Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 6 Monday Highlights


It was an incredibly quiet day in the Big Brother 16 house. The HGs slept late and all the game talk revolved around one thing: sending Zach home this week. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother Feeds yesterday in the house.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 4, 2014:

9:31 AM BBT – Feeds out for wake-up call.

9:43 AM BBT – Feeds back. Some HGs moving about. Nicole is in the hot tub.

10:32 AM BBT – Christine practicing her speech. She won’t be using the veto today.

11:10 AM BBT – Feeds cut. Veto ceremony time.

11:40 AM BBT – Feeds are back. Christine did not use the veto. It’s the first time this season that it wasn’t used. It’s Zach or Jocasta this week.

12:38 PM BBT – Victoria and Derrick are talking about voting Zach out this week. He then tells her he wants to go to the end with her. Who knows what Derrick is really thinking.

1:24 PM BBT – Victoria is now crying to Jocasta. Sounds like she’s still worried about how she is being perceived.

3:40 PM BBT – Hayden tells Donny that Zach has to go home this week. Hayden says only Frankie would be upset if Zach goes.

5:37 PM BBT – Zach talking to himself in the hammock. He says if he stays this week he has to win and there’s no other option.

6:20 PM BBT – Victoria is crying yet again.

7:25 PM BBT – Derrick and Frankie are talking in the HOH room. Derrick tells Frankie the vote is split right now (lies). Frankie tells Derrick he knows that he has a final three with Cody and Zach. Derrick asks Frankie if they should keep Zach to help with their Team America missions. Frankie says yes. Derrick says “we’ll keep him.” More lies.

8:03 PM BBT – Derrick gets to work on Frankie about Zach. Derrick does a good job convincing Frankie that Zach could mess up Frankie’s game.

8:50 PM BBT – Derrick tells Nicole that he got Frankie on board to get rid of Zach.

9:18 PM BBT – Frankie and Cody talking about Zach and how they think he’s been pitting them against one another.

10:25 PM BBT – HGs having a discussion on relationships. Zach has a lot of funny things to say. Soak it up, Zach fans. He’s toast this week.

10:43 PM BBT – Christine and Cody talking about splitting the vote so Zach won’t blow up the Detonators on the way out.

11:02 PM BBT – Frankie and Derrick agree to send Zach home. Derrick promises allegiance to Frankie. He says “Team America to the end” even though they both agree they can get Donny, also Team America, out next week.

11:25 PM BBT – Cody is worried Zach will blow up their alliance but Derrick tells him they’ll blindside him.

12:25 AM BBT – Zach is reciting his eviction poem again. Derrick tell Christine that he knows Zach won’t go out quiet. They’re worried about how he’ll react.

12:35 AM BBT – Derrick & Christine discuss splitting the vote and having Nicole do the tie-breaker.

2:10 AM BBT – Frankie talks with Cody and lets him know about the split vote idea.

2:45 AM BBT – Zach excitedly discussing F2 with Frankie. Zach thinks they’re all set for this week and he’s expecting a Double Eviction on Thursday.

3:10 AM BBT – Now Derrick is paranoid about the split vote idea and tells Cody that Haycole could be setting them up.

So it sounds like there’s very little hope for Zach this week. It looks like once again Jocasta is going to float on by to safety while another one of America’s favorite HGs walk out the door. You can watch all of these Big Brother 16 events using the archives flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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  1. Oh wait, does Victoria still in the house? I haven’t seen her since she actually entered through the door. Can’t believe Zach is going home before her. I don’t get it.

    • I know… it doesn’t seem fair. I think Victoria and Jacosta are being saved for F2 deals because everyone else knows they can beat them.

  2. Zach needs to not go home this week. He and Frankie are the only people who are even entertaining in the house this season! For better or for worse, of course. Start getting out the boring players! Make Jocasta go home! Zach is the only one willing to do outrageous, entertaining things. If he goes, I might just quit watching this season. It’ll be so boring! SNORE!

