Big Brother 16: ‘Most Twisted Season Ever’ Says Host Julie Chen

Julie Chen is back at it and teasing us with hints on the Big Brother 16 twist. Earlier today Julie announced she was planning to reveal this season’s twist in the next few days.

Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises
Julie Chen has Big Brother 16 surprises – Source: CBS

Think you know what’s coming up on Big Brother this summer? Well Julie does and this Wednesday she’ll give us our first official details during an episode of The Talk, as she’s often done in the past.

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I've got scoop on the new season of #BigBrother! Watch #TheTalk 6/18 to learn why we're calling #BB16 the most twisted season ever!

— Julie Chen (@JulieChen) June 16, 2014

All we’ve got so far is the “most twisted season ever” from Julie combined with the “curveballs” promise from the executive producers and even “twist after twist” in the promos. So it sounds like they’re going to stack the twist deck this season possibly in hopes of finding one that sticks.

In past seasons we’ve seen the twists flop and die incredibly quickly. Remember that “Summer of Sabotage” twist? Oh that lasted a few days when the first HG evicted was the production’s plant. Then last year we were told the MVP vote would impact “every week” but after Elissa camped out in that spot they had to adjust and soon thereafter drop it.

Twists have to be a huge challenge for Big Brother production and if they want a season where it works then having an arsenal on hand might not be such a bad idea. Unless you don’t like twists with your Big Brother 16, then it’s a very bad idea.

We’ll know more come Wednesday with Julie Chen’s news reveal, but until then stick with us as we prepare to unleash our own reveal: Houseguest interviews! Find us on Facebook, Twitter, & by Email Updates to get your Big Brother news.

Big Brother 16 premieres June 25, 2014
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  1. I just wish BBUS takes some pointers from BBCAN like getting a diverse group of people. Don’t just cater to one audience such as getting a older or a younger cast, get a group of people that you know would make good tv and a game. It feels like every season is the same to me.

  2. There must be a stronger presence of the big man himself, Big Brother. The Canadian BB was able to talk and interact with the HG’s, which made a lot of sense considering the name of the show is after all “Big Brother”.

  3. They better live up to that statement “most twisted season ever”! I love a good twist thrown in the game, but keyword being GOOD, more than GOOD actually, AMAZING and ever not so been recent “UNEXPECTED”, I love Big Brother with a passion, but they better live up to that statement, Big Brother US has had a lot of amazing twists thrown in the game “X-Factor (BB4), Identical Twins (BB5) Two strangers finding out their related but had no clue prior (also BB5), enemies (BB8) and having Dick and Danielle as part of the twist and making it to the final two, AMAZING, CoupDe’Ta (appeared but not used in BB7 but brought back in BB11) and seeing Jeff using it and the outrage in the house that followed was pure amazing! And I won’t lie I LOVED the entire Coaches idea from BB14, but to be clear it should have stayed as COACHES, it was awesome knowing it was two games in one, but the “reset” made the seasons just like the others prior, and I also won’t lie, I thought the idea of MVP would have been great had any of the houseguests took advantage of voting to evict so the votes was always cast against all THREE nominees, it was always a vote between two nominees and not three, a twist wasted! :( but that was then! lol Clearly I pay attention to the show WAY to much! lol So I really, really hope they live up to that statement of “most twisted season ever”! I will always watch the show no matter what, but thats a bold statement, so they better own up to it! :-) wow sorry for the long story whoever had read all of this, let me take a moment to say Thank-You for reading this, even if you do or don’t agree with what I have said, but yea thanks for reading! :-)

    • I think this season needs a couple of “CoupDe”Ta’s.” That was fun to watch..I liked the Golden Power of Veto with Matt, I also don’t like when Julie tells the HG’s that something is coming, but, she doesn’t specify..that twist with the MVP ruined Judd’s game last season. I know they have to keep them in the dark a little..but, paranoia runs rampant in the BB house and certain HG’s are ousted because of it. Hoping for an exciting season this time around!

  4. Julie Chen….I believe that voting rule changes are the way to increase game play and take BIG BROTHER to the next level for both Houseguest and viewers….I have Four rule changes that can be used until there are four or six players left… When all Houseguest arrive at the BB House they draw a number , which will be the voting order..Once the lowest houseguest by number votes they go to the back of the line After the eviction the HOH and the Houseguest on the Block that is not evicted will go in line By their number. Rule #1 JULIE …I think you should never give the House guest the LIVE vote….Rule #2…The HOH should vote first and that vote will be the tie breaking vote,if needed ……..Rule # 3 Would guarantee that the HOH would always Vote first. At each eviction vote…all Houseguest, entering the Diary or voting area would draw a Ping Pong Ball …Only one will have the number 2 on it…The person drawing the 2-Ball.Would have two options…Vote with the 2-ball at that Eviction or SAVE it for themselves. if and or when on the Block…..The question is should I save or Vote with the 2-ball…The HOH would always have to vote FIRST…Until there are 4 or 6 Houseguest LEFT……A bag with 100 PING PONG balls could have 1 Save from the Block ping pong ball to be used by that houseguest or given away? until there are 6 Hosuguest Left…If a player draws a 2 ball and has one they must use one at that vote….A Player can not have more than one 2-ball outside the Diry or Votind Area…A person on the Block after the veto meeting and before the eviction vote will be called to the Diary room and be asked if they are using their 2-ball? JULIE CHEN Do I foresee….BIG BROTHER 2……..M-A-Y-B-E

    • your ideas are good, but also scrambled! its too much to pack into one season! but good ideas though!

      • My ideas are to keep the players guessing with as little voting info as possible… the use of a 2-ball would insure that the HOH would always vote first The reason that the lowest number would go to the back of the line is the PCT. of drawing a 2-ball….The Save ball is something like the IMMUNITY idol thank you for your imput

  5. When voting as the HOH …..he or she can only vote with a one vote.. never will a 2-ball…. a Hpuseguest with a 2-ball can use it at eviction vote but under the Rules must use one if drawing another

  6. I just seriously hope that they do better background and character checks on the contestants so we don’t have a bunch of immature,racist 20 yr old model-wannabes this time. If it’s like that again, I’ll be done with the show (as a fan of ALL of the seasons here, that’s saying something).

  7. Something I always thought was when the POV was used, it shouldn’t go back to the HOH to choose a replacement, the person that has the Veto should get to choose who goes up. Since they can either take themselves off the block or someone else, it makes sense that they should be able to choose who goes up as well since they have a power at that moment and that could really shake things up. I do hope the people in charge of BBUS watched BBCAN and finally learned how good this game can be.

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  1. See The Big Brother 16 House On CBS & Entertainment Tonight | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16 House Pics Reveal ‘Urban Treehouse’ Theme | Big Brother 16
  3. Big Brother 16 Twist Revealed – Julie Chen Explains | Big Brother 16

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