Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto competition on Big Brother
Big Brother spoilers from the Veto competition – Source: CBS

The Big Brother 16 Power of Veto competition is over and we have the results! This was a big one for Nicole Franzel as she faced off against the rest of the house. Was she able to get back in her groove today with this latest comp?

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Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Competition Results:

  • Christine won the Power of Veto!

Players today were Caleb as HoH, Christine and Nicole as noms plus Cody, Derrick, and Victoria as drawn players. Frankie hosted the competition.

The comp lasted just a few hours and involved colors but I can’t tell much more about the comp yet. Frankie made mention of it being some sort of “bomb” themed comp. Yeah, there were color coded wires for disarming bombs. Cody will have to wear a dinosaur suit since he was the first out.

Earlier the discussions centered around if Nicole came down then they would send Christine home, so this was a lucky win for her. There is still time for a Backdoor Frankie plan and Derrick was working on Caleb about that possibility as well, so you never know. But really, Derrick was pushing the angle that they needed to split up Christine and Nicole, so it’s probably a bad situation for Nicole.

Update: Here is Cody’s new dino costume for the next week.

What do you think of the PoV Comp results? What will happen at the ceremony? The Veto Ceremony will be coming up on Monday and we’ll post spoilers when they happen.

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    • They have to..this is their 3rd opportunity!! I just don’t think Caleb will do it..he is so stuck on that “big alliance!”

      • I think Derrick will regret not getting him out this week. How many more times is he going to let him slip by?

      • Oh, yeah, I totally agree. I’m hoping Derrick will realize that, not only is Nicole alone, she hasn’t won anything since returning to the game, meaning she’s no threat to them at the moment, whereas Frankie’s still a comp beast.

      • shhhhhhhhhhhh … maybe Frankie will ‘break a leg’ while dancing/prancing around (and not be able to compete)’ Normally, ‘break a leg’ means good luck, but is this normal? I think not~

      • Exactly. He’s supposedly one of the best players or so everyone says then why can’t he see if Nicole goes he’s going to have people after him. He knows she’s gunning for Frankie and Christine so if Frankie goes she’d be after Christine and not him. But he has no idea who Frankie or Christine would put up.

      • I think Big Daddy is too self-centered to help anyone but himself. What “help: he does give is usually self-serving.

      • Why does Derrick need to keep Nicole? He has the votes to send Frankie out the door. Nicole and Frankie win many competitions, I’d rather compete against Christine than them.

      • Derrick is playing a great social game, but not a stragestic player. I tell you if you don’t get Frankie out now, he is going to cut everybodies throat in this game.

      • Derrick Cody Caleb discussed it earlier today… Frankie was fishing for info from Caleb as to a possible backdoor happening but Caleb did not tell him about the conversation…

      • even if they put him up as a pawn, i would love to see Frankie up there next to Nicole. It would probably be his worst nightmare as he just can’t hide his derision and hatred of her.

      • No Caleb won’t because he thinks Frankie is going to help him become a famous “country singer” and let him meet his sister and Justin Bieber. Which neither are going to happen

    • This is the same as Helen last season always saying “one more week” to going after Amanda…Derrick, Caleb and Cody better wise up and put Frankie up as replacement and vote him out or he will go after them first.

      • It is like none of them have a clue that only two can be in the finale and they are actually going to have to vote out people from their alliance

  1. Damn. Well, with any luck, Derrick won’t see the value of sending Nicole out of the game just yet when she’s all by herself. Unfortunately, unless production gets in his ear about that and starts dropping hints, I seriously doubt that will happen.

  2. Sadly Victoria will be up with Nicole and then Nicole will be evicted.No hope for her

  3. I didn’t think this could get any worse, big brother really needs to shake things up next year

  4. As much as I’d like to see Frankie go, I think I’d be more pleased if Derrick was backdoored. He’s been the mastermind so far; it’ll be interesting to see where the chips (hgs) fall (into place) when he’s gone.

    • please…..if its a backdoor let it be Frankie…please.. I rather watch Derrick mastermind

  5. After Derrick’s backdoored, then Frankie must go in the double eviction on Thursday. Without any leadership, the remaining hgs will scatter. It’ll be “who’s on 1st” .. LOL!

