Veto day arrived for Big Brother 16 and the pressure was riding high for Nicole. She had a narrow window of opportunity to keep herself safe but could she pull it off? There were also several interesting conversations that seemed to put Frankie in a very bad position among the guys’ alliance. Could they be ready to turn on him this week?
Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.
Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, August 30, 2014:
9:40 AMÂ BBT – Feeds return from Fish, but these HGs aren’t stirring.
10:45 AM BBT – Nicole is up and Christine is around but neither talks to the other. Sitting together in silence.
12:10 PM BBT – Feeds return from picking the Veto players. All but Frankie will play. He’s very upset & very nervous.
12:35 PM BBT – Frankie tells the guys that he trusts them, but he really needs them to win and keep him safe.
1:00 PM BBT – Majority alliance discussing threats to Victoria to keep her from using the Veto if she wins it. They suggest telling Victoria that Caleb will put up Derrick if it’s used (on Nicole). Caleb says he would put up Derrick.
1:05 PM BBT – Christine has left the room. Caleb: “While Christine isn’t here…” They discuss whether or not they should evict Christine this week. No one terribly opposed to it. Derrick says Christine and Nicole need to be split up either way, but Nicole is still top priority.
1:10 PM BBT – Now Frankie leaves and the guys start talking about him. Caleb says he’ll ride with Cody and Derrick over Frankie. They note that Frankie was opposed to evicting Christine, but all agree that if Nicole comes down then Christine MUST go this week.
1:35 PM BBT – Guys still discussing Frankie. Derrick says that Christine doesn’t scare him, but Frankie does. This entire conversation feels like a prologue to discussing backdooring Frankie.
1:45 PM BBT – Now Cody has peeled off from the discussion. Alone Derrick and Caleb continue to discuss. Caleb asks if it looks like Frankie might go before Victoria. Derrick says that’d be possible.
2:25 PM BBT – Frankie makes a very tasteless “joke” suggesting the guys should double-team Victoria and “take all her virginities tonight” after a night of drinking.
5:00 PM BBT – Feeds return from the Veto comp. Christine won the PoV.
5:30 PM BBT – Worried Frankie asks Caleb if he thinks the guys might turn on them. Caleb says he doesn’t think so.
5:45 PM BBT – Derrick and Frankie discussing TA missions. Frankie says it’s Donny’s fault they lost the last mission. Then he blames the way CBS edited their play. Then he suggests it was Feedsters only voting (who wouldn’t be influenced the same by a CBS edit…). They think they’ve accomplished 4 missions. (3.)
5:50 PM BBT – Cody the Dinosaur arrives. As a punishment for being first out he has to wear a dino costume for the week.
6:10 PM BBT – Derrick and Nicole having a light chat. He’s staying friendly with her while much of the house shuns her.
6:25 PM BBT – Cody and Caleb comparing notes on Frankie’s behavior. Christine arrives and the discussion continues. Not good talk for Frankie.
6:35 PM BBT – C/C/C all agree that they don’t know who Frankie would put up if he won HoH.
6:45 PM BBT – Discussions around Frankie continue as they talk about how much money he and his family has.
8:15 PM BBT – Backyard opens up and the HGs have a new badminton set.
8:25 PM BBT – Nicole is camtalking and tells Feedsters that she’s only pretending to have given up but really has not.
9:25 PM BBT – Derrick and Frankie alone talking game. They’re discussing potential scenarios for a Double Eviction coming up. (They don’t know one is for sure.)
9:35 PM BBT – Derrick and Frankie discussing what to do about Caleb and Cody. Frankie says he’d take Derrick to the F2 because of their Team America alliance.
9:40 PM BBT – HGs put on indoor lockdown after fans heard yelling to them over the wall.
10:00 PM BBT – Cody and Frankie talking about DE scenarios. Frankie says Nicole goes first and then Victoria should follow.
10:10 PM BBT – Cody and Caleb are both drunk and trying to talk game. They discuss going to the end with each other or with Derrick and not letting that upset them if it happens.
11:00 PM BBT – Lots of drinking and silliness going on with the HGs.
12:15 AM BBT – Victoria is drunk and delirious over the name for a “sheet pan.” She’s on the floor laughing about it.
12:35 AM BBT – Derrick promises Victoria that even if she goes up she will not be the target. He wants her to keep her head down and get through it.
1:00 AM BBT – Now Victoria is crying to Derrick. He comforts her and then gets out of there.
2:00 AM BBT – Derrick asking Nicole if she heard what the fans were yelling. She jokes they said “Save Nicole!”
3:00 AM BBT – HGs all off to sleep or passed out.
Busy night of Veto and booze in the Big Brother house. No drinks nearly all summer and then two deliveries of alcohol? Maybe BB is feeling the heat of competition from Utopia, huh?
As for this whole Backdoor Frankie thing, I don’t know if it’ll happen. It’s right in front of their faces but no one seems willing to grab it and run. We’ll have to wait and see.
