Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 7 Friday Highlights

Friday started out with a bang as several of the remaining HGs didn’t go to bed until well after the sun had come up. They were too amp’d from Thursday’s events and the revelations through the house of who had been stirring the pot and pitting HGs against one another.

Zach, Derrick, & Donny share the plan
Zach, Derrick, & Donny share the plan – Source: CBS

Frankie became public enemy number one and thanks to possibly her temporary safety of HoH, Christine fell right behind him in the chopping line. The nominations were plotted and Nicole turned on Christine in the process while keeping it all a secret. Next up: Battle of the Block. It was a busy, busy day and it just kept getting crazier with some wild BotB results.

Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds last night in the house.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 8, 2014:

10:00 AM BBT – Christine and Nicole getting up and ready for the Nominations Ceremony. Nicole floats the idea of putting up Frankie. Previously she said she’d keep that hidden, but was nervous about it.

11:35 AM BBT – Feeds return from Nomination Ceremony. Donny & Zach are up against Caleb & Frankie.

12:15 PM BBT – Zach and Nicole have another “come together” talk. They’re trying to work together and trust each other. They agree to target Frankie but Christine is their Plan B.

1:30 PM BBT – HGs lounging around. Everyone is focused on the Battle of the Block. Not much happening.

3:45 PM BBT – Frankie pulls Caleb aside and tries to get him hyped for the competition. Caleb talks about wanting it to be a harnessed competition. Caleb earlier joked about trapping Frankie up there for the duration if it was.

4:20 PM BBT – Zach is upset that Frankie won’t leave him alone and is following him around the house. Zach says if Frankie is somewhere, he doesn’t want to be there with him.

4:55 PM BBT – Caleb upstairs with Nicole. She’s rehashing how Frankie got her to lie about Amber. Caleb is still upset about it. He talks again about how he’s going to throw the BotB.

6:25 PM BBT – Caleb warns Zach, if the competition punishes the losers with more Slop then he won’t throw the comp afterall.

7:30 PM BBT – Zach telling Donny about Caleb hearing that Frankie blackmailed Nicole in to lying about Amber to get Caleb to support evicting her. Now Caleb is using that as part of his antics in tonight’s competition.

9:50 PM BBT – Feeds return from BotB comp. Frankie won the Battle on his own against Donny and Zach. Caleb did not participate.

10:05 PM BBT – Frankie is telling the guys that his sister is super famous. He calls himself a “media mogul.” (No, he’s a YouTube personality and does well at that, but it does not make you a “media mogul.”)

10:10 PM BBT – Frankie says he’s playing for charity, not for himself. (This will become a subject of debate through the night.)

10:30 PM BBT – Frankie telling the girls. Victoria knows who she is. Nicole excited that he [has a sister who] is famous.

10:50 PM BBT – Derrick tells Frankie he’ll keep working with him for TA.

11:20 PM BBT – Frankie again saying he is playing for charity and he earns $1000 a week from YouTube.

11:45 PM BBT – Cody & Victoria talk about being upset with Frankie. Cody thinks everyone is going to fall to the ground for Frankie. Victoria thinks he’s been treating her poorly all season.

12:15 AM BBT – Christine tells Nicole she’ll renom Victoria if the Veto is used.

1:00 AM BBT – Nicole is worried about voting out Frankie because he is famous. Cody reiterates that Frankie is not famous. His sister is. He is not.

1:50 AM BBT – Derrick and Nicole wonder if Caleb let Frankie win since winning included a trip outside the house (football game since that was the theme).

2:45 AM BBT – Nicole is very worried about Christine renom’ing her and tells Cody she’ll expose her if she does.

4:00 AM BBT – Derrick, Cody, and Nicole all discussing that they won’t let Frankie’s claims influence their game.

So the whole plan to get out Frankie fell apart and now he’s safe for the week along with Christine, the house majority’s two main targets. Now the Veto awaits and will decide the two final noms of the week.

You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. I’ll have to go check what’s that all about the football game. But it was announce yesterday that Ariana Grande will sing the national anthem at the first NFL game of the season, which will be in Seattle on Sept 4th.

    • That would be such Bullshit. I said the other day we will still watch no matter what, but if things keep getting changed that the house guest plan and then the opposite keeps happing that does not seem real, in this “reality tv”. If Frankie wins that would just be icing on the cake to be the last season I watch.

      • Agree, but, I will keep watching. Besides the Rachel/Jordan twist that got them back in the game on Season 13..this with Frankie is right up there. To me, this is so obvious that production interfered..have to wait and see tomorrow night what the game was for BotB..but to make it a game that really only needed one team member to win…I thought the whole idea of BotB was for a team to work together to get off of the block..which is what has happened so far this season..the only BotB that I can think of that really didn’t need two people was the College Question one with Hayden and Nicole.

      • Caleb should be punished for walking off that BOB.. He made it very clear he was going to sabotage it to get back at Frankie.. Don’t act so shocked and surprised that Frankie won on his own.. He had no choice.

      • Pretty much what i was thinking. there is no reason that he should have even been on the show, just like El last year. although i did like her

  2. So both production and Caleb gave it to Frankie. If you’re going to “throw it” why not be the sole person to participate. Again, unless production told Caleb sit it out, we will get you back later.