    • Frankie and Zach were entertaining in the beginning but now it’s getting old. They act like fools.

      • You speak for everybody else now? Hahahaha. Fact is I can use an obscenity for effect if I damn well please. You don’t like it? I sincerely doubt anybody but you even noticed, let alone cared or got upset. Get over it.

      • Learn how to read. NO you cannot use an obscenity on this site. Read the guidelines if you know how.

      • P.S. Don’t try to dictate how I conduct myself on the internet, and I won’t point out your misspelling of the word lavender.

      • Excuse me…did you not ever see that people spell names all different ways. Did you ever think it’s spelled that way for a reason? And you seem to be new to this site so maybe you don’t know how to read because if you did you would understand the guidelines for this site. That’s okay because I flagged your comment.

  3. As viewers I understand wanting zach to stay, but we aren’t in the house pkaying for $500k. If we were in the house wouldn’t you rather play against victoria or jocosta than against zach. For weeks everyone complained it wasboring because the same people ran everything, but now there is a bit of a shift and those same viewers are still complaining.

    • You have 2 type of fans. The ones that pull for one side of the house and the ones that pull for the other side of the house. So no matter what happens, one side will always be complaining.

      But anyways, I would keep Zach in their. He’ll always be a bigger target than you no matter what. And as for the detonators…well…he’s got their back (besides Christine), but especially Frankies. Why get rid of an ally that’s a larger target than you? And it’s not like he’s any good at the competitions either.

      • I get it. Some people want someone who is nice to win and others want someone who is playing the game to win. I want a gamer to win, Zach doesn’t fall into that category for me.

      • I don’t know if you’ve been watching the feeds, but this mindset is not what the Detonators are under currently thanks to Derrick.

        Derrick and Cody see that the only way that they can continue playing the Detonators and the Rationale is to vote out Zach, in order to keep everyone happy, they had to rally support from Christine and Frankie and make them think Zach is trying to pit them against eachother, and it worked.

        Derrick did a fantastic job at pulling the strings this week.

    • They are worried about Zach blowing up the Detonators. If the vote is 7-1 than Zach will know what’s up. Splitting the vote is a great idea for Christine, Cody, Frankie, and Derrick’s game.

  4. Victoria and her crying! Jeeeze! We rarely see you in the tv episodes, no worries, most people don’t know who you are, that you are even playing the game.

    Split on this, don’t care if Jocasta goes, Zach is a lot more entertaining than she is but the house needs some shaking up. I was hoping that Christine used the veto and Frankie went up, that would have been a big move. That would get folks playing and those in control on their toes. Still happy that Donny gets to play for the HOH, hope he wins and makes the necessary moves, a big player and Victoria/Jocasta.

  5. I don’t like Zach so I’m glad he is getting evicted.
    The Detonators should split the vote I think. Zach will blow up their game and they should just let Nicole break the tie.

    • Too risky. He can try to expose the Detonators, but they have a good way to deny it. If Zach was in their alliance, why would they vote him out. They will just say that Zach made that up to cause problems in the house. I think the other houseguest will believe that is the case.

      • If Zach was to leave unanimous or by 7-1 or 6-2. Zach will blow up their game. Why not just split the vote, let Nicole break the tie and send him out quietly.

  6. they can’t stand Donny’s voice any longer? these same two with all the phlegm problem really?

    • My guess is BotB is done. There is not enough time to do a double eviction with 2 HOHs and a BotB and a POV in a 1 hour show. After going down to 1 HOH, they won’t go back to 2 HOHs due to the number of players left.

  7. I am all for Zach getting the boot this week. Sure he’s
    entertaining in an obscene and vulgar way, but I am kind of over it. I think
    taking Zach out and watching Frankie scramble will be well worth the loss, and if he blows up the detonators on his way out, even better.

