Big Brother 16 Live Feeds: Week 1 Tuesday Daytime Highlights


It was a quiet morning and afternoon in the Big Brother 16 house. Not a lot went down, but we continue to be convinced that Joey will be heading out the door this week and Devin continues to become a target. Find out what else happened on the Big Brother 16 Live Feeds and see what’s going on as the HGs prepare for the first eviction.

Big Brother 16 Live Feed Highlights ā€“ Tuesday, July 1, 2014:

7:55 AM BBT – Brittany is still awake. Can’t sleep in the HN room. Heads back inside to try again.

9:30 AM BBT – HGs get their wake up call.

10:15 AM BBT – Not many HGs are awake. Some of the girls are in the bathroom. Donny is outside exercising.

10:45 AM BBT – Everyone but Donny appear to beĀ back in bed.

11:13 AM BBT – Zach has showered but headed back to bed. Devin is finally awake.

1:17 PM BBT – Frankie talking to Zach and Derrick about getting rid of Devin. Derrick says they can’t now.

1:25 PM BBT – Zach and Derrick are still talking. Zach is worried Devin will win HOH this week.

1:38 PM BBT – Christine and Zach are laughing Ā in the storage room about how easy it is getting people on board with getting Devin out next.

2:59 PM BBT – Caleb has the HOH camera so the HGs are all taking photos.

3:19 PM BBT – Zach and Frankie talking in the storage room about how smart Derrick is.

3:33 PM BBT – Zach trying to get Paola to see who she’d nominate as HOH. She says she doesn’t know. Zach says he knows who he would but he won’t say.

3:34 PM BBT – Caleb and Frankie are talking game … no wait, it’s just about Amber. False alarm. Caleb is at least seeming to get the picture that she’s not into him. But now he says since she’s in their alliance, he can’t say anything to her about it or she’ll expose the alliance.


So these HGs are all getting along right now, but we can expect that to end sooner or later. And at least now we might hear less about Amber from Caleb on the Live Feeds. Or not. One can hope, right?

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  1. Lovin it: saw online where Devin offered to go up on the block next week with Brittany to throw the BOB challenge to ensure “she” stays on the block. Priceless! And can you imagine the laughter and glee from everyone jumping and howling in the Storage Room and DR? That’s gold, baby, gold!
    Now THAT would make Caleb go Boom! If the house surreptitiously evicted Devin.

      • Have to admit: Devin and Caleb do add to the drama. Keeps us on our toes and a target for us to point our collective finger (imagine which finger). J/K

    • I had never tought of that aspect before. Voluntering to be on the block, to throw the BofB. OMG

      • I’m giddy at the thought. Devin, you magnificent dolt!
        Oh, La-wo-onn, someone else thinks he has super powers, too! Roflmbo.
        I see it now: Smug Devin with water splashed on his face to feign tears as he grandstands (in his mind) a great speech to not be evicted. Brittany might even tell him what she thinks (even though she knows the plan is for her to stay).
        Oh and Crazytown? Yes. Admission for One please.
        To further twist the knife (or the stick, since it’s Caleb), the other HGs can sing Kum-ba-ya while locked in the HoH Room.
        Please please please please please – PLEASE tv gods – Please let Devin volunteer to go up & throw the BoB PLEASE!!!

      • Oh yes! You think Caleb is nuts over Amber rejecting him. How awesome if Julie announced that, by a vote of 11 to 1 – Devin, you are evicted from the Big Brother house…and we can only hope they show a split screen of Devin’s face and Caleb’s face. The BS would be over so there is nothing to out. Caleb would be rabid after it sinks in that the whole house went against him.
        I think if I was the rest of the house, I’d immediately jump up and run to the HoH room and lock the door until it was safe to come out again. Seriously. And make sure the next (HoH) challenge is a mental one so there is not an adrenaline charge.

  2. I don’t think I have ever seen two HG’s more full of themselves then Caleb and Devin.

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