    • I guess we will have to see it before final judment on it. We should see this on tomorrow’s show.

    • Where you not aware that Caleb was furious at Frankie and told everyone that he would sabotage or even sit down at the BOB? If he refused to go on as Frankie’s partner, then he should be punished.. Just because someone who you despise took the bull by the horns and won against all odds is no reason to make up wild accusations.. It’s one thing to throw a comp, as that has been done many times over the years, but quite another to advertise to the other house guests you are going to sabotage your own partner by threatening to not participate.

      • Of course you would support a professional liar/rat in Derrick who is an undercover cop.. To hear him pretend to act so upset at others who are being called out for their lying while he is the biggest liar in that entire house and is afraid to tell everyone else he is a cop makes me sick.. Derrick is the biggest rat/ backstabber/liar in that entire house.

  3. Frankie is a joke-Why put Frankie in the BB house when all the other “regular people” give up their time to try to win the money. He showed out last night when he had to tell his secrets. He is a TV whore and when he leaves I will not care.

      • She is a singer. She was also on Victorious on Nickelodeon and Sam and Cat on Nickelodeon. Victorious was a good show then it ended and Sam and Cat got cancelled.

      • Are you under 24 ? Because nobody over 24 will ever watch anything on Nickelodeon. Or mostly anybody. Nickelodeon’s demographic is teen. I don’t even know if I have that channel.

      • I am 24. I don’t watch things on Nickelodeon. Well the new stuff, I don’t watch. I watch the classic 90s cartoons at night and sometimes old episodes of fairly oddparents and spongebob. But don’t watch the new stuff.

      • i am way past 30 but because of my grand kids who spend a lot of time here i do know nickelodeaon, but i seriously do not know his sister. i guess my kids are not into her and do not watch her shows

      • Not a Nickelodeon watcher. Who the heck is Sam and Cat..don’t bother answering..really don’t care!!!

  4. I do not like the way this whole situation with Frankie is playing out. I am a BB superfan, watched every single season, however, I do think that the BotB comp was redone in order to benefit Frankie..that is why it was played so late..I am pretty sure that he had already told production that he planned this big reveal for later in the evening..after BotB..I don’t like the way he has now manipulated the game and these players…he was in the HOH bed with Christine early this morning kinda laughing and laying back like “I got ’em right where I want them.” I truly hope that he does not stick around soley for this purpose. I totally understand the way Zach is feeling right now. Hopefully, these HG’s wont give in to Frankie and feel any guilt about getting rid of him whatsoever..he says he is donating his money to charity..that’s great, good for him..but, if he’s trying to guilt the HG’s into feeling bad if they evict him, that is not right…if he does get evicted soon..let Ariana use her money to build the schools for the children in Africa. I am not stupid, I know that BB involves lying and manipulation..I just don’t like THIS KIND of manipulation.

    • totally agree with you. production also knew that Caleb was planning on throwing it so they had to make it easy for Frankie. More than once after his reveal to the boys, and then the girls he said that it sure did make good tv. just the kind of thing cbs is looking for, for ratings.

    • Why is the fact that Frankie is playing for charity making people upset? Is it that some think their own needs are far greater than those who are less unfortunate? Telling people who his famous sister is was a load off his shoulder.. Now let’s see that Chief Wiggum look a like professional liar Derrick stand up and tell the other house guesta what he does for a living as a undercover cop. If Caleb refused to participate then he should be punished.. Funny no one is stating that here..But instead are furious that Frankie is not on his way out the door and are flailing out blindly for wild conspiracy theories.

  5. How the heck do you make $1000/week off youtube? And he’s going to give the money to charity? Really? Can’t say I really buy that.

      • why hasnt anybody made a move to put up cody or derrick. its unbelevable how they keep putting up the weak players jocosta and victoria. and letting the others slide by.

      • You’re only seeing it from your perspective, look at it from within the house. Derrick and Cody have the least comp wins out of anyone in there along with Zach.

        They don’t stir up trouble and they appear to be relatively alone. To most HGs, it would seem to them to be a wasted HOH to put those guys up because they don’t seem to be hurting their game (at least on the surface.)

  6. At 10:42 pm cam 2: while Frankie coming clean with the girl, Christine says: “That’s why they didn’t have America’s Player this year, you would have won it hand down” LMFAO

  7. At 11:05 pm cam 4: Zach talking to Derrick: “Worst case scenario would be to spend the next 5 weeks in the jury house with JoCasta” LOL

  8. I don’t know if anyone else caught this, but, I just watched the flashback on Frankie’s big reveal last night in the fire room… I heard him say “ready?” like he was making sure the cameras were focused on him..then later after he told who his sister was..Derrick said something like “can we say her name,” and then Frankie said “You can’t, but I can.” I hope this all comes back to bite Frankie and he is gone in the next couple of weeks.

    • Having a famous sibling is a horrible thing in life??? How about that professional liar Derrick not confessing that he is an undercover cop in real life? I suppose you are all for Derrick’s phony disgust at the others in the house who are getting called on for their lying.. While in the meantime it is Derrick who is the biggest liar in that entire house, and the only who gets to paid to lie for a living. Derrick knows damm well if he told everyone he is a cop, he can kiss his time in the BB house good bye and they would vote him out the next eviction ceremony.

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