Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 4 Monday Night Highlights


The Big Brother 16 house was quiet Monday night following the veto ceremony, which wasn’t what anyone was expecting. Cody was this close to nominating Caleb, which would have resulted in some explosive feeds. But instead we got a mild night of chit-chat, mild scheming and talk about what happens  next week.  Find out what else happened on the Big Brother feeds last night.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 21, 2014:

4:29 PM BBT – Nicole and Derrick are talking about why Cody wanted to nominate Caleb (as she shaves his back). Nicole is very happy that Cody didn’t nominate her instead of Donny.

4:27 PM BBT – Donny asks Jocasta if she realizes there are four people who have never been nominated: Derrick, Christine, Frankie and Cody.

4:42 PM BBT – Jocasta tells Donny he has her vote and she would hope Brittany would expect her to vote to save her.

7:05 PM BBT – Amber is upset and talking to Jocasta about how she feels like Donny isn’t close to her like he used to be. She doesn’t know why that is.

7:25 PM BBT – Nicole and Donny are talking about trust. She says she trusts him but thinks he doesn’t trust her after she nominated him last week. He says he’s working on it.

6:18 PM BBT – Amber is cooking for Zach, despite the animosity between the two.

8:07 PM BBT – Zach, Cody and Derrick talking about Brittany going home. Cody tells Zach to be nice to her and make her think she’s safe so she won’t try to flip the house.

8:42 PM BBT – Frankie and Derrick are talking game. They’re talking about how close Caleb was to going up and out this week. Frankie lists the next eviction order: Jocasta, Victoria, Donny and Nicole.

8:47 PM BBT – Zach and Victoria are trash talking Caleb. Victoria brings up the fact that she’s won more competitions than he has. Zach tells her he’d nominate Jocasta and Amber. She says she’d put up Amber but not sure who else.

8:50 PM BBT – Zach tells Frankie he’s actually starting to not hate Victoria.

9:34 PM BBT – Derrick tells Cody they need to talk less. It’s not good that so many people are hearing about their plans, he said. Cody is mad that Nicole and Christine told Victoria Derrick knew Donny was going on the block.

10:00 PM BBT – Derrick telling Victoria not to worry about Brittany staying this week. Victoria wants her out and is afraid Donny is getting backdoored. He also tells her to be careful what she says to Zach.

10:32 PM BBT – Zach talking about his DRs. He says they tell him to sound meaner. BB tells him to stop talking about his DRs.

11:47 PM BBT – Cody is telling Donny that he’s on the block to make sure Brittany gets a 10-0 vote. He’s trying to let Donny know he’s not the target, but also not to let Brittany know.

1:00 AM BBT – Brittany tells Amber she thinks she has a shot at staying though it’ll be close. Amber doesn’t tell her differently and later retells this conversation to Cody.

1:30 AM BBT – Cody, Derrick, and Frankie talk to Caleb about him taking the cash instead of the Veto. They say Donny and Victoria have been spreading it that Caleb did that because he worried about being renom’d.

3:50 AM BBT – Zach talking to Brittany and encouraging her to campaign and he might give her his vote. He’s giving her a lot of false confidence. She starts up with the “I have kids” routine.

So it sounds like Brittany is heading out this week. The HGs want her to feel comfortable though, so expect some lying about who stays and who goes throughout the week.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. The whole two HGs thing has gotten tiresome four weeks in. Too many people will be off the block and eventually save for the whole week after winning BoTB. And then, veto gives another chance for safety.
    Fifth week, regular system of hoh comp – nominations – veto – eviction please.

    • Double HoH can’t last the whole season, we all know that. My guess is it will end at F10.

    • I think another reason why it got old so fast is because the 2 HOHs have always worked together. This twist could have been more exciting if the HOHs can’t communicate with each other. I hope we get 2 HOHs who are at odds before the twists gets removed. A double eviction with Double HOH could be fun too.

    • What they should allow is like a Diamond Power of Veto for the viewers. We all get to vote one house guest out! The highest vote getter gets nominated except if he is HOH! Anyone else is fair game! So, we get 3 nominations instead of just 2 and all get to play for the POV to save themselves! That would make things more interesting! It could be similar to what we had last year with Amanda! Paranoia is good when house guests just float along to get along! Viewers should be able to stir the pot to enhance game play!

    • I agree, it would be much better if the botb winners did not have veto and could be backdoored. Whoever came up with that, screwed it imo.

  2. One thing that annoys me is when HGs plan out eviction orders like they are running the house. (Even though Derrick & Crew are). I really hope Amber, Donny, Jocasta wins HOH next week so we can have a power shift.

    • What the floaters should do if they use their brains is put up the guys in the alliance, Cody, Derrick, Frankie and Zach. Chances are pretty good though that they will nominate other floaters in the game rather than any of these guys! Donnie is reported on wanting to put up Derrick a Frankie. You got to put all 4 guys and let them fight in the Battle of the Block to ensure two of them remain on the block at least, until POV! If you can leave two alliance members on the block after POV then, one of them will go home!

    • Do you recall when Amber was HOH? How would her getting HOH result in a power shift? Her strategy is simply playing dumb and flirting all the way to the end, my guess is she couldn’t make a game changing move to save herself or anyone else at this point and soon everyone will get very tired of her!

      • This time Amber doesn’t have an alliance, and she seems to be the only one (other than Donny) who has a brain and wants to get out someone who is in a strong alliance.
        I would love to see Zach or Cody or Derrick or Christine be up on the block.

      • Yes but Amber still thinks there is an alliance and the “new alliance” will still influence her, they are influencing everyone and have controlled the entire game thus far.
        Don’t get me wrong, there needs to be a power shift but Amber isn’t strong enough to lead it. Should Donny or Jacosta win HOH, everyone will be scrambling. We can only hope the week will play out that way.

  3. Notice how many people have not been on the block? And Christine nothing has happened to her. I can’t stand when it’s the same people on the block and they make it personable. Their excuse for not putting Caleb up so he doesn’t go off? Anytime he goes up he is going to be upset. They just made it personal against Britney. The girls instead of working together want Britt out cuz Britt is pretty. Lame

    • Brittney is hostile to the other girls like Nicole for instance! Women are catty by nature and they want to be the most beautiful of the group! I have worked with enough women to see their catty nature against each other! They feel threatened if a woman is better dressed or looks prettier than them! Unfortunately, for her she complains about the showmances but, then, lies on the HOH bed with Cody and Derrick? She does not even have the focus to play
      Big Brother so, what is she doing in the house in the first place?

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