Such craziness going on this week in the Big Brother game! I am very excited that a Jury member will be returning to the game again this season. Getting a second chance in the game is a very great opportunity and it gives you a chance to get revenge on the ones that wronged you but most importantly it gives you another chance to win the game!
This time last year I remember we got the note at breakfast about getting the opportunity to get back in the game. I was really hoping for that because Julie had said just because we were evicted didn’t mean that our Big Brother game was over. Also I had just watched Big Brother Canada a few months before and remembered Gary being voted back in the game by Canada so that gave me some hope. I remember being a little freaked out that America would get to vote and that they would vote Candice back in because of her friendship with Elissa.
I think we got the letter two days before we actually got to go back to the house and compete so it was a very long 48 hours! I remember the night before we went back to compete I was pacing around the Jury house with my stomach in a knot. I honestly felt like it was life or death and I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know if only one of us was going to be competing against the most recent evicted houseguest or what.
I did not sleep the entire night. I remember running on the treadmill trying to get sleepy and also sitting in the sauna but nothing worked! I was up until daylight and managed to get a power nap. I remember going back to the Big Brother house and I had been throwing up due to nerves before we walked on stage.
All of that was worth it once I got back in that house and seen everyone’s faces and hearing their fake apologies and I was still STUNNED that Helen had been evicted. I was very nice to everyone and apologized to the ones I had been rude to when I had been evicted the first time.
I remember walking out and seeing the wall and I was so excited! As a fan of Big Brother I have always enjoyed watching the wall competition and thought like it looked like a fun competition to compete in. Once the competition started I realized that people were falling off when they tried to reach for the balls so my strategy was to only catch the balls with my body and really focus on balance. I kinda acted salty about the fact that they had put Spencer on the block again and I quickly realized that I was in no position to be making waves so I decided that my best bet was to be nice to everyone while I was on the wall in case I made it back in the game they would feel like I was being genuine.
I wanted everyone to believe that I wanted to come back with a “clear slate” and that I didn’t hold any grudges whatsoever. In my head though I had been marinating on wanting to take out Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Helen. Helen was also competing to get back in so when she fell I was glad that she was going to Jury on good terms with me again.
I won the Jury portion of the competition but I didn’t win the main HOH and I was a bit terrified about that and was praying for Amanda to fall. I had seen the girls holding onto the thing that held your balls once you caught them and was immediately sick because I didn’t know we could do that. Not winning that HOH competition was the best thing for my game at that time though especially since i ended up being safe. I think it was a good thing because it showed me who I could really trust moving forward in the game. Had I won that HOH people would have been shook and would have blew smoke up my ass and I wouldn’t have known who was genuine at that point.
Whoever returns to the game whether it be Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, or Zach I hope they say that they want to start on a clear slate and not hold any hard feelings but I hope they don’t mean it! They will have to work with people they don’t want to work with (like I did with Andy) but it is all about numbers. Whoever returns will have Donny on their side but Donny alone will not be enough.
They need to find some cracks within the big alliance and convince those people that they think they can recruit to their alliance that they need each other equally so it doesn’t come across as desperation. They need to convince Christine that she is on the bottom of her alliance and that they can help her make it further. Scratching someone’s back in the Big Brother game (not how Christine scratches Cody’s) builds a ton of trust and at this point of the game paranoia is insane and people are already wondering if they should reevaluate their game/alliances.
I really hope to see Hayden return to the game. I know how bad it sucks to leave on day 49 in a double eviction. I bet that he has been marinating on this for a while now and it will be very interesting to see how he would come back in the game. I also think that Hayden has more potential to go far if he comes back because his wounds aren’t as fresh as Zach’s and he can convince people that his game has changed without having Nicole in the house anymore.
If one of the three that has been in Jury comes back they need to make it sound like the other two Jury members HATE them now and maybe even try to act like they got in a fight in Jury. That way if they stick around the other Houseguests won’t look at them as much of a threat when it comes to Jury votes. I also really like Zach and would love to see him come right back in however I think it would be a bit harder for him to stick around because people are so dead set against him and used to him. Anything can happen and I wish the Jury members and Donny nothing but the best of luck. Who knows Zach could work his magic and we may see Cody competing to get back in the house!!
I honestly would not be shocked if they had another competition in a couple weeks and bring another Juror back. I mean they did add another week to the show and all and they said it’s the twistiest season ever! Maybe we will get lucky and have a Hayden/Zach/Donny final 3!!
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Wrong. It doesn’t give you another chance to win. It’s pointless.
I’d say “wrong” right back at ya. See BBCAN, specifically Gary.
Could Topaz be THE biggest failure in BB history – worldwide??
Didn’t win. Regardless of the whole wrong vote thing, he didn’t. And it’s good that