Big Brother 16: House Goes Wild, Bomb Squad Exposed!

The Big Brother 16 house has gone wild and it’s all thanks to the Bomb Squad going nuts when one of its members was put up on the block today. This is going to be a very fun week!

Zach creates a mess at Veto Ceremony
Zach creates a mess at Veto Ceremony – Source: CBS

You’ll HAVE to watch this on the Big Brother Live Feeds. I’ll share times & overview details but this has been going on for over an hour and has no signs of slowing. Grab your Free Trial right now!

We knew this was going to be a huge mess when Devin went to Paola this morning to tell her he wasn’t going to save her despite that having been the deal for days. See Devin made a new deal with Brittany and now has a crush on her. *smh*

So yes, at the Veto meeting Devin used the PoV on Brittany and renominated Zach in her place. Zach immediately went in to blast mode and started calling out Devin before going on to calling out others. Brittany exposed that Devin had made a deal with Paola to throw the competition. Amber later said five HGs were going at it at once!

Feeds returned at 1:18PM BBT and that’s where the craziness really took off. Zach and Frankie are in one room and Frankie is pissed at Zach for calling him out as untrustworthy at the meeting. Over in the other room you’ve got the house reacting to the news that Pao threw the comp.

Watch the in-house, uncensored Big Brother cameras right now and see it all for yourself!
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Just minutes later (1:30PM BBT) Frankie is campaigning against Zach and telling everyone he can get ahold of that they need to vote out Zach.

Amber starts going around telling everyone that she had nothing to do with Devin’s plan to have Paola throw the competition. Once she leaves Hayden tells Zach and Derrick that Amber is lying and she was in the room when Devin set the plan to him and Nicole.

Here’s the big one… Zach exposes the Bomb Squad to Hayden at 1:45PM BBT. He tells Hayden everything. Hayden says he knew Caleb and Devin had an alliance because he saw them both do a “kaboom!” gesture to each other during the competition.

Frankie finds out Zach has revealed the Bomb Squad and he immediately starts adding that to his “we need to vote out Zach” campaign speech. He goes to tell Amber and Christine. They’re shocked.

As Frankie continues to search the house for ears to bend against Zach, Derrick is actively working in the opposite direction. He’s doing an incredible job and playing it so smooth. I do like me some Derrick-game-play.

Later at 2:43PM BBT Amber comes to the Hive and suggests to Caleb and Derrick that they ditch Zach and pick up Hayden & Nicole since Hayden already knows. Great idea, Amber. Expand the already too big alliance to 9 from 8 members.

Start your Free Trial now of the Big Brother Live Feeds and watch the Houseguests uncensored.

Zach and Paola start fighting in the backyard after being very civil earlier. Zach is calling Pao a liar for denying she threw the comp. He points out that she obviously was throwing it because she refused to wear her eyeglasses! She denies, but everyone already knows she’s lying so it makes no sense to lie about it. They get VERY loud. Flashback to 3:15PM BBT to catch this fun.

You have GOT to watch this all play out. Just start back at 1:18PM BBT and let it roll from there. I don’t know when it’ll stop, but at some point these HGs will have to sleep. But that might not be until after Thursday’s eviction.



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  1. Had I known this season was going to be this interesting I would have gotten the live feeds….I feel like I wasted my thirty dollars last year.

    • It’s been AWESOME today! So worth it. After 2.5 hours I finally had to step away for food and a break. Meanwhile Devin was shouting “mathematical equation!” in the HoH room to try and sway Hayden. So much fun on there.

      • Matt you need to get a small fridge and stock it. Keep it right next to the feeds. You can take bathroom breaks when Devin and Caleb start repeating the same thing over and over as they hold the other HGs hostage.

      • Problem is even going back (which I am) you can’t hear all conversations at one time on all 4 cameras. I would be watching 1 and see something going on at 3 and switch. Going back in, wish me luck.

      • That’s exactly why I don’t subscribe…BB addiction! Won’t be able to pull myself away, especially days like today, which with these houseguests I’m sure there’ll be many more to come (weS can only hope)

    • If mine would stay one and stop loading every 10 seconds, I might be able to enjoy them!

