Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 6 Friday Night Highlights

Caleb Reynolds enters a new mode
Caleb Reynolds enters a new mode – Source: CBS

Friday was another intense one in the Big Brother 16 house as four nominees competed for safety and a lot of eviction planning hung in the balance. Once the results were revealed more planning went in to action and a new alliance was named after slowly coming together.

We’re nearly at the half-way point and the game is really ramping up. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother feeds last night.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 1, 2014:

3:15 PM BBT – Back from the Battle of the Block Caleb is wondering if he can avoid the punishments he selected to help win the competition. He does not want to shave his head.

3:40 PM BBT – Derrick tells Zach he’ll be safe this week and they’ll help protect him.

4:05 PM BBT – Cody promises Nicole he won’t use the Veto if he wins it because he knows how hard that was on him to do the renom.

4:50 PM BBT – Derrick telling Cody and Christine that he won’t use the Veto to save Zach if he wins it.

5:00 PM BBT – Caleb claiming he has a racist tattoo on his head so he can’t shave his head. He’s suggesting it’s an Iron Cross like the Nazis had. Seriously? He thinks it’s better to be a suspected Neo-Nazi than to have a shaved head?

5:29 PM BBT – Derrick tells HoH room about Caleb’s lie that he went to West Point and calling him out on it because the claim didn’t make sense. HGs discuss Caleb’s tendency to lie and tell stories. Hayden brings up Caleb’s hateful story about a bar fight just because they spoke Arabic.

6:00 PM BBT – HGs contemplate Have-Nots for the week. Derrick, Cody, and Hayden all volunteer, but Victoria hopes to avoid that.

6:50 PM BBT – Caleb is stressing his bald head punishment. Worried that it could impact his modeling potential.

7:20 PM BBT – Victoria and Caleb arrive in their “Adam & Eve” costume. They’re “chained” together for 48-hours.

8:00 PM BBT – Caleb is getting his head shaved. Victoria starts the work and Derrick finishes it up.

8:25 PM BBT – Hayden and Nicole in HoH discussing Veto scenarios. Hayden says if he won it he could take down Zach and she could put up Frankie. Nicole says that’s “so scary” and she’s also worried about Zach coming after her. Hayden thinks she could get Zach to be an ally by working out a deal.

9:50 PM BBT – Nicole, Derrick, and Cody talking in HoH room. Nicole is very worried about Frankie but says they’ve got the votes to control the next eviction. They say he’s trying to work with everyone. Nicole hopes Donny wins Veto and saves Jocasta so they can renom Frankie. Nicole is all for backdooring Frankie but wants to keep Zach up there too. Derrick says Jocasta will be harder to control than Zach.

10:05 PM BBT – Derrick names their alliance with Nicole, Cody, and Hayden the “Quad Squad.”

11:00 PM BBT – Derrick and Cody talk about Frankie and that it might be time for him to go.

12:40 AM BBT – Frankie warns Zach to stop talking about Nicole being his target. He’s worried it’s making the situation worse.

1:22 AM BBT – Hayden semi-exposed in the mirrors while taking a shower in HoH room.

1:50 AM BBT – Zach has been reciting a poem he’ll use if he’s up on the block on Thursday night. Just Zach being silly Zach.

2:15 AM BBT – Zach and Hayden are nervous about the game accelerating. They’re expecting a Double Eviction soon.

Zach is in serious trouble here and he either doesn’t see it or truly doesn’t care as he often claims. The Veto on Saturday will obviously decide a lot as most HGs don’t seem to want that responsibility when it comes to another chance at a Backdoor route for a big player like Frankie.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. So glad for Nicole and Hayden to finally be in an alliance–and with Derrick at the helm, they could go far. Always wondered why Hayden kept being left out. I definitely prefer Nicole to Christine and Hayden to Zach or Frankie. Win-Win-Win-Win!

    • In truth Derrick is in an alliance with “Derrick”. He goes to the person in power for the week (HOH) and is ready to ditch them when their reign is over…

    • Sorry, but just read at another site that Derrick and Cody mocked the idea of another alliance with Nicole. Called it a joke, said no way could they say No to the HOH, they have to roll with it, then when comes time to cut them, just say “hey we already made a different deal”.

