Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 12 Nominations

The results are in for the Nomination Ceremony this week on Big Brother 16 and we have the latest spoilers on which Houseguests are now on the block.

Big Brother 16 Nominations
Big Brother 16 Nominations revealed – Source: CBS

The new Head of Household was crowned last night during the Rewind competition and the nomination plans were soon worked out behind the back of one Houseguest.

Nominations are now set as the House moves toward what looks to be a very high-pressure Power of Veto which could wipe out all these plans.

Big Brother 16 Week 12 Nominations:

  • Caleb nominated: Frankie & Victoria

Big Brother 16 Week 12 nominations

Frankie had pushed back on the plan telling Caleb that he would have never put him up, but Caleb stuck to the plan he had with Cody and Derrick. As the meeting drew close Derrick coordinated with Cody and Victoria to stay with Caleb until the meeting so Frankie wouldn’t have a chance to get in his ear.

What do you think of the nomination picks for Big Brother 16 this week? We expect the Veto comp to be held on Friday so keep an eye out and share the results soon!



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    • As much as I would love to see Frankie evicted, if he wins veto then Cody will see how disposable he is to Derrick. Cause you know Derrick would be campaigning for Caleb to put Cody up.

      • I mean, if it came down to me or my alliance member, I’d choose to keep myself safe. I don’t see how that does anything but show that Derrick cares more about his placement in the game than anyone else, as it should be.

      • Which would be perfect because derrick will have to pick between his girlfriend and Cody. I can not imagine 3 people being that stupid. Cal, Cod, and Ick must have a combined IQ of 60. Many have sat down and pointed out Derrick stuff to the 3 but they do nothing. As far as CBS helping Frankie, that is as delusional as Caleb. Frankie already won HOH and POV. It was all rewound. Yes, Frankie pushed the button but even if he did not, it was going to be pushed. Wow! They really helped him.

      • He already has been working that angle just by promising everyone else he’ll take them to the end. Love how he tells Frankie bringing Victoria to the end is a cowards way out…that’s been his plane very along time.

    • Frankie is a bigger threat to win comps don’t you get that, its a game, you take out the ppl that can beat you in comps. It makes your chances better… Duh. The HG’s don’t know what we know.

      • And Frankie isn’t who most of the jury will want to give the money to! Makes sense to me! :-)

    • I agree. I think Caleb should have put up Derrick and Frankie and state he was doing what was best for his own game and so he nominated the 2 strongest players in his eyes and that they should battle it out in the Veto comp. That way if Frankie wins and uses it on himself, he could nominate Victoria. Now, If Frankie wins POV, either Cody or Derrick could go home if Frankie convinces the rest of the house. Right now, anybody could go this week.

      • I still think all of this could very impact Frankie’s game this week. He went from Hero to being Zero this week and now he is facing a possible eviction if he can’t win POV.

      • So Caleb renoms Cody, save Cody and send Victoria to jury. She’s been ready to go anyway! Let’s give her her wish!

      • But Caleb really had no choice in the matter. Had he put up Derrick ( since he already stated that he wouldn’t put up Cody), then he would have screwed his game up had Cody would have won the POV and taken down Derrick or vice-versa had Cody went up. Still it is really up for grabs either way.

    • I agree but Caleb is not playing the game. He is making friends. Wait till he finds out how much Derrick played him and made him look foolish. Watch Derrick win the next HOH, put Caleb up and sent him home leaving Derrick, Cody and Victoria in the final 3. Cody of course will believe Derrick will save him for final two only to be the last one to realize how stupid he has been. Derrick wants to take Victoria to the end because no one will vote for her. NO ONE.

      Frankie and Caleb should stick together. The two of them would be almost unbeatable and would be assured of making it to the final two. If they took out Derrick this week, there would be no one left to challenge them. Unfortunately, Caleb is not in the game and Frankie seems to think he can just win comps to save himself.

      • And together they shall stay…first Frankie or Victoria (hopefully Frankie) and then Caleb following behind either next week in the two-day back to back eviction! BATTABOOM, BATTABOOM!

      • SSSHHH it is BATTABING- BATTABOOM. I gotcha covered here if you want to correct it J/K just having a little fun.

    • And yet, Victoria is the one getting evicted! These guys will float from beginning to end given a choice. Should not have been cast for Big Brother. I will be rooting for Frankie to get off via POV as that would ensure that Frankie goes after the guys when Victoria is gone! He will have to because there is no one else to evict!

