We have your Big Brother spoilers for this week’s Battle of the Block competition where the latest nominees faced off for a chance to escape eviction.
The Nominations Ceremony was held earlier today, get those spoilers here or just keep reading on for all the details, and now we’ve got the results of which HoH remains and who escaped the Block.
I’ve got your Big Brother spoilers below so read on for more.
Big Brother Week 6 Battle of the Block Spoilers:
- Caleb & Victoria won the Battle of the Block!
- Jocasta & Zach remain on the block.
- Nicole is still the HoH
The comp involved dominoes and HGs could pick the quicker routes while selecting punishments to get them to the goal faster.
Punishments were doled out with Caleb having to shave his head and is on slop for two weeks. He’ll have to be joined to Victoria in an “Adam & Eve” costume. Not sure how long on that. They’ll have that for 48-hours.
Zach could be in real trouble as he’s the fall back evictee this week. If Caleb had lost then he would have likely been the target. It all still rests on Veto though so no point in planning much before that.
The Power of Veto competition will be held on Saturday and the Veto Ceremony arrives on Monday. Keep with us for your latest spoilers all week as this game keeps going crazy!
Want to watch the Live Feeds yourself? Grab the Free Trial right now and see what’s going on inside the BB16 house through the HD cameras and uncensored views of all the action. There’s already been plenty of conflict and drama brewing so you don’t want to miss this fun.
I don’t know why but I see Zach winning POV and Frankie getting nervous about going on the block and trying to convince Zach not to use it.
I hope neither win the veto and they evict JoCasta. But hey, that’s me.
I’m kinda with you. I want Jocasta and Victoria gone but was also hoping for a big move this week – like Frankie getting BD.
I rather keep the big move when we have all player in the house. Now that will be fun.
Yep, the students as Frankie called them don’t know the game and how Jocasta passed a physical I’ll never know. Only newbie’s left are Victoria and Zach right?
They are all newbie.
Students then, the ones that knew nothing except some vids they got from production. There’s 1 more Hayden. Saw the Pedi-driver making jokes and thought he would be good.
Jocasta is Donny’s friend. That’s the only reason I hope she stays, as I want Donny to win
Why evict Jacosta when u can evict Zach? Jacosta maybe floater but she is not a threat like Zach.
Really. We all know why.
What…come on Captain you know you want Frankie gone. Don’t you want drama when Frankie gets backdoored?
Rooting for Nicole or Jocasta to win POV so that, they can backdoor Frankie. If they succeed that would be a huge move.
The best outcome would be for Nicole or Jocasta to win POV and then Nicole take Jocasta off the block and backdoor Frankie. That would really shake up the house especially with the double eviction taking place Thursday. Let’s go Nicole, make the big move if you get the opportunity.
I don’t know why but I see Zach winning POV and Frankie getting nervous about going on the block and trying to convince Zach not to use it.
YES! The backdoor plan is still on, Donny will be able to play for HOH on Thursday, and Caleb & Victoria escapes the block at a price! Things are still moving forward…
Absolutely. Now let’s get a Veto and hope Nicole sticks to the plan.
Oh, great…now we get to listen to Caleb talk about nothing but him winning a comp now!
No, you get to see him try to bargain his way out of shaving his head.
I bet Victoria claims the victory.
All CrazedCaleb is talking about is having to shave his head. He’s as obsessed with this as he was with Amber. Now he’s saying he as a racist tattoo on his head and they shouldn’t make him show it. No one believes him but Derprick and Hayden think it might be true considering the story he told them last night.
I guess he just has to show it to BB in DR. They won’t let him show that on TV if that is true. Not after last year.
This should get interesting – Caleb and Victoria tied together for 48 hours. First time he tells her to STFU she will cry the rest of the time.
Maybe he’ll forget about Amber. LOL
God help her then. She’ll be dragging him to DR, “cut me loose from this maniac”
She’s a princess, she will love all the attention. LOL
That’s true. How could I forget. LOL
At least no one else will have to cuddle with her for 48 hours.
She’ll tell him to STFU he’s interrupting her mirror time.
I hope they backdoor Frankie and Donny wins HOH next week and then evict Caleb. Since next week is a double eviction I also hope they evict Victoria.
Anybody watching the feeds? The accidently showed a dude stocking stuff.
I really hope Zach leaves this week.
Wow they just said Zach chose not to compete in next HOH!!!
He is none too smart. Why wouldn’t he want to play in the HOH? Does he think he is getting evicted?
No, that would be a punishment he choose in the BoB comp. You know, you choose a punishment to try to win.
Oh okay.
Zach is not a happy camper this week.
I’m hoping Zach wins POV and takes himself off and Frankie goes up and is evicted (my ideal situation) if not, I wouldn’t mind Jocasta going home!