  6. Frankie is trying to get Caleb to tell if there is any chance he will be nomed…Caleb has not reveled conversations with Derrick and Cody

    • Derrick has to give the thumbs up….Frankie is a direct threat to Derrick’s game..he has to pull the trigger now..two other chances have already been squandered.

      • Like Caesar gave the gladiators the thumbs up if they were to spare the life of the losing gladiator or thumbs down if they wanted him killed. Thumbs down for Frankie! Ha ha ha!

      • Caleb? What career? Am I missing something?. I don’t think there’s much call for ignorant, stalker-ish, delusional country boys. What does he think he has to offer? His good looks and intelligence?

    • I can’t even begin imagine the theatrics that will be on display if drama queen Frankie is nominated! There will be a lot of scenery chewing going on in the BB house.

  7. BB will step in if Frankie is on the block saving his A$$. They need his followers for ratings…

    • Did anyone see on BBAD how Frankie was trying to take advantage of Cody being wasted?? And what did BB do?? Gave them all more booze-I am afraid for Cody right now because it seems like Caleb and Derrick are taking it seriously with Caleb making the joke of Cody waking up with a sore butt in the morning. This is as serious if it was a girl at risk

    • Uh oh. Usually, the costumes are the kiss of death for HGs. The person wearing one is almost always evicted. Cody better hope he doesn’t go up on the block.

      • I think that thought has entered his mind he is not real talkative at the present..

      • Remember what happened to Frank and that carrot suit? Your absolutely right about costumes, usually they’re nothing but a kiss of death and just stamps your ticket as a target.

      • Yeah, but as long as he stays off the block, he’s fine. And I honestly think Cody is in a good position to beat the curse.

    • Are his arms covered by the suit? Christine will go nuts not being able to run her fingers up and down his arms if they’re covered!!!!

  8. I do not understand why Nicole an Christine would get close as Nicole saw how she turned on her.i must have missed something

  9. Ok.!.This is the best time to back door Frankie..The question again is..What does Derrick want?

    • Well we know if Victoria goes up Daddy won’t let her go. I’m hoping Derrick sees how keeping Nicole could possibly help his game. And we know Derrick can talk anyone into doing what he wants. Let’s hope he wants Frankie gone. Otherwise HELP production!

      • Is Daddy working on Caleb to re-nom Frankie? Sometimes Daddy double talks and hides his real intention. Cody has been wanting to back door Frankie for a long time……..repeatedly.

      • Not yet. I turned the feeds off as soon as I found out who won. I’m sure later they’ll start talking about it and you’re right Derrick drops little subtle hints to make people think. He even told Caleb that Frankie told Christine that Caleb wanted to flip the votes and save Donny. So he’s already giving Caleb ideas not to trust Frankie. OMG if Frankie got backdoored that would be the best moment of the entire season. Oh except when he walks out the door.

      • It’ll be like a Deer caught in headlights waiting for the car to hit him and as soon as he steps out that door….. Smaaaaack time for Reality followed by boo’s and limited claps and I’m guessing claps from either family members or whoever still follows him there for support cause he’ll need it followed by the therapist, life coach, psychiatrist all on standby expecting for a huge meltdown.

      • Talk about being over dramatic!! Frankie won’t go anywhere soon. Love him or hate him, there is no one else left who can bring in the viewers those who hate him and those who love him. Look at the amount of traffic his name gets on BB sites for example. Each hate filled comment still counts as a hit, the more hits the more traffic a site gets the better. Hate on him as much as you want, but keep the hits and comments coming, this is what sites want. I find it hilarious those who claim they can’t stand Frankie, but will post countless comments about him!

      • No HIT by me mentioning Francis’s name as that is the new name I’ve given him. He is an utterly pathetic human being and I hope they wise up and kick the slime ball Francis out the door….SOON!!!!

      • The expression of shock on his face would be the very best! He will be shocked because he will not expect it! All along he expected to be able to float to Final 2! The nonsense of this bunch has to end now!

      • That is why Frankie has to go on the block with Nicole. This is the time to backdoor him. They have the votes to take him out! There are 4 votes this week but, Derrick, Cody and Victoria can vote to evict Frankie if they want it! That would be the biggest move of the game this season too!

  10. Oh well. Thank goodness it is a double eviction week. Don’t even want to hope for Nicole’s safety, will be happy if she is saved but it will a repeat of last week, talk of maybe putting up Frankie. … blah, blah, blah…. Nicole back to jury.

