Big Brother 16: Popularity Poll – Week 9

Big Brother 16 Cast
Big Brother 16 Cast – Source: CBS

Which Houseguest is your favorite this week on Big Brother? Cast your vote now & tell us why you think he or she is the best of the season. This is purely a popularity poll so feel free based on who you think is playing the best game, looks the cutest by the pool, or even just annoys you the least. I’ll keep running this each week for the rest of the season for fun.

Of course you can also vote in Big Big Brother’s “least favorite” poll running now which is an interesting twist on the usual polling question.

Check out our other popularity polls to see the latest trends for this season’s Houseguests on BB16.



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  1. Zach popularity way down, did a lot of his fans stop caring?
    (not being mean or anything i like him 2nd most (donny 1st) just curious)

    • The fact that he’s not in the house anymore, but still managed to get 13%, he’s still popular. Still higher than the best player of the house.

    • I voted for Zach as well. Nicole and Donny would be my 2nd and 3rd. I think Zach’s popularity loss is due to the fact that he’s no longer in the house. Maybe a week where they show the jury house (if they do this again) he will get a better response. I expect NIcole’s will drop too if evicted, but not Donny’s. I believe he will win AFP. Unless Arianna’s fans care about big brother.

  2. Again I am waiting for your least popular host guest poll. More fun to bring out the fact that their are religious peoples judging others for the silliest of things with the most hateful of words.

    • I am not religious and have no problem with Frankie being gay. The reason I dislike him has to do with his horrible personality and the genuinely disgusting things he has said in the house. Telling Jocasta to go kill herself and saying he wanted to double-team Victoria and take her virginity being at the top of that list, He also said lesbians “choose to be gay”. I realize that’s some people’s opinion, but being gay himself that’s pretty ignorant.

  3. Poor Donny probably thinks America has no faith in him, while Mr. Broadway thinks we LOOOVE him.

  4. i don’t know how Donny is the favorite, he has no personality at all. He tries to come across as a nice southern guy, but i can see right through him. I can’t stand his facial expressions when the other house guest are talking. He is so annoying. Derrick has been the best player through out the whole game. He he is such a likable guy. He never talks in a nasty way about anyone. He’s level headed and he has a way of convincing the other players on which way to vote without them even knowing what he’s doing. Thats very smart and he deserves to win.

    • While I do agree that Derrick deserves A LOT more love on this site, I can definitely see why people love Donny. First of all, he’s the underdog. People love their underdogs. Second, he’s just a really nice guy, and that’s not something we see on these kind of shows a lot. Third, the edit he’s been getting is legendary. 100% of the footage going out of the house about Donny is overwhelmingly positive. And it worked. They created a hero for people to love. He deserves the praise he gets.

      • I like the word “edit”! Donny is no angel just because he makes annoying bug like noises from his mouth. He talks crap all the time. “edit”… I feel bad for the people who don’t know about the live feeds or the free after dark that airs 7 days a week 2-3 hrs per night TV GUIDE network. People have to understand producers are editing 24/7 for 3- hrs her week! Even their letters from home are cut down to nothing!! A lot of stuff comes out that they WON’T air for the show. Christine husband should have divorce papers ready, just for making him look like an ass. Had the table been turned I don’t think she would be so forgiving. She is all over Cody all day everyday. Watch her, if he gives someone else attention she gets pissy. jmo

        I thought it was funny when Jocasta called someone an “INDIAN GIVER” and no one said a word! However, had it been anyone else it would have been a racial issue. I never heard a word of it.

      • What has Donny said about the other HGs? Other than Cody being dumb, which is true, and CBS didn’t “edit” that.

      • Wow, so philly cat returns. Are you just going to vanish again when you can no longer argue your point?

      • So you think everyone has all day to respond to people on here! Sometimes you make your point then go on with your life instead of trolling on a blogsite!

      • But he didn’t make his point. The second someone (it wasn’t even me) called him out on something he was outta there never to be heard from again. He had been posting on the same comment thread like 5 times, but the second he’s out of excuses he vanishes.

      • He’s playing a game that involves sneakiness, so it always shocks me when people get upset with someone not always being nice. You try having a whole alliance against you all season and you go on the block 4 times like Donny has, and you tell me if you would be talking sweetly about everyone. geez

      • No no… You missed my point. I was saying that people NOT watching any live feeds don’t get to see that Donny or all they crazy stuff the others really do and/or say because of the EDITING. I understand the GAME and what they have to do to get by. I guess what I meant was Donny is not above doing what the others do like viewers may think because BB not airing it ALL.

