Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 9 Tuesday Daytime Highlights


It was a pretty mild Tuesday in the Big Brother 16 house, but what else is new? The HGs spent the day loaning and Cody got to take some photos with the HOH camera. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house today.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

8:15 AM BBT – Victoria is up early and moving around.

9:30 AM BBT – Wake-up call arrives.

10:00 AM BBT – After an exhausting few minutes awake, most HGs head back to bed.

11:15 AM BBT – Donny is the only one awake as he sits out back enjoying what could be his finally days in the Big Brother house.

12:02 PM BBT – Nicole is showing. Christine is up. She and Nicole exchange hellos.

12:05 PM BBT – Cody has the HOH camera. He’s taking photos.

12:12 PM BBT – Nicole not happy that Cody is taking pictures of her without her makeup.

1:15 PM BBT – Cody and Derrick are talking about Nicole. Derrick says he told Nicole there’s always a chance she’s staying. They talk about how they think Nicole would go after Frankie and Christine over them (which isn’t true, she’s going after Derrick and Cody). So it sounds like Derrick has flip-flopped back to the evict Donny side.

1:40 PM BBT – Nicole talking to Christine about her argument with Caleb last night. Nicole also tells her that she has no hard feelings toward her for nominating her and evicting her.

1:47 PM BBT – Victoria is back on her Christine rampage to Derrick. She says if she’s not all over Cody, she’s talking about Derrick and wondering where he is. Derrick tells her he loves when she gets jealous.

1:58 PM BBT – Cody is talking about his Zac Efron crush again.

2:55 PM BBT – HGs sitting around the hot tub. Not much is going on.

3:26 PM BBT – BB calls in an indoor lockdown. HGs are confused  as to why.

Maybe some game talk will happen tonight. Donny and Nicole still have some time to work their fellow HGs and their pending votes. You can expect some Donny pleas from now until Thursday, but I don’t know if you’ll see him get anywhere. Unless Derrick changes his mind. You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Jeff on feeds on Monday?? Either something is up or they are building something humongous for Thu live show.

    • Except for his love of his wife and child, I can’t find anything to like about Derrick. Master manipulator, sneaky, hiding behind others, what’s to like?

  2. Anyone else tired of the HGs sleeping all day? This isn’t the first season for this, either. What they need is an alarm that sounds every time one of them is caught sleeping during the day. Something really loud and obnoxious. These are adults, supposedly, not toddlers.

    • Whats bad is Donny is getting flack for going to bed instead of staying up and stratagizing. This is supposedly why he has no social game. My question is why cant these people go to bed at a reasonable time and get up at a reasonable time then stratagize. Go Donnie/Nicole

      • Donny’s getting flack for not talking to the HGs…but when you’ve been told it’s not looking good, how much more talk can you really do if it’s not to stay in the BB house? They know he’s not big on social graces like they are.

      • Donny is full of knowledge and is educated or self taught on many things . He has had conversations with Derrick Caleb and Cody as well as Hayden about work related issues real estate politics and more. If u start a conversation with Donny he will talk but people talking over him (Frankie the worst) makes him hesitant to talk in the group. But these people have shunned him and left the room when he enters. He is treated the same way Elissa was last season but without the vulgar slurs. Its sad cause he is a good person and he was cast with a bunch of snot nosed bratty ass punks and bitches that thinks the world owes em for being in it… AND ALL DONNY WANTED TO DO WAS LIVE OUT HIS DREAM OF BEING ON BB.

      • I agree with everything you said Julie. With the exception of Donny/Nicole, I wouldn’t spend one minute of my time with anyone. Wait…..probably Derrick, cause he would foll me too. Into thinking he’s an ok guy. Lol

    • Remember when they had to stay awake during After Dark until it was over?? What happened to that ruling?

  3. Kinda interested in the Derrick/Victoria pairing…simply for drama & entertainment xD

    These past couple of days have been heart wrenching because first we knew Donny was a goner, but soon was filled with hope when the weird behavior got into Derrick and Frankie and they considered saving him. Unfortunately, doesn’t look like the rest of the house wants to give in. Even though I don’t necessarily like CBS stepping into the game.. I hope they are working on something like Pandora’s Box. I can’t help to think if Donny were to be saved this week, will he just be gone in the next coming weeks? Unless him & Nicole could prevail, he would still remain a target next week.

    • The DR did ask Frankie and Derrick nicely to please try to keep Donny in the house but NOOooooo! They deserve Pandora’s Box and whatever they get.

      • After Frankie was saved with the only bob of the season you could play yourself and Frankie says America doesn’t like Donny. That America loves……..him UGH!

      • While the ALS challenge is a most worthy cause I hope it is something better than that. Hoping for Pandora’s box or a coup d’état

  4. I think donny deserves to go home at this point. He is very likeable and i like him but he is playing a terrible game. You can say he’s playing a good game because he has been on the block so much but that would be like saying spencer from last season was a great player. Which is simply not true. Derrick is playing the best game and deserves to win over anybody. People only hate him because he is lying to Donny, but you shouldn’t let your love for Donny make you ignorant to the other houseguests. My point will be proven about Donny come thursday night when he is evicted becuase of his lack of good gameplay. Derrick hasn’t been nominated once this season and that doesn’t just happen by luck. He is playing a good game and only winning when it is necessary and only lying when he has to to help his game.