    • Frankie or Derrick evicted, then Nicole wins POV, Frankie or Derrick (who ever is left) get evicted 2nd in the double eviction. And all the hgs scatter not knowing what to do?????

      • One could only hope. Who gets evicted is up to Uncle Derrick. I don’t see Caleb putting up his key to hanging with the Bieber, and the producer of his new duet with Arianna Grande, Frankie.

  11. Nicole is and will remain the target. They are all aware of the double evict … so they want Christine to go right behind her.

  12. Boring season..this detonator squad should be nick named dull-enaters
    No one deserves to win cause the whole game is how they pick apart the last four…none of them deserve to win! Christine screwed this whole season up several weeks ago when she could have started the fire works on her watch…does she really think any of them will take her forward…geeze…. Why am I watching this season.. Hope they find some players next year so we don’t have to watch another “play” with a Frankie….

    • I doubt they would find different kinds of contestants next year than the ones in previous because Hey this is Big Brother expect the expected.

      • I agree 100%. Next season, they should have someone like
        Rachel Reilly from BB12. She was either bitchy and argumentative or crying pathetically, but she was rarely dull. That girl stirred things up. This bunch of guys are too close in age and outlook, that’s why they’ve bonded with this gung-ho “one for all and all for one” mentality. Which is why Derrick, being a little older and trained in interrogation and interview techniques, can manipulate them like the little puppet babies they are. Donny had nothing in common with them, and like he said, that’s why it was hard to really build a social game.

    • i would have to agree that its getting boring. i would prefer to watch a bunch of horny sleazebags making out and screwing everyone and every thing… more alcoholics and whores !!! liars and cheaters, troublemakers, sock burners, mouthpieces, etc etc… the show this season PG rated , tame, tame tame…

  13. Actually the only time Big brother is unpredictable is Double eviction week. No one expected Hayden to be evicted in the last one so I guess everyone in the house has a chance to be evicted. NO ONE IS SAFE!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN.

      • Hey keeps me alive I’m not. Life throws us bumps. You can moan and complain or go on.

      • Hey how come nobody has mentioned Frankie joking about Cody and Caleb getting Vic drunk and raping her today on the feeds? Cody did say that’s out of line.

      • Well they are talking Frankie going. So I hope it happens. I think Derrick will keep an eye out.

      • Nope Derrick said not to say that cause Victorias father watches the feeds
        and Derrick didn’t like it cause he has a daughter

      • Yea I’m surprised no one brought that up, Cody did say it was foul, and Derrick said what Julie just mentioned so the only people who made mock of it are Christine for bringing it up, Frankie for saying that Caleb and Cody should talk all her virginity away tonight and Caleb for saying that he and Cody would ruin her and there would be blood everywhere??? Do these idiots not know there on live 24/7 and Mr. Media Mogul to even talk like that and expect to have a tv show waiting for him when he gets out? Man I was just shocked to hear them stoop that low knowing that there was a father who was watching after Derrick told them and they still laughed minus Derrick and Cody, really despicable behavior that has no cover up for it when Julie Chen interviews you and asks, “If you had a Niece or Daughter, would you want someone to talk like that”?

      • heres some of the conversation i posted earlier

        Frankie: I think you both should double team her.

        Caleb: We would ruin her.

        Frankie: Take her..

        Caleb: There would be blood all over the place.

        Cody: hohoho

        Frankie: I think you should take ALL of her virginities in one night.

        Cody: Oh no. That is foul.

        Caleb: hehe

        Cody: Oh, that is so f’d up.

        Derrick: Her father right now is watching, and literally
        cringing. I don’t even know what I would do. I’d definitely break the

      • Really? Wow I missed that. I didn’t watch much of the feeds today. I’m just going to turn them on now. He is so disgusting. I was watching for a few minutes a little while ago and did you see where Caleb thinks if he’s not in the final 2 that he will get AFP over Donny. Talk about delusional.

      • i did say something about it,in fact i posted part of the conversation, i can go back and find it and post it again if need be.

      • So sorry to hear that, Brenda. I’m glad you’ve got a great attitude about it! I can tell from reading your comments that you’ve got a good heart to go with that good attitude!