    • OMG I read that Caleb was thinking of putting up Derrick please do not say he did not grow manhood and put up Derrick….big mistake…I’m telling you cops know all the angles and a cop also won Survivor a season or two ago.

  1. I wonder if Frankie had that contorted fake “surprise” facial thing happening when he heard his name?

  2. Caleb asked Frankie if he hated Caleb. Frankie assumed Derrick would be nominated because he never had before. Frankie assumes a whole lot, for one, that he is going to be AFP because viewers love him. Somebody turn the light on for him.

    • I just hope when he doesn’t win AFP, he doesn’t use the old “I would have won, but America is not ready for a man in drag” excuse…..

      • He can try to throw that self-serving drivvle out there but I dont see anyone buying any of it! Too many viewers watched this entertaining houseguest go from being a character that America liked to a widely dispised, self-entitled, arrogant perv that turned most of the viewers completely off! When Frankie gets his richly deserved “Boos” upon his exit, it will be due to his devient behavior in the house where he reigned like the King Of Nothing not because America cant handle a gay drag queen! Many many gays are already saying that none of them could tolerate this entitled little man/child, nor do they want to be measured and compared to him! Frankie disgusted viewers this year – gay and straight, alike. America has shown that we can handle a cross dressing homosexual FAR easier than we could stand to allow this freak one more second of fame. His just deserts will be to leave BB and drift offf to the land of forgettable reality contestants, where people on the street say things like “Frankie Who?”

      • Great post. Unfortunately, I think if Frankie catches on to how despised he is, he’ll bill himself that way and try to capitalize on his fame as The Most Hated Man in BB. He’ll find a way to keep himself in the spotlight.

      • You got it GMaG! If marketed the right way, anyone can get famous by being on reality tv! Heck Aaryn STILL has some lucrative modeling gigs even though she was roasted last season for her attitudes towards non-whites.

      • I saw a glimpse of her on Secret Princes last year not long after her BB season ended…seems she was still in some elite company if not a working one! :-)

      • Exactly. I tried really hard to show people on this site last year that history (and our own human nature) proves that a pretty face and good looking body make people ”accept” just about anything. I don’t think people will be as forgiving to Spencer as they would Aaryn because well, quite frankly, she’s hot and he….umm….isn’t. She has the ability to still sell her looks (and they will sell), but Spencer is an everyday person who lost a lot of his life due to his comments and vulgarity. It’s not fair that Aaryn should be able to skate through life this way, but sadly that’s the way it is. Frankie will also gain something out of this Big Brother appearance also. Not fair, but sadly true…

      • Really? Name one. One of the many gays I mean. Not all of America hates Frankie and are homophobic.

      • They’re of the minority than the majority if we’re wanting to put it to a test, though!

      • You don’t have to be homophobic to dislike Frankie! And if you’ve kept up with the comments in here and elsewhere, there are several people that have stated that they are gay and they can’t stand Frankie or what he represents.

        Who could love someone that loves violence, especially violence against women, so much?

      • I just dislike silly, and Frankie is the silliest 31 year old man that I have ever seen. I wish Julie would stop him short when he starts all they silly stuff when talking with her. I wish she would just say “vote already”, I have no interest in your silly comments.
        I so hope he leaves this week, and I hope that they boo him worst than they did Christine. It would make ole Caleb feel a lot better, and it would also let Frankie know that he doesn’t have a chance in hell in getting the American favorite money either. He will be so shocked with Donny gets that.

      • Julie said that Frankie’s comments were “real”, “genuine” and “adorable”. Doesn’t sound like she wants to stop them.

      • I hope that the jury will base their votes on how successfully the house guests played the game and not on personal feelings. Frankie has played the game pretty well for the most part, winning a lot of competitions when he needed to. If Derrick doesn’t win, I wouldn’t mind seeing Frankie or Caleb win.

    • That’s the only thing that’s “up” for me regarding BB while waiting with bated breath! :-)

  3. Frankie repeating that he thought Derrick would be going up since he’d never been nom’d. “I just didn’t get much of a heads up.” ….HEY FRANKIE……What’s that saying? “Expect the Unexpected”!!!!! Finally, the unexpected happened!

    • I never saw where Frankie even had a serious conversation with Caleb about the noms beforehand. Was he really that obnoxiously sure that his bud Caleb wouldn’t put him up or did I miss it?

