Tonight on Big Brother 16 we learn the fate of eight additional Houseguests as they join last night’s first group and enter the house to compete for a half-million dollars. Along with the results of the next HoH comp we’ll also learn the first member of this season’s Team America twist.
Picking up where the Big Brother premiere left off last night the remaining eight Houseguests will repeat a similar process. We’ll be introduced to their BB16 personas as they receive their keys and are whisked off to Los Angeles and climb the steps to the Big Brother house.
Ahh the introductions. Victoria is that same Victoria I met last week. I don’t think I could deal with the princess act for very long. Here comes Caleb showing off his hunting skills. Christine shows off her quirky side and husband. Speaking of husbands, Brittany is just out of a ten year marriage and looking forward to getting in that house.
But wait, there’s more. We’ve also got Derrick the cop. I like his potential for smart game play. Hayden promises to surprise HGs with his smarts hidden under his beach bum look. Zach is another one with fun potential but he’ll need to watch himself and not go overboard. And then there’s Jocasta. She’ll be a big personality in the house for sure, but should be lots of fun too.
Now back at the house, Julie reveals to the HGs another eight have already gone in and there’s even an HoH already. Don’t worry, HGs, because another one will be crowned tonight.
Once inside we’ll find out more about how the first group of eight handles the arrival of “The Others” who are invading their home. It’ll be interesting tonight to see what the second group thinks when they discover they’re showing up to the party a day late.
First group in: Hayden, Caleb, Christine, and Jocasta. They quickly meet and then dash off for rooms.
Next group is Zach, Derrick, Brittany, and Victoria. The house is going nuts as they great and meet.
Potential mini-alliances start growing. Frankie and Victoria immediately pair up and start plotting to get HoHs together. He wants to work with her on the “other side.” Then over there you’ve got Paola feeling out Caleb. Not literally. She’s worried about him.
Waiting in the backyard for Group 2 is a Hawaiian Luau but with no piggies in sight it’ll be these new Houseguests roasting in a battle to become the second Head of Household opposite Frankie Grande.
First out of the competition is Victoria, so there goes Frankie’s plan. Seven are left in the comp. Brittany is out next after Big Brother starts spraying them with BBQ sauce. Oops, there goes Jocasta who slips right off.
Next we see Christine falling and soon behind is Zach, who drops on purpose, as does Derrick. That leaves just Caleb and Hayden, as I reported earlier today… Hayden falls. Caleb is HoH!
Caleb will join Frankie as the other Head of Household this week!
Julie brings the HGs in to the Living room for big twist details. She explains both HoHs nominate two players, but here’s the Battle of the Block twist. The BotB comp will ONLY feature the four nominees but not the HoHs. Which ever duo wins will dethrone the HoH who nominated them. Won’t this just create an incentive for HoHs to nominate weak players so their noms don’t win BotB and knock them off their throne? Okay, this doesn’t sound good for letting HoHs pick the targets they want, but anyway.
The dethroned HoH is then vulnerable to be nominated when the Power of Veto is played out. You can go from HoH to evicted in the same week. Crazy.
Time to reveal the first member of Team America. Who will it be? Joey?? Seriously? Well okay. She reads the details and reveals the Team America players will all be aware of each other through their challenges. Speaking of other members, you can vote at CBS’s site for member #2 now.
I’ll keep updating this post right here with the live recap results throughout tonight’s show starting at 9PM ET. Then after the show is done out west the Live Feeds will launch and After Dark will air on TVGN. Have your Live Feeds ready to go and get the Free Trial right now so you don’t miss a thing.
Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and get our Email Updates for all the latest BB16 news.
I’m ready. Fire up.
Hi Captain…
Dear The Millers, please be finished. Me want me Big Brother.
Hi James. It’s almost time…Yippee
Should we have a drinking game when Julie Chen says twisted?
I have nothing to drink. Except water.
Me too…
If she says it too often, we would drown.
Yep…that is what I was thinking.
The BB16 intro is such a tease! Full version please!
Derrick looks like someone who could be in 21 Jump Street.
Never underestimate the tricycle drivers.
And he is Emma’s neighbor.
Yup to people representing the LBC…I don’t know.
We know you you will be pulling for.
Nope. Not yet, must prove themselves. Equal playing field for me now.
Maybe Brittany. From Torrance but originally from LB.
I do like Hayden…Brittany and the kids, blah blah blah she put me too sleep.
He is the typical beach guy around here.
Hello hello all!
Hi! yup very sad news about Caleb, he was so nice and likable.
Captain did you hear about Caleb from Survivor?
Yes. it’s been all over twitter. Pretty sad. Glad you’re here.
Yeah me too missed last night! Liked Caleb.
