Big Brother 16: HoH Pics In Week 9 – Cody Cam Time

Cody Calafiore is HoH on Big Brother
Cody Calafiore is HoH on Big Brother – Source: CBS

Another week with Cody Calafiore at the helm of Big Brother 16 and another round of HoH pics as one of the perks. Of course these would be better if HGs didn’t sleep until dinner, though maybe Big Brother could just do the camera later in the day.

Last time Cody was HoH I noted they were the saddest pics yet as few were around to share in the fun. This time, it’s even worse. There were a few with Christine and one of a “confused Victoria” as CBS puts it, but is that seems a little redundant.

Check out Cody’s pics below and then get ready for a whole new Head of Household on tonight’s Big Brother 16!

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Source: CBS



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  1. OMG these are totally sad. LOL – remember when the HG’s used to get up super early to get cute for the camera – Danielle LOL!

  2. Give Cody just a little bit of a break. He’s a naรฏve, unworldly, barely-out-of-diapers kid. There’s not much to him yet. Most of our sons and grandsons wouldn’t do much better being scrutinized 24/7. He doesn’t even know how to get Christine off his back. He’s torn between liking the human contact and being repelled by her. For her, it’s the classic story of a plain girl kidding herself that the cute guy likes her. Anyway, check back in with Cody in a few years-he’ll be (in Judge Judy’s words) “cooked by then”.

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