      • “I’m like totally shocked! I thought you loved me Caleb, like I love you!” Didn’t Caleb establish what he felt “love” was the other night during his convo with Vic?? :-)

      • That’s the one…I was giggling the whole way through it when he couldn’t form a detailed enough definition that made sense to anyone, let alone her! :-) Now I know why he has trouble forming relationships that last longer than 4 years! :-)

      • Between Derrick, Cody, and Vic, one of them was with him at all times so Frankie couldn’t get him alone

    • I was going to ask how Frankie reacted to being sent to his orange throne this week! Please indulge a girl and describe every mouthwatering moment when he was sent a syepping. What did he look like? What did he say? No shrieks of girly delight and pirouettes on his way? Do share it all please or maybe point me to a link where I can go enjoy his reaction….Thanks in advance, gang!

      • He is still being an obnoxious butt about it,shooting digs out to everyone. The pictures that light up for noms, he tried to cover his up with a towel and prod. called him out. I read updates. Someone with the feeds can fill you and me in on the real juicy details. Frankie being Frankie.UGH!

  4. I for one hope Frankie what he’s different. That’s what makes the world go round. And since Cody, Caleb and simple minded Victoria haven’t figured out they are and have been used by Derprick, then they deserve to lose!

    • “Different”???? Yah, BB has never had a woman hating, man molesting, “media mogul in my own mind” champ….I can see why we’d all want that to happen!

    • Frankie being different has nothing to do with people wanting him to lose. It’s because his vile “I’m better than you” attitude.

      • And thats just for starters! This isnt some act Frankie puts on for nauseated BB viewers. He is equally as self absorbed, entitled and devient with that “the whole world owes me something” attitude, disgusting folks all over in the world outside of BB! You can dress a shitpickle up, but it’s still a shitpickle. The only prize this perv deserves is a 1-way ticket to obscurity!

  5. For this to matter someone has to win P.O.V. besides Fakie,if not this was a stab in the dark and nothing more,lord hopes he goes..never been so sick of someone’s face as i am of Fakie,every time he comes on i want to puke my shoes heels up and lets be honest,this person is pure plastic(are you listening Zach?)NOT one real bone in his body!

  6. one thing for sure if Frankie won that veto then he deserves to win it all and they all got themselves to blame for not getting him out when they had the chance

    • I wonder how Ariana and thevpeople Frankie knows from her circle of friends and business aquaintences will feel about fullfilling all of the bogus poo romises he made to fellow HGs. Sure! It’s not like they have busy schedules or that their time is big money. Apparently, Frankie felt entitled to pass those ridiculous promises out like bad checks he couldnt cash! I sincerely hope the HG dont waste their time and personal embarrassment by trying to get Frankie’s bogus promises fullfilled…

      • I thought it was against rules to offer money or even insinuate bribery in such a manner. My how things seem to change or be overlooked in certain circumstances.

      • I was under that impression also until I read a couple articles of past houseguests sharing money with other houseguests… I guess you can’t legally constrain people from doing it, nor can you ultimately ”stop” it anyways (if I can’t give it to you…why not give it to a friend, who gives it to a friend, who gives it to the intended target in the form of a gift?)

      • One more reason why it would seem to give someone like Frankie an unfair advantage to begin with, taking into consideration that he could use his sister to entice loyalty from a HG by promising something not easily attained outside the BB house.

  7. I’m not sure why most of America doesn’t like Frankie but, for me, it’s because he is sooo arrogant and full of himself. Not because he is “different” as someone put it. I LOVED Frankie in the beginning. I was on Team Frankie 100%! That all changed when he came out as Ariana Grande’s brother to the houseguests and his “I had 1.5 million walking into this house” speech. From that moment on he has been sickening self centered and self rightous. Any one of the remaining houseguests could win at this point and I would be happy. Just to see the look on Frankie’s face as he is taken down a peg or two and knocked back into reality.

    • Right. last week when he won HOH he said he had only slept with the others 18 day. All the rest were in HOH

    • It has nothing to do with im being “different.” I’m sure a majority of the people loved Frankie at the beginning (thus he’s part of Team America.) It’s how he started acting mid way through the game that has brought on his hate. He’s mean, arrogant, selfish, it’s all about him him him. And that’s when it’s about non-game related things, too. So he’s clearly the same way outside of the house.

