

  13. I should of known that Jocasta couldn’t pull out a win. Would of made things so much easier.

    • I heard that someone took 2.5 hours to complete the veto was one where they sat in rooms and waited their turn…wanna bet that was Jocasta..or could have been Victoria. The comp was almost 5 hours long!

      • Christine was 1st with Nicole only 30 seconds behind her then Jocasta, Caleb Zach and Victoria. I think from what I got off the feeds is how it went.

  14. Christine’s not using the veto no matter what, and Derrick is gonna tell Frankie that Nicole and Hayden were after him. Jocasta is probably leaving. This week sucks, it was such a tease.

    • Christine can’t afford to lose Hayden and Nicole. They are jury votes that she needs to secure down the line. If she draws the line in the sand now and picks Derrick over her, she’ll be screwing herself.

      • I don’t think Christine realizes that. I also think production might be urging her to stay on Frankie’s side, like when they tried to convince Shane not to get rid of one of the members of Chilltown despite the fact that a lot of fans despised them.

      • Christine should wise up now. Derrick and Cody have their own alliance and she was nominated. That should tell her that she is low on the totem pole and expendable. She should know that Zach and Frankie are also bound like glue to each other. She should know by now that Nicole and Hayden is her best shot at winning so, ditch the Detonators and make a big move! I would not even object to Derrick and Cody being put on the block because their alliance with Nicole and Hayden was a complete sham! If Cody or Derrick get evicted, I am fine with it too!

    • Which means that the Quad Squad/Rationale/Insert Stupid Alliance Name Here is done before it even began.

      Another tip for future players: don’t try to be the next Brigade. Keep a maximum of three people in your alliance. Big alliances like The Moving Company, Bomb Squad, Detonators etc. are way too unwieldy to stick together. All it takes is one competition to go the wrong way for it to crumble. The only reason the Brigade is perceived to be so successful is because Hayden, Lane, and Enzo all sat on their asses and let Matt duke it out with Brenchel for most of the season. Then, once there were six left, it was easy pickings.

      • Well the detonators are going to be successful, ironically after Derrick was complaining about their season being boring and wanting to get rid of Donny because he wouldn’t do the hinky vote. Derrick is almost single-handedly making this season boring.

      • I guess so, but I still find it entertaining when someone is actively playing the game like Derrick is, even if he is now shifting into hardcore floater mode tonight.

      • I don’t think Derrick is making the right move though. With Hayden and Nicole, he only needs to beat two people to go to the end with the pansy, Cody. But he has to beat three right people in Frankie, Zach, and Christine in order to go to the end. Also, Frankie is a major physical that consisting he is almost tied for most hoh’s in a season. And now both Zach and Christine have shown that they can win competitions. Derrick and Cody have only won two together, while the Frankie trio has won five, I believe.

      • Derrick is kind of exposed now. They know who’s calling the shots. I honestly think by mid-Jury he will be taken out.

      • Frankie and Christine. both of them are capable of preemptive strike. Christine today suggested their names to Nicole, (Cody/Derrick)

      • I hope Jocasta gets off and Nicole puts Cody and Derrick on the block now. Derrick and Cody is a bigger threat now to Nicole and Hayden than Frankie. This is still a double eviction week so, they can still target Frankie but, get rid of Derrick or Cody now1

      • Actually i think four in an alliance is perfect if it’s formed in the first or second week… a tight four with each member latching onto just one other houseguest… the original four have to know how to keep it a secret though..

  15. This is the competition Christine should have thrown. Now she is between a rock and a hard place. She is going to screw over one of her alliances no matter what. He, he, he …..

  16. Kinda sucks that Zach was under the pressure of trying to save himself, but hey, I would be happy if Christine didn’t use the Veto and Zach was given the boot.

  17. So about 90% of the people on this feed want one of the only people playing the game to leave over Jocasta and Victoria. Interesting…I guess you all thought last years winner was deserving then? Yes, lets keep the floaters and have another boring season rather than let the people actually playing the game go after each other once floaters are gone. Yup, makes sense to me! *facepalm*

    • Well said. Every season it seems people want floaters and weak players sticking around. This isn’t about who they like as people, they don’t even know them so who cares, it’s about entertainment and actually doing things in the game. Last year’s final three was awful.

  18. Ah. This is a good test to see who Christine is truly aligned with, Nicole or the Detonators. I have feeling she will leave the nomination the (revenge for Zach puttingher up). Would be nice to see Jocasta saved and another Detonators go up.

  19. It’s so fun to see Frankie scrambling with desperation this week! He hasn’t a clue like in past weeks about what the outcome might be and that’s scares him!!!

