Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 5 Friday Night Highlights

Riding the high of Thursday night’s eviction the HGs went in to the new week with a lot of gusto in large part due to Zach’s enthusiastic nominations speech. With Nicole and Christine fired up they tore in to the Battle of the Block competition, but were they able to save themselves?

Derrick hugs HGs after the news of his grandfather
Derrick hugs HGs after the news of his grandfather – Source: CBS

Along with exciting spoilers and results from inside the house came another round of sad news. Derrick received a letter last night that his grandfather had passed away that morning. The support of the house again came together for the second time in just a few days.

Find out what else happened on the Big Brother feeds last night.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 25, 2014:

4:21 PM BBT – Feeds return from Battle of the Block. Nicole & Christine have won. Zach is done as HoH.

4:35 PM BBT – Frankie and Zach talking in HoH room. Zach wants to play for Veto if Frankie gets the choice, but Frankie says he can’t pick him due to the optics of it.

5:15 PM BBT – Nicole and Hayden are on to Cody, Derrick, and Zach having a deal. They suspect Zach isn’t well trusted and they could get him out soon.

5:35 PM BBT – Frankie covered for Zach and told Nicole that Zach’s speech was just to make for good TV. Frankie wants Zach to go smooth things over too.

6:15 PM BBT – Hayden giving Victoria solid advice to stay cool. She’s not the target but if things go wrong then she doesn’t want to be the standout choice for freaking out and making HGs want to get rid of her over Jocasta.

7:46 PM BBT – Feeds return for a brief break. Derrick is alone in the Have-Not room. Derrick’s grandfather passed away Friday morning and he was just informed.

8:35 PM BBT – Derrick has been sitting quietly in the living room surrounded by the other HGs. He thanks them for their support and hugs everyone before going to lay down by himself.

8:48 PM BBT – Caleb starts explaining how TruTV bought rights to a show about his family but it was dropped “for some reason.” Caleb also pitched other show ideas about him going around the country and taking women out on dates. This is a much-watch scene for those who enjoy Caleb delusions.

9:10 PM BBT – Hayden goes to talk with Derrick and offer comfort. Derrick says he came here for his wife and daughter and that hasn’t changed. He will be staying to finish the game.

10:10 PM BBT – Victoria talking to Derrick about strategy and the game. Derrick encourages her to stay focused on Veto coming up instead of worrying over what’s already happened.

10:50 PM BBT – Frankie and Zach going over who should be the next to go. They put Caleb at the top of their list.

12:00 AM BBT – Nicole finally gets to “shun” her Germtard. She’s excited to be done with it. It’s a strip tease of sorts and she’s not entirely comfortable doing it.

2:15 AM BBT – Cody and Derrick talking game. They worry about Zach’s impact on their game. Cody wants to keep Amber over Caleb as she could help his game.

2:50 AM BBT – Amber comes to Cody for information on what Frankie might do with the Veto Ceremony. Cody is in “deny, deny, deny” mode and doesn’t tell her anything.

3:20 AM BBT – Victoria comes to talk with Cody. She says Brittany advised her to work with Cody and Derrick. Cody feels bad about letting her get sent home, but he didn’t know where her head was in the game.

4:30 AM BBT – Cody and Amber are the last HGs awake and having some late night chats. They’re discussing Caleb and how he impacts their friendship.

It was another emotional night in the house with the news of Derrick’s grandfather passing. Derrick says he’s committed to his family which is what brought him to the game in the first place so he’ll be finishing it out.

Later on Saturday the Power of Veto competition will be held and if Caleb doesn’t win it then there’s still a good chance he could get backdoor’d this week. If he does secure the Veto then we’ll have to wait and see if Frankie does pull a crazy attack on Zach.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I really hope Caleb gets picked for the Veto and eventually win it.
    Not at all that I root for him and as the above article stated, his ‘delusions’, but I really really want either Victoria or Jocasta out this week.

    Besides, Cody is massively feel threatened by Caleb. It’s funny everytime he says that Caleb’s game is clouded by his obsession of Amber, when really in fact, Cody’s growing paranoia of Caleb has been haunting his game as well. What I really want to see for ‘good TV’ is if in anyway Cody and Caleb go at it eventually.

  2. Have to say how much I admire the dignity with which Derrick has handled his grandfather’s death. He has not used it to get attention or to make himself the focus of the house. He is completely free of histrionics. Frankie on the other hand wrang every bit of drama out of his grandfather;s death. Frankie was entertaining at first. But, he is tiresome now.

    • I think giving the eulogy he gave for his grandpa was just Frankie’s way to really honor him. People react to differently an they shouldn’t be judge with the way they handled it, IMO.

      • I have lost all of my grandparents and I was very close to each of them, so I know from experience how painful losing loving grandparents can be and have had sympathy for both men for their loss. I’m sure many people will not like what I am going to say. The time Frankie had to address this should have been limited if shown on national tv. Personally, I don’t think it should have been shown. I was very sympathetic for the first few minutes but as he went on and on, I became uncomfortable and then agitated and eventually turned the channel. I felt it wasn’t something that I personally wanted or needed to hear. I can’t explain why I felt that way, but I’m just being honest. Why didn’t they just tape it, if it was Frankie’s eulogy for his grandfather, and let the family watch it in a private setting or at a memorial service? Maybe there is something I missed that explained why it was done this way. I wouldn’t ever comment on whether or not they should have went home because different scenarios and family needs and relations call for different actions. I mean no offense.

      • Frankie can consider his castmates as an extension of his family who he is stuck with for a good number of weeks. At the moment, they’re the only ones he can go to. We may see what’s going on there but it’s still totally different when you’re in the house yourself. Everything is amplified, and the way people handle a very emotional thing can oftentimes come out in multiple outcomes.

        Better if we give Frankie the benefit of the doubt.

    • Frankie was obviously very close to his grandfather and is a very emotional person. If you want to view his reaction as him wringing “every bit of drama” out of his death, that’s a really cheap and crappy thing to do, IMO.

    • Completely unfair to say this about Frankie. People react in different ways…

  3. Derrick is a strong person and shows it in handling a personal crisis with dignity instead of theatrics. Not saying Frankie didn’t love his granpa. Saying different people handle things different. Saying that though I think Frankie used it to his advantage and Derrick won’t.

  4. I agree prabowo… I hope he wins Veto as well… The game w/o him would be Boring!! Let Caleb & I’m-So-Scared-Of-Caleb-CODY go @ IT!!! NOW THAT WOULD BE GOOD TV!!! {And on a Note PLEASE LET THE CHALLENGE BE PHYSICAL!! No more of THESE HALF-BAKED-MADE-UP GAMES!!!!}

  5. Listing to Jacuuza last night made me vomit. She can’t even speak proper English. Why would the networks let someone speak their gettto trash on tv. That is disgusting, shame on you CBS

  6. I can imagine Vicki Victoria coming out of the DR crying “My banker just passed away”

  7. Caleb is the most delusional house guest, and person I have ever seen. He really thinks he’s god’s gift to the world or something. Get him out!

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