I wanna rant about Caleb for a second because he said something that made me sick. He said he was at a bar and there were people speaking Arabic near him and he was getting angry because they were speaking Arabic and flipped their table. I am so disgusted and I had to let it out. Thank you!
I am starting to seriously think Caleb has some PTSD issue.
I agree but if not, he’s a horrible human being.
I don,t think he is, but this thing with arab is a tell tale sign.
I totally think he is. There’s an instagram comment in which he refers to Barack Obama as a “muslim monkey”
I hate to mix politics with BB, but I have to say politicians are fair game. I wouldn’t say it myself, but that comment doesn’t bother me.
Islamophobic actions and racist comments don’t bother you as long as other people are saying it. K.
As I said, in politics, anything goes. Here’s an example that I just saw 5 minutes ago. I can find 20 more like that that were publish on twitter in the last half-hour.
https://twitter (dot) com/inkabinkabonk/status/495358358162255872/photo/1
I not saying it’s ok. But half the population think like him. So that doesn’t make him a bad person.
That comment makes him an idiot. And his story about what he did to arabic people does indeed make him a bad person. If half the American population think like Caleb then wow. Glad I don’t live there.
Unfortunately politic is very polarize these days.
Caleb has a lot of issues that could lead to him being a horrible If not a dangerous person. He is scary, an emotional wreck, angry, egocentric, chauvinist. … Hopefully when he gets out and sees himself on television, he takes steps to becoming a better person.
Not everybody who has issue and might even show agressive behavior will act on those impulsion. Don’t jump to conclusion. He’s a war veteran and deserve respect just for that.
That being one of his many issues…
Could the source of all his issue.
Capt CrazedCaleb is now saying he can’t shave his head because he has a racist tattoo on his head. He got it at/just after boot camp so his issues go back to before he was deployed.
Obviously we don’t know his whole story. I was commenting on what I know.
Yay! Donny gets to play for HOH during the double eviction (he may be the next target). Bowtie could go but this would be a good time for her to win the veto and Frankie goes up with Zach.
I hope Frankie get’s BD and Donny wins the next HOH and sends the princess packing. She always looks like a deer stuck in headlights.
Hayden is getting close to Vic so he could take Derprick’s place as her protector and be the one to tell her how to vote. Can’t get rid of Vic until you take away the others that Derprick controls. Reduce his numbers (Zach, CodyNoB@lls, CrazedCaleb and Ratine) and then its every HG for themselves.
I don’t think they have the votes to evict Frankie… Whoever is on the block next to him will most likely go. .
I agree with that.
I think they do have the votes if you think about it. Hayden, Derrick, and Cody are 3 votes. All they need are Victoria’s which is for sure, Donny’s and Jacosta’s assuming they win the POV and get Jacosta off the block. I don’t see it being that hard and if even turns to a tie which I highly doubt, Nicole is HOH and Frankie goes packing.
In the end, I don’t see Derrick, Donny and Cody to vote to evict Frankie. Even if they think about it, they will chicken out.
Only because they put Jocasta and Victoria on the block and wasted votes. However, if whoever wins POV takes Jocasta off the block, they have all the votes to evict Frankie. You have Jocasta, Victoria, Hayden, Donny. There are 8 votes so, even if all the others votes for Frankie, Nicole is the tie breaker and can send him home! There are also reports that there is a new alliance of Hayden, Nicole, Derrick and Cody and the obvious target is Frankie so, if Frankie winds up on the block—-he will probably get evicted!
So, if Caleb refuses to shave his head, for whatever reasons, wonder if Production would Nul and Void his and Victoria’s BOTB win, since he/they had an advanrage as a result ??
Can’t wait to see how this all came down.
Ha!! Even his own Family is willing to throw him under the bus … Ha !!!
That’s pitiful. Unless they just don’t know. He’d had to have been shaved before to get it right?
He was a soldier. So yes he had to no matter what.
That is what I was thinking,,if he refuses, then they should lose the BotB and Zach and Jacosta come off.
Then why take the punishment? Conceal it. Rag it.
If he has a tattoo that production doesn’t want seen on the show, instead of making him shave his head they could just make him wear a bald cap like actors do for tv and movie roles.
Caleb said today that he just knows that he will be picked to play in the next All-Star season!
Yea, him and Aaryn. They would be perfect together.
What would they’ve found if they shaved her head?
Lice ? OMG, I’m so bad.
You mean crabs?
I wouldn’t know about that.
Sorry. I’ll delete. That was really ugly. Origly I thought 666 or 999 if ur David
You are bad
Probably nothing..I think he’s lying. Beast Mode Cowboy just doesn’t want to shave his head.
