Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 1 Sunday Highlights

After Saturday night’s craziness with Joey learning the Big Brother ropes I wasn’t sure what they’d have left in them for Sunday. Luckily the Veto Ceremony arrived early and kept the HGs on their toes for what comes next on Big Brother 16.

Big Brother 16 HGs "Zankie"
Big Brother 16 HGs “Zankie” – Source: CBS

Houseguests were up early, well early when you consider they went to bed just a few hours earlier, and put on their game faces as the Veto winner had a big, but easy choice to make. From there the final nominees this week set off on securing votes and their safety.

Find out the highlights from overnight on the Big Brother Live Feeds and get caught up on where the house is headed next. Looks like we’ve got a week of sneakiness ahead.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Sunday, June 29, 2014:

9:40AM BBT – HGs getting their wake up call.

10:25 AM BBT – HGs are getting ready. Veto ceremony is shortly, they’re saying.

11:15 AM BBT – Feeds are down. Veto ceremony under way.

12:10 PM BBT – Feeds return. Donny used the veto on himself. Joey is the replacement nominee.

12:15 PM BBT – Brittany tells Paola that she should be safe now that Joey is nominated beside her. Paola tells Brittany she’ll help her get Devin out.

12:25 PM BBT – Frankie and Zach in the HOH room talking about Devin and Brittany. Both are concerned with Devin’s mental stability.

12:30 PM BBT – Devin tells Joey he will vote to keep her.

12:44 PM BBT – Caleb tells Paola that Joey has pretty much sealed her fate. Paola should be safe this week, he says.

12:45 PM BBT – Now Devin is sort of putting the moves on Joey and saying he wants to work with her secretly. He tells her she’s the only person who knows who he truly is. Joey starts to feel safe.

2:33 PM BBT – Devin and Brittany making up for their fight from the night before. Devin says he’s sorry and is tearing up over his daughter.

6:30 PM BBT – Derrick talks about bringing cigarettes with him to use as a bargaining tool with the smokers. But no one smokes. Smart move, though.

7:15 PM BBT – Not much going on. Small talk and people preparing dinner.

8:30 PM BBT – The guys are playing pool. Nothing much going on.

9:30 PM BBT – Joey and Caleb talking. She’s apologizing to him.

9:46 PM BBT – Calebย tells Joey she may go home and she may not. She says she’s accepted it that she’s probably going.

9:50 PM BBT – Caleb says he’s not interested in a showmance even though he talks about Amber non-stop.

11:07 PM BBT – Brittany expects to be nominated next week. Joey suggests Dr. Will was good at Big Brother because he was a psychologist. He’s a dermatologist.

12:20 AM BBT – Booze Delivery has arrived.

1:15 AM BBT – Caleb saying no one else will hit on Amber because he has dibs on her. He wants to go talk to her about his feelings, but Paola and Jocasta advise against that.

1:25 AM BBT – HGs complaining that production makes them say stupid things in the DR rather than what they want to say. They can’t be themselves. No kidding, it’s been awful and useless for years now.

2:05 AM BBT – Caleb breaks the news of their budding romance to Amber. She’s surprised and says she didn’t realize. Amber thanks Caleb, but sets things as friends and leaves. OUCH.

2:10 AM BBT – Zach talks with Cody about next week’s noms. No one from Bomb Squad until Week 5 then they start clearing that out.

2:35 AM BBT – Frankie & Christine dub themselves the “Smart Bombs” and are another F2 deal. Careful, Frankie!

3:05 AM BBT – Amber telling the girls about the Caleb mess. She says she’ll leave the room when he comes around because of this.

4:00 AM BBT – HGs tucking themselves in to bed. Devin joins Caleb and Frankie in the HoH bed (it ain’t that big of a bed!) but he’s a snorer and Frankie wanders the house looking for makeshift ear plugs.

The Veto Ceremony is done and we’ve got a long haul to Thursday night’s eviction vote. Joey is done. She can just leave now. But while I say that so confidently, we know a lot can happen between now and then. I just don’t think Joey knows that and with so much time she’ll just resign herself to departure.

Our new fun should be Caleb’s denial over Amber’s denial. She’s not interested but he’s not going to understand that as anything more than she doesn’t want a showmance. What she needs to do is flirt her way to complete protection from him. Do not shrug him off, Amber. But again, Amber is another Big Brother novice and might not realize the power of puppy love in this game.

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  1. You’re right Matt. Amber has no idea how to play that game if she doesn’t take advantage of Caleb infatuation. She might have a plan of her own, so let see how it end up. But ….

  2. I love it that “Zankie” has stuck. Since Zach and Frankie are definitely starting to look like this season’s Mcranda!!! If Amber was actually to hook up with Caleb, I think this would be a huge target on both of their backs. No one in the bomb squad would trust either of them…they already don’t trust Devin which is also going to be a problem for Caleb down the line.

    • I think that is what I would be concerned about for Amber. Right now she is considered strong but not considered a huge threat, but if she gets into a showmance style alliance her ranking goes up. While Caleb might try to protect Amber, he can’t beast his way through every competition and that puts Amber in greater jeopardy. Also they aren’t fiances so this wouldn’t be like Brendon sacrificing himself for Rachel’s game.

  3. amber should just keep stringing him along at least a little, but getting into showmance with huge threat not a good idea.
    Devin is seriously psycho
    Frankie seems to be making too many alliances, but it worked for andy last year so who knows.

  4. I think the problem with Amber is that she really didn’t know nor had any idea she’s being looked that way by Caleb, who seem soooo inexplicably lovestrucked, especially this soon just past a week into the game.

    She mentioned in her pre-show interview she’ll try to flirt with men if she can but I don’t think she’d be able to handle the intensity brought by someone like Caleb, which I kinda find it premature anyway.

    Brendon and Rachel kinda hit it off pretty quickly though back in BB12, partially because they started out as friends with common interests and became something more in a matter of weeks (intensified by BB-levels). I don’t think Caleb ever had one-on-one conversations with Amber prior to professing his feelings for her so I understand Amber’s POV where she kinda find it out-of-the blue for something like that to happen.

    Re: Frankie. He’s treading into dangerous waters with the gameplay his doing this early on. I’m sure the cast already have an idea how Andy played the game last year thus they’d be smart enough to not let someone playing similarly to last towards the end.

    I saw the alliances boards online and Frankie is in most of them (majority he considers fronts for his F2 deal with Zach).
    Meanwhile I’m starting to like Paola. Pretty much I’m trying to hold myself off from picking early faves but I can see her lasting a while, considering she knows how the game works (but not to superfan-levels). Her keeping a low-profile while Joey kept making rookie mistakes left and right is what will keep her in the house for at least a week.

    And yes, she confirmed sometime past 3 or 4am EST that she doesn’t like having to talk weird during her DR sessions. And it did kinda last a while to the point the feeds didn’t cut off straight to fish, just a typical warning from BB.

    Speaking of holding off from picking faves, I did like Devin’s interviews but the moment he answered your question Matt about winning competitions, I just knew he’s not one to really root for as I can sense there’d be some strong tendency for someone like him to go and play hard too fast (being a single dad of a 2-year old tot could be a strong factor to that).

    And I like that Derrick and a few others are being chill while everything else was going on.

  5. 1:20ish: That was an awfully long talk about the DR without a “You are not allowed to talk about production!”

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