Big Brother 16: HoH Camera Pics – Week 2

Donny goes for a swim
Donny Thompson goes for a swim on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Devin might be on his way out of the Head of Household room, and possibly the Big Brother 16 house if HGs’ plans stay the same (yeah, I know), but before that happens he got to break out the HoH camera for some candids with his fellow HGs.

Lots of poolside pics including more of Victoria than we usually see in an entire day on the Live Feeds. Devin was sure to get some underwater shots with Donny and Brittany cooling off as well.

Other pics included HGs sleeping and relaxing. Maybe Big Brother should have given him the camera at 4AM which seems to be their favorite time to be up and around!

Check out some of Devin’s pictures in the gallery below and then visit CBS for the full set of photos.

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