Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 7 Monday Daytime Highlights


What should have been an intense day in the Big Brother 16 house turned out to just be a bit sad and emotional as most of the HGs are finding themselves pretty dead emotionally at this point in the game. Zach did use the veto on himself, which means Christine had to name a replacement nominee. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house so far today.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights ā€“ Monday, August 11, 2014:

9:08 AM BBT – Feeds are down. Wake-up time.

10:07 AM BBT – Christine is telling Frankie that she wants her speech today to be dirty to Nicole. Lots of talk about mentioning her backstabbing Christine and Christine can get the final stab.

10:45 AM BBT – Frankie thinks everyone loves him and Christine. She rehearses her speech to Frankie.

10:53 AM BBT – Nicole tells Donny she feels like she’s going up.

11:11 AM BBT – Feeds cut.

11:44 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Zach used the veto on himself. Christine put Nicole up in his place.

11:48 AM BBT – Nicole is not surprised. She sense it was coming. She says after what happened during the Double Eviction, nothing can shock her now.

12:27 PM BBT – Derrick is taking credit for Nicole going up to Victoria. He told her he’d try to keep her off the block, so she thinks that’s why Nicole is up now.

12:48 PM BBT – Nicole was staying strong, but she’s starting to break down. She’s crying and Victoria gives her a hug.

12:51 PM BBT – It just donned on Christine that the first three jury members hate her and would never vote for her.

12:34 PM BBT – Nicole tells Victoria that she and Donny will be the next to go after she goes this week. Victoria is aware.

12:57 PM BBT – Nicole tells Christine she knows she wants her out but asks if they can clear the air. They go into the lounge to speak. Christine tells Nicole she was threatened into backdooring Nicole. Of course all blame is going to Zach. Christine is saying she feels bad now, but she doesn’t. She thinks America is going to hate her (and she has that part right).

1:20 PM BBT – Derrick and Caleb are talking about the pecking order: Nicole, Donny, Christine and Victoria. Caleb wants the final four to be him, Cody, Frankie and Derrick.

2:30 PM BBT – Mostly quiet on the feeds. Some chit-chat leads to napping.

So it sounds like Nicole is definitely heading home this week. Nicole isn’t about to give up, though, so can she pull off a save?Ā You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearā€™s Live Feeds which means itā€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Even if Nicole can’t pull of a save this week, she may still be returning to the game at a later point… which all the HGs have conveniently forgotten, despite being basically warned by Julie of the possibility during the DE.

    And, is it just me, or is Derrick turning out to be a better BB player than Dan and Dr. Will combined??? Mad Kudos.

    • Derrick a better player than Dan and Dr. Will Combined???? What type of drugs are you taking?? He is not even as good of a player as either one of them, and he has no where the charisma of either one of those players. He also been very obvious with his manipulation, but these players (minus Donny) have been too idiotic to see it. Hayden says he wish he called him out. Derrick has to win the game first to even be considered in the same stratosphere as will and dan, and still won’t be near as good. Keep in mind, they kicked a** twice!

      • Derrick is a good player. Better then Will and Dan? No. Derrick is an undercover cop or whatever law enforcement he’s in (outside of the house I thank him for his work) inside the house hes using that to his advantage. Now I did not watch Dan’s original season, I only saw when he came back. However, in Will’s season he was always the target it seemed, and he talked his way out of it. Derrick has not had that trouble yet, because he is protected by a big alliance. Having said that, I still think hes been good at covering and manipulating people.

      • I’d like to comment on your opinion on how Derrick is playing with idiots, I feel that is kind of a slippery slope when you start talking about easily manipulated houseguests. Every season has them.

        Dr. Will in BB2 – Krista, Hardy, Bunky (Honestly, pretty much everyone except Nicole)

        Dr. Will in All Stars – Janelle, Howie, James, Marcellas

        Dan in BB10 – Ollie, Keesha, Jerry

        Dan in BB14 – Shane, Danielle, Frank, Jen

        I’m not saying Derrick should be in the same conversation as the two best players in BB history, but I don’t feel the argument regarding “the houseguests is full of idiots” really works.

      • Derrick has a different personality so comparing him to them isn’t valid. Also, if Derrick’s manipulation is working, what’s the problem? Were all the players in Dan and Dr. Will’s seasons valedictorians of their class?

