Sleepy Friday gave way to a late night competition for the second round of the Final Head of Household competition of the season. By the end of an incredibly long competition, we learned who would be the players in the last leg of the comp. Not only that but we heard many discussions between the HGs over who they might take on to the end. Will the Hitmen stay loyal?
Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds in the house yesterday.
Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, September 19, 2014:
11:30 AM BBT – HGs got their first wake up call. Cody slowly gets up and joins the living.
11:50 AM BBT – Big Brother is going to treat them to a carry out food of their choice. They go with Chinese food.
12:30 PM BBT – Derrick is trying to get sensation back in to his hands after the Round 1 comp. Both he and Victoria had trouble with that.
2:00 PM BBT – HGs enjoying their special lunch. General chit chat as they eat together.
3:15 PM BBT – Cody says he doesn’t think the comp will be tonight because he can hear them still building in the backyard.
3:30 PM BBT – Derrick tells Victoria she has to make her own choice on whether or not to throw R2 to him, but he’s confident he has the capability to beat Cody in R3.
6:15 PM BBT – HGs are really bored. Victoria tries to give Derrick a piggyback ride. That doesn’t work. So they swap & he carries her.
6:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut. Time for Round 2.
9:00 PM BBT – Feeds return due to BBAD but the competition isn’t done yet. Cody is hanging out very, very bored in the HoH room.
9:06 PM BBT – Cody counting out potential Jury votes. Doesn’t think he’d be able to get Nicole or Caleb’s votes. He also suggests Victoria’s vote would go to Derrick. Cody believes he’d get Christine and Donny’s votes. Cody says he doesn’t think it looks good for him. Moment later Cody says he hopes Derrick wins Round 2 so they can “crush” Round 3.
9:30 PM BBT – Cody practices his F2 speech. He focuses on doing what he had to go get to the end and get there with his closest ally.
10:00 PM BBT – Feeds return from brief Loops. Derrick has won Round 2 of the final HoH comp. Big hug between Derrick and Cody before Victoria joins them in the Fire room. Derrick excitedly explaining the comp. They had to place placards atop a wall for all the nominees in proper sequence.
10:10 PM BBT – Competition sounds a lot like the style of last season’s. See a photo of the R2 challenge from BB15.
10:30 PM BBT – Victoria says she took about 30 minutes to complete while Derrick finished in around 15.
10:45 PM BBT – Victoria was crying alone in the Fire room when called to the DR. As soon as she enters Cody asks if Derrick wants to pop the champagne. Cody is ready to celebrate! Derrick says no to the champagne but gives Cody a hug instead. Derrick thinks maybe they shouldn’t tell Victoria the way they were able to tell Caleb.
10:55 PM BBT – Derrick and Cody running through Jury votes standing in front of the Memory Wall. Cody says they don’t know who could win in the Jury. Derrick calls it a “toss up” and points out people he thinks would vote for Cody. (No way he believes this and is likely just boosting Cody’s confidence.)
11:10 PM BBT – Cody says he’ll go off on Frankie if he gets attitude from him. Cody says he’ll tell Frankie to go live off his sister’s piggy bank.
11:20 PM BBT – Cody discussing how he’d use the $500K. He wants to pay off his student loans and those of his brother and sister. Cody reveals his student loans are more than the second place money alone.
12:20 AM BBT – Derrick and Cody continue to chat the night away. They discuss who might be bitter afterwards. Derrick says their family will be able to help them sort the truth of what went on during the game.
12:35 AM BBT – Victoria and Derrick are talking. He tries to comfort her. They discuss his height advantage in the game as things were hard to reach and she’s much shorter than him. (Both have discussed this aspect, so it’s not just her making excuses.) The way he talks sounds like he may be preparing her for him not to win the third round. (I’m not convinced he’ll throw R3 though.)
12:45 AM BBT – Victoria feeling very frustrated that she wasn’t able to beat Derrick in the comp. She says she was confident the whole time and didn’t stop moving until she was done. He tries to be supportive and encouraging that she did well.
1:20 AM BBT – Cody and Victoria now talking. He’s very supportive as well and tells her she’s not out of the competition yet.
1:40 AM BBT – HGs discussing the Saboteur prank. Victoria thinks it was Frankie (partially, yep) but Cody thinks Victoria might have been responsible.