      • Thank you Tigerbite for translating my post. LOL ;) I just didn’t want to speak for everybody. Is it wrong that I secretly hope Victoria wins? LOL Not because I think she has played the best game, (or has she?) but, because none of the guys thinks she can. Their jaws would drop!! That would make for good TV I think. I wonder if Derrick has promised her any cash if she helps him win?

      • I agree Kim it would make for good tv and a valuable lesson for the guys AND for us as fans. We often say things like ”He/She is a good player” or ”He/She is a bad player.” But there’s that famous quote that says: ”You’re only as good or bad as your record shows and not what people say about you!” Which I agree with. So is Victoria a ”bad player?” I don’t think so. She’s naĂ¯ve, slow witted, sheltered, materialistic and completely filled with a diva attitude…but…she has a very good chance of making final 2 then who knows…? She *could* win this things if the Jury decides to teach the others a valuable lesson.

  8. I am a long time fan of BB and this year’s HGs have been very disappointing. First, taking Victoria to the end would be a travesty. If someone takes her to the final two I will be really pissed. She has to be one of the worst BB players in the history of the game so for her to win $50,000 would be a black mark on the game.

    I like Caleb but he thinks he is in a frat house not the BB house. I am not sure if he even knows there is a game going on. Cody is doing nothing and I have no idea what his strategy is other than to flirt with the girls or Frankie if no girls are around. Frankie seems to have a clue but doesn’t act on it. Frankie thinks winning comps is the only way to play this game.

    And no one seems willing to be dishonest or disloyal, admirable qualities outside the house but this is supposed to a game of deceit and disloyalty!

    And someone please explain to me why Victoria was more willing to play Derrick’s stupid jury vote game than to save herself from eviction or at least try!

    • I too am a long time fan, and yes, this is the strangest group ever. However, Derrick has been “pleasantly” disloyal all season….from his occupation, to his manipulation….he’s a master of the game. As for Victoria, yes, she irritated me at the beginning, but for her to survive this long, she is playing some sort of game. She is not stupid, as we’ve seen in the feeds when she corrects someone on what day it is or was, or whether something is spelled properly. We know she can act, look at the tears when she told Frankie how upset she was with Derrick…maybe this “poor, little foolish me” has been an act…lulling the boys into thinking she is useless…

    • Why is this a game of deceit and disloyalty? Sure, that’s one way to play the game, but if you have a group that can are loyal and can get each other further, why not stick with it? They’re there to win $500,000, not to entertain the viewers.

      • If they’re not here to entertain the viewers, why even have a show on t.v.? That is one of the factors of this game, is it not, not to mention ratings for the networks producing it?

      • So you’re telling me, if you were on Big Brother, you would be more focused on entertaining America than trying to win $500,000?

        That didn’t work out so well for Zach.

      • I agree.It’s productions job to focus on entertainment. Sometimes they may push the HGs to be more entertaining, but I would think the HGs would not do that to the detriment of their game.

      • agree… and production did a crappy job this year…. the double HOH and BOB were duds…even the rewind “twist” not as interesting as other twists..such as pandora’s box, etc… Messing around with the tried and true formula did not work and possibly ruined a few of the player’s game plans going into the game. Kudos to Derrick for working with the new set up and dominating the house.

      • Not more focused, but would take into consideration that it is a show where there’s absolutely no privacy and your life is under a microscope, so might as well be as entertaining as possible or be miserable and make everyone else miserable (something that would get you out quickly). What would be the point if that isn’t one of the points to help you get that kind of money?

      • It’s a game, but at the same time, they’re still putting a show. When viewers are entertained, that equates “money” for them. Why do you think they have to send Jeff. Jordan, Dan Gheesling, and a dog? Even the HG’s think they’ve been boring lately. Of course their focus is to win 500K but Production loves interesting character on the show that will draw more viewership. Players are aware of this since they talk about it all the time. If they are liked or hated by America, or if they are boring.

      • You don’t feel the 4 guys have been loyal to each other since the beginning? They have to turn on each other now because there’s only 5 people left!

    • Let’s face it…she has no hope of winning a high-pressured comp as we all know is soon to come. Even she’s not stupid enough to believe she can!

    • That’s an interesting argument if you think about it… Is she really a ”bad” player? I mean what if being naĂ¯ve and unaware is actually a STRENGTH in this game? It’s working for Victoria, and let’s face it, out of EVERYONE left most people want to go to the final 2 with her.

