Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 9 Tuesday Night Highlights


The Big Brother 16 steam-rolling alliance The Detonators are finally starting to get on each others nerves enough to start talking about who from the group needs to go soon. Cody is ready to strike as early as next week, but Derrick seems to not be quite ready yet. Ā Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights ā€“ Tuesday, August 26, 2014:

3:55 PM BBT – After coming in for a lockdown the Feeds go to Jeff Loops.

4:37 PM BBT – Feeds return. HGs complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. HGs challenged their families in return.

5:43 PM BBT – Nicole and Derrick talk about the votes. Derrick gives her a heads up that Frankie is stressing Nicole not yet coming to him. She’s talked to everyone but him.

6:00 PM BBT – Victoria and Nicole talking. Victoria is complaining about Christine. They promise not to go after each other. Victoria is upset that there seems to be no real loyalty in the game.

6:50 PM BBT – Derrick and Nicole are talking. Derrick is fighting hard to keep his head in the game even though he misses his family a lot. Talk turns to Victoria. They agree she has a good heart. Nicole also tells Derrick that she was asked who she’d want to work with if she got to go back int he game. She said she said Derrick.

8:00 PM BBT – HGs are just chilling out at the moment. Nothing going on.

9:00 PM BBT – Cody and Derrick go to the HOH room to talk. Cody isĀ really over Frankie and bashing him. He says he’s tired of him going up to Christine after they’ve been talking to find out what they were talking about. They call Christine a liar and are talking about putting her up with Nicole next week. But then it changes to Frankie and Nicole. Cody goes as far to say that he’d rather see Frankie and Christine go before Nicole. Derrick argues that she’s a bigger threat.

9:42 PM BBT – Now Cody is playing romping around in the HOH bed with Frankie and Christine.

10:05 PM BBT – Caleb and Derrick are talking about Cody and Christine and what Zingbot. Caleb thinks Christine really likes Cody. Derrick thinks they should’ve done everything they could to draw attention away from what Zingbot said but they haven’t.

11:33 PM BBT – Now Nicole and Victoria are talking about Christine and Cody.

12:42 AM BBT – Christine, seemingly jealous, calls Victoria Derrick’s girlfriend.

1:05 AM BBT – Christine says she’s playing for second at best because everyone in the Jury hates her.

1:10 AM BBT – Christine tells Cody two HGs have approached her with a F2: Frankie and Nicole. Christine was worried viewers might not like them, but Cody doesn’t know how that’d be possible.

1:15 AM BBT – Cody is worried that he can’t beat Derrick in the F2. Christine disgrees.

2:00 AM BBT – Cody & Christine, the last two HGs awake, head to bed. Cody stays up and watches the empty house on the HoH TV.

It sounds like the possibility of Donny staying this week has come and gone, so right now Nicole is going to be staying. And if Cody keeps pressing Derrick (or if she wins the next HOH), she might outlast a couple of others.

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  1. i would LOVE for Nicole to make it to the end. really wanted Donny to get there too, BUT I hope that so far all the talks she is having that she is telling fibs to each and every one of them!!! —-meaning that she is not believing what ANY of them are saying!! I hope she listens to Donny’s advice as to who she needs to target/backdoor, he has already told her that he will whisper in her ear his final advice

  2. If Derrick keeps going the way he is, he might Helen himself right out of the house (“It’s too soon to make a big move”). I’m not at all convinced if Frankie won HOH next week he wouldn’t decide to strike first.

    • I don’t think Frankie would; would be too risky for him. He’d have to put up Derrick and Cody, have to have neither win veto since Derrick would stay over anyone else I think, and he’d need to be able to fully trust Nicole. I just don’t see him going for it.

      • Oh, I think he would. Frankie thinks he has Caleb and Christine in his corner. Before Zach left, they’d talked about how they didn’t see anyone beating Derrick in a Final 2. So if he were to get even the slightest notion that Cody has floated his name as the next to go, I think he would definitely act on it. ESPECIALLY if Nicole was able to convince him he’s not her target.

  3. I’m kinda glad Donny is leaving. It has ben so sad watching him by himself everyday. Even last night they were ignoring him. He will be much happier in he jury house. He knows just like we do the “odds are insurmountable”. His words not mine.

    • At the beginning of the show, I know I’ve set my sights too high when I started to place my bets on Donny and at the very least expected him to last until probably the first week of jury and probably end up being on floater status to use as a number for votes.

      Boy was I wrong when I saw him winning comps left and right. So in a way, I’m kinda glad he outlasted my projected tenure for his stay in the house and went as far as he did. I never really expected that from him.

      Still, I can’t help but feel for him knowing he was THAT close to winning HOH for this week and make the long-awaited move that would have shaken the house sooner rather than later. If only he took the opportunity to form a side alliance sooner after Double D’s died past Day 1 (thanks Devin) and team up with Hayden, Nicole and Brittany (her gameplay was “out of place” however).

      No worries, the jury house is filled with much of his friends in the house so I’m sure he won’t be in his current sad state for long.

      • Totally agree with you folks. Donny needs to surround himself with some positive vibes. He’s obviously not part of the clique left in the house. He may not have had a great social game, but it sure has been fun watching him!

      • I agree with everything you said. Donny really impressed me with his toughness and mental capacity this season. It’s too bad he didn’t work on his social game, but in my opinion, part of that is the other HG’s fault for singling him out as being “different” (ie: not young and beautiful). And he just had bad luck with all of his potential allies being evicted. But nobody’s game is perfect, not even Derrick’s, so he should walk out with his head held high, and to HUGE applause from the crowd I imagine. Can’t wait for his eviction interview :)

        I’m a Canadian, but if I lived in the US, he would definitely have my vote for America’s Favourite. Donny, Haycole, and Joey are the only HG’s I could tolerate in real life.

      • I am sad that Donny may leave, but I also don’t want Nicole to leave. Donny is playing a good game, better than Nicole even if she won HOH’s.

    • I agree. As said as it is, it is so pitiful watching him by himself.. Atleast he’s had Nicole this week.

    • Same here. There are bigger things on the horizon for Donny. I see him and his girlfriend competing in Amazing Race or him even in Survivor. This group, too immature and entitled….

  4. Yeah Donny would def enjoy jury house as all the people he gets along with are there. That sucks if he is alone all the time. I always feel bad for any BB player who is basically ignored and forced out; it must feel so lonely. Does Nicole even like him? It just feels like she is forced to talk to him, but I don’t catch the live feeds to see what’s really going on. I really didn’t pay attention to Hayden this year, but I found Zach, Donny, and even crazy Jocasta to be the more “unique” characters, as was Joey.

  5. I just watched last Sunday’s episode and I don’t understand why Jocasta kissed Nicole on the lips.
    Even if Cody is a College graduate he is as dumb as Donny said. How does he believe that he could beat any of these guys that have played a better game. Listen tom Nicole cody and you may go far in the game.

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