    • I think Derrick is good but, Dr. Will is still better. These bunch of house guests aren’t the smartest. How could you miss the lies of Derrick? In Nicole’s case, he said they did not have the votes. Hello? Hayden, Donny, Derrick and Cody equals 4 with Nicole as the tie breaker. How can you even miss that? People put on the block repeatedly like Victoria and Donny, don’t you think you are on the outside looking in? What about Caleb being put on the block repeatedly, used as a pawn and vote and you think you are part of an alliance? It is too obvious for these guys to miss all the signs showing they are on the outs. What about Frankie, Zach and Christine. They are floating along being happy to be part of an alliance but, doing most of the dirty work for Derrick. No thought about making it to the end or making a big move. You cannot win in Big Brother without having made a good move at a minimum but, a Big Move is better! Is Derrick that good? I don’t think so. He looks better only because the other house guests are just plain horrible! If Derrick was playing with really smart house guests, he probably would have been evicted a long while, ago!

    • yes, Nicole is probably going this week. Julie said would you like to get into the game. More than 1 may return. Their may be another DE. The remaining HG are forgetting that at least 1 evicted is coming back into the game.

      Derrick maybe a good player but not win the money.

      • That was one reason Derrick said he wanted Nic out. He said if Hayden returns he doesn’t want Nic there to work with him because he’ll be back for blood.

      • you probably right! People think Derrick’s got it and is going to win, but remember it is the jury that decides the winner, Not who played the best game or who we think should win. It is a 7 person jury and Derrick already may have 3 against him.

    • If Derrick wins this season, I think he will atleast be in the discussion with Dan and Dr. Will. However Dan and Will cemented their legacy by going in a second time and being successful. I don’t think anyone considered Dan as one of the best until after BB14. I would like to see Derrick return to an allstars, and if he was successful in that season also, I would put him right next to Dan and Will.

      • I definitely considered Dan the second best player after BB10, and I saw a lot of people that agreed. Who was better???? (Don’t Even say Dick). He played the most flawless game ever played in BB10 (along with Will’s BB2 season) and won by an unbelievable unanimous vote. Most BB fans I knew said Dan was the second best player ever after BB10 and BB14 just made him pretty much a tie with Will for the best if not slightly ahead in my opinion. I agree on Derrick if he returned, but he has to win this season before anything. I think he has a good chance of being outed before then because he has a lot of deceit spread around that can easily come back to bite him

      • How about an All-Star BB of Dr. Will, Dan, and Derrick. Like you said I did not know how good Dan was till BB14 (mainly because I did not watch his season), but how he was a week from going how, held his own funeral and was safe. Production? Maybe, but he was good. As well as Dr. Will, coming back into an All-Star game being public enemy number 1 and he still made it to the final 4, almost made it back to the final. The jury is still out on Derrick (no pun intended)

      • Nah believe it or not Production had nothing to do with Dan’s Funeral, I watched that season closely and if you go back and watch it for yourself you’ll see that he pulled a serious hail mary and got someone who isn’t even in his own alliance to save him with the power of veto. There is no playbook in Production’s ball for that play period so IMO when it comes to Dan he had no help from production on that one unlike the golden boy of Groedner “Frankie” who could never pull off what Dan did on his own and needed Production fairy dust to save his ass from being evicted.

      • Oh I was kidding about production stepping in for Dan, I do like to think they step in way to much then they need to save their person i.e. Frankie. How convenient he waited till BBAD was on to “drop the bomb” his sister was “famous” and he was a “media mogul” also the game of BOTB was easier with one person. Frankie will get his, once people wake up and production says its enough.

      • Production should have realized by NOW that Frankie is NOT a favorite of the voting fans as he was 3rd or 4th in the TA vote. Joey and Donny and possibly Derrick (they announced them together so who knows) beat him out. He is NOT a BB16 fan favorite. When he is gone the tweeney bobbers are too. Would really like to know their ratings right now. I can’t believe they are bringing them up.

      • I would love to see a season with Dan, Dr. Will, Derrick and even Evel Dick. However, Dan, Dr. Will, and Evel Dick have made it very clear they won’t come back. Derrick with his situation with having a young daughter, I don’t know if he would do it again. For all I know, maybe he would love to do it again, I have no idea. Realistically thinking, this is my guess for all stars:
        Guys: Derrick, Eric Stein, Hayden Moss, Enzo, Andy (only because there has to be a gay guy), Zach Rance (Entertainment Purposes), Ian Terry, Howard( need a black guy).

