Following Caleb Reynold’s shared punishment with Victoria Rafaeli where the two were chained together as “Beast Mode Adam & Princess Eve,” we now get something else to enjoy.
As part of the Battle of the Block competition Caleb opt’d for the advantage of a quicker path to the win while earning a punishment of shaving his head. Victoria, his partner in the comp, was not required to shave her head or even do anything with her hair which seems unfair. HGs asked what would happen if the team was two girls and they said they’d have to pick a different route.
Once the competition was over Caleb almost immediately started trying to go back on his haircut. He was soon telling HGs that he had an offensive tattoo of an Iron Cross with two words sharing the same letter (Neo-Nazi perhaps?) on his head. For this reason Caleb said he could not shave his head. Big Brother didn’t buy it and the punishment went through. Wait, back up. Who would rather claim to be a racist than get a haircut? Caleb, apparently.
Flashback on your Live Feeds to 7:59PM BBT 8/1 to watch as Victoria works the clippers and shaves his hair off. Don’t have the Feeds? Get the Free Trial now. No, he didn’t then get a straight razor out to make it smooth, but there’s not much hair left at this point.
Caleb isn’t thrilled about it and has been wearing the crown or a hat most of the time since, but that’s made for its own interesting revelations as well.
What do you think of Caleb’s new look? Should he keep it short or grow it back out?
He looks like a soldier. LOL
He is ex-military. I think it’s a great look.
I don’t think the haircuts as bad as that Adam outfit.
Looks pretty good either way, IMO.
His hair looks good either way. I think he should get his head examined though.
I think it’s mostly air
He looks like he’s naked next to Derrick.
He might be crazy but he is hot….with or without hair.
you took the words right out of my mouth….hot….hate to say it but its true.
He looks good either way. You can see the shows bias though. Women can’t shave their heads, it might turn off the people who only tune in to see pretty girls.
The girls could have had to dye their hair with temp coloring. Plenty of options instead of just “nothing.”
Oh I agree. I don’t understand a lot of stuff I read about that production does and for all those people out there who don’t read sites like this and think the show is totally fair, its not.
Please don’t insult us with anything connect to this looser.
I dislike Caleb immensely but I must say he looks great with his hair this short!
Typical to Caleb’s personality, he didn’t make a big deal of it either.
Why is the person who didnt have to take a punishment for her hair, giving out the punishment? It just gets to me that this ugly person (I am speaking about her inside) will be sitting in jury making the extra money and will be deciding who receives the half million. She probably thinks everyone in jury gets a half million.
This is crazy. BBAD is on but the feeds are still down. Donny, Hayden, Derprick and NoB@lls Cody are locked in the HOH. They’ve been there for over 3 hours. And you can hear buzzers every once in awhile. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?
It’s actually a great look for him. Brendon Villegas got a buzz cut similarly as acomp punishment. He ended up rocking it for at least acouple years. Still had it when he was on the following season.
Maybe Caleb will do the same.
He actually suggested he had a neo nazi tattoo and no one cared… sigh. As I’ve said before Caleb is a loser.
I cant say I hate seeing Caleb with this leaf costume on….love him or hate him ….he is smoking hot….Victoria on the other hand….ugh …go away…please.