The first night of Live Feeds brought us a healthy dose of Big Brother spoilers as the HGs were running a mile a minute and not holding back a bit as they plotted their next move. Find out what happened in the first Battle of the Block competition with these overnight spoilers.
With two Heads of Household and four nominations this season as part of the new Double HoH twist Big Brother needed a way to break that down to the regular one HoH and two nominees. Enter the Battle of the Block.
In this competition, new to Big Brother 16, the four nominated HGs would face off in pairs and battle for safety. If they won then the HoH who put them on the block would be dethroned and the nominees would gain their own eviction-redemption themselves. Here’s what happened this week.
Soon after the Live Feeds began we quickly identified the two remaining nominees: Donny & Paola. But who were the other ones and who did these nominees belong to?
Turns out Frankie nominated Brittany & Victoria with his rationale being they were the first two players to drop during the second group’s HoH competition. Donny & Paola were Caleb’s nominees and his justification was they were the first man and woman to drop from the first group’s comp.
When it came to the Battle of the Block competition, Brittany & Victoria won. That means they got off the block and dethroned their nominator, Frankie, in the process.
So, final HoH & noms of Big Brother 16 Week 1: Caleb as HoH and Donny & Paola as noms.
Little bit of extra background info. Frankie and Caleb are on very good terms. They didn’t butt heads in this dual HoH process. Frankie is glad he gets to “keep his hands clean this week” as he told Zach, who happens to have a F2 deal with Frankie. Devin is losing his cool in the house and seems very stressed out, so if there’s a renom opening later he could be in danger.
Later today (Friday) the HGs are anticipating the Power of Veto competition. This comp will allow the winner to Veto one of Caleb’s noms and force Caleb to name a replacement. Tough to tell if there’s an alternate target just now, but I’ll keep watching and update you with any news we discover on the Live Feeds.
Want to watch the Live Feeds yourself? Grab the Free Trial right now and see what’s going on inside the BB16 house through the HD cameras and uncensored views of all the action. There’s already been plenty of conflict and drama brewing so you don’t want to miss this fun.
Pretty hectic start. We’re going to have to absorb all the info. Enjoy been able to go back and watch some of the stuff that happen during the night. But gee, 4:30 am in BB house and they are still people not slepping, wow.
I can’t believe Brittany & Nicole stayed up. Brittany is still cooking while Nicole went to try for more sleep. I guess B really doesn’t like those HN beds!
She cooking slop ? She’s a HaveNot or cooking for the others ? Pretty weird. Must be an insomniac.
Well she’s a mother of 3 so whether or not she’s a have-not, I can see her cooking for others.
I was just writing the same thing.
She’s a HN this week.
So now I know why feeds weren’t coming on. Couldn’t stay up. Jetlag I guess.
Well, Brittany is a CA girl. But a mom of 3. Maybe that where she pick up the habit to cook at night.
Jetlag?? They’ve been in the house for 8 days. That must have been a terrible flight to still be jetlagged after all that time.
No, I’m jetlagged!
It was so crazy trying to watch feeds…HG’s were a little nutty at first! I am sorry that Donny is nominated. He just looks so out of place in there with all of those young kids. They are a little annoying to me, I hope it gets better as they settle down.
It was definitely crazy last night. I guess they’re all wound up that Feeds / AD had just started. Once we get some daytime going and the HGs can relax it should be better. I hope so at least!
I wonder if they showed Joey topless on TVGN. I TIVOed it, will let you know later.
Watching now. They did show beach kid running around with hat over his privates. First they kept showing his butt then started going black when he ran through. No females yet.
Hmm, I had both on at the same time and don’t remember them showing her topless, especially not just standing there. I think she had pasties on though.
Pasties. That mean she plan this.
I hate Donny got picked first. He seems funny. Expected it because he seems out of place.
Often that make them non-threatening and allowed them to cruise under the radar.
So what was Devin freaking out about? I heard he got into it with Cody. Seriously that guy needs stop crying and whining. A guy his size should be able to handle this game better. Jacosta, the minister, isn’t even freaking out so he shouldn’t either.
Cody was pushing Devin’s buttons, said Zach & Frankie. Then Cody fought w/ Christine over beds/sheets. He’s starting out rough.
I felt bad for Amber who was left cleaning the dishes when everyone else called it a night, but even moreso for Brittany who at 10am EST was still awake and doing some early morning chores around the house. Nicole was unable to sleep at all in the Have-Not room. If she got picked for the Veto comp, she won’t be at her 100% for certain.
Seems like it always takes awhile for them to settle in, but lots of ppl can’t sleep in have not room. Its never comfy.
I think this year’s Have Not room is the one to beat out of all the HN rooms the show had in past seasons in terms of extreme discomfort.
A couple of HN rooms I like in the past was BB12’s shanty-town/slum-themed room and BB14’s Twilight Zone-inspired room which never really had beds to begin with.
Definitely strange rooms. The tz-inspired was pretty good. Still taking in all the rooms. Haven’t caught up yet have they got to go outside to hang-out yet?
Not sure. But interesting to note that apparently, according to one live feedster, none of the cast are smokers. That’s gotta be a first in all 16 seasons if it’s true.
That would be a 1st.
the smoking has always been a petpeeve of mine, glad to see the change…
My name is caleb but caleb in the house could be my least favorite. Lol Him being deeply in love already is pretty annoying. I ha
d to fast foward his conversation last night on bbad about him talking about hes been waiting four years or whatever for a girl like this, am I the only one that thinks its weird, he even said he thinks amber is the one haha geeze, how long they been inside again?
A little more than a week. I imagine the moment he first laid eyes on Amber, time suddenly stopped, Caleb stared in awe with sparkles in his eyes as his world suddenly focused on the girl with the yellow dress (can’t remember what she wore on Night 2 though ehehehe) and his heart started beating really fast.
And then Jeffrey Osborne’s “On the WIngs of Love” suddenly starts playing the background.
So my opinion is already changing after one night of the feeds. Devin who I liked is getting on my last nerve. What a friggin cry baby. All he does is run his mouth. And wow most of the guys have a head the size of the BB house. Caleb is going to win every comp, Zach is going to be in the final 2 and Cody is also going to win every comp. Can’t wait until they get a dose of reality!
That’s why I always wait to make my mind. Next Thursday I might have a fav. I get what you say, but OTOH it’s good to have a positive attitude and try to win everything. And you’re right, reality will hit them.
will all the players be allowed to play in each HOH contest or will it be limited to the group A goes for HOHa and group B competes for HOHb ?
Too early to have a favorite, too much to happen, allot of hotties, poor ole donny he is funny and would be a good one to keep around to lighten the mood, he is no threat and some of the things out of his mouth are priceless exp. with that accent. the next few weeks will be interesting, they all started out a little too strong with allot of big plans with others they have no idea about.
this new twist is interesting to say the least. it is a bit confusing, but as it plays out it may get drab. the battle of the block is one thing, that as one of the hoh , you would want to pick the strongest to play to ensure your position. to nom weak players makes no sense,
At least for the first week, they need to see how the mechanics of BOB work to consider putting up strong players.
The downside of picking such strong physical competitors is that you, as the HOH who nominated them, will also be at risk of being picked as a replacement nominee post-Veto by the winning HOH.
The HoHs want to pick weak players to be on the block because they want their noms to lose the BotB. The winners of BotB are removed from the block and can not be renomed. But the HoH who put them there gets dethroned and can be a renom! This is one way to weed out weak players early.