Big Brother 16 Eviction Predictions: Week 2

Ready to find out who will be sent home tonight on Big Brother? Let’s take a look at our predictions for the next eviction vote with the potential for a tiebreaker by Devin.

Big Brother 16 HGs prepare for an eviction
Big Brother 16 HGs prepare for an eviction – Source: CBS

I’m agreeing with the majority of readers here who suggest Zach will be safe after tonight’s vote. Since Monday we’ve known Zach was the renom and he’s been working hard to secure votes ever since. Now it looks like he’s sitting pretty, but nothing is official until those Houseguests step inside the Diary Room to cast their votes

More predictions are in from these Big Brother sites and things look bad for the aspiring DJ.

Big Brother 16 Week 2 Eviction Predictions – Paola Shea or Zach Rance?:

Paola Shea
Big Brother Source Paola Shea
Paola Shea
Big Brother Access Paola Shea
Zap2It Paola Shea
Paola Shea
Big Brother Fix Paola Shea
Big Brother Junkies Paola Shea

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.



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  1. I hope Zach stays, I hope Zach wins the HOH and the BOB and backdoors Devin.
    I know this is mean, but I do not want Devin making it to the jury house for the additional $. Get him out now and let Julie tear him and his “honesty and integrity” game apart on national television!

    • To be fair, besides Donny, he has been pretty honest and played with integrity. (He is a total nutjob, but honest) He only put up zach when he said he wanted Devin out. Also he only questioned ppl when he said something against the alliance.

      Also he is entertaining as can be to watch.

      • Asking Pao to throw the comp… Telling her we was going to give her the POV necklace… Outing his alliance… Using is power to intimidate…. yeah, you are right he is full of integrity.

      • To be fair he only turned on Donny and asked Paulo to throw it for the bomb squad. He only outed it after basically it was already outed by everyone else. He hasn’t physically threatened any1. If you mean hoh power, then everyone does that.

      • Nah, he just turns on a dime in any way shape or form tat seems like he will make best out of. He hasn’t done anything in the house for anyone but himself, he is extremely manipulative. He didn’t even take Brittany off the block for Brittany, he took Brittany off the block to show the house that they’re not in control. They wanted Brittany to stay, and he didn’t, when he won the Veto he knew the power rested solely with him. He took her off because that was his way of saying “if *I* want her to stay, then she can stay, and I ain’t leaving it up to you guys.” Everything he has done to this point has been extremely manipulative.

      • Sorry Mike, to be fair, Devin has been anything but honest and playing with integrity. Everything Murph88 and Mandi mentioned prove he is a liar and not a very good game player.
        One thing you got right, he is entertaining to watch, but I would prefer to be laughed with instead of laughed at.

      • actually he took her off, b.c he is bad at the game and devoloped a crush for her.

      • Pretty sure he outed the bomb squad…to everyone, one by one. Lets also not forget the “House meeting” that only included bomb squad members. That wasn’t fishy at all! lol.

      • No the only person Zach told was Hayden. Devin went around telling everyone and giving every detail.

      • You must be watching Real World because you’re not watching Big Brother.

      • What are you watching? Honest is not a word I would use to describe Devin. All he does is lie. Did you forget about him telling Paola to throw the BOTB comp and she’d be safe. I also seem to recall him telling Paola that he would take her off the block if he won veto. Didn’t he tell the BS know one puts any of the BS up til jury. I could go on and on with all his lies.

    • I’m sorry, but Julie wouldn’t do that. She hasn’t even attacked/torn down Aaryn last season, just was skeptical. She’s a professional. Devin is a big man, you choose to be afraid of him. I don’t even know why though?! This is the one place where if you get hit by this man, he loses. The hell are they afraid of?

  2. I love that after Devin and Caleb suspected Donny of being a secret agent man – and after learning he isn’t – NOW Donny is going to be a secret agent to infiltrate the Core4 (Devin/Caleb/Amber/Frankie) – at the behest of Derrick. Gotta love that!

  3. I think Paola will go home, but having said that I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a tie r worse Zach doesn’t have the votes. We know Donny and Jocasta will vote for Paola, just not sure.
    Devin is NOT honest. He may be trying to be but his mind switches so much he’s not. He changes every time the wind blows. Looking forward to tonight and see what happened after veto that they didn’t show.

    • Sure he’s honest. He’s just very forgetful and changes his mind a lot. XD

  4. I’m starting to hear Frankie’s name attached to Devin and I’m worried. He really makes the show this year with all his “over the top” antics. He better get out of the Devin, Caleb, Amber alliance or it’s going to bury him. The house seems to be “gunning” for the four of them and it’s just a question on who they want out first…Devin or Caleb. and then Frankie’s name comes up.

    • makes the show? he is one of the most annoying parts of the show for me. I can’t stand that kid. he acts like a child. he threw Zach under the bus and acts like everyone else is freaking out when it was him who outed the bomb squad

      • GHGH,
        I thought I’d feel the same way as you, but he’s grown on me. I’m talking about his theatrics not his game play. He’s playing too hard with too many people. I’m a Derrick fan myself with Donny a close second but I do like me some Frankie. Glad they are together as “America’s Team”.

      • I liked him week one. Now I want the rat gone. He plays just like Andy did and I hate that kind of player. He’s not even entertaining anymore. I loved it when Brittany and Cody were talking in the BH room and Frankie walked in (because of course he needs his nose in everything) and they asked him to leave. Loved it!

      • About time someone told the queen rat to get lost out the bee hive…lol that stung em!

      • would have loved to see that. Did that happen before or after the “poop” convo with jocasta? Turned it off during that convo. Frankie bothers me also.Wished he wasnt on TA. Sometimes I wish BB would wait before America votes for a person. Gives America more of a chance to get to know the HG. Frankie looksl ike borrowed the pink tank top and the bright colored shorts from Andy. UGH!

  5. Who I think is leaving?: Paola
    Who do I want to leave?: Zach

    Lets hope for a tie… Brittany’s convo with Jocasta & Donny last night seems like she wanted Paola to stay but obviously its not going to happen.

  6. Caleb for HOH please So that Devin can stay a little longer. If Devin was to leave BB16 would get boring really fast.

    • No get rid of Caleb. Devin knows his powers gone but Caleb still thinks he’s all that. And watch Derrick. He’s thinks he’s going to fill that power spot and is getting downright mean.

      • Watching Caleb strutting around the house in his tight jeans is making me ill…this guy is so arrogant and full of himself.

      • Arrogant is an understatement, if you ever listen to him talk it is all “I” and “me”. If anyone changes the subject he brings it right back to him, and about him. He is fortunate that he is handsome, because he is a big ole’ bore to listen to.

      • What do you mean by that? I like being entertained and Devin is the only one bringing it. So I really hope Devin stays as longs as possible.

  7. just saw a preview of tonight’s show. Seems like they are going to pickup from last night at the Veto meeting. It is going to be a ride.

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