Big Brother 16: New Alliance Forms Overnight, But Can It Last?

This season of Big Brother 16 has turned out to be all about the alliances. So far we’ve reached a count of 312, no wait, now it’s 313. Overnight a new alliance of five Houseguests came together in yet another effort of watching each other’s backs. But don’t get that new tattoo just yet.

Detonators alliance on Big Brother 16
“The Detonators” alliance on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 3:45AM BBT 7/16 on Cams 3/4 to find Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, and Cody gathered in the Head of Household room. They’ve decided to work together as a spin-off from the original Bomb Squad. Interestingly, they waited until Amber left the room to make this announcement. Caleb is also no where to be found during this agreement.

The group seems more concerned with naming their new and “improved” Big Brother alliance from the former Bomb Squad break away team and finally settle on “The Detonators.”

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During the discussions everyone promises their true trust lies within this group. Christine says Nicole is her friend, but she’ll see her go without any issues. Others share a similar stance.

Later when Derrick and Cody are alone downstairs Derrick admits he’s sorry he used “Detonators” on that group. Neither seem to be truly invested in this new alliance and both definitely think Frankie is a problem who can’t be trusted.

Cody and Derrick discuss what they should name their F2 deal and settle on “The Hitmen.” But is it sincere? According to his camera talk early this morning, yes. Derrick says he’s loyal to Team America and Cody. The addition of Zach with the “Amigos” alliance is just in Zach’s mind and he doesn’t plan to play the game by it.

These Houseguests seem more fixated on running up the alliance count than anything else this season. What’s their plan? At the F2 speech will they announce “I created 17 alliances, joined 84 alliances, and discovered 62 others. I deserve your vote to win.”

I guess we’ll have to wait and see how these all play out and especially once the next HoH is decided on Thursday. The best laid plans…

Which alliance would you want to form if you were a Big Brother 16 Houseguest?



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  1. Well its not like you have much choice, if someone offers you an alliance do you say no? Nope, if you do that you put a target on your back, only option is to just agree with it and go along.

    • Great point. You can’t go “thanks for the offer, but I’m going to pass”. The people who are going to be targeted are the people who started this new alliance.

  2. Christine is going to get in trouble (fingers crossed) she is playing too hard and talking to too many people.
    But so will Derrick and Frankie. So what do I know?

    • I think they brought in Frankie (and maybe Christine, too, though they seem to love her) just to keep him on a string. ..To keep him from thinking about forming one with someone else. They obviously don’t trust him. Well, and Derrick knows he’s in Team America.

    • I agree. I’d like to see her, Frankie and Derrick nominated. Don’t care who the fourth is because only two will stay up. Then I’d like Christine and Derrick left up and see what happens then. All these alliances are so stupid. Don’t they think people talk.

  3. If people start talking and doing the math..all of these alliances are going to be revealed. I wish Nicole would catch on to Christine, who irritates the heck out of me, very soon. Nicole is a smart BB players, she needs to figure this out quickly or Nicole, Britt, Jacosta, and Donny are going to be picked off one by one..oh, I forgot Queen Victoria..but, she doesn’t even know where she is half of the time!

    • QV is too busy following Derrick and Cody around to know anything. She told them last night (on BBAD) that she didn’t have any “girl” best friends. Reason – She’s the Queen.

    • Isn’t Cody and Hayden also close with Nicole? I think that alliance might be better. Donny tends to tell other house guests what he knows. That is not good! I hope they evict Frankie who reminds me more and more of Andy of last season! I so, hated his game play!
      Tattletale and nothing else! Yuck!

  4. I would rather have seen Hayden in there than Frankie. Hayden is a strong physical player and will play a loyal game. Frankie the snake ought to be the first to go after Queenie the Vic.

  5. I would have preferred to see Hayden in the new alliance over Frankie. Hayden is a strong competitor and will play a loyal game. Frankie uses his entertainment value to cover his utter inability to keep a secret (his dirty game). I would like to see Frankie go home right after Queenie V.

  6. Christine is so irritating. Every time she giggle she reminds me of Sea Hag, the witch from Popeye.

  7. Without any overt conflict in the house I think these people are forming alliances out of boredom masquerading as gameplay.

    • Agreed! I mean, what else is there to do, play the game, have fun, get in trouble, squirm :) an work your way back to the top.

  8. If you guys have missed this, last night in the SR, Christine and Nicole were talking about casting their vote to Caleb in order to frame Donny, Jacosta and Britt. This is so unnecessary since they’re already being targeted. Obviously, Donny has a lot of fans, and still growing. It’s only a game but they’ll pissed them off. The thing is, the plan could backfire on them. I like Nicole, but sadly she’s trusting the Sea Hag.

  9. Why is it that everyone seems to get mad once people start playing the game? I don’t like the way Christine is playing the game but at least she’s playing the game! While, we have Victoria who is a waste of a BB house guest doing absolutely nothing.

  10. What is up with Victoria, she is so awkward with everyone! Enough already!! What is she trying to achieve by latching on to Derrick, she needs to get a grip on her “game” and Derrick needs to man up and avoid 1 on 1 time with her rather than seek it out. He knew she was in the HoH room having a shower so sure go lay in bed and before you know it she is laying there too. I realize they are just talking game, but really, every night!?!? Also, her blank stares are beyond ridiculous!!!

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