        Girls : Keesha, Amanda Zuckerman, Helen, Kristen Bitting ( need a young blonde + drama), Libra, Amber (chance without Caleb), Cassi Colvin (Drama), Christine (Drama, her constant lying would stir up trouble).

        Wild card: Jeff and Jordan. I really wouldn’t want to see them, but cbs loves them, they still have a fan base, and in the past there has been least one three time player

      • You left out J-U-DbleD. Love him and I really liked Howard too. I thought both of them got cut too soon. Please God NO AMANDA for all-stars, no, no, no, no!!!!!! No Christine either, would rather have Brittany with some strong women, I think she would do good with Helen and Amber.

      • I hated Amanda and Christine just as much as everyone else, but Amanda has a strong personality which many of the females on bb16 lack, and both her a Christine would make great tv on all stars because there would be so many fights, back stabbing and lies. They would also be the main villains of the show, and big brother needs its heroes and villains for us to tune in. If we like every house guest, then we won’t be that emotionally connected to the show. So as much as I hate Amanda and Christine, the show needs people to hate for it to be interesting.

      • Yes, Brittany! I love her. She is prob my favorite based on her personality. She cracked me up!

      • I think that nicole would be good with another chance she was playing a good game and if she plays her cards right she will be able to pull it off

      • Andy because they need a gay guy? Nobody liked him on the show the first time around. Why not Wil? He was entertaining and not annoying.

      • I would like to see Derrick come back. He’s good and definitely warrants a mention with Dr Will and Dan. I consider Dr Wlll the winner of all stars as I think he planned it so Boggie would win. I believe if he had wanted to win again he could have. Boogie never would have one if not for Dr Will

      • O loved watching Dan and rooted for him. I started rooting for Derrick but can not stand his condescending comments to and about the women. I really hope he is third. Struggles the whole way and someone knocks him off at the end. It would be so fitting.

      • The one problem Derrick may run into if he makes it to the final two is that he is blaming all of the moves on everyone else, like Zack. No one suspects he is behind all of the moves even though we see he is. What if the jury thinks Derrick has done nothing this season except float and go along with the rest of the house?

      • Agreed. We will hopefully be seeing Derrick as a returning winner for something like BB 20: Battle of the Best

    • I wouldn’t go that far. Like others have mentioned, Dan and Dr. Will did it twice. Everyone knew the second time around what their game was all about, and they still found a way to dupe everybody.

      Derrick is definitely a strong social player. One of the best over the past 6 seasons. But, he also hasn’t faced any real adversity yet. I want to see what he does when things don’t go his way or if he gets nominated. Dr. Will and Dan were great under pressure. It’s when they were at their best. Let’s see if Derrick can handle the pressure the way the other two have.

      I also would say that he doesn’t have to win to be considered one of the greats. Both Danielle Reyes and Janelle are considered legends but they never won. Even Dan didn’t win season 14 after clearly outplaying his competition. I think if Derrick makes Final 4 he’ll be up there with the two ladies I just mentioned.

      There’s still plenty of game left though. Who knows, maybe by the end of the season we’ll be talking about how dumb Derrick was to do ______________. I’m sure excited to see how it plays out though.

      • I agree with you Wiggy 100% and your right, Danielle, Janelle are definitely legends in my book. Derrick is fav of mine but I’d like to see him under pressure and see how he handles it and he does need to come back in for another go and do well against players who understand the game to see how he does. That’s the only way regardless of how he has such a strong social game to be even considered a legend

    • Oh God NO !..In BB16 yes, but the game is not over yet. Let’s see how he maneuver when he’s on the hot seat.

      • Derrick is definitely best in BB16 but in the top no, I agree. There have been many good players and many fun people who were not good players; J-u-DbleD comes to mind. I thought he was fun to watch but he got played big time, not once but twice.

    • Derrick is good. Top 5 for sure but if he were in a season with Dan and Will, he would get played like a kitty.

    • I think at this point in the game it’d be more fair to say that Derrick possesses qualities very similar to Dan and Dr. Will in reference to his game, but to suggest that he’s as good or even better than either at this point is jumping the gun big time.

