Big Brother 16 Reminder: No Episode Tonight On CBS

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Reminder that tonight on CBS there will not be an episode of Big Brother. BB16 is down to just one show left in the whole season when it returns on Wednesday night at 9:30PM ET/PT for the finale show following the 90-minute premiere of Survivor.

The annual “Memory Lane” episode aired on Friday night and despite Julie’s promises we did not get to watch the first round of the Final HoH. We only got to see maybe a minute of it with the rest on Wednesday. We’ve also already got the HoH Round 2 spoilers here. Read our recap of Friday’s episode.

Live Feed continues to roll inside the Big Brother house as the Final 3 prepare for Wednesday night. The second round of the Final HoH is over, check those spoilers, and that leaves just one last comp and a final decision to evict before the Jury casts their votes. The season is almost over!



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  1. BB Fans (and Matt too): A few uplifting quotes as sadness overwhelms us: “Time to put this baby to rest!” “All good things must come to an end.” “Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.”

  2. Is Victoria going to cry everyday for the next 4 days. Can’t stand much more this. If anyone takes her to the end they deserve to lose. Ready for survivor.

  3. Will be rooting for Cody win the 3rd comp to see if he has the cojones to evict Derrick as he should! If not then, Derrick will win it hands down. This is a $500,000 decision. Cody should remember that!

    • I didn’t realize that the guys made a pact that if anyone brought Victoria to F2, they would vote for her. I’m sure that Cody is thinking about that too – I think both Cody and Derrick would rather lose to each other than to Victoria, who really hasn’t done anything but be Derrick’s pawn all summer. It would be great for Cody, and a huge game move for him, to evict Derrick, but could cost him the $500K just as easily as if Derrick evicted Cody. I don’t think either will go that route, knowing that information now.

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