3:50 AM BBT – Victoria talking with Derrick. She’s worried about the decision he might have to make after Round 3. Derrick says he thinks of both Victoria and Cody as his little siblings. She’s upset that he’d be torn over the decision he might have to make.
4:00 AM BBT – Derrick tells Cody he’ll let Victoria know he’s not taking her to the end because he can’t deal with this for several more days. Derrick says he doesn’t know why Victoria thinks he would take her to the end.
Derrick and Cody have the F2 locked down if they choose to honor their deal. I fully believe Cody will take Derrick and I’m still leaning toward Derrick taking Cody. Derrick has one last mission for Victoria and that’s for her to go to Jury and vote for him to win the half-mil.
You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it!
Did Derrick ever tell Victoria he was going to take her to f2? I mean really say those exact words…. cause I missed it if he did
He said he would take her over Cody.
“Derrick has one last mission for Victoria and that’s for her to go to Jury and vote for him to win the half-mil.”
But Vic will not get to talk to the jury. If she doesn’t make F2, she’s coming out of the house during the live show and will barely have a chance to exchange a few words with the other jury members.
I didn’t mean to suggest she would do any work for him in the Jury to convince others. Just that he’ll send to her to Jury where she’ll be voting for him to win.
Yup. Much like Dan and Danielle during season 14. Even after all the times he played her, she STILL voted for him. LOL! Crazy.
Got it. Make sense.
That’s where Derrick made a mistake. Vic should have been evicted when Frankie was so she could have been Derrick’s advocate with the jury. Unfortunately, Frankie has had too much time in the jury house to taint Derrick’s image/game and sway the jurists minds.
I got the impression that Frankie was for Derrick winning, since he was evicted. How did you get the different read? Maybe I missed something.
I got the same feeling on Frankie. He’ll advocate for Derrick. He told us he wanted D & V as the F2.
The omnipotent(declared his power over the jury and the decision would be his), omniscient(said he knew everything going on in the BB house) and omnipresent( I think there were 2 of him, or was it that the cameras were always on him,he was always making his presence known) Frankie, is still a big question? He is a mean-spirited person. He could want a Derrick and Vic F2 just to get a chance to retaliate with ugly words to both and a vote for Vic just for a HAHA moment to Derrick. Who knows what he is capable of with all of his “power”.
Don’t you guys listen? When Christine walked into the jury house, everyone said they were all in Jury all because of Derrick and you betcha Caleb and Frankie are not giving Derrick their votes and I believe I heard Hayden say it too.
Yes, they all agreed that they were they because of Derrick, but at the end of that clip, when they were still outside, they all gave him props for doing it.
Believing they were in jury because of Derrick and voting for him are two different things. Assuming they won’t vote for Derrick because he was responsible for getting them out assumes a bitter jury, rather than one who sees the good game he’s played. It could very well be votes for Derrick.
Plus, in the last couple of weeks she seems to be a little disenchanted with Derrick. Before that, she thought he walked on water.
It was Derrick’s plan to deceive the other hgs into thinking Vic was angry with him … it succeeded. Fooled you too, huh GMaG??!!
I’m hoping we’ll actually get to see what’s really going on in Derrick’s head through his DR’s.
Keep hoping, I just commented on that very issue in a previous thread. I wish he would go into the DR and tell his plans moving forward. For some reason, he doesn’t divulge too much info, the one place a HG should feel safe..but, he hasn’t really done that all season. Drives me crazy!! I still don’t know who he would take to F2. One second I am for sure it’s Cody, then he talks to Victoria and I am sure it’s her.
The more true personal feelings and strategy Derrick speaks about in DR, the more info production has and could use to stir the pot with Cody and Vic. I thing Dr on BB is similar to Jeff Probst on Survivor. Not sure how far productions would go with what they hear in the DR, and I’m sure Derrick isn’t naive to the probability of it all,
Derrick … naive? NO way!
Remember last year how DR kept getting broadcast through the house? Just because that problem has been fixed doesn’t mean derrick’s not thinking about it, as the one person in the house who actually does watch feeds and whatnot.
Cody: “Cody reveals his student loans are more than the second place money alone.”
I have a feeling if Derrick win round 3, he will take Cody to F2, over Vic, just for that reason.
If Derrick rationalizes this all out and concludes that his odds to win would be better with Vic in the F2, he will go with her and Cody’s loans will be nothing but a short term guilt issue for Derrick.