Such a shame. And to think he was in my country only last year to play (where they shot 4 seasons). So a lot of us Filipino fans of the show are extremely shocked to hear about the news.
Didn’t Frankie said he was gay ?
Yes. Hello? lol
He’s cruising Victoria.
Nah. The girls always are attracted to the gay man, because they are on common ground. Remember last week Frankie was saying how he was crushing on one of the guys in the DR.
That was just weird.
As Britney would say, they would talk about “boys, movies, Sex and the City, both the series and the movie! “
Exactly. Plus the hair coloring bond last week with Joey.
Cant remember, have to go back later.
Donny is so entertaining :)
I agree! lol
Jacosta, the minister, is gonna be Jacostabber before the end of the season.
I think before 3 wks are up.
Caleb is gearing to look like the Frank of BB16, comp beast that needs to go ASAP.
Yep he’s already put a target by his mouth.
and Frankie is too much too. He talks way too much. Ugh
He looks like a male Carrie. :))
Too funny: https://twitter(dot)com/hahnsmith/status/482208786434641920/photo/1
;( bummer Hayden
That Caleb…he’s already getting on my nerve.
Geeze how many ppl can Frankie align with? Seriously.
There’s 15 other ppl. lol
lol…nice one.
Well, he can’t align with him now.
this should be fun now…
I couldn’t find you guys. I was on a different thread.
Hi :) here we are.
Me too.
Ooh, these will definitely make nominations interesting. Will the HOH’s put up the stronger players as nominees, and risk them getting evicted if they lose the BOB?
No more putting up pawns for now, which is too bad for them but yey for us!
So twisted.
Ok if I have this right, if Caleb noms 2 strong ppl and they win against the other 2, they are safe and he’s out right?
Not out, but he’s not HOH any more and could be use as a renom after veto.
Very twisted.
“Let’s do the twist like we did last summer. Ooohh!”
Love this twist. All the assumptions and nobody figured it out.
We came close.
Well that was unexpected. JOEY?!
Joey? really. could be worse.
That surprised me. But I think she’ll be good.
Strange choice….i hope she will be good. She is positive and upbeat.
That could at least shut up the whiners thinking the show is gonna rig it for Frankie.
I hope so. Frankie is just grating on my nerves…he just needs to turn it down a notch. He is just buzzing around everywhere.
I just like to see how he does individually as a gameplayer. Since it’s been only the first week, he’ll more or less gonna get a bit unhinged and feel a little less himself if he stays long.
He seems more like a mean girls pack type player. He does not know from what I can tell nor does it look like he like to be alone.
Once the rest show their true colors over the long course, like say Caleb (basing on what was reported about him), I think we will be seeing heads rolling at any given time.
I might vote for Donny since he’s funny.
I voted for Caleb and Amber.
Which ones Amber?
The curly hair.
I don’t like Caleb. He seems cocky.
That’s why I voted for him. I’m hoping for chaos.
Figures. Lol. Did you take a nap? Feeds start at 1am
I’m ok, I don’t work tomorrow.
And I have a free day tomorrow too. I’ll be watching and I hope they don’t go to bed early like the Canadians did.
And Jeff S. is twitting all night.
I think by the stuff CBS is making him do, he will, without a doubt, no longer qualified to play again, even if it’s an all-star season.
Donny and Devin…the 2 D’s
What happens if a member of Team America gets voted out before the alliance is formed?
I was thinking the same thing? I have no clue.
They will replace it, I guess.
Check this: globaltv(dot)com/BigBrother/2014/June/Introducing__HouseguestHangout_%E2%80%94_a_weekly_live_show_about_BB16_with_your_fave_BBCAN_Houseguests/
What is it?
A BBUS online aftershow hosted by BBCAN’s Neda.
And the winner of BBCan2 John.
I had a theory. Would you think the dethroned HOH could compete for HOH the next week?
Oh never thought of that. I would assume so.
Big likelihood. Then again, he had the luxuries of being HOH prior to BoB, so there’s a factor.
I think that shouldn’t happen because until they end this twist, one person could win HOH, get dethrone, and basically “float” all the way to the end just by winning HOH every week.
No they are not safe. The other hoh could nominate them.
That’s true, but what if they manage to get the numbers on their side?
I’m sure he (or she) will be allowed. If they don’t get evicted.
with this new HOH set up it will always be the weak nominated, then the real target will be back doored … every week… over and over again……
That’s probably going to be the case. It’s going to be really hard to make a big move really fast. Backdooring and winning the Veto will be crucial this season.
Absolutely true. Veto is becoming more powerful than anything else.
I can’t imagine how wasted these HG’s will be when Veto comps happen right after BOB (likely Sundays as usual).