Nicole should go to both Caleb and Victoria work with me or go on the block if Zach wins POV
they can’t go on the block they are safe having won BOTB
ok, but they can go up next week if they do not when HOH
Oh, dear God no…we have to watch Caleb strut around in his fig leaf for the next two days..I may have to tune out the feeds until then!
Do go too far. They’re laughing now but by tomorrow the two biggest whiners will be going after each other.
OMG worth seeing.:
https://twitter (dot) com/BigBrotherLeak/status/495395314787168256/photo/1
https://twitter (dot) com/tbigbroreport/status/495395315004878848/photo/1
Victoria is actually kind of cute
In typical BB fashion (production) Frankie will win POV take down Zach and there goes a big move. They will keep Frankie as long as they can. Also, I wish the HG knew about the DE, but that does not make for good tv before hand. Either way, I hope they backdoor Frankie (we know he loves it) and then somehow hope Donny can survive the next eviction
If Fakie wins it Derprick and NoB@llsCody will convince him not to use it because one of them will go up. They’ll convince him that Zach is safe then out the door Zach will go.
I keep hearing Derrick and Cody talking about backdooring Frankie. Cody, of course, has no guts, so I’m watching Derrick closely to see if he will pull through.
The had to have a contingency plan. Are they(Nicole) going to waste her HOH?…..again? I hope not. We’ll see who’s got game..
the head shaving has begun with Victoria doing the honors
I really hope Zach stays…the reason of the season would be incredibly boring without him.
Nicole and Hayden in HOH rm. confirmed/reiterated, they want Frankie on the block. She wants Zack taken down and put Frankie up. She wants it bad !…..can’t wait for the result tomorrow.
confused by what you’re saying. She wants them on the block together? Or she wants to take Zach off and put Frankie in his spot?
lol I’m confuse too. I have to edit. Zack down, Frankie up.
Dumb. That’s exactly what Zach wants. If Frankie and Jocasta go to the vote, get ready to see Zach wrangle everyone into voting out the floater.
So Derrick and Cody is on board on BD Frankie If Frankie gets picked on Veto comp, and win, that’s the only chance he has. Otherwise he’s toast.
It looks like they’re slowly solidifying their 4 member alliance.
Quit drinking so much patron before you comment. Lol
Hey !….I’m David….hey what do you think of the Quad Squad? I’m biased because they didn’t include uncle Donny.
Well since Derrick has an alliance with everyone I don’t know how real it is. I really like Nicole, Hayden and Uncle Donny so I hope Derrick and Cody have their backs. I always like the nice people.
Hayden needs to keep Victoria because that is one extra vote and insurance just in case! Cody and Derrick have a Final 2 deal so, one extra vote matters near the end game. Rooting for Hayden and Nicole and Donny to a lesser degree.
So “Quad Squad” was born.
Another stupid alliance name. They should have gone with The Crow’s Nest. They’re sitting in an HOH bedroom with a nest bed looking out at the rest of the house through the TV. It’s a way better name.
Now, I want the Quad Squad annihilated….I don’t know man I just can’t be pleased. lol
You truly are a BB fan. :)
Ok I forgot who says that? Oh yeah Jeff.
Frank right?
No Jeff. Does Frank say it too? What about David.
Too bad Victoria can’t get evicted first xD then Caleb then he would have to deal with her in the Jury House. Id be happy for Amber too. She doesn’t have to put up with Caleb in the Jury House. But I am with it that Frankie and or Zach go to Jury. Donny and Derrick can do missions by themselves without frankie. I hope Jocasta wins Veto then Nicole Puts up Frankie. Which one would you get rid of?
This season is getting boring and predictable. I’m ready for a big move this week. I can’t believe people on here actually want another boring and predictable week by having either Victoria or Jocasta evicted.
Rather have another boring week now than one later.
So you guys will never guess who slept in the HOH room with Nicole last night. Frankie. Can someone tell me how many nights out of the 37 or 38 days they have been in the house, has Frankie slept downstairs. Its almost like the HOH room is his and he just lets whoever gets HOH sleep there with him.
What the heck is going on with Zach and Frankie lmao it looks like Zach is finally coming out, as far game play I think the biggest floater Jocasta I love her but she is a floater
Its so strange every season its seems this show always end with no one of color. I don’t see why anyone of color goes on this show. I wouldn’t waste my time. Its so fixed because they are “always” in the “minority”
What happened between Nicole and Christine?
If Frankie does end up on the block this week, fingers crossed, would Donny vote to send him home since he’s a member of Team America? Hoping so. Really sick of him, so dramatic and fake. Just hope the houseguests wise up and backdoor Frankie asap. That way they’ll “have one less problem without” him!