      • That’s because Derrick and Cody have a F2 deal to the end. Just cause they’re in this alliance which they were already presented with last week by Hayden doesn’t mean they’ll turn it down in my opinion its the smartest move for Derrick and Cody and if it all works out which I hope it does you’ll see Derrick and Cody sitting in those 2 chairs or at least in the F4 with Hayden and Nicole.

      • I don’t think Hayden fully trust this Quad Squad alliance. He’ll go along with it of course. Derrick and Cody has F2 deal and he’s so aware of that. For now they all need each other. Who will strike first?..that’s the fun part.

      • Just because Derrick tells Cody they are final 2 doesn’t mean anything. If Derrick or Cody know they could win with someone else they will cut each others throat.

      • On many occasion Derrick has told the cameras taht his allegiance is to the F2 with Cody.

    • Am also rooting for Hayden and Nicole. They have to keep Victoria close as that is one crucial vote they can use. Do not trust Derrick and Cody fully as they have a Final 2 agreement. Focus should be on taking Jocasta off the block and putting Frankie as the replacement. That should be the next task.

      • I would love to see Frankie and Zach against each other too. I think Victoria will stick with Hayden and Nicole. Hayden has always been nice to her and she loves him. And Derrick had a final 2 with everyone.

      • Vic doesn’t know that, and from everything that I’ve seen, the only people Vic really opens up to are Derrick and Jocasta. She follows Derrick around like a puppy dog to the point that he’s had to start hiding from her.

        I think when it comes right down to it, Vic would probably end up siding with Derrick.

      • Victoria is very close to Hayden too. And I think if she had to pick it would be Hayden.

    • I agree, Nicole is a big fan of BB and knows the guys have an alliance. She also know that people have more than one alliance. All she and Hayden need is to win another HOH or Donny and their new alliance will be controlling the house. They are working with Donny just not in an alliance. Next Thur, Fri and Sat will be action packed.

      • Frankie is trying to get in Nicole’s head about going against Donny. She is starting to doubt Donny now. Nicole needs to talk with Hayden about everything Frankie is telling her because Hayden will set her straight. Boy Frankie sure is good about convincing everyone to go against people. He really needs to go.

    • Not to leave out egotistical maniac & delusional. And his “I run the house” comments are soooo pathetic….He is such a pitiful player…

      • I don’t like Caleb, either, but I will give him one thing… he looks better with the new haircut. (I agree with your description, plus narcissistic and obsessive.)

  2. Zach and Frankie both need to be on the block to insure one of them goes…I prefer Frankie goes he appears to be Zachs “brains”. Without Frankie Zach is nothing but another jury member..

  3. I think Amber is watching this and thinking “Thank God I’m out of that house. I could be tethered to Caleb!!!”

      • Because if Amber felt uncomfrontabe with Caleb in the house she should have said something in the DR? Plus, why didn’t she say she was uncomfrontable to other person in the house? Amber is talking sh*t now and I don’t like even though Caleb was acting like a stalker.

      • We don’t know what she said in DR, but I’d be shocked if she didn’t let them know. She told everyone in the house that she was uncomfortable around Caleb. She even broke down crying after she had been telling everyone and then Zach said something to tease her. She did tell Caleb that she wasn’t interested multiple times. The ONLY person in the house that didn’t know how uncomfortable she was around Caleb was Caleb!

      • Amber said nothing in the DR. They have kicked people off the show before because of safety. The DR Producers would have said something to Caleb. If Amber did say something and the Producers took no action why is she blaming Caleb? Amber would have said she told them (Producers) in the DR that she felt uncomfortable around Caleb. Why was Amber even hanging around Caleb? The b*tch is talking sh*t now because Caleb is still in the house.

        I don’t care if she told Caleb? She never said anything to another HG.

      • Live feeds and BBAD don’t show the DR. We only get to see the edits from DR on the show. So, unless you are psychic, you don’t know what she did or did not say in DR.

        She did tell the other HGs. That was seen on both live feeds and BBAD.

        She might have hung around Caleb in the beginning, but once his behavior got creepy, she avoided him as much as possible, which isn’t easy when you’re locked up in the same house.

      • Oh yes she did tell all the house guests how she felt. You must not watch the feeds.

      • Please use the English language if you’re going to comment. I didn’t understand one word.

      • Well unless your psychic nobody knows what she told them in the DR. And she told everyone in the house that she didn’t like Caleb including Caleb. He’s delusional and so full of himself. And I think Amber left with class and even in her interview with Julie. She spoke with class and just repeated what she said in the house that she was not interested. If that would of been me I would of said a lot worse.

