Eviction prediction time for Big Brother 16 this week as Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel retake the orange nomination chairs and await their fellow Houseguests’ decision. With no returning player this round the evictee will be sent to the Jury House to await finale night.
There will be five votes again this week so no tie-breaker tonight which means Cody is at the mercy of what his alliance decides to do as they struggled with the choice last night. Yes, the guys weighed their options and were still considering keeping Donny in their talks last night.
Who do you think will be voted off Big Brother 16 this week? Cast your vote now & read our predictions below.
More predictions are in from these Big Brother sites.
It was an interesting night on Wednesday and definitely hinted at a good chance of Donny staying when Caleb, Frankie, and Derrick agreed to keep him. But Cody saw fit to shut that idea down and said he refused to change his mind. Sorry, Donny, but you’re most likely to be evicted this week.
Big Brother 16 Week 9 Eviction Predictions – Donny Thompson or Nicole Franzel?:
Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Share your thoughts below.
really hope nicole nominates cody just to spite him
Cody AND Derrick ! :-D
Too bad she has no power to nominate because she doesn’t win important competitions when she needs to the most. Yes, I’m aware the jury battle was a clutch win, but she’s now had two must-have HoH competitions and a must-have POV competition go as losses.
RECAPโฆ..Frankie is disgustingโฆ..lizard tongue, nasty hands, ugly sniffing noseโฆ..Cody stinks, literally and hawks loogies which makes me want to gagโฆ.Christine is hard on my eyes and earsโฆ.. and her groping with cody is repulsiveโฆ..Derrick puts a strain on my mute button with his gurgle voiceโฆ..after seeing Calebs lump on his boob he gives me the williesโฆโฆSo with the ever handsome Donny gone I guess we will just be fast forwarding the live feeds for the next couple of weeksโฆ..WHAT A WASTEโฆ.and the only hope we have for redemption will be DONNY FOR FAN FAVORITE!โฆโฆand the satisfaction that these ugly ego maniacs will see how hated they are by Americaโฆโฆthe busta fooligans!!!!!!!!!!!
You know the “lizard tongue”, I love that name for him, will win fan favorite with his utubers and his sisters coat tail he is always riding on.
I don’t think so. Too many people have been repulsed by him. He’s a “legend in his own mind” and feels that if he tells the viewers often enough that they will believe it, too. It won’t work !
Wow. That was rude.
Your mad because things are not going your way?
Yes, pretty much. I don’t know what’s worse, the comment itself, or the fact 9 people up-voted judgments on players not based on the game which they’re playing, and instead mainly on their appearances, let alone somebody who thinks their opinion speaks for all of America. Apparently the show needs to be fast-forwarded because the most handsome player was evicted, in their opinion. Yep, that’s up-vote worthy.
Although I think that Donny’s time in the house is up, he deserves so much credit for making it this deep in the game without the benefit of being part of the “pack” that’s been running the house all summer. Obviously those players feel threatened by one of the few HGs that didn’t go around stabbing people in the back. That could have gone a long way in assuring him the WIN if he had made it to the final 2.
Meanwhile, Cody, (who has NO balls), uses Donny as an easy target rather than showing some real metal and intelligence by wasting his Veto, that COULD have certainly got the annoying twit “Fakie” OUT, once and for all !
Cody just can’t seem to put on the “big boy” pants, but rather, seems content to be another one of Derrick’s “tools”….pity…it’s going to cost him his game AND the win !
So tired of Donny saying he never done wring to no one and doesn’t deserve to get voted out. IT’S A GAME! It’s not about who is nice, it’s about winning. He is loveable and needs the money, it makes sense to vote him out rather than lose to him in the final 2. It’s a game move no about who you are.
Might want to rethink these predictions. On the feeds right now Frankie and Caleb are all over Cody convincing him to keep Donny. Well if that happens another boring week because Donny has no chance if winning endurance. I’m so ticked off. If this happens and Nicole goes I hope it bites No Balls Cody in the ass. The only one that can change this is unfortunately Derrick and who really knows what he wants.
Derrick sounds like he’s on board, but the whole plan hinges on keeping the girls in the dark. Will Deerick really want to do that to Victoria?
But if this goes through, that will mean Nicole has gotten stabbed in the back three times in as many weeks by these idiots. She’ll have my vote over Donny for the 25k for sure if this happens to her again.
Just a few minutes before the feeds switched to Jeff, Derrick said he’s keeping Nicole. Frankie was up Nicole’s butt saying we need to work with each other instead of against each other. Lots of scheming the last two hours. I’m nervous. Lol
Me, too. I hate it when it’s this up in the air. I like it when there’s a firm target, if only for the sake of my nerves.
I agree Donny should get favorite, Frankie didn’t allow him to win the 5 thou because he chose a stupid way to try for the te America mission ? Donny’s idea was a lot more challenging and could have not only saved him but given him opportunity to make some money even if he was going to be evicted! Frankie your mission STANK!
Zach for favourite. He actually entertained instead of just passing by as “being so nice” like Donny. Zach’s heart and desire to win were at least equal if not greater than Donny’s.
These stupid nicknames have got to go. “No Balls Cody”. By that measure, nobody in that house has balls. Easy to say that when Cody doesn’t do what you want him to do, and save your favourites, golden boy/girl Donny/Nicole, isn’t it? It made no sense to do so and rock the boat. He’s in a good spot and with one of those two gone, the numbers go on his side’s favour 5-1 instead of 4-2 if he replaced one of them with Frankie or Christine. He then also keeps Donny and Nicole together who are working together as is obvious to the house, the fans, and the rubber duck in the pool. Yeah, that would be so smart. “Derprick”, seriously? How is Derrick a prick? Because he’s playing well and manipulating (a huge part of the game to be successful) and controlling votes and nominations through getting others to believe his ideas are their own? Maybe re-evaluate what being a prick actually entails. He’s not a prick for not doing what you as a fan want him to do, for the betterment of your own favourite players. Try to start speaking without bias. I thought Zach was awesome, he’s gone now, and not once did I unintelligibly bash other players for that nor make some other kind of ridiculous rant, call the game boring, etc. A lot of these comments sound like they’re made by pouty children.
So Sorry Donny went and I thought Frankie’s Behavior was awful!