      • I had this prob. I was running out of GB. dound out I get free in a.m. hrs so that’s when I watch

    • bundle of fun and laughs this season so far … can’t wait for Devin to get his… :o_

  2. I think Frankie needs to go. I don’t understand how he just turned on Zach like that. He is playing like Andy from S15 and I don’t respect that kind of game play.

    • Frankie is a horrible version of Andy…at least Andy made it to the end and won. I don’t think Frankie is gonna last. I agree I don’t respect that kind of game play either, but hey whatever works for them.

      • I can’t even tell who he is really loyal to. He needs to pick a side. I’m rooting for anyone not in the Bomb Squad at this point.

      • Just like Andy, Frankie is everywhere. Just pops in. I had never heard of his sister before. The other day on a entertainment website, there were discussing her new album. Not one time was Frankie mentioned. Oh by the way, his sister is beautiful. Still haven’t heard her sing or why she is so popular?

      • She has a big teen following, plus her voice is similar to Mariah Carey’s. Her voice is pretty good, I enjoy her music. Plus people enjoyed her character on this Nickolodeon show. Eh whatever when I heard Frankie was gonna be in it I wasn’t happy about it at all. In fact I’m still not hope he goes home soon, before Jury.

      • True, but if people didn’t see this coming from little miss(ter) schemer Frankie then they weren’t listening to him. Like Andy, he’s a schemer and backstabber. He will lie and cheat alliances right up until the end. I call it a ”middle game” strategy where the person situates themselves into alliances knowing full well they will break them once it’s to their advantage in numbers. Sadly only really good schemers can do it, but their character is questionable because they hold no loyalties as we saw with Andy now Frankie…

      • He also has the “gay” vote. The same way that creep Andy did last year. Please don’t take my comment as gay bashing, because it is not. A creep is just a creep, no matter what gender or orientation.

      • Now in fairness he is entertaining… But yes, it is true he would get support from the community he closest represents. Is it any different than say Jocasta getting support from the Christian community? Or how about Brittney getting support from the ”soccer moms” community? I like Donny and would support him simply because he closest represents my values and perspective in life… :)

      • He was entertaining for the first week. Now I think he’s a rat and can’t stand him.

      • Oh don’t get me wrong, I don’t appreciate anyone going into Big Brother who thinks they are above morality and human decency – I’m just sayin’ he’s got a lot of support, and, sadly the strategy he is using tends to work well.

      • Yep he does have a lot of support from all his sisters fans and also his social networks. I really liked him in the beginning and then when he started playing like the snake Andy and also throwing his own alliance under the bus that’s when I stopped. I don’t like those kind of players.

      • I know Zach outed him and called him a ”flip flopper”… If someone said that to me in front of the house, I would want him gone too…

      • None taken. There have been a lot of creeps in 16 seasons of BB. White American, African American, Latin American, gays, women. Everyone who is a creep, is a creep.

    • Hope the bomb squad gets picked off one by one! That is what needs to happen! Paola can go because she made a deal with
      Devin! She deserves to go! I hope Zach stays!

  3. The way Devin always brings HG’s into his kingdom and sits them down and just expects them to agree with everything he says is laughable! This guy is playing so far ahead..he has everything wrong. So far, I am really liking Derrick’s game..he is playing very smart right now. I feel like when he is talking game with anyone he is conducting a police interview! His skills are coming in handy in this game..I would love to see him in F2.

  4. I just love the way Hayden hates Amber. He’s not buying that poor little me crap she dishes out. One of the best moments after everything blew was Amber/Pow Pow/Cody/Zach on the backyard couches. Amber says she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore and the other 3 say I want to talk about it!! The look on her face was soooooo funny. She got up and left.

    • Yes, but understand that she’s probably used to getting her way in life and in the house she just doesn’t have that same power she’s used to… I think a lot of people (Devin in particular) are stuggling with being the ”big boss” in their communities and are now finding out that in the house they are just a fellow competitor… I hope somehow Donny’s ”look out for others” character wins!