  20. Why do all of you want Zach to go? He is the whole reason the show is entertaining this year! Get rid of Jocasta! She has not won or done anything!!! #Zankie

  21. Christine, to me, is a bit of a wild card. It’s hard to tell where her loyalties lie from week to week.

  22. Frankie gotta go! He’s playing all sides!! GO Derrick!!! Derrick and Cody final two!

  23. Of Course, they had to find some way to keep Frankie safe. Hopefully Christine makes the right choice. Nicole needs to bring her in the room, lie and say she is putting Donny up in the place of Jocasta, then actually put Frankie up.

    • Frankie wasn’t even picked to play in the veto competition? How in the world is that “Of course, they had to find some way to keep Frankie safe.” territory? Frankie is despised as a houeguest. Why would production want to keep him any longer?

      • Keeping Ariana Grande’s brother in? I can see the incentive for production. That being said, I’m not saying they’re helping him. I’m just saying I can see them wanting him to stay.

      • But enough to interfere with the game? I don’t think so. If they wanted to interfere with the game wouldn’t his name have been drawn in the veto drawing?

      • That I agree with, which is mainly why I say I’m not saying they’re helping him. Even if they were, I guess they have just enough integrity to not “go too far” with assistance. For example nudge him in a certain direction in the DR, but not directly interfere with the game, ie make sure his name is drawn for Veto.

      • If they were going to rig it to get his name drawn, they would have had to get rid of the shave head punishment. Production wouldn’t want the pink mane to go. LOL

    • That would only work if Nicole was suspicious of Christine. She’s had a couple of moments of wondering, but not enough. She would tell Christine her plan because she thinks Christine is 100% working with her, which she isn’t, and of course as you already know if she’s honest and says she wants to put up Frankie, then Christine won’t use the Veto.

      I’d really like to see Jocasta, Victoria and Christine evicted soon. Thus, I predict at least one of them will be in the final three.

      • If Jocasta goes home over Zach, that’s stupid. And plus people are flipping saying they want Zach gone and could use Jocasta later on. Christine needs to go, she does nothing. Victoria has surprisingly won more competitions than Caleb, Zach, Derrick and Cody. She may stay around to the finals. But she does nothing as well.

  24. I dont get why you all want the players out. Would the game be interesting with Jocasta, Donny, Vic and Nicole left?

    Remember what happened last season…

    • Thank you. Couldn’t agree more. Last season’s final three was a case of three players I didn’t want to see win. You leave floaters/weak players in the house they coast to the end, that’s exactly why this type of player thinks it’s a good strategy. I remember earlier this season they talked about this exact theory and wanted to target those players early. Sad that it never actually happened. Victoria isn’t totally useless in competitions (I refuse though to give her as much credit as she gives herself) and if they let her coast to the end, she might pull a rabbit out of her $700 hat and win.

  25. The smart thing to do is leave Victoria and Jocasta in the house for now, try and get rid of Zach, Cody, Frankie, Caleb and Detective Derrick, these five guys are the ones to beat, Victoria and Jocasta can be send packing anytime they are the weakest links in the house, they pose no threat to anyone in the house. Forget about Zach’s theatrics, he should be sent packing next, the ultimate goal is who will be the last man or woman standing to win the prize, Zach will never win the 500K if he even make it to the final, he has offended too many people and does not stand a chance to get any vote from anyone in the Jury.

  26. Unfortunately it would be smart to get rid of Frankie because no one stands a chance against him in final two. The whole jury will vote for him to win. I want derrick to win, he is so good at this game!

  27. Why Why Why didn’t Nicole and Donny agree to put up the original “Bomb Squad” guys like Frankie, Derrick, Cody, and Zach? Instead they play it “safe” by nominating Victoria – Caleb & Jocasta Zach! If they had nominated those four, they would have had the option to backdoor Christine or Caleb if needed. What a wasted HoH on Nicole’s part. Now, Jocasta will be going home (an ally of Nicole) and the Detonators will pick off the none original “Bomb Squad” members one by one…1.Nicole 2. Donny 3. Victoria 4. Hayden and Jocasta will already be out. Nicole and Donny had their one and only chance to get the numbers needed, but now by playing it safe, their plan has backfired on themselves and they have self destructed.

  28. I CAN’T stand it any more!!! IF ONE MORE PERSON says for Nicole to BACKDOOR CHRISTINE, I THINK I’LL BLOW A GASKET!!! IF you don’t know the game DON’T comment on it!!! AGAIN FOR SOME OF YOU PPL, THE POV WINNER CAN’T, CAN’T & CAN’T BE BACKDOORED!!!

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  1. Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 6 Saturday Highlights | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Veto Plans: Will The Streak Come To An End? | Big Brother 16
  3. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 6 Power of Veto Episode | Big Brother 16

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