      • Whose A$$ got evicted? Amber not Caleb. She never said anything in the DR. Like I said they have kicked people off the show because of safety issues.

      • Did you read the commenting rules for this blog? It says to debate intelligently. Please follow the rules. LOL

      • Amber is not a b*tch. She was very classy when she left. And is one of the better looking women on the show.

  4. EVery season I say the same thing. “How can these people be so stupid!” so it must be something about being sequestered in the house. But at the same time, why has no one connected the dots yet? If they don;t see Cody and Derrick as the power players then they must be blind, willfully or otherwise. I think Donny gets it, but Nicole? Really? An alliance with Derrick and Cody? How dumb can she be?

    And what’s with Hayden? He has an alliance that can control the house for the next few weeks staring him right in the face. They could pull the entire house again Derrick, Cody, Frankie and Zack. But for some reason they would all rather delude themselves into thinking they are in an alliance with Derrick and Cody. Its amazing how people are so willing to give someone else the $500k.

    • Hayden was last one brought into BS. The Detonators is Chris, Derr, Cody, Frankie & Zach. So Hayden is not with them. I think Derrick made a smart move because the whole other side of the house wants Zankie out. They don’t trust Christine either. So he’s now in a win-win. If Hayden wins HOH he’s safe and if Frankie wins HOH he’s safe. Everybody’s problem would be Donny winning again.
      As for Nicole she sees the guys controlling the house. What a better way to get a little farther than to align with the ones you think are running it. If she gets lucky and wins another HOH or Hayden does they can continue to dwindle the numbers of the other side. So that’s a win for her.

    • They see it but the numbers aren’t secure yet so by getting rid of Fakie they take away that vote and influence. Zack won’t have Fakie to control him so will self-destruct and the others will be ready to vote him out. Hayden is working Vic so he’ll be able to pull her from Derprick. And KnowNothing Nic is finally admitting Ratine is working against her so will go alone with getting her out. With that done Derprick and Cody have no votes.

    • Consider this from the perspective of someone playing the game instead of through the feeds. Right now there’s Zach, a deranged maniac who just wants to watch the world burn. He openly threatens other HGs and promises to create total destruction. He really is Dr. Will on crack. There’s also Frankie, who openly brags during game talk about how everyone is showing their cards to him and that he looks forward to backstabbing and making things ugly. Zankie are trying to make themselves such big targets, hoping that people will keep the around as meat shields. If you’re Nicole, one of their targets, why wouldn’t you want to eliminate them before they have the chance to eliminate you?

      And make no mistake, Cody is by no means a power player. The fact that he let Frankie run his HOH and that he doesn’t want to use the Veto this week shows that he’s scared to make the big moves. Derrick is just bringing him along because he’s an easy final pawn. Nicole and Hayden know they need someone from the Detonators on their side to ensure long term security, and that has to be Derrick.

    • I always thought anyone that goes on reality show is pathetic loser. Trying to boost their career.

  5. Derrick is going to keep Zach over Jocosta if the noms stay the same. By doing that, Nicole would be stupid to continue with this alliance. She is right about wanting Frankie and Zach on the block at the same time, and she needs to stick to her guns on this one. Even if Hayden wins the veto, she needs to convince him to take Jocosta off the block and put up Frankie. Who cares if Zach and Frankie figure out there is no longer an alliance, one of them would be going home anyway.

    • It would be amazing to see Nicole convince Hayden to make a big move instead of vice versa. Could she finally be the female gamer this game desperately needs?

  6. Nicole should just demand to her alliance that she wants the Veto used on Jocuesta if she wants to see them both on the block. If they value her in their alliance, they should go along with it. One of them for sure will be evicted. Isn’t that her goal?

  7. I’m starting to wonder if Zach isn’t becoming too obsessed with
    entertaining the viewers and other house-guests and is losing sight if
    the prize.

  8. Derrick and Cody aren’t the only ones with a F2, Nic and Hayden must have one and she probably has one with chris, as well as Joc and Donnie
    Der is playing the best game because he’s not a target and everyone wants to work with him; Cody is a weak player but that’s why they’re keeping him around

  9. Caleb thinks the Iron Cross is a Nazi symbol? He is clearly an idiot. The Iron Cross existed long before the Nazi party did. Just like the Swastika is not from them originally either. People are stupid.

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