  5. ….And just like that I have gotten the feeds…time to hit up the flashback feature.

  6. What is the one thing that happened today that shows what a crazy day is? Bow Tie came out of hiding and stayed out!! If you have the feeds check out when everyone is in the bathroom after the POV. She looked so dazed and confused. Then Amber walks in and everyone stops talking and they basically kick Amber out. Bow Tie just couldn’t figure it out.

    • I don’t even know why she is there, and I forget that she is most of the time. Classic floater.

  7. Tick… Tick… Tick-tick-tickticktick BOOM!!!

    We all knew it was coming. Just hope Derrick, Cody, and Christine don’t suffer too much from the backlash.

  8. Zack gotta go.

    makes no sense to keep him over PowPow.

    If they take PowPow out.. who is next? Jocasta?? ololo

    • I disagree. PowPow is cannon fodder. She’s not too smart, and she’s not very strong or agile. She would not be much of a loss.

      • Depends on who’s perspective you take. Devin (and obviously Brittney now) seem to be happy to campaign alongside Frankie about the merits of keeping her…

      • That`s why she needs to stay because she is not smart and not strong at all.

        They needs to get rid of the stronger players first

  9. Zack attack Zack attack….get in the water and don’t look back. Team Zack this week for me. Pow through the BoB competition, I have zero respect for her so called game play. The lies are way over the top. I want people to rally for Zack the kid is playing the game. Devin blew up the bomb squad by putting him on the block.

    • I agree I want Zach to stay and Poa go I am really liking Derrick and his game I think he will be the winner this year ( well I hope anyway )

      • I am liking how calm and methodical Derrick play is today. It is nice to have a grown up in the house who appears stable.

      • I agree it’s about time there was a grown up in there I would love to see him and Donny F2

      • It’s almost like Big Brother purposely chooses house guests who CAN’T keep their composure during rough times. Anyone with discernment and good judgment like isn’t allowed to play this game anymore. Only people who will blow up at the first sign of trouble.

      • What? You mean casting is now choosing people who are unstable, odd, off the wall and/or controversial? Next thing you know you’ll be accusing them of preselecting minor celebrities, models, and actors who are looking for their 15min of fame… ;)

      • Somebody (think Zach) said Devin takes Adderal (spell) every morning. Seems like that’s what they are looking for, that’s what Amanda took last year.

      • Yeah, from what I’ve heard, there’s a lot of HGs with something along the lines of ADD and ADHD this year. I think it was just Amanda and Aaryn last year.

    • While I do agree that Zach should stay over Pau Pau, I was really disappointed to see Zach over and over again tell people he doesn’t want to be here and that he hopes he goes home. He also is a loose cannon and outed his alliance and threw both sides of the house under the bus during the same speech. Not good gameplay.

    • From what it looks like Zach is leaving. Amber, Caleb, Donny (maybe), Victoria, Jocasta, Frankie and maybe Brittany (not sure) will vote out Zach.

      • I do hope Derrick keeps working his mojo and gets people to see Zack is not the issue. Pow through the comp. Brittney is dumb cause she knows Pow through the comp and kept her in jeopardy. Donny needs to remember Devin is not his friend…a friend does not put you on the block.

      • Agreed – let’s hope he is a little bit observant with his super great character!

      • There’s no way Brittney votes for Pau Pau to stay. Also, I’m not so sure about Victoria. I think Pau Pau will be evicted by a 7-5 vote.

      • No I think Victoria is evicting Zach. By the looks of it Zach is getting evicted.

      • I think you’re wrong. Zach has 7 for sure votes to stay and maybe even as many as 10.

      • Derrick, Cody, Donny, Hayden, Christine, Nicole and Brittany are voting to keep Zach. And probably Victoria too.

  10. Can Devin please be HOH every week. Because he is so paranoid and a mess its entertaining to watch.

  11. This is the first time I try the feeds and I have to say it was a good investment with these HGs going at each other.