      • mustang: not much different than we’ve seen this season ~ except I wouldn’t want any endurance comps (I’d fall asleep)…LOL!

      • Can I apply too? FOL from Central California. We’d kick some a**. And we sure as hell wouldn’t be as dull as the young uncooked critters this year (not you Donny and probably not Derrick, although he is dull).

  14. Doesn’t look good for Nicole. Only consolation we can get is that it is double eviction week which means one of the Detonators or Victoria will go to the jury house right after Nicole. Then, next week, the Detonators have to eat each other whether they like it or not!

  15. So here’s how I see it – Caleb just needs to be convinced that backdooring Frankie would be more “epic” and “badass” than getting the Detonators/Bomb Squad to the Final 5. Caleb seems hell bent on like having the largest alliance ever make it to the Final 5. Silly if you ask me, but it’s the way Caleb’s mind works.

    If Derrick and Cody can convince him that getting Frankie out would be the “sickest” and “biggest” move ever, I think Caleb might go for it. Caleb has a huge ego, and anything he can do to “add to his legend”, he might just do it. Hopefully Derrick and Cody can get into his ear about not wasting an HOH of Nicole. “That’d be boring and easy” they’d tell him.

    But, Cody and Derrick also don’t want to press Caleb too hard, because he could end up nominating them if he feels threatened, betrayed, etc.

    A guy can dream. Let’s see if Derrick has anymore mist left in him.

    • I said it earlier….Derrick not only needs to stroke Calebs ego with the “big move” suggestion but also remind him that Frankie got Amber evicted as Calebs weak spot is Amber…

      • Your right Julie, the combination of both should do the trick and all Cody has remind him is that he threw him under the bus just a few days ago just like he did earlier today when they brought up the talk of him going up. The thing is this all might work cause when Frankie went to talk to him he tried to fish for info but only got that he was putting up Victoria and didn’t mention any of the talk he had with Derrick and Cody so from the looks of it so far so good but we can only hope.

    • Caleb probably looks upon the Detonators/Bomb Squad as a military mission. No man left behind. Plus he thinks it will put him in the BB record book. Very short-sighted point of view. Barring a miracle, wanting them all to go to the end will come back and bite him in his cowboy butt.

  16. If they are buying into the Frankie build a school in Africa crap, they all need to have lobotomies….get him out now!

  17. If they do not backdoor Frankie this week, he is playing for HOH and probably will be the next HOH! Look for Derrick and Cody on the hot seat if it happens! And they have had how many chances at taking out Frankie?

    • No he would rather want to take out Christine and put Victoria next to her on the hot seat. Even Derrick’s mind tricks works on him. You just never know.

  18. Derrick may not want to get rid of Frankie yet because if he is sitting with him at the end, he would win, because Frankie looks worse than he does.

  19. Derrick has played such a good game, but now it is time to split the alliance up. He should talk Caleb into backdooring Frankie and then Caleb cannot play for HOH. Derrick, Victoria, and Nicole would all be eligible for a chance at HOH and would only have to worry about Cody and Christine winning it. The alliance is all going to start backstabbing each other and now is the time to get out. Just my opinion.

  20. Caleb better not put up Frankie. He’s the only saving grace left. If those idiots dare vote out Frankie, I’m done. Everyone else is incredibly unlikeable or stupid and no one deserves to win right now other than Frankie. No, Derrick DOESN’T deserve to win, and neither does Nicole, so don’t give me that crap. Derrick hasn’t had to feel the pressure of possibly being eliminated and having to work to get out of it; Frankie has. Nicole has been nominated seven times and clearly isn’t playing hard enough. Frankie has worked the hardest out of everybody left, and he deserves to win. I don’t care what all the stupid haters say, it’s the truth.

    • Wow. I’m surprised you were brave enough to post that here. I’m not going to try and persuade you that you’re wrong, because you’re allowed to express your own opinion. Just saying, that took guts.

    • So you are cheering for the guy who is trying to get caleb and Cody to get Victoria drunk and then rape her. Or how yesterday he said he was going to punch nicole in the face if she complained to him about being a have not. Not to mention the hundreds of other vile disgusting things he has said and done this season. I don’t even know what to say to that without being insulting to you. I guess that says a lot about your character.