Derrick? Guilt issue? No way!
I don’t know. These 2 have developped a pretty tight friendship. I have a feeling that might influence his choice.
Well, Captain, according to Jokers, Derrick just swore on “my family and everything that I love in my life”, that he would take Cody to the F2. I don’t know now, because I don’t know how he could be so sure he could beat him and if he isn’t, I am shocked, seriously.
I have a pretty good feeling Derrick will win either way.That’s if he make it to F2.
Yep, there is still that…
Either I read it wrong, which is possible, or either Jokers edited the wording, because now it says Derrick said “I don’t swear on my family but on everything I love in my life..”.Very confused.
I wondered if that would make Derrick feel bad. Not bad enough to risk $550K if he gets jittery, but if he thinks he’s got it either way, yeah I think you’re right it could influence him.
It sure will make him think long and hard.
Wow, Amber is been pretty busy:
https://twitter (dot) com/aborzotra/status/513347843424538625/photo/1
It looked like both Derrick and Cody were thinking about their chances if they took Victoria. I think Cody is wondering why Derrick kept saying you have won there $50,000! Derrick likes Cody but knows if he takes Victoria he will will $550,000 – that is where his loyalty lies.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Derrick evicts Victoria and Cody wins 5-4 and the 5th vote for Cody was Victoria? Not going to happen, but it would be funny.
Derrick is going to throw Cody under the bus. Wait and watch. Derrick is the best liar in the entire house. I’d be worried if I were his wife. Yikes.
He’s an unbelievably good, straight-faced, stone cold liar.
I wish people would stop taking this game so serious Derick did what he was suppose to do and that was to lie and cheat his way to win the game. This is the whole concept of the game. The reason why Derick can lie so good is because remember he is a cop a DT at that, so this personality is expected from Derick. I hope he wins because he played a good game.
As I mentioned in my comments above, Although I read these comments every day I have kind of chosen to stay out of the fray that seems to happen. My hope is that the jury is not nearly as self-righteous as some of the people on this comments page I have never played this game….I can’t imagine how hard it is to be able to make it to the end….never be nominated, never be put up. The nasty and mean comments are amazing. Derrick is quite likely one of the best players in BB history. He did it without really having to get nasty with anyone (ie Evil Dick, Rachel) Even in those cases it is what it is…a game. Was Derrick able to manipulate everyone…you betcha. Did he lie….yep..just like everyone else. Is someone going to get hurt at the end…yep…they always are. There is a reason why, after season one, the public was no longer allowed to ‘vote” for the winner. It’s not a popularity contest. I will always remember Survivor and the one member of the jury who politely told the rest of them to put their personal feeling aside and admit who played the better game. Hence Tony won, deservedly so. So everyone…put your personal opinions aside. Look at the game as it was played, brilliantly by Derrick, Cody, Caleb and yes even Frankie. Only one guy can win….and with any luck Derrick will be standing at the end.
The things is that juries don’t always vote for who they think played the best game. It isn’t a requirement for voting. While most fans seem to want the jury to vote for that reason and that reason only, juries are not tally boards. They are people and they will vote for whatever reason that they chose. Their only requirement is to vote for who they want to win.
The only requirements for the winner are to get to F2 and to get the jury to vote for you. Whoever wins played the best game, regardless of who viewers want to win.
I agree, under most circumstances the juries vote with their heart…not with their head. That is why it was refreshing to see in Survivor a jury member call out the others for being so self-righteous in their questions when he pointed out they themselves did the same thing…only Tony was much more successful at it. I believe to this day it is one of the reasons the vote was overwhelmingly for him…cause he wasn’t the nicest guy…but the best player. Derrick is a nice guy….he played a great game…..he deserves the win. Just because you are on the jury and you were one of his victims is not his fault…its yours….for being so niave. Remember Will. He was out front honest and told everyone he as going to lie…he did…and they still voted for him and believed him.
Is Cody the new Woo — by honorably taking a cop to the end only to lose? Looks like it. 500 k is 500 k — if he was truly smart, he’d take Victoria. Honor schmoner. He just isn’t smart. He beats Victoria hands down.
Does anyone know what Derrick told the HG’s he did for a living?
Yes. He told them that he worked as a forester.
I thought he said construction worker
I believe Derket and Victoria has got something going on say what ever you won’t
Also I bet Cody and Christian had something going on don’t care what they say