Big Brother 16: Frankie Shows Off His HoH Camera Media Mogul Skills

Frankie-stine'd with Caleb Reynolds
Frankie-stine’d with Caleb Reynolds – Source: CBS

Frankie Grande put his “Social Media Mogul” skills to work this week in the Big Brother 16 house when he broke out the HoH camera and chronicled the events of his time as reigning HG.

Looks like Frankie was able to convince a few more HGs to get up and join him for his second round of HoH camera time though he was sure to visit those who couldn’t get up from bed at 3PM.

See who all Frankie got to share a photo with him, but notice that does not include his eviction victim this week, Zach. Surprising, right? No? Yeah, you’re right.

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Check out the full set of photos at



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    • Uh, he’s not disgusting because he’s gay. It’s because of the way he acts in the house.. with a sense of entitlement and control.

  1. Social media mogul? No. Mark Zuckerburg is a social media mogul. Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe (were) social media moguls. Frankie is a very small, very petty individual who has a soapbox.

  2. Frankie is a sickening media whore. He’s always mugging and flouncing around for attention. And his greeting of Kathy Griffin was vomitous! He’s treating BB like an audition and I’m sure he hopes to get work as a performer when it’s over. Hia ridiculously bad accents, all that leaping around like an addled gazelle, arms flailing, mouth open in that sardonic smile of his. I’m glad he heard those people outside the house calling him disgusting. He is DISGUSTING!

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