      • I just heard the clip from that. Frankie also said that they should take all of Victoria’s virginity. I truly feel like throwing up. Threatening violence, especially against a girl, is one thing, trying to encourage a gang rape is whole other level of vile.

      • I read it further down the comments section I haven’t been on all day as I was at my moms wedding

      • Brenda Harbin commented about it she could prob tell you when it happened. This is the comment I am copying and pasting it
        Brenda Harbin Lavendargirl
        an hour ago
        Hey how come nobody has mentioned Frankie joking about Cody and Caleb getting Vic drunk and raping her today on the feeds? Cody did say that’s out of line.

      • If Nic does get voted out it would be so great if when Frankie went to hug her, she punched him in his face. She can definitely take him

      • Wow Lenore ~ I’m laughing hysterically~ BUT, I’d want that eviction reversed. It’s Frankie leaving and Nicole punches him in the face on his way out the door.

    • Frankie likable?..So you got to be part of the 1% that voted for him on the Polls. His popularity went up to 2% at the end of the day though. He’s gonna win AHP.

    • Ok, usually I don’t comment on these things but this is just way to ridiculous to pass up. You say Derrick hasn’t felt the pressure of possibly being eliminated and having to work to get out of it, I’ll agree with you on that, but then you say Frankie has, ok fair enough, so far so good I guess. Frankie had to work his way out of being on the block by winning that one comp. by himself, props to him. What I disagree about is you saying Nicole doesn’t deserve to win because she hasn’t been playing hard enough?! You said it yourself SHE’S BEEN ON THE BLOCK SEVEN TIMES! Obviously she’s had to work to keep herself from getting sent home or to jury house. And when she did get sent out the door she fought her way back in! Obviously she’s working hard. Then you say Frankie has worked the hardest out of everyone?! Come on man! What exactly has he done? He’s been a have not once and when Caleb was asking if everyone has been a have not the same amount of times Frankine ducked and didn’t say a word! The guy is a weasel! He has done nothing but weaseled his way up to the HOH room every chance he got, bragged about who his sister is, and made very rude comments all season long! The guy is a twit! If it wasn’t for his sister he would have been gone a few weeks ago, but since he told everyone who his sister is he’s safe because they were/are all star struck and they think he’s some sort of celebrity. He’s not, although in his mind he thinks he is and I for one can’t wait until the day comes when he does get evicted and he goes out that door to nothing but boo’s.

    • Well I don’t think you’re watching Big Brother. Maybe Fantasy Island because your entire comment is delusional. Oh and Nicole hasn’t been on the block 7 times. Maybe you should be watching BB.

    • Are you watching the same BB that we are watching? You must be kidding….Francis is the most vial human being ever on the BB show…and we know there have been many….GO HOME FRANCIS!!!

    • Question: I’ve seen several people say “Derrick doesn’t deserve to win because he hasn’t had to deal with being nominated.” But if Derrick has managed to keep himself off the block for so long, isn’t that really a testament to how awesome his game is?

  21. I truly want to see Derrick AND Frankie gone in the double eviction. Those who are left are all “followers” and they’ll be scrambling around not knowing which end is up. Truly amusing!

    • That would be great TV, Cuddles! Although, as much as I hate to say it, Derrick is the only one who has really had a game this season. For whatever the hell reason, these HGs have let themselves be Derricks pawns. He’s played a pretty terrific game. Or, rather, he’s played the HGs pretty terrifically!

  22. Caleb will likely put up Victoria as replacement and Nicole will be sent packing. Caleb is not going to turn on his alliance members, wishful thinking — dude is too loyal.

    It’s a long week though, Frankie should be gone next after Nicole but shall see. Another predictable exit, never ends CBS. (:

    • Derrick needs to get busy misting Caleb into believing that Vic is really a guy in disguise and Frankie is more like a girl than a guy so he needs to go up

  23. I’m going to just throw this out there…
    Does anyone ever wonder if Republic Records (Arianna Grande’s label) has any ties to a popular TV Network or it’s CEO?

      • I’ve not researched the matter but many people have said the same thing for many weeks.

      • Even if they do, all it would’ve gotten Frankie was a guaranteed slot on the show. He would’ve had to play the game like everyone else, unless America fell in love with him as they did Jeff and Jordan. Clearly, that is not the case.