  9. Kim Post
    I agree Frankie is arrogant but who in the house isn’t arrogant in their on way? And you do know the 1.5 meant YOU TUBE followers.

  10. Can we all take a moment to appreciate the fact that Derrick has never been nominated when for majority of the season there was 4 nominees at a time

    • Derrick has never been a favorite of mine, but I have to admit he is a “MASTER MANIPULATOR” & deserves the win in this year of BB.

    • I love that he has fooled everyone for so long! :-) But then he didn’t have many players who did very well with strategy or using their own God-given brains…or ones that did have them were able to win a lot of the comps to stay long enough to outsmart him!

      • Let me re-do my math. 75% Frankie – 25% Derrick. Had to rethink some things.

        Frankie wins veto – Derrick goes home. Caleb is closer with Cody than Derrick and Caleb’s logic would definitely be that Derrick hasn’t gone up yet – he’s straightforward like that.

        If Derrick wins, Frankie goes home, noms unchanged.

        If Caleb wins, Frankie goes home (unless Frankie convinces Caleb Derrick is the biggest end game threat). Noms likely unchanged.

        If Cody wins, Frankie goes home with noms unchanged.

        Victoria can’t win an individual comp… so that isn’t a scenario.

      • WAIT, Frankie wins, Derrick goes home? Derrick goes up Frankie votes Derrick, Cody votes Vic, Caleb breaks tie, VIC goes home.

  11. Fingers, Toes & Eyes Crossed in hopes that Skankie does not will the POV this week.
    Every time they show his smarmy & conceited face on the screen, I curl my lip in disgust.
    I also can’t wait it see his face when he hears the BOO’s from the audience when he walks out to meet Julie.
    I agree that Victoria is one of the worst players ever, but I would rather see her win than Skankie!

  12. Off Topic – What about the reaction in the Jury House to Christine’s arrival??
    Imagine the first private conversation she has with her poor “horn-wearing” hubby when she gets home. Maybe they can pray the floozy away! LOL

      • Oh I don’t know about that. I believe she’ll get the treatment she deserves at home but that’s her own private issue and has *nothing* to do with me. I don’t approve of her behaviour but I’m not her judge.

    • They all more or less ignored her. Nobody got up and hugged her or welcomed her to the jury house. A cool welcome at best.

  13. Hey Nick
    No I am not kidding and what right do you have to call me dumb for my opinion? I wouldn’t say what my opinion is of you! And to the rest of you, I never said anyone hated Frankie because he is different. I just said he is different. And once again, they are all arrogant in some way or other.

  14. I’m still pleased with the noms…now it’s up to Frankie to keep up his winning streak in this next Veto…which they said would be a high-pressured one…so maybe the morphing comp is out??

    • I’m wondering if they’ll have to beat their previous times? And the person who beats it best, wins….that should give Victoria and fighting chance! (If she wins, will she take herself off, or stay on so Derrick doesn’t take her place)?

      • But what will she do? Will Derrick be able to convince her she is safe and not to use it? And if so, then will Caleb and Cody figure out that Derrick and her are working together? (Ok, sure, it’s Caleb and Cody, but surely they can’t be that foolish)..

      • My opinion is that she would use it. That would leave Frankie and Derrick up for noms, because Caleb already said he’d put Derrick up as a renom. But Victoria and Cody would be the only ones with a vote and would both vote out Frankie. With Derrick knowing that, I think he would be shooting himself in the foot if he tried to talk V out of using the veto on herself.

      • My opinion is that she would use it. That would leave Frankie and Derrick up for noms, because Caleb already said he’d put Derrick up as a renom. But Victoria and Cody would be the only ones with a vote and would both vote out Frankie. With Derrick knowing that, I think he would be shooting himself in the foot if he tried to talk V out of using the veto on herself.

      • be funny if the person with the longest time won…and we would all think that would be Victoria…

  15. If Frankie is evicted, I wonder if people are going to boo him too? And Cody, booing him too?

    • Right now Christine is holding the title for the loudest boo by the audience during eviction. If Frankie gets evicted, he will wear that crown…(if they don’t restrict booing)

      • They have had an eviction in the past without an audience. I wonder if Tuesday’s special eviction is in anticipation of Frankie getting the boot. No audience = no booing.