  12. Oh my goodness. These house guests are saying they want Zach out, and then they flip and say they want to get Pow Pow out. It can really go either way.

    • I really think Zach may be going. Frankie just told Derrick that if they don’t vote him out, then they will be Devin and Caleb’s targets.

      BTW, who died and made Devin and Caleb kings? These two are so over the top, it is ridiculous!

      • Yeah I heard that. I’d rather have Zach than Pow Pow, throwing the competition? Really? Don’t play someone else’s game. Yeah I want Devin and Caleb out ASAP!

      • She’s done. Her throwing comps is outed whether she denies now or not. Would do no good to keep her. That’s all she was good for and that’s busted.

      • Exactly, but, I have a funny feeling Pow isn’t going anywhere. I could be wrong, though.

      • Hopefully Frankie just made Derrick & Cody mad enough by that statement to make them vote out Pau Pau.

      • It looks like Donny have put Frankie in his place later in the feeds, telling him the obvious that C+D won’t be backing him in the long-term compared to Zach’s loyalty which could push him further than the two muscle-heads will ever can.

  13. Matthew you had me ROF with that pic on the FB post with the guy running. Good one. It has been one for the books today in the BB house. I sure hope they show Donny’s DR after he said he couldn’t wait to be called in there. Love Donny’s humor.

  14. Aside from the critique of them being models, actors and such, I’m really impressed with this year’s cast! The way everyone turns on each other, then makes up and turns on somebody new is hilarious… It’s only been 2 weeks and somehow the ”big group” alliance that usually starts each season has been dismantled already! Love it.

  15. Man watching after dark and Cody Zack Hayden and Derrick who I am rooting for are talking about how to save Zack and they let Frankie into the conversation. NOOOOOOOOOOO. He is such a snake. Frankie knows everything now. This sucks. I really hope Zack doesn’t go. They just need Britney Nicole and Christine to stay with Cody Hayden and Derrick.

    • Now Frankie is telling Amber and Jacosta about it. I’m so done. He’s gonna get exposed so bad, and get booted off really early can’t wait for that eviction.

      • That was so painful to watch him go right over to them. Please let somebody on both sides compare notes about Frankie. He’s telling the women that the men there hate women which is not true. I think I hate Frankie more than any houseguest ever.

      • Yeah he’s literally slinging mud, playing dirty, and damaging their reputations. Yeah I hope they compare notes that would be so great to have him exposed. I feel sorry for Zach, he’s being played so bad, but I mean he was warned. I’m definitely not a fan of Frankie at all, and I wasn’t at the beginning either since his sister is famous. (It felt kind of like Elissa all over again).

      • If the house splits up like this it sure would be easy to root for Team A.

        A. Cody Nicole Derrick Brittany Hayden Christine
        B. Devin Caleb Amber Jocasta Frankie Victoria

        Leaving Zack Pow Pow and Donnie. Let’s hope Donnie remembers Devin’s treachery and goes with Team A

    • If he manages to stay this week that will be quite the coup. -After he raged, defied and dared Devin to put him up, even though Devin initially tried to get him to pump the brakes…. After he outed his alliance and what they pulled… Logic says this guy should be shunned harder than Joey especially since the BS has the votes and he put PowPow on blast… But the boy is still a contender to stay. Quite the coup.

  16. Zach should’ve kept a level head, and just play along with “King Devin” to make it to next week to evict him from the house. Devin continuing to dig his own BB grave is an entertaining experience to witness as I don’t recall someone letting the power getting that far into their heads thus affecting their game that badly.

7 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Have-Not Food Poll For Week 2: Feeds-Only Vote | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16: Week 2 – Counting The Votes | Big Brother 16
  3. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 2 Power of Veto Episode | Big Brother 16
  4. Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 2 Eviction & Next HoH | Big Brother 16
  5. Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 2 Eviction & HoH Live Recap | Big Brother 16
  6. Diary Room: Adam Poch Gets Us Ready For Week 3 | Big Brother 16
  7. Big Brother 16: Top 10 Events – Part 2 | Big Brother 16

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