    • Frankie is a good player. Every year there is always someone that I can’t stand and I want out, but stays in the game each week. Frankie and Derrick are the best players of this game this season and it has nothing to do with Ariana Grande. I wish that Caleb and Cody realize that before it is too late. I only like Nicole.

    • I saw a prior post that said there was a link-couple of weeks ago. It was quite convoluted, but it was there. Wish I could remember more, sorry.

  24. I’m sorry but America was putting team America game at risk so I agree that it should not be up to America to vote HGs out that would be dumb. Let the HGs play there own game and America needs to stay out of it. These people are playing for their families except Frankie, give them the respect to do just that.

  25. Well, another predictable week starts tomorrow and from now until sept. 24 is that Nicole will be evicted again, the Detonators will blow up (finally) and Derrick will be crowned winner of BB16.Not that I expected but I enjoyed this first-time watching BB this season.

  26. Nicole is a bigger threat than Frankie because she has the votes so far of everyone of the HGs, if Frankie stays someone will get rid of him the second time around remember it is double eviction and he won’t see it coming

  27. When something is not meant to be is just not going to happen. Goodbye Nicole unless a miracle happens.

  28. I’m sorry Josh Schwartz, I know you have your own opinion, and I respect that, but the fact that you root for Frankie even after he said all of the vile things he said worries me.

    • and that would be a big no! He thinks that he is the leader of the bomb squad, even though he has been told about the detonators more than once. I think it is more than his brain can compute to think that there would be an alliance of guys that did not include him.

      • I watched Afterdark once and caleb spilled to beans to Zach that he was going up as a renom, and as a way to save himself, he outed the detonators to Caleb. Caleb didn’t seem mad at all lol

  29. Well maybe this will make everyone feel better. The team America missions are still going on even after Donny’s exit.

    • I think the only way this could work out well at all is if they have us vote Nicole in and make the mission save Nicole and double the prize money if they do it, and Donny still makes money because that way Frankie could go home. But this will literally never happen ;(

  30. Derrick is setting up Frankie for the kill…Hes feeding Frankie a line about how he respects Frankie and will consult him about evictions as he (Frankie)
    has a handle on the pulse of the house and whats going on….Sounds like bye bye Frankie to me..

    • Watch they would talk about putting up Frankie but they will never put him up. It is going to end still being Victoria on the block. What a snooze fest.

  31. dam Derrick is blowing soooo much smoke up Frankies ass It is unreal and Frankie is eating it up……He ain’t got no idea whats coming or that hes going….awesome Derrick just awesome..

  32. Damn, really rooting for Nicole.. but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I want Frankie to be put up as a renom. The “easy” way out is for Caleb to put Victoria up but I feel like the Detonators are going to get out Frankie soon.. maybe even before Victoria.

    I was just thinking today.. how luck is Victoria? To make it this far in the game while doing absolutely nothing. It’s all because of Derrick too. He’s keeping her safe so he can take her to final two and beat her our easily.

  33. If my perdiction comes true it will be nic, then christine and cody, if they do not move quickly to get rid of frankie, they will regret it, the final three will be der, frankie and vic, then frankie and vic or der, and vic,

  34. Christine won the POV she will take herself off. Caleb will put Victoria as a replacement. Sending Nicole to the jury.

  35. Caleb, if you put your head together, and put up Frankie, I will raise $500,000 and give it to you personally.

  36. If you all missed the headline about Frankie on TMZ today, then don’t go to bed tonight until you read it.

    • Thank you for posting this! I am glad they are mad about it I hope something happens.

      • I think Frankie is going to need an “Image Consultant” when he leaves the show. I don’t know if that’s the right job title, but we could contact Ayran and Amanda from last year to find out the correct term!! Mustangsally- If you’re on Twitter (or anybody else reading this is, please tweet about the article on TMZ so other people read it as well. Thanks!

  37. Just went to TMZ (thanks LucyLoo) Title “Frankie Grande offends contestants family with RAPE JOKES”…check it out for yourself. I think it’s bad PR for him and his sister.

  38. I love Frankie and now hate Nicole because she put him up in the football bob and made me mad at least he won

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  1. Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 10 Saturday Highlights | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 10 Saturday Highlights | Big Brother 16
  3. Big Brother 16: Is Frankie Grande In Backdoor Danger This Week? | Big Brother 16

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