      If he manages to keep his game going like this for the rest of the season and win (or at least make F2 depending on bitter jury), then he can certainly be put in the same category and people would have to at least give him credit as a top 5 player.

    • No one was better than Dr. Will. He lost his alliance early, was all alone, was annoying in a funny and SMART way that Zach wishes he could be like, told everyone off, never kissed anyone’s ass, never tried to win any comp on purpose, and told everyone off at the final two instead of kissing anyone’s ass — AND STILL WON! It was really remarkable, actually. Derrick is good, though — just no Dr. Will.

    • Derrick is a very good player and he does not make it personal. He is always doing what is best for himself in the game without the petty nonsense a lot of the house guests get dragged into.

      However, I do think these players are a little dumber than the HGs from other seasons. Over the last few days all of the alliances have been aired out to the entire group. No one noticed that every significant alliance had two HGs in common? What was Caleb thinking when all of these alliances were outed and he wasn’t in any of them? Why did Nicole think she could work with Derrick after Caleb put her on the block and after Frankie told her about the alliance?

      Chistine, I think, has a crush on Cody and that explain why she is acting like she does but she too is playing a bad game.

      Derrick deserves to win this year, no doubt, but this crew made it too easy for him.

    • Jumping the gun a bit, but i feel that if Derrick doesn’t win, it’ll be an upset. He’s real good at this – not at the Will/Dan level though.

      • Agreed. He is good, but is he better than the other two? No. The reason why he’s in the same conversation is because people can’t remember how impressed or happy they were with the first 8-9 season winners. And heck let’s be honest, if people on here even watched te show that far back, we’re talking close to a decade so the memory fades and gets replaced by the newest thing. Chima was the ”worst” person and everyone agreed until they forgot about her a few seasons later along came Aaryn then she was the worst… same thing with who is the ”best”. Rather than debate who is the ”best” it’s probably better served time to just agree that Derrick, like Will, like Dan, like Jun from season 4 are all good players because they knew how to outplay and outwit everyone else…

    • I’m not sure you know who Dan and Dr. Will are. If Derrick wins then “maybe” we can discuss him being the 3rd best to ever play the game

  2. I assume that Jocasta Hayden Nicole and Donny will all be fighting to come back into the house as soon as Donny is evicted, like they did last year. I actually hope Donny is evicted next week cause if he wins HOH then he will probably evict Frankie and then we will be the one to come back. Last year I wasn’t rooting for anyone to come back, this year I will be rooting for everyone lol.

  3. I wouldn’t be surprized if Donny asks to be evicted. He is miserable there. All these HGs sleep all day long. The only people who talked to him are gone. He’s been crying a lot saying how lonely he is.

    • I know I really feel bad for him. He has said before he feels like he’s playing with a bunch of “young’uns”. I think BB was very unfair to him putting so many young people. They have NOT done a good job casting the last 2 yrs. They needs to go back to a big diverse group and forget all these wannabe’s.

      • Yaaaaay FINALLY somebody who called it out the same way I’ve been doing for the past 4-5 seasons! We’ve seen enough models & actors who are cast for the show, let’s get some of our friends, neighbours and everyday people on there!

    • Yes the sad thing about getting a lot of young hot bodies (for their looks and their drama potential) is that it really alienates older more mature players (in this case Donny). I wish there was a bigger cross section of people from all ages (and yes I know that will never happen, but a guy can hope)…

      • I noticed that this year more then ever they cast such exceptionally beautiful people…(other than maybe Donny and Christine…not saying they are not attractive but)….I know it is finally in HD….so that is probably why all the extra bright colors they make the HGs wear this season

  4. It isn’t Derrick’s job to point out to these idiots how he has them hoodwinked.

    • Because Big Brother has ingeniously created a way for one of the ”good guys” to come back into the game at point in time where they would be the ”swing vote”.

  5. I know this would probably never happen but I wish production would scare Derrick and Frankie into keeping Donny until at lest the Final Four. They could just tell Derrick and Frankie that if Donny goes Team America is over and done with. I think Donny could do pretty will in the final HOH’s comps and he is proven himself as a beast in POV comps.

    • I don’t think that’s to big of a scare, since they already promised Frankie at least $25,000 haha..