    • “That’s very smart …” no way! That’s VERY manipulative, conniving and sneaky. No kudos for Derrick here!

    • Jan, I’m sorry to break it to you but if you watch the live feeds or read the blogs, you will see that he as said some pretty ugly things about people. Also, some nasty things come out of his mouth. I truly am sorry to break it to you.

      • He has had an 8 person alliance against him all season and been nominated 4 times for eviction while Derrick, Cody, Frankie, etc never have been nominated. So exactly why should Donny have sweet comments all the time for everyone?! wow

      • Jimbo, I’m sorry you thought I was talking about Donny. I was responding to Jan up above who was saying how nice Derrick is. In the live feeds, he has said some pretty nasty stuff and is not as angelic as Jan thinks. He’s actually a bully.
        I think Donny is sweet and I am hoping against all odds that he wins it all. I’ve never heard him say a cruel thing against any of the other houseguests which is indeed a rarity this season.

    • Just this past week on the live show Derrick got arrogant about Donny daring to play the game against him, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. And, if you think any of these houseguests have personalities that shine, I don’t know what show you are watching. Donny is playing the game — like everyone is supposed to! — so, yes, at times he is sneaky. That’s how you play the game! Perhaps you are the type that has a bias against southerners and southern accents — most LA/NY (or any big city) types do, so that wouldn’t surprise me.

    • Jan you are delusional with a capital D! Derrick is a total douchebag on the live feeds and has said horrible things about Donny, Victoria, etc. only to play up to the camera in the DR like no on is seeing his other crap. I hope he loses just because he’s so freaking cocky that he’s going to win and then he’ll have to find another way to put food in his daughter’s mouth.

  5. Donny and Nicole is the best players and honest players . I wish they will be our one of them be I the last of the three to finish !!!

  6. This just shows how people on these sites always go for the nicest person and not the best game player… Im a big Donny fan but he aint even close to the best player and neither was Zack… For a fact they are bad players at best… it is so funny how a good player is labeled a bad player just because they are vicious and a bad player is labeled a good player just because they are a nice person…. Reminds me of Elissa last year… terrible player but nice person so everybody loved her…lmao

    • There is nothing in the poll about it having to be for good players. We’re not voting on the best player. We’re voting on FAVORITE player. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on what constitutes their favorite. Your opinion of favorite is best player. My opinion of favorite is most likable player. Another person’s opinion of favorite is most entertaining player. There are hundreds of ways different people define their opinion of favorite. We’re ALL correct.

      Your opinion is not better than mine, nor is my opinion better than yours. That’s like saying I like red and you like blue (or whatever color) and one of us is right and the other is wrong.

      • The point im making is we all can have a favorite player or a player we like or dislike but a player is either good or bad… No matter how much we like them, we cant change the truth abouth their game play… Like who you wanna like, I lile donny also but his game play sucks period… No social game which so ever

      • Oh! I misunderstood, then. I thought your point was about picking someone nice over the best player, when it’s not the same person. Since this article is a pulse check on America’s Favorite Player vote, it made sense to me that you were referring to the vote.

        There is only one best player and none of us know who it is until they win the $500K. ;)

      • If the Poll was who’s playing the best game? I’ll vote for Derrick, but he is NOT my favorite player.

  7. Wow…would this poll shock “media mogul” Frankie. He made the snide comment recently that Donny couldn’t possibly have fans. What an arrogant turd. Atleast he couldn’t celebrate his sister’s VMA award, or even know about it. Thank God for small favors.

  8. You ever thought if the silly girls had listened to Joey the blue haired chick, how the game could be different. No, the girls could not work together, but then you get a bunch of guys gang together and form an alliance, I have hated how this game was played this year, It was a tag team against a few people in the house. OH Well.

  9. I miss Zach – wish they had some sort of live camera feed in the Jury House to see what he’s been up to since leaving last Thursday.

    • I miss watching Zack’s family. I wanted for him to stay long enough for me to watch their reaction on his behavior.

  10. Donny was a nice guy yes…..but wasent playing the game….he had the personality and even some skills but that big brother playing force just wasent there. I like frankie people take him tooserious though…..he is a guy on a reality tv show….he dosent want to become the next pope.

  11. Frankie thinks because he has fans on twitter and you tube that he will be America’s player boy he’s gonna get a reality check

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