  16. If Frankie wins the pov it will not matter who Caleb puts up because it will work out just like they wanted it’s a 4 mans game. So the only person that will be going home this week is Victoria, know matter if Frankie wins or not.
    It’s a mans world!!!!

  17. Derrick if you want to win the game you have to win this veto to get Frankie out. America and the jury house will love you for it.

  18. The only bad thing about Frankie going out next is that it isn’t a live eviction and we won’t have him leaving the house to a live crowd to see the reaction. I’m sure there will be an interview or something Tuesday, but it won’t be the same as a normal live eviction. Sucks bc I wanted to see him get booed.

    • oh man I didn’t think of that but at least he will be gone and they can boo him when they do the recaps on the live show

      • I heard that…it’s a good thing he got snipped after his oldest daughter turned 18…and his newest “girlfriend” who is going to see if this helps them to get back together (been apart 10 mos) or move on. Geesh…she seems to have a good head on her shoulders, except wanting to have children of her own some day…hopefully she’ll see the light soon that he won’t be the father of them! :-)

  19. BBAD Poor, poor Frankie is piss whining about being on the block. No sympathy for him whatsoever as he had none for any of the others before him, to the point of shunning them and talking nasty about them, including bitching at Christine because she had the nerve to talk to Nic the last time she was up. Another bully who can dish it out, but certainly can’t take it. Wipe the fake tears away and take it like a man

    • Did you see BMC turn into SNM (Sanitary Napkin Mask)? Caleb literally stuck a paper towel, with eye-holes, to his head using 2 sanitary napkins to make a mask. I was laughing so hard!

      • I know, i just don’t get it. there were only three other people to put up after Vic. He wanted him to keep the noms the same as last week, or put up Derrick. Just because he thought it was fun and ok to put Nic on slop two weeks in a row, he thought Caleb would put Cody up Two weeks in a row which Caleb did not think was fair. Caleb seems to be growing a pair tonight.

    • I haven’t watched in a while because of Frankie. Tonight I am watching because I had read updates where he was acting like a jerk about it, so I wanted to catch a glimpse of it for myself. It is eating him alive. He was just humming..the sun will come out tomorrow…then started accusing Caleb of testing him and he is whining…hehe

      • But there is whining and insecurity and doubting on Frankie’s part and it is so satisfying to see. He’s still cocky and arrogant. My TV is still on so yes, no squealing and twirling…yet.

    • Frankie is viewing this as the most horrific betrayal ever because he isn’t really in it for the money, it’s for the trust and the friendship and he proved himself by winning all those comps and after talking to Caleb he realizes Cal is in it for the money and that is more important than friendship, loyalty and trust to him. I think he actually believes what he is telling himself that he is here to make friends and the money doesn’t matter and he can’t figure out that the rest of them are playing for money because they had nothing better to do with their lives this summer

  20. I love big brother and have watched every season. This has been the hardest season to watch as so many house guests have never seen the show and had no idea how to play. Luckily after have the house was gone, it started getting better. Derek is doing an awesome job and should win !

  21. Why did Frankie tell Derrick he’ll be 29 soon in four months when he was born in January, 1983?? I’ve done the math….it don’t compute! :-)

  22. Derrick is now 53/53 for not being nominated. Incredible. Now he just has to win that Veto and further solidify himself to the jurors and send out Frankie. If Frankie does come down though I hope Caleb puts up Cody; I’d hate to see Derrick’s perfect streak of not being nominated come to an end.

  23. How’re Derrick and Caleb been holding up, btw? With it being the 13th anniversary of 9/11, they’ve got to be struggling.

    • Why would it be harder for Derrick and caleb. Maybe Derrick being a cop but he wasn’t in NY on 9/11. I don’t mean to sound ignorant I’m sure I am probably missing some info that would explain hence why I am asking.

  24. Frankie is very humble and subdued tonight. Wonder why? Derrick just asked Frankie if Ariana likes him (Derrick). Frankie said, “Oh, yeah”. What contact has Frankie had with Ariana to know whether or not she likes Derrick? Also, why do these guys sit around together going over ways to remember everybody’s features in the Freakmorph (?) game. Don’t they remember they’re competing AGAINST each other?