      • that isn’t going to happen. nobody gives a rip about Frankie and his youtube crap and his blogs and his no-talent sister.

      • agreed, but we never know the real results of these votes on any reality show. So if it ends up being someone else, they can easily say Frankie won.

      • Hey, you are entitled to your opinion; however, you don’t have to bring Ariana into this. Personally I think she has talent. I’ll admit that her music isn’t my cup of tea but to call her no-talent because you have a problem with her brother is wrong. At least in my book. It’s not her fault Frankie is her brother.

  6. I was watching the feeds and when I heard this I wasn’t even shocked especially after the BOTB and how production clearly helped save Frankie.

    ‘Nicole says I donā€™t even see the point. Victoria says but she could switch things around. Nicole says I was fine until I got called into the diary room and asked about it. When I went outside they all acted like nothing happened. I have no respect for her at all! Nicole starts crying.’

    Man for once I’d like to see someone ask Julie live and direct if Production plays more of a role choosing the outcome of the game then the sad option of giving Americans a chance to have a say in the game.

    • You only have to look at Dave Hester’s suit against A & E producers of the very popular Storage Wars. His allegation is that they planted valuable items in the lockers. Without addressing that issue, the judge in the case ruled that A & E had creative license to do with as they please! Essentially saying this is a show and the producers can script it any way they please! Applying the same principle to Big Brother, it is referred to as a reality show but, it is actually more an entertainment show much like the WWE! Are things scripted, I cannot imagine people suddenly changing their minds at a split second then, changing it again! Seems like an invisible hand is at work. Last season, there was a clip of a hand pushing Helen off her platform. Also, the water sprays on the house guests were not equal. Some water sprays stronger than others! I think to some extent, it is scripted but, they will never admit to that and I am sure the house guests have confidentiality agreements to not reveal anything about the show.

  7. Question: has Frankie made amends now? Have people forgiven him for everything? I ask because I have feeds but work too much to watch very often and despite what he pulled I’m still a fan of his. I liked him in the beginning and he is playing a game so…. but yeah if someone could let me know his standing that’d be great.

    • I think the only one up his butt is Caleb hoping Frankie can help him in the music business. They talk and cut up with him BUT nobody trust him now.

      • I am in a love/hate with both Frankie and Caleb…I cant decide if I want them gone really….or not….kind of the same with Zach…I am leaning more to liking Zach, he really keeps things interesting.

      • No your not alone I never heard of her either, and supposedly “she’s” bigger then Beyonce??? go figure? His words btw.

      • loool she’s T-Pain’n it as I say it and that’s sad but what’s more sad is he uses it and milks it for what it’s worth. He reminds me of Beyonce’s father, he was her manager since she started and if read about him now all he ever did was use his daughter for profit gains and now he’s facing family court charges.

      • lol trust me I laughed because for him to say his sister has a bigger name then her and even Destiny’s Child just makes me SMH ha Really is he more delusional then Caleb?

      • Ah but then you would’ve heard about her if you had kids who watched Nickelodeon Jr. She was in a couple shows that did fairly well with young girls (mine being one of those who watched). To be honest her tv characters were sweet and highlited a very cute side of her. Frankie on the other hand does seem to be obsessed with status and fame which piggybacks off his sister’s good name.

      • Music business what??? what kind of music does Caleb sing? oh no…I cant even imagine.

  8. Hate to see Nicole go but she has made some major mistakes and it saves Donny another week. He is the only one NOT fooled by Derrick. It’s so funny Derrick is always trying to get info out of Donny and he just smiles at him and says nothing.

    • I know…I can’t believe she did not catch on to Derrick and Cody this week…what is she thinking? She should know better.

    • I liked Nicole in the beginning, but thought she would be a much more savvy player. Too bad she has totally lived up to the “dumb blonde” stereotype.

      • I know I wanted her to be smarter, not saying she is stupid, just too trusting…I was rooting for her.

  9. No one will ever compare to Dr. Will. The Derrick comparisons to him are insulting. No will ever have the combination of maliciousness and charm that Will had. He stabbed people in the back, got people to put up who he wanted, made people fall in love with him, and didn’t have to win a single competition. No one will ever reach that level of mastery, so let’s just stop comparing, okay?

