Big Brother Spoilers: Head of Household Week 3 Competition Revealed [PICS]

Revealed last night on the Feeds, the latest Big Brother spoilers show what the remaining Houseguests will face tonight following the next live eviction vote. It’s a familiar challenge, but definitely not an easy one and there could be a lot of luck involved.

Big Brother 16 - Week 3 HoH competition practice
Big Brother 16 – Week 3 HoH practice – Source: CBS

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 9:05PM BBT on Cameras 1/2 to find the HGs back outside and checking out their new Head of Household competition. Or at least a very rough draft of what’s ahead of them.

Caleb reads off the instruction card that HGs will stand in the “tube” though I’m pretty sure he means “tub” and swing the mallet to knock a croquet ball down the ramp and around obstacles to reach the goal. Here the goal is a plastic container at the end of a bare ramp, but we can expect a far more elaborate arrangement come tonight.

click images to see full-size views

I had hoped for endurance, of course I did, but this will be interesting to see how the two HoHs are decided. Will the HGs be split again by sex or by random draw? With two women evicted after tonight’s vote (sorry, Pao, but you’re going) the odds are better for the female competitors even with Devin out of the challenge.

HGs pointed out that Zach is the resident golfer in the group so we may be looking at a classic outhouse to penthouse scenario tonight. I’m sure he’d love nothing more than to see Devin leave by his hand next Thursday. Who do you think might do the best at this comp?



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  1. Zach’s little blurb in the premiere episode showed him on a golf course so maybe he’ll be really, really good!!

  2. There was some talk about “they say not to crouch”, so it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that it actually will be a “tube”.

    I didn’t really expect endurance this week, I think it was still too soon after the log walking/holding to do something endurancy again.

  3. With 2 chances to save himself, they better try back dooring Devin. A frontal assault will fail.

      • I think they would have a better chance to get him out backdoor end but the should play it like everyone is ok all is forgiving with him after everything he has done take him by surprise would be the best move BUT I don’t think that will happen they always seem to play the here and now so yeah everyone wants him out he will be the first one on the block IMO

      • The only issue with a backdoor strategy is Devinโ€™s roid rage could definitely put someone on a stretcher.

        Actually, I think his, um, intensity has folks intimidated enough to mitigate that threat.

      • That is true about everyone intimidated but I don’t think production will let it get that far

  4. What is with all the guys wearing their hats at that stupid cocked angle? Backwards is one thing, but stuck out at the side like that, it looks like they turned their heads real fast, but the hat stayed in the same position.

  5. If these houseguest were smart after seeing this practice HOH competition they would evict Zach only because it seems to favor him.

  6. It’s possible one HOH will be chosen by this comp and the other by a Q&A concerning the sayings they blasted through the house the other night. Not sure they would have time for both.

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