  8. On BBAD Sunday night, Derrick and Victoria were talking a F2 deal. I think he would be smart to take her because he can beat her easily. Also, is it just me or is there some chemistry between them? Call me crazy, but i sense something is up with them. They flirt and it’s probably totally innocent. I know he is married and all, maybe it’s just gameplay.. Can’t really figure that one out.

    • Derrick has said numerous times that he knows Victoria is someone’s daughter and he feels a responsibility for her in the house because he would want someone to do the same for his daughter. He was getting really mad at Zach last night, saying that if someone spoke about his daughter the way Zach talks about Victoria, he would break his jaw and there would be no amount of security that could pull him off. Victoria might be trying to flirt with him, but I think his feelings have to do with having a new born daughter at home.

    • Derrick would beat anyone in that house in a F2 at this point, Vic wouldn’t really make a difference. I seriously doubt that he wants to take her to the end due to his constant attempts to hide from her because she’s always following him around.

    • Derrick has a final 2 with almost everyone in the house. Hopefully it will blow up in his face.

    • See if I were a player that ended up on the jury & it was Derrick & Victoria & I knew he kept her to the end b/c she is seen as a “weak player” then I’d vote for VICTORIA. I despise on these types of shows when ppl take a “floater” or the “most hated” to the end…in both cases I’d vote for for the floater/most hated b/c I would feel that the other keeping them to the end for that reason is a WIMPY MOVE. Have some guts. BTW, I am NOT of the opinon that Victoria is a waste in comps. If that POV comp, where she actually came in 2nd but got VETO anyway, if that had been a BotB she wouldn’ve been an HoH! And that comp easily could’ve been a BotB comp. b/c it was an individual comp requiring some skill. And in the last BotB she did just as well as her partner, IF NOT BETTER b/c it wasn’t her fault that the 1st attempt @ downing the dom’s didn’t work. Now, JoCasta on the other hand…I totally agree NO comp skills at all….Swampthingy/Gator Boy needs to Gator Chomp his way out the door!

  9. At least with CBS adding another week to the mix, it allows for a “jury” member to come back. I think this was Grodner’s way of ensuring that Zach is not totally eliminated from the game.

    • I was thinking that too. I don’t really like that twist though. I think once you’re out, you should be out for good. Not really that fair IMO.

      • Completely Agree. I’ve always hated that on any ‘reality’ show & @ this point it’s a tired “twist”!

    • I think its a way to bring Donny back if he is eliminated soon. After Andy winning last season, they did absolutely no press about it because he was so disliked. I think they want to have a winner they can parade across the CBS morning and talk shows. Zach is good for tv, but not good for press after the show is over.

      • I think it will probably be something like America voting back in one of the next three evictees. Or maybe there will be a challenge for the evictees to compete in to see who goes back in the house. It seems like that’s how they have done it in the past.

    • That is what I am wondering. Also does that mean they would open up bringing back Joey or Devin or Amber. I doubt it. I feel like this is a twist just to bring back Zach.

      • Anyone being considered for return has to be sequestered. It would be unfair to the other HG if one returns who has been able to watch LF or BBAD. So if they do interviews with Matthew and other BB sites they won’t be coming back.

      • By now, the house is down to 10 players. We won’t be able to get an expanded 9-member jury like last time (unless they involve America to become a member again this year) so we could be looking into at least 2 evictees out of the current 10 coming back into the game.

      • Joey, Devin and Amber are at home able to watch the game, not sequestered. They can not bring them back into the game.

  10. I thought Zach’s eviction was going to be painful, but he’s making it really easy to let him go by sleeping all day and then goofing around when he’s awake instead of talking with players to lock down votes. Now I eagerly look forward to Thursday, and I hope Hayden or Donny can win HOH and move to complete the destruction of Zankie.

  11. Frankie needs to start rallying some troops. Zach might be toast this week and going forward he’s going to have no one. Nicole has already painted the bullseye on his back and his alliance has officially turned against him. IMO, he needs to get Caleb on his side by telling him that he was targeted before, get a floater like Victoria for numbers, pull in Donny also and start working to get rid of Derrick and Nicole

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