  10. The way Christine acts when she is around Cody is so ridiculous and nauseating. I cannot stand to watch the feeds when those two are “interacting.”

    • I read somewhere where her husband is tired of defending her. I don’t know if it is true or not. Although I would hope it would be true, if she is even married. Or maybe they have open marriage. Is he on twitter or something.

    • So what exactly has Cody done with & to her? I’ve heard a few people say they’ve dry humped and that she grinds on him a lot is this exaggeration or is this actually happening quite literally?

      • Ratine is all over NoB@llsCody all the time. She lays on him, her hands roam his body and I don’t even want to think about what she’s doing with her hands under the covers while their in bed together.

      • She gave Frankie her HoH room allegedly because she can’t stand him, but she’s been sleeping beside Cody in the Rock Room, yes.

      • I thought they weren’t allowed to give away their HoH room (did that rule change from the beginning of the season)? And oh my… so she likes her new male gigolo huh? Well, I suppose if the hubby is either use to it and/or ok with it, who am I to judge?

      • I’m not sure what the BB Rule Book says about it, to be honest. IMO, she could easily LOCK the door & make him leave but she doesn’t, so he goes on thinking he’s King of the Castle! It’s ridiculous, but I guess it’s HER HoH room to do with what she wishes. *shrug*

      • Sleeping is the operative word. Have they had intercourse. I don’t think so but remember these fools think that anything less than that isn’t really sex. They even discussed it. I’m old school and think anything that is touching private parts and/or can give you an STD IS sex.

  11. OMG Does it bother anyone else when Derrick talks with his hands. He talks like he is a politician. Ugh can not stand it!

      • Two things about his facial hair: One, he’s said he’s not used to having it (not surprising – police departments often have regulations regarding personal appearance, mostly for reasons of personal safety) and Two, he often rubs it when he’s lying/not being entirely truthful with what he’s saying. My mom noticed that little trait from watching a lot of live feeds!

  12. If one more Big Brother players start whining & crying that you can’t trust people in this game, I am going to punch something!
    Hello, in the game of Big Brother they all lie.

  13. Several people on the thread have speculated about how Derrick would do in a season of all stars. I think that he would go out quick because everyone would know that he is a cop—-if guests knew this season he would be gone by now.

    • If it was all stars…they would ALL know that they have played the game before…I don’t think the fact that he is a cop would really be an issue since they would have all proven to be great liars and manipulators if they are all stars, right?

  14. As much as I love Nicole, I also want Donnie to stay. Nicole continues to believe people lying to her face and at least Donnie doesn’t.

  15. Well damn. If Nicole goes, I don’t see the point of Hayden coming back. Or Nicole coming back. They’ll just get picked off again. :|

    On a side note, out of that huge 8 person alliance, 6 of them are still chilling in the house, lol. Even with all the hate that has been aimed at Frankie, Zach, Caleb, and Christine.

  16. I disagree with a lot of you who think Derrick is not as good of a player as Dan or Dr. Will. Here’s the thing: Nobody realizes he is the mastermind. Nobody! If that’s doesn’t make somebody a great player, i don’t know what does! And this mumbo jumbo about this season being a bunch of idiots.. Puh-Lease! A bit naive, maybe… not stupid! People say that EVERY season!

  17. Why would Cody say that if Hayden comes back they can work with him??? First of all why in the hell would Hayden want to work with them after how they lied to him and Nicole?…second of all at that point whenever that may be, next week or in four weeks…its not really a matter of working with anybody…it is kind of every man for himself after there are only so many of them left. I cant see there being an alliance including Derrick, Cody, Caleb, Zach AND Hayden?? that will be the whole house practically…pretty soon they will have to pick each other off not add new members to the alliance that is already too big.

  18. Do any of you guys think they will have America be HOH one week like they did in BB Canada 2? I remember that was the week the entire house got shaken up because Andrew(essentially the Caleb of the house) was evicted and it broke up the first5 alliance(essentially the detonators)

    • No, I don’t think they would do that because of the 2 HOHs twist , plus it would take away all of the backstabbing and deceit that goes on. I didn’t like that twist and never want to see it again. BB Can likes to give the audience a tone of power and influence over the game; however its not the audiences job to help the HG win.

  19. This is for everyone who wants Donny to win HOH – even if he does Derrick will make sure he is DETRHONED; so there’s no point!

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