  25. Frankie realized a little while ago that they were on BBAD. Playing pool with Caleb. He’s become more talkative and is quizzing Caleb about why he put him up for eviction. Caleb rambles on and Frankie isn’t buying it. Says Caleb is ‘naive’. He’s upset that everyone is conspiring against him. Caleb says they’re not ‘aspiring’. Frankie being called out by Caleb. Frankie is very irritated. The gloves are coming off. Derrick and Cody just came out. Caleb tells them he was explaining to Frankie that he was the one who would potentially make a big game move, pull Victoria off and put one of them up. Frankie says if that were the case, he would have done it with the “doesn’t count now” POV. Frankie is the most upset I’ve ever seen him. Frankie is trying to spin the situation and tells them how he’s kept them all safe, how trustworthy he is, and how he would never put them up. Derrick looking unsettled. Frankie trying hard to act like a cool cucumber, but looks pissed off. Such fun!.

    • I love it. Think Frankie has figured out that he is the target,and for some reason thought that because he values their friendship, loyalty and trust more than the money, which he told them before he wasn’t really here for, they would never put him up or think of voting it out because this should be a popularity contest not a contest for money. I really thinks he believes his own bs

  26. Just read this on Joker’s updates…
    “Frankie: My fans. They know. They see. They’re proud of me. Public perception of me is extremely important to me.”

    • i know, boy if he only knew what we know. and all this whining about being up on the block is not going to help. But he also said that most of his fans were young, about 12 and i hope to god that there are no 12 year olds watching him on this show

      • I hope it’s not the same 12 yo girls that follow his sister. If it is, those parents better be aware of what he’s said and done, so they can pull them away from him.

      • My son (who is 14 now) knows who Ariana is and has watched her since she started on Victorious several years ago. He’s really into YouTube videos and had no idea who Frankie is. Frankie is a legend in his own mind. Can’t stand him!

  27. I don’t have a clue who I like any more. Frankie is, well, it’s all been said. Cody, dull as dishwater, absolutely gutless. Caleb, a scarily delusional psycho, lied through his teeth about his military experience, ruined Amber’s experience in the house, as conceited as Frankie. Derrick, a master manipulator who pretends to be a friend and uses people. Last, but not least, little Victoria, showing some real spunk in these final days, damned good liar convincing Frankie she and Derrick were on the outs, no skills whatsoever, yet has made it to F5 and no one hates her. Wow! It’s not easy.

  28. Interesting conversation between Caleb and Derrick during BBAD, first Caleb telling everyone thay no way could/would Derrick possibly win if he made it to F2…. then they comment on Frankie whining and being paranoid on the block, blah blah blah, and Derrick responding that, if he was the one on the block, that he was just take it like a man, and not stress over it, as it is just game, and it is what is.. Ha!! Says the guy who has never been nominated on the block … Ha Ha!!

    eta: was just waiting for Cody to ask Derrick, if he should volunteer to replace Frankie on the block with himself …. Ha!!!

  29. Frankie is rude, two faced, vile, and a horrible entitled nasty human being…..I mean just watch how nasty Frankie is on the Live Feeds! I just can’t cheer for horrible Frankie, he is such a vile human being!

    • I could not have said it any better myself. It is obvious that CBS was wanting him to win, all the comps to his favor etc, now they know how the fans feel, and are losing viewers he better go home

      • Thank you. I totally agree, I think CBS has been helping him and wanting him to win! CBS Needs to get Frankie out of the house! And they need to let him get his much needed boo’s! If he doesn’t get Boo’d then we know CBS stopped it! :)

  30. Derrick and Frankie would be hard to beat at the end, but since Frankie betrayed a few people, and they know about it, I think Derrick would win, which I would love to see. He has played the game brilliantly. As much as I would hate to see it, if Frankie or Victoria comes off the block, Caleb should put Derrick up and they should vote him out, because is unbeatable.

    • I’m hoping Frankie will be able to talk some sense into pea-brain Caleb. No Caleb, Derrick is absolutely not going to take you to the F2 ever.

  31. they should have waited and back doored Frankie. I don’t want him to win. he doesn’t need the money.

  32. I honestly feel that since Frankie IS so good at comps, they should have stuck with their plan to backdoor him. Now, Frankie will have even more reason to win, so he can take himself off the block. I am SO ready for Frankie to be EVICTED already!

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  1. 'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: The Week 12 Nominations Are Revealed
  2. The Inquisitr News
  3. Big Brother 16: Caleb Can’t Keep His Mouth Closed Around Frankie | Big Brother 16
  4. Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 12 Thursday Highlights | Big Brother 16

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