Ready to see the Big Brother 16 cast on your Live Feeds? That time has finally arrived as CBS launches After Dark and the Big Brother Feeds tonight following the BB16 season premiere.
Starting at 10PM PT / 1AM ET the switch will be flipped and those glorious HD cameras will begin streaming uncensored content, called Live Feed, from inside the house. Well, it’s uncensored if you’re watching the Live Feeds, sorry After Dark viewers. This Big Brother Feed is what lets us view the HGs in their natural habitat without the messiness of production editing the story to fit their narrative. Instead we’ll hear what the Houseguests say and do as it happens.
Expect the HGs to know we’ve arrived too as last year all were primping and very excited for the arrival of that “Fly on the Wall” visitor, us! If we have especially good HGs this season then they’ll take us on a passive tour of the rooms hopefully including the new Have-Not layout.
Want to join in on the fun and start watching the HGs too? It’s incredibly easy. Click the big yellow button below and get signed up for your Free Trial. You’ll be able to watch on your computer, tablet, phone, and most all of those other fancy little devices you’ve got.
If you don’t like the Feeds, then maybe you’re not feeling well, but you can cancel in the first 48 hours and not be billed. There are two sign-up options: Season Pass & Monthly. Season Pass is cheaper at this point ($26.99 vs $29.97), but that’s up to you.
Now let’s sit back and see what our new summer friends are up to. I’ll be posting a timeline of highlights plus screencaps straight from the Feeds as soon as they start. Enjoy!
Big Brother 16 – Live Feed Highlights – 6/26/2014:
9:55PM BBT – Waiting on those glorious Feeds to come alive and show us what’s going on inside that house.
10:00PM BBT – Feeds are live! Everyone is sitting around waiting for us when Frankie jumps up and starts shouting.
10:02PM BBT – Yep, HGs racing all over the house showing us all the rooms.
10:04PM BBT – Joey & Hayden are streaking. Joey changes her top in front of the camera. Completely topless there. I told you this was uncensored.
10:10PM BBT – Guys in HN room. Cody is a HN and says he volunteered.
10:15PM BBT – Nominees appear to be Donny & Paola. Yes, those are this week’s remaining nominations. Caleb is spotted up on 2nd level looking over railing. He could have survived the Battle of the Block.
10:20PM BBT – The house is just going crazy! It’s hard to keep up with all this action. Sounds like Joey tried to form an alliance and it flopped. HGs joking about it.
11:05PM BBT – Zach and Frankie discuss their F2. Both have side alliances, but pledge loyalty to F2.
11:15PM BBT – Frankie would prefer Paola evicted this week, but seems resigned to Donny going first. Oh no!
11:30PM BBT – Caleb telling Paola how much he likes Amber, but wants to wait to get out of the game so he doesn’t jeopardize his chances.
12:05AM BBT – Caleb suggests they could BD Joey if a renom spot opens up.
2:35AM BBT – Devin is getting worked up over messes. He’s stressing out a lot it seems. He gets in to an argument with Christine over beds and sheets.
3:30AM BBT – Christine and Devin talk in Storage room. He apologizes. She apologizes. Hugs all around.
4:00AM BBT – Devin is worried about Donny and hopes he wins the Veto on Friday so he can stay.
4:30AM BBT – Amber suggests Joey would be her target. Seems Joey out’d the girls alliance. Sheesh.
8:00AM BBT – Everyone but Brittany is asleep. She’s cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. Since she’s a Have-Not this week she might be avoiding those awful beds.
So much going on in the house. Keep watching and enjoying, but here’s what all we know so far. Caution, spoilers ahead!
It seems Frankie’s noms won in this week’s Battle of the Block & he was dethroned. Caleb remains as surviving HoH as do his noms, Donny & Paola. Veto comp is coming up on Friday. Frankie and Zach have a F2 deal. Caleb & Amber have a budding romance, but trying to hold off until they leave the house. Get ready for lots more of this all summer.
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I am hopping that Paola has annoyed the fellow house guests as much as she annoyed me in the first episode and Donny is the pawn to ensure she goes home. Of course, even if that were the reasoning for the nominations, Donny could always get voted out like Cheryl in Season 2. I am hoping Donny gets through the week!
I like Paola and hope she sticks around. Donny needs to go. He’s not the brightest bulb in the room and I really don’t think this was the right game for him.
I want to see Paola stick around a while for the simple reason she will create drama. I don’t think the HG’s feel Donny is a threat at this time so I’m pretty sure he’s safe. I would LOVE to see one of them come off the block, Zach go up & go home. Please!
I hate zack. The guy just think everyone is his slave. He doesn´t bother with anyone and gets annoying. He started with Frankie and last night was with Brittany.
So i hope someone from the 2 get the veto, get out of the chair and caleb sends Zack into the chair to be kicked out.
Paola talks to much strategy that she loses herself.
Nicole has been on the back seat… trying to stay away from the major discussions. That can be good or very bad.
I hope Donny wins the veto and he is replaced by Zach. Either him or Paola gone works just fine. (There is more to Donny that he is acting, I hope.)
I do hope Donny gets through this week because he seems like a nice enough guy. But even if he does, his days are numbered. Why does BB continue to cast nothing but 20 and young 30-somethings and one person in their forties or older? Either turn the show into the Real World all together or cast a more diverse age range.
These people are too open about their gameplay to people they shouldnt be trusting this early in the game. Wouldnt suprise me to see the cop win it, he seems pretty smart so far. Just seems like these people have already lost their minds and the game is just starting.
Sigh really disapointed with recent events…
Zach and Frankie alliance bleh.
Donny seems to be the target
Devin imploding his game.
Also Frankie turning on Victoria
Are my live feeds the only ones not working?? I’ve tried everything and my browser freezes up every time I try to watch!
Change browser. I find Google Chrome handle video better than Explorer. If you have a powerfull PC, try the 64-bit Pale Moon, best browser of them all. Also make sure your Flash is up-to-date.