Scheduled will probably be extended. Don’t forget about the Have-have not comp.
Will they still have time for that?
We saw a have-have not room.
I mean will production still do a separate comp for Haves/Have-Nots.
Don’t know. We’ll see. But for sure that would be good.
They could integrate the Have-Nots into BotB. Maybe the dethrone HOH and 3 other people will be have-nots?
They could integrate the Have-Nots into BotB
Sounds like 3 times the comps. Won’t be much laying in bed….
That’s the idea I guess. They realize these guy were getting bored.
I like it!
Remember how much down time they had on past seasons. So I think more comps will be good. They used to sit around bored.
And the America’s team to spice thing up.
I’m guessing this Team America will send the alliance on a mad hunt for Veto’s and the Coup de Ta (however you spell that).
“Kudeta” or a simple “coup” will be my preferred spelling choices for that word.
Coup d’รฉtat.
How do I vote
cbs dot com
Well I’ll be voting for the other 2 people after I watch a little bit of the feeds. Hard to tell who I want based on first impressions. I do know I already can’t stand Zach and don’t care much for Caleb. But that could change. And sorry Emma but I kind of like Frankie. He’s not as bad as I thought he would be.
Bye everyone. Have to watch my Tigers. There killing it again tonight.
See you later.
Maybe I’ll chat with you on FB during the feeds.
I’ll be around for as long as I can.
Hi Guys. So is this season crazy?
So far look very interresting.
Bailing out for now, gotta have lunch on my side of of the world (and another Big Brother to catch up on later today). :D
Hey where are you from?
The Philippines.
Oh wow. And your hooked on BB. How do you watch it?
Yeah, pretty much hooked since 2005, starting with our version of BB here, now on its 5th regular season, 12th over-all if we count 2 celebrity seasons and four teen editions (I missed a couple of seasons which kinda sucks).
I have my ways to watch US TV live but I can’t share here though just for the benefit of encouraging people stateside to watch it live.
I’ve been watching since season one. Last year was my first year watching the live feeds. And I ordered them again. Can’t wait to watch them tonight. I’m hooked. Lol.
Well I do hope the season turns out really good.
We nedd it after BB15.
Hi guys Happy BB16! My first year having live feeds. Should be interesting. Just two nights and there are already people that bug me. I have two questions. Will they still do POV? If they do wonder how it will play out. Secondly, how long have the house guests been in the house? Been little busy the last month. New grandson born with medical issues. So haven’t been on the site.
So they haven’t talk about Veto, but for the detrone HOH to be not safe, he need to be eligible to be renom after veto. So pretty sure veto is still in play.
Didn’t Julie mention POV?
Don’t think so.
Yep. That’s the only way the de-throned HOH could not be safe. This is going to change the who to nom thought process
I am thinking there will be one nomination after battle of the block. So if Frankie’s noms win the comp, the two noms come off the block and are safe. Then Frankie becomes open to be the third nomination. Maybe that’s when they will have POV, if POV is played this year.
It’s getting confusing. We should have thing understood by next week.
I totally agree. Getting a headache just thinking about it! So I think I will call it a night and think about it tomorrow!
Normally a week before the first show.
From what was said on the net, it happened on saturday and sunday.
Thanks. They sure get a lot of pictures and videos of the HG for their commercials. That’s why I asked
I’m just wondering if Zach has ever watched the show. It is a social game and he has started out as being a DBag.
Something tells me hes ALWAYS been a DBag
Last night I thought Pow Pow was the one I’d love to hate but Zach took her place…at least for now.
We should start a prayer circle to pray these 2 don’t have a showmance. Can you imagine!
ZakPow or PowZak?
Noooo please get the prayer circle started now!
OMG don’t say that!
That’s why we need the prayer circle to insure it DOES NOT happen!
Deliver us from Zach and Paola, amen.
Off topic but just heard USA soccer won today. Yes! Go USA!
Actually they lost, but Ghana lost too, so they do advance to the next round.
Thanks. It was a commercial for the 11 pm news and these newscasters down here don’t know how to speak. At least US is still in it
Caleb is so sketchy. I would not trust him for a second if I was in that house.
Really? That Zack is very arrogant, and thinks he is God’s gift to women. He fits right in with Pow Pow. Cuz she is the female version of him
Hello. Everyone. Please to talk to you guys this
Season of my fav show. It’s a lot to take in in the
Beginning as usual… But I’m caught up, I think
Already know who I DON’T like:
“poop, poop”, Caleb, and Zach
Love Donny and Nicole from crazy 8’s
Which prolly already had disassembled
Guys, what time live feeds starts tonight?
1:00 am eastern
TY Capt.