    • Well said! It’s funny how people can love the extreme immorality of Dan Ghesling (lies on the Bible, on his wedding ring, oh his dead grandfather’s grave..etc) yet Derrick is a villain this season for lying as necessary to cover himself and make other people take the fall in front of him? Is he a great and moral person like Donny? No, but I don’t see anyone arguing why he should be America’s favourite player – we are arguing why he should win Big Brother.

    • I agree that Derrick is playing th best game this season and should win. i think what makes people dislike Derrick is that he lies to us, the viewers, during his DRs when he speaks about his gameplay. He tells us what he thinks we want to hear him say, when in fact he knows and subsequently shows in his actions he doesn’t care. If he owned up to everything he has done, and didnt pander to the viewers I know I would like him better and actively root for him. That said he deserves to win this season hands down, he has played a great game.

      *derrick might have some issues with the jury votes, if he is up against Nicole or Caleb.

      • He’s just now starting to worry about that per his convo with Cody, admitting he hasn’t won any comps but one HOH…but sees he, Caleb and Cody could possibly make it to F3. Not if Nicole has any say he won’t and if she makes HOH, she will be putting Cody and Christine up and hopefully back door Derrick if at all possible! Next week should be pretty exciting with her staying now! :-)

      • Nah i don’t think that the jurors would disagree with you he did play the best game…hopefully they will realize it when the get to the jury house and watch back at how Derrick played all of them, without them even realizing it. they’d have to admit he did it well.

    • Sadly right now in the BB house the Alliance hates Donny because he won’t admit to being a Harvard educated M.D. and continues to insist he’s just a groundskeeper. It’s not Donny’s fault in any way that the paranoia has reached this ridiculous level either.

    • At least he made BB history by being on the block more than any other HG without being evicted!

    • I like him too, but I will also like him to feel what it’s like to be put on the block or backdoored too! LOL

    • I feel he’s putting himself too far at the forefront of the alliance. They’ll catch on and he’ll get 4th or something, with Cody or Caleb pulling the win.

  5. OK, I can’t take it anymore..trying to watch BBAD..but Christine’s constant cackling with Cody in the HOH bed is driving me insane! Good Night, BB fans!

    • Press mute like I did whenever she was talking and giggling! :-) Love Nicole sticking her tongue out at Cody and making faces! :-)

  6. Funny what Caleb said during AD about what his mother’s employer, Continental Mills, does…makes biscuits for Red Lobster and that he worked in the factory years ago and poured huge amounts of larva into a vat. I’m like, I think you mean lard, not larva. I never laughed so dang hard over that! :-)

  7. How would production get Donny/Nicole a “life saver” this late in the week…The only thing they could do is not let the door open Thursday nite.

  8. Watching BBAD. Cody and Christine/Laughing Hyena in bed with Nicole and Frankie. Christine and Cody way friendlier than they should be-way too cozy together. Hope her husband gets at least that much petting and attention when she gets home, but maybe she’ll be worn out. Cody just said he had a dream about anacondas. How Freudian is that? LOL.

  9. Absolutely cannot stand christine. Isnt she married?… Disgusting. I cant stand to hear her laugh anymore. Derricks smart. Frankies manipulative. Codys nice. Playboy. Nicole…cant stand her voice, but nice and smart. Victoria…annoying. Caleb…if only amber hadnt been in the house, he’d be my favorite. Hot guy juggling. Awseome. But he comes off desperate. Donny? How can you not root for him?

  10. BBAD this morning had a long discussion between Derrick and Cody, and where Christine sits in their plans, moving forward .. and, definitely does not look good for her …. then again, she did say that she would flirt to further her game, and dearly loves her HB, ao should not be remotely emotional when Cody cuts the cord, right?

    Also, had a nice conversation between Nicole and Donny while they walk in the backyard, where Nicoke explaining why she was talking with the enemy … just to be civil and not to make herself an even larger target next week, if she survives this week, to avoid their excuse for her coming back to the game this week and not talking to anyone …

    In their perfect world, keep Nicole this week and hope she targets Christine/Frankie next week, then throw her to the street the following week …

  11. I don’t understand how Donny is playing a terrible game. The b.s. Was formed week one. Not only was Donny not in it….he was screwed royally by Devin. He’s been forced into being an outsider all season, and when not being lied to, shunned. He’s tried to form alliances with some, who all run back to Derrick/Cody with information. The only half way successful alliance was with Nicole/Hayden…but then the dopes pulled in Derrick/Cody. He’s a precious person…and much as I hate to see him go, he’ll be much happier in the jury house. I just hate the character traits of all these people who could treat him this shabbily, GAME OR NO GAME.

    • being a nice person isn’t good gameplay.
      Donny slept for the majority of the time the houseguests were awake and didnt form any alliances with the people not in the BS (everyone knew who was in it). As far as I’m concerned, Donny was just kind-of there.

    • Well…..they are actually there to play a game so Donny (and i love Donny) really screwed it up…hate to tell you but he didn’t do much…had a great social game but sadly that wont win him the $$….i am sure everybody loves him but he didn’t do anything for weeks and now when it comes down to him going home he decides to try and play…he was great at competitions though i have to say that for him.

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