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Send Frankie home please. Detonators need to wake up send Frankie home then in the DE send Christine off.
as much as i like this, it is a better game move for most there to get nicole out now as she is a huge threat and would win if she makes it to end. then go after frankie as he is huge comp threat.
Derrick said the only threat Nicole is for is Frankie. He said she hasn’t been able to win the last three competitions that would save her. He thinks she has lost her edge. Guys don’t find her a threat.
I wonder if the HG’s know they are allowed to play this game and make moves without Derrick’s permission?
It’s the fact that she would win if she makes it to final 2 that makes her a threat….Frankie has almost no chance of winning imo.
but he thinks he will and AFP, lol, some arrogant ones playing this year
You are right getting nicole out would be better for the rest of the HGs game because if she makes it to the end I agree she will win but as vetopower pointed out the guys don’t think she is as much of a threat anymore due to her competition record since returning. But in my biased opinion if the guys continue to work with Frankie after the vile things he has said and done over the last few days then I will loose any small if not tiny shred of respect for them I may of still had. It would put them almost down to the same level as Frankie not quite but almost. Also if you look at who is a threat Frankie is just as much of a threat to them as nicole if you take into account his back stabbing ways plus he has a good chance of getting another hoh. Look at how Frankie has treated people the last while when he decides they need to go. He talks mean hateful bile about them tries to get everyone to shun them and treat them like dirt. If Cody, Victoria, Nicole & Christine really want a chance of being there in the f4 or f 3 Frankie needs to go home.
Thing is caleb is in power and frankie is not targeting him, as such should not put him up. Also appears frankie not targeting derrick either. It may be a good move for the 4 you listed to do this, but nicole could still easily target christine and cody and for previous betrayals. Also sure she lost last few comps. but not like she is helpless. Also cody and victoria have great chance of being in final 4 imo. Getting frankie out soon would be smart, but nicole going sooner would be smarter (least for caleb and derrick)
You have valid points as well the question will come down to who decides to strike first or if the 4 guys decide to go to F4 and let luck determine what happens
Caleb and Derrick are not Nicole’s target. She wants Frankie gone. And if they backdoor Frankie and he went she would be after Christine. But nobody really knows who Frankie and Christine would target because both of them flip flop and cling to whoever has power. They’re the bigger threats IMO.
well maybe not caleb, but derrick kind of screwed nicole earlier so her comming after him is a great possibility.
Like I said Mike she doesn’t know that.
yes but she don’t know that. we do but he has played very good and none of the other dumb asses has told her that know he was the one who set her up. they all just keep following him,
Nicole will go after Frankie. She’s not a threat to Caleb, Derrick or Cody. But if Frankie wins during DE he is a threat. Will serve them right if he does win and one of them follow right behind Nicole. Then Nicole can say “told you” .
As good as Frankie is at comps, this may be their last/best chance of getting him out. I hope Derrick convinces Caleb. However, Caleb is so delusional that I’m sure he thinks he can beat Frankie at every comp.
He’s so delusional that he thinks he is going to win Favorite Player by America!!!!
They won’t send Frankie out, there all to spineless, he should of been kicked out for his actions the last couple days, I believe cbs likes all that crap to boost there ratings, if not last season the whole show would of been cancelled, I don’t think these idiots care about winning I think they all just wanted a free vacation.
How the heck can Frankie say it’s Donny’s fault they failed the last mission when the play was his idea and production all along. Can Frankie accept responsibility for anything he does. Obviously not Frankie’s favorite game I think is the blame game
That’s what I thought too
Because Frankie is a delusional moron!
Actually production told Frankie the play wasn’t a good idea, at least that’s what he told Derrick. He said a play would be fun for BBAD but not for a mission.
Exactly my point even after being told it was a bad idea he continued the blame lies on his shoulders. Like I said I think his favorite game is the blame game.
yep and he slipped up and said out loud that ‘America loves Donny, Donny is AFP’ so I think he is back tracking and trying to ‘blame’ anybody but himself!!
Timing is everything. Derrick will wait until Sunday night to approach the subject. Frankie seems to know it is about to happen. There were actually three conversations yesterday that was not sounding good for Frankie. There is also a conversation with Christine on the hammock with derrick around 8 pm besides the other two mentioned above at 1:25 and 6:25 pm
It doesn’t really mean anything until Thursday when they actually have to vote. How many times have they talked of evicting Frankie, Christine, Victoria? All it is is nothing but, talk! I think it is more Big Brother telling the house guests to flip flop on who they are going to evict to drum up interest as it has been boring for how many weeks now with no game play? Only good thing they did is make it a double eviction week which means one of the Detonators is going to the jury house! About time these guys are forced to make a move! Although, it may be Nicole and Victoria going to the jury house and we will have to wait for next week for them to start going after each other finally!
They should rename their alliance to “Gutless Wonders.”
I think it’s time for Team America to receive their final mission.
They are offered a “Pandora’s Box” choice.
Choice #1: They are offered double the money they get for
completing a mission along with a few other fabulous gifts.
If they take choice one they also have to reveal that they are Team America
about their missions and the money they re
got. The other houseguests get a 24 hour lockdown and
nothing to eat but slop for the 24 hours.
Choice #2: They recieve nothing. They take the money that they
already have and reveal nothing about Team America.
If choice one was chosen, think of the trouble it would statr.
awesome idea
People really gotta stop yelling over the wall…
If Frankie said the things he said about my daughter I would be there constantly so they couldn’t be outside and they would know he was the reason.
This past event, they yelled stuff over about Derrick. Nothing to do with Frankie.
People yelling over the wall will change the SERIES for the worse in the future. Stop yelling over the wall.
I don’t care what they were saying I was saying I would do it in a heartbeat and I would be saying Frankie’s name a lot and believe me they would understand what I was saying. The series can’t get much worse then condoning rape in my mind.
Holy cow someone was raped in the house and CBS didnt get the authorities involved????
No one was physically raped, just verbally. Both Frankie and Derrick suggested that Victoria, who is a virgin, be raped. Frankie said Cody and Caleb, while Derrick said Zingbot.
Check out TMZ, Bustle, Youtube, TVGrapeVine, etc. Just google it. The clip of it happening is out there.
Oh so no one was raped. OK.
Oh ok, so the dastardly Frankie wasn’t alone? Which gentlemen stood up to derrick and Frankie for saying it? And, Derrick is a bloody cop! Who did she tell she was a virgin anyways? Where did they get that info? They both should lose their cash! Also, is that why the live feeds are showing a long video of Vics naked butt all over?? I don’t have live feeds but I have seen it several places. Who is posting it? This show has no shame.
Frankie, Derrick, Caleb, Christine and Cody were in the room. Go to TMZ, Youtube, Bustle, TVGrapeVine or google it. You’ll get a better understanding if you watch what happened.
This season is still not as bad as last year. Remember Amanda? Did you watch it last year?
Yes, I’ve watched every season. My opinion is that while last year was deplorable, this year is vile. I’d like to erase both years and go back to when BB was fun to watch.
What did Frankie say? And who did he say it about?
Check out TMZ, Youtube, Bustle, TVGrapeVine or google “Frankie Grande rape joke.”
As awesome as it would be to see Frankie get sent packing this week, I have a hard time seeing Caleb doing it. If Cody or Derrick were HOH, then yes absolutely, BUT, Caleb is loyal to a fault. Hopefully Derrick can start misting him within the next 24 hours.
I kind of wish this season was drawn along gender lines. Then it would be 3.5 girls vs. 3.5 boys right now. ;)
I don’t like Frankie either but there is no reason to make homophobic comments against him – Comment on his game play but don’t bring his sexuality into it
Cross-dressing has zero to do with sexual preference. One of my closest friends is a cross-dresser and completely straight.
Also, I have family members that are gay, but don’t cross-dress.
What about all Drag HG’s next season. RuPaul can help the casting.
That’s not a bad idea! Playing field would be more even. I would hope for more cross-dressers like Canada’s Gary Levy. I really enjoyed him.
Yeah, Frankie is not even good on what he’s doing. He’s not funny but annoying.
Annoying is an understatement!
A lot of cross-dressing men know how to apply make-up and can really pull off looking good. I thought Frankie looked horrendous.
The best ones are in Las Vegas. Awesome show!
He’s a disgusting pervert.
Been gay my whole life, as long as I can remember. Never once had any inclination to cross dress. In fact I probably wear to much flannel , jeans , and boots. Frankie brought his sexuality into he game all by his self. From day one as he boggled each guy that came through the door. He has always hugged and snuggled with any of the guys that was willing to let him do so. It’s disgraceful to have him representing gay men on national television. So in my opinion it’s has nothing to do with being homophobic, he has simply paraded his sexuality around the house and blown his game on his own. He needs to hit the yellow brick road back to Boca Rotan.
Very well said!! Fortunately, not all of America views Gays that way. People are people, no matter their preferences, skin color or anything else. Disgrace is brought on by an individual’s words and actions, which shouldn’t reflect on a group of people.
He did not say anything about his sexuality.
I am a she, but thanks for backing me up. I was making a joke.
Nothing was said about his sexuality.
She never said anything about him being gay. I agree with her comment but not because Frankie cross dresses because he acts like a high school mean girl. Actually that’s not fair to high school mean girls Frankie acts ten times worse than they do. I don’t say that because he is gay I don’t have a problem with gay people wether they act masculine or feminine I say that cause I think deep down he is a mean spirited person who reminds me of the movie mean girls but multiplied by ten
I don’t have a problem with him being gay. But he seems to have the need to keep reminding us of it. His actions, his words. Just let it go Frankie. We know your gay. But we have also learned a mean, cruel, ahole. This game will definitely put a huge scar in his so called million follower social media BS.
Finally someone who I can totally agree with. As a gay man, he is a typical Diva that those of us who are gay hate to see on television. It’s just a perpetuation of the American stereotype that all gays are total queens.
It irritates both myself and partner that people like Frankie are representing the gay men on a major network show. We are both very masculine, we hunt, watch Football and live like most straight men live. Why can’t they just once get a normal guy on the show who acts like a person, not a personality, that is just gay and it’s no big deal. We are going to the lake tomorrow to go fishing and drink beer, but neither of us will be wearing a thong.
Agree with that. But on here, there seems to be a hate Frankie theme. Most of it doesn’t have a lot to do with game play. I have even seen nasty stuff about his sister. Will be glad when the bully police get started. I was under the impression only Frankie does these things and that is totally a bunch of crap. People seem to forget how Caleb was the one they attacked because of Amber. Now he could be favorite player he’s so great. Much easier now to focus everything bad on Frankie because he is gay. Oh yes, you can all say that’s not why, but everything you beat up Frankie for all of the others have done the same. Now this rape comment. Yeah that’s disgusting! Now I finally hear it wasn’t just Frankie, but Derrick also. Plus those who stood and said nothing. Bunch of great guys. Tell that to Amber who lost her game, tell it to Christine’s husband, to Derricks wife. Tell Zach Victoria was only teasing when she destroyed the hat. Geez, I sure didn’t have to go on a teenager page to see bullying and its ugliness.
The girls were too stupid this season. Other than Nicole the other girls have been floaters all the way. Too stupid to get with Joey and that’s why most of them are gone.
All the house guests want Nicole gone because she is such a big threat. She hasn’t won a competition since returning. I think Frankie is the biggest threat in that house. Derrick is going to regret not getting him out. I don’t like Frankie but honestly, if he starts winning competitions and making moves I’m going to be behind him. The rest are just sitting there. Derrick’s game play is good, but really boring to watch. Cody is all bark and no bite. Caleb does not have a mind of his own and is easily manipulated. Christine is just there and Victoria…..
First he threatens violence against Nicole and now he suggests the guys rape Victoria? How long will BB allow this misogyny to continue?
They are allowing Caleb’s misogyny to continue, too. I think both should be expelled for their violent talk against women.
Here is my wish for finale night. Nicole and Victoria’s parents are in the audience. When the show is over and the credits are rolling, I want to see them get up out of their seats and walk up to Frankie and confront him about the vile and disturbing comments he has made about their daughters. If those horrible things were said about my daughter, if I had my way, I would get up out of my seat, walk up to Frankie and punch HIM in the face. The “double team” Victoria comment, calling Nicole a “c***,” and saying he wants to punch her in the face….let’s see how tough Mr. Grande would be then.
Love it
Could you imagine the response if that was said about Ariana?
Frankie would go ballistic.
Perhaps, whybhe had sorta kinda reneged on his offer to introduce his sister to Caleb and Cody last week, when they saw her photo in the HOH room …
Good point.
What is scarier is that his Sister apparently has been encouraging her fans (I assume mostly young teenage girls) to support her brother in BB this season … Imagaine if this stuff actually makes it to prime time news feeds, similar to last year with Spencer, Aaryn and What’s Her Name for their racist comments???
Since CBS is part of Republic Records (Arianna’s label) they’d never show it on prime time. And even as open as tabloid media is, I don’t think it’d show up even on TMZ.
TMZ has the clip and Victoria’s family’s response to it.
Was it aired or maybe going to be you think?
It’s on tmz (dot) com.
Her mother has got to be mortified. Can you imagine watching someone imitating rape on your daughter?! She wants an apology. I think the best apology would be CBS stepping in and getting him the eff out.
Her parents expressed a real concern that she may become a rape victim now.
I guess that is the reason why Frankie is never held accountable for his actions. CBS doesn’t want to lose any money they make off of his sister.
It needs to. He needs to be shamed publicly, by the media, by fans of his(if there any left), by his family.
I agree but if he said those things about my daughter I wouldn’t stop at punching him in the face I wouldn’t stop till he was on the ground black and blue and unconscious and had to be hauled off in an ambulance. Then I would look at his family and apologize but ask them what they would have done if someone said that about his sister.
I just watched the replay when this convo was going on in the fire room…I am sick to my stomach right now. Go back and close attention to what he says and does when he brings zingbot into is around 2:19 pm yesterday..takes 2-3 minutes or so. I am in shock right now.
I don’t have the live feeds unfortunately
Google it. There are clips and transcriptions available.
He needs to be thrown out of the house.
A clip of it is also at TVGRAPEVINE in the article written around the 2:30AM timeslot with a write up calling them out on the morality of it. Someone said Derrick didn’t laugh but he did.
Derrick laughed. Actually, I was very surprised and disappointed with Derrick’s reaction.
Derrick shamed the egomaniac at first, then had a laugh about it going along with everyone else.
Then last night on BBAD he gave Victoria a very, very comforting hug in the kitchen .. well, maybe she initiated it(??)
wait until Victoria realizes that Derrick is actually happily married with a newborn at the Finale Show .. she will be so jealous and distraught. Ha!!!
She was in the LR when the family video messages were played. She saw Derrick’s wife and daughter.
it will probably be OK with Mrs Derrick as long as he brings home the check, and as long as he is in the final 2 he will win, UNLESS it is with Nicole, of the ones left she might beat him!!!! TO NICOLE!!!
she is still totally infatuated with him
Derrick better be careful with that. I believe his motives are purely gameplay, but I don’t think her are as innocent anymore.
All of them were laughing…. Derrick, Cody, Caleb and Christine.
and if anybody knows things like that should be nipped in the bud it is derrick
I thought the same thing, Carol and as sick as the whole situation was, I was almost as upset with Derrick for speaking up about it at first and then laughing about it. He even made a hip thrust movement himself. It was appalling.
after reading lots of these comments not sure if I want to go find it and watch it or not, I am already pissed that Frankie cant keep his hands to himself, and pissed that $$$ means so much to them that they will put up with being pawed daily, and Frankie takes turns, and they all sit in a circle and act like it is NORMAL?!?! maybe I am too much a southern woman, I would not put up with such, lol
You should watch it just once. It’s deplorable. I’m a Tn. gal. No such thing as being too southern in my book. And if anyone considers that the area I live in is one of the reasons for my good morals, I would definitely be OK with that.:)
I don’t think that good morals is a regional thing. It should be a world-wide thing, but it’s not. I applaud good morals where ever they come from!
He’s disgusting. Did you watch him last night? He thought he was going to get something from a wasted, fall down drunk Cody. And BB gave them 2 alcohol deliveries. Maybe they wanted to see Frankie take advantage of Cody.
There is one silver lining in all of this. Frankie’s vile words and actions are going to be spread all over the news. He’s the one that is going to be shunned and humiliated. Who is he going to blame?
Probably. He’ll find some way to blame Donny, even though he’s out of the house.
You don’t actually think there is a chance he would win AFP if Ariana gets all of her twitter fans to vote? I would be so upset if that happens. It cannot!!!
I’d like to see Ariana’s reaction to Frankie’s vulgarity and suggestions of raping a drunk girl I bet if she doesn’t condemn her brother for it she loses a lot of fans
I honestly think she’d make an excuse for him…”Oh, that’s just how Frankie jokes..” Something like that. Her demographic won’t care what her big brother said. They’re tweens. Their PARENTS might have a problem, though.
The way he talks about the closeness they all have I don’t think his family has a problem with anything he does.
I don’t think there is a chance of that. If Ariana tries to promote that vote now, there is going to be a huge uproar. It would make the news.
I thought the same thing! Even the other HGs were joking that poor Cody was gonna wake up with a sore rump. It reminded me of a hungry lion taking down a wounded gazzell! In my opinion, it made Frankie look more nasty and desperate than ever! ACK!
I felt the same when they got the second round of drinks. willing to bet Frankie did something to Cody last night when the lights went dim
I don’t normally promote violence, but there are some instances that it is justified. I agree with you!
Do you have the feeds? If so, did you watch that convo yesterday?
I don’t have the feeds. I just watched the clip, though. I’m truly horrified! I thought that Frankie telling Cody/Caleb to rape her and take her virginity was bad, but the whole imitating Zingbot raping her was beyond vile! Frankie is one sick _____ (I was going to say human being, but I don’t want to call him that anymore.)
I can’t believe he is still in the house after that. That is one of the most disturbing things I have seen in 16 seasons of watching this show.
They would just argue that they were drunk and it was just a joke … like with Zach earlier in commenting about punching Victoria in the face, after Derrick suggested to him that it was not appropriate ..
This took place in the afternoon before the veto comp..Frankie was completely sober.
I’ve been telling ya: the pr**ck is a freaking sociopath. Get him the hell out of there. He’s a perverted douche.
This is BEFORE any of them had a drink.
They weren’t drinking at 2:19 pm
I don’t think Frankie drinks either
It was up there with Spencer and his Child porno comments. Two of the worst things I’ve seen.
Where did you find the clip I can’t find it I found a transcription of the conversation but it left out the part about zingbot
Tvgrapevine was one of the places.
I agree, addressing him by any other name than what you were likely thinking is given him respect. He doesn’t deserve a name. He’s a swine. He needs to be put in a sty, fed slop, and wallow around in the muck.
After going back and watching that whole conversation..I am at a loss for words right now.
True, I’m sure the law would consider that as violence. In my eyes, that’s punishment and making someone accountable for their actions, obviously he never was taught accountability.
This makes Willie Hantzs’ headbutt seem like nothing and he was thrown out of the game. I don’t see the difference at all. I think what Frankie did was much worse.
I agree. It is shameful if those actions are not addressed and reprimanded quickly. Castration was my first thought.
I am not a big fan of production stepping in, I know it happens on every reality show..but, this time..they should have stepped in. I don’t even care about watching the rest of this season, seeing him on my TV screen will make me want to throw something at it. I guess when his horrible face is being shown. I will hit the mute button. I am just very upset right now with this whole thing. It’s just not right..he is talking about a young lady losing her virginity..something that to some girls is a sacred thing. Maybe I am being overly emotional, but, I read about the comments yesterday, but, when I went back and watched what happened…I almost couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
You are not being over emotional! I just watched it, and I’m ready to puke. There is something seriously wrong with him.
I am a mom and I have a daughter…this just really upset me. I cannot believe that production has done nothing. They stick their noses into everything else.
That’s the way I found out, also. I read it and then found the clip and have been upset since. It made me sick to watch it. I know this is a TV show, but THAT WAS REAL. He is so immoral. Just the sight of him makes me cringe with disgust
I just watched the clip on tmz and I am completely horrified at all of them Derrick Cody Caleb Christine and most of all Frankie. Production had better step in and do something penalize Frankie and take all winnings/earnings from him from the whole season and make him automatic evictee this week should be the least they do. I can’t even put into words how watching that made me feel I should have trusted my gut and not watched. Despicable
I understand. It really threw me for a loop. I just sat there with my mouth open, shaking my head in horror.
I didn’t think I would watch it again, but I just did also. The reason was to make sure I was remembering correctly what I saw. And Derrick did make a hip thrust movement toward the end of that clip. Beyond shameful.
I’m not a big fan of castration, but their is chemical castration available that’s not permanent.
You do know how I use sarcasm. I’ve heard of the chemical method. The thing about it is, Frankie is a PERMANENT douchebag perv. LOL
There is another way of castration. They tie the scrotum with rubber band until it falls.’s old school. lol
Old school is always the best!
of course ! lol I was being sarcastic too.
In this case make an exception castration isn’t punishment enough and I say this as a man.
agree — how can you say things like that about other women and not put your sister, mother, wife …. in the same situation/comment….and not see how wrong that is, arrogance comes to mind, thinking you and yours are better than others, like it is ok for vic to be raped but not for his sister…??
I saw a comment on another site that said Frankie’s words and actions promoting rape is a criminal offense. I hope that they charge him!
I don’t want to watch it again, redroses, but do you remember, didn’t Christine instigate the conversation or am I wrong?
They were talking about who all would be drinking that night (Cody, Caleb, Victoria.) Christine made the comment to Cody that he was going to be wasted. Then she asked him to please not make love to Victoria that night. She may have started it, but I think her comment was more innocent.
I agree, not a Christine fan but I don’t think she was advocating rape in her comment.
Yes she did..she said something like “you better not make love to Victoria know how fiesty she is when she drinks.” Not sure if she was talking to Cody or Caleb. Not blaming Christine at all on this one.
Yah, watching it once was too much for me so TY for that confirmation. She’s one sicko, too.
Don’t forget that Frankie also said that Jocasta should “go kill herself.”
yea and you would think they would remember last season and not talk like that, but since I haven’t kept up with all the folks from last season maybe they didn’t have to pay for how they acted last year??
IDK. I remember that Aaryn was publicly humiliated, but I didn’t follow what happened to her or her housemates after the show.
yea and a few days ago I ‘suggested’ that the final show should be 3 hours, one for the ‘winner’ #2 hour be about clueing in the houseguest on each other, and #3 hour be about what America thinks about certain things said/done during the season!!
I love that Idea.
Did you see him last night all over a drunk Cody? He even told Christine he was groping him.
OMG yes, maybe he is a man-whore?? and they got a lot of it on camera, up close shots!
There is a picture of Frankie humping Caleb after Caleb falls down drunk.
I think sex is all Frankie thinks about, sick for either man or woman to be stuck on s e x !!
Yep, I saw it. I don’t even know what to say about him anymore!
I can’t help but wonder what would happen in real life if Frankie behaved in this manner to the male HG’s? I don’t understand why the men are tolerating this sexual predator’s behavior. Are there afraid of being called a homophobe if they complain or get angry about it? Just a weird situation all around.
A few weeks ago I said that last season was the season of racists and this is the season of bullies. Someone questioned what the HGs had done that made them bullies. Here’s the short list…
1. Threaten violent acts against other HGs.
2. Ostracizing/shunning HGs to the point of hurting them.
3. Mean/vulgar comments that go beyond trash-talking about other HGs.
4. Mocking other HGs.
If those doing the above aren’t bullies, what would you call their actions?
Is just me, or did anyone else notice that while Caleb and Cody appeared pretty wasted on BBAD, that Feankie appeared to be faking being drunk, so that he could more than usual, in fondling the guys, in particularly Cody?
While in the HOH room talking to Caleb, he appeared relatively sober, but once he left to downstairs in the kitchen, with the rest of the HG’s, it appeared his entire personality had switched totally over .. in the way he acted and talked, as if he was drunk ??
I missed BBAD last night but if that’s what happened it wouldn’t surprise me
Oh my god, I thought it was just me! YES, he absolutely did that. But, did you notice at one point, Cody started pulling away? I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw that.
It was kinda funny that Caleb hobbled downstairs and grabbed 4 of the 6 cans of beers (Coors) while leaving the 2 remaining Miller’s to Cody and wine to Victoria .. using the argument that Nicole and Derrick were have nots and one other person (??) did not drink ???
Caleb was jumping up and down and running on the stairs later.
I saw a video of him falling down the stairs drunk
I read on one site that he was pretending. I don’t know that for sure though.
He sure didn’t look like he was in pain. When round 2 of the alcohol showed up, Caleb was literally jumping up and down for joy. He then ran down the stairs.
Alcohol makes them so attractive. :(
But, sadly with this cast, mostly what they have said and done were while they have been sober, unfortunately …
That is a very true,ugly fact, Andy.
Frankie doesn’t drink
Which makes it even more disturbing, in that he was acting the way he did pretending to be drunk to take advantage of Cody and whomever and whatever else he did ….
One thing for sure, if Amber had any reservations about Caleb while in her time in the House about OCD/Stalker Caleb, I am pretty sure now that she was correct with her first instincts about him …. Ha !!!
Skankie made me sick last night. He is so disgusting. He was rubbing all over a drunk Cody and it made me sick. He was even laughing telling Christine I was groping Cody. Thinking he’s going to have what he wants from him because he’s drunk. What a sexual predator. And what does BB do give them more alcohol. Cody was wasted and passed out. Good job production. He was shooting beers and when they gave them more alcohol I thought WTF? I sure hope someone kept an eye on him through the night.
AND..did you see when he got on the hammock with Derrick. Frankie did something that prompted Derrick to ask him how many more times was he going to touch his d**k. Frankie replied “four”. Now I read all of that, I didn’t see it, but I did see the Cody stuff and Frankie was wanting him some of that; it was obnoxious touching.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Derrick punched him out for it when the credits were rolling on finale night. I know it is horrible to wish for something like that or to think it was funny and if it was any other person than Frankie I wouldn’t wish or think it was funny but I can’t help myself when I hear all the vile things Frankie has done
It literally dumb founds me what these people seem to think is acceptable in this BB house. I don’t think for one moment that Derrick would allow any such actions outside the house and I have a feeling he is going to get a whole lot of flack from his old buddies from home.
I’m hoping that Frankie’s drunken escapades will send him out the door Thursday. Why is Frankie even allowed to sexually harass the men and why do the men tolerate it? Puzzling behavior all around.
Frankie wasn’t drunk.
As far as I know, he wasn’t drinking. However I do agree about the puzzling behavior.
I’m really surprised that Frankie wasn’t drunk – that makes his behavior even more horrendous! I would hate to see how he behaves when drunk UGH!
The thought makes me shutter.
I know this off topic but I thought it was worth mentioning. For all Donny fans wanting to send him a little something please take the time to read this all the way through. I tried posting this once but BBN held my comment because of the link so I am going to try posting it differently. sitesdotgoogledotcom/site/tommythompson02/ replace the word dot with actual dot. Tommy Thompson is Donny’s brother for those who didn’t know that Please take the time to read it all the way through. I hope that if Courtney Cavanaugh does send this money to Donny and him and his family don’t want the “free handout ” as they put it then Donny chooses to use it to help a charity that is near and dear to his heart. I ask that all true Donny fans take the time to read this article especially if you already have or are thinking about donating to this Facebook group for Donny. Thanks.
Thanks for the info, Doug.
NP I know if Donny does receive something from this Facebook group and his brother is right and he doesn’t want the “handout” (which I am sure his brother is right) that Donny will use it for a charity near and dear to his heart as that is the kind of man he is and is why we all love him so much. I found about it on tvgrapevine but you need to go to the site on Google for the whole thing and effect
I cannot believe frankie suggested to”””’ a drunk woman, that is what it is, He has been over the top with his over reaching sexual harrasment remarks and actions, they need to get him out,
And all the fans of his sister , is it not wonderful this is how the guy is, all the female fans should really be proud,
All because he is gay is no excuse for that comment, it was way over the top. even gay people are upset about that comment.
Franky is in melt down because his lame drag show failed , I am so glad america showed him he has no talent.
lets hope they boot his booty out, Derrick is a police officer and should have really been upset about that remark, THey all should be upset. im sure some have sisters and other female relatives,
In the real world that remark in the wrong place could have resulted in some very bad happenings, Exspecially with alcohol involved ,
Just think what her parents and to the point all the guests relatives must be thinking,
Im sure his sister and the rest of his family are so proud ,
Franky is vile, he gives gay people a bad name and thinks he protrays all of them, well he does not.
Frankie’s comments about Victoria are hitting all over the internet tmz celeb dirty laundry and bustle just to name a few but they are defending ariana saying she doesn’t need to apologize to Victoria and her family which I agree she doesn’t need to apologize but she does need to publicly condemn her brother for those remarks and quickly the same way she has been quick to defend him all season
GOOD!! I hope this blows up bigger than anything that rotten cast from BB15 said or did. Seriously, CBS, are you going to keep that perverted pig in the house? The things he’s said and done are absolutely WRONG. As a woman, I am highly offended. I DO NOT FIND RAPE FUNNY. PERIOD. If anyone even hinted at Frankie being sexually molested, that HG would be gone by now. The rape of any sex is not funny. The fact that Victoria is a virgin makes it all the more despicable. Despicable.
I totally think Frankie is a disgusting vile pig..I have made my feelings toward this moron clear on these threads..however, Derrick is also at fault here..he is the one who mentioned Victoria getting raped by zingbot..he even made a thrust forward motion..Christine laid there laughing right along with them, Caleb said “there would be blood everywhere,” Cody had the least to say, I could tell he was a little uncomfortable.
Yeah, I’ve been cutting Derrick a lot of slack over this. I expect it from Christine and the others, but I really was surprised by Derrick’s reaction. I just don’t want to believe that he’s just as disgusting as the other filth…especially since he’s a cop. My dad was a police officer for years, so I expect their conduct to be exemplary. So, for him to laugh and take part makes him just as culpable as the others. Cody actually seemed more and more uncomfortable the longer it went on–however, if it bothered him he could have said something. Yes, when Victoria sees this, she will be devastated.
Cody seemed bothered the most as if there was a hole to crawl into he would. He knows his family will not take this behavior lightly. He knows it is just wrong to talk like this. (And I am not a fan of Codys for the game) I can’t believe that people do even talk like this. I’m old and I still can’t understand why it would be funny for someone to joke like this. Maybe Christine could explain it to me, her being a young woman supporting her husband. Maybe he could do another video explaining how Christine could sit there and laugh as the “boys” joke about double teaming and taking all her (Victoria’s) virginities (sorry know I spelled it wrong) away? Isn’t Christine a Christian? And she laughs???
It is amazing what the thought of winning $500,000 can cause people to do. I honestly do not believe in all reality that these guys would ever consider any such actions. Frankie being the only one in question. But they should have shown some backbone(that would be different) and called Frankie out and not let it continue. And Christine joining in, smiling,etc., not getting up and walking out, is an insult to all women.
From what I saw he made more than one “thrust motion” (unless someone who posted the video repeated those seconds of film to make it look like more I will have to go back and check). And that was besides his laughing at the planning of taking Victoria’s virginity. And he calls her a “little sister” after everyone (general) commented about their close relationship. How could Derrick laugh and mimic sexual behavior against someone who he considers his sister?
Don’t forget that it was Derrick that suggested Zingbot should do it. They BOTH need to go, now!
Wait until Victoria watches after the show. I think she will be heartbroken.
I don’t remember this – what did Derrick do?
After Frankie was done saying that Cody & Caleb should double team Victoria, Derrick chimed in that the Zingbot should do it. He even threw in a hip action to show what he meant. After that Frankie simulated the Zingbot raping Victoria.
I don’t recall this type of outrageous behavior towards a female HG in any previous year of BB. The only thing that comes close is Caleb stalking Amber.
Alas chivalry is dead!
Simulated as in licked both hands (fingers and made some kind of movement). I know this is sick but if you watch Frankie I don’t even know what he is mimicking. Licking his fingers and making weird noises, all very bizarre?
That was the 2nd part of his simulation. In my mind it was clearly in addendum to the first part of his simulation, which he said was the Zingbot doing it.
Did anyone hear what was shouted to the HGs last night?
Lol, Frankie whinnying about wanting to be as known as his sister…doesn’t he realize that by going on this show and playing like he is that he just made himself known alright, and everybody hates him now! He has shown a vulgar side of himself…
Just remember what he said at his Frankie’s Funeral, that it was not the real Frankie in the first part of the Season, as he was hiding behind his true peraonna and, that moving forward, out of respect to his millions and millions of fans and followers he will play out the rest of his time in the Big House as his true self ….. OMFG !!! It is kinda ironic that the fake Frankie was actually more likeable, at one point in the season … Ha!!!
From what I am able to understand about last night, Cody seems to have been the only one not joining in with the tasteless behavior toward Victoria and might have even felt uncomfortable with it.
Guess I’m hoping for a Cody win now that all my favorites have been evicted.
Ughhh, I like Frankie, but he was such an idiot for that joke… They should take him out, because he is good at comps…
Was Frankie trying to get into Cody’s Dino suit when Cody was drunk? It sure looked that way. I kept thinking someone needs to save Cody before he did something on TV he would really regret.
In any case, as much as I want to see Frankie evicted, its not the right move for Caleb. He needs Christine and Victoria to go home then Frankie.
I was thinking how bad would it be for the 4 guys if the final 5 are Derrick, Cody, Caleb Victoria and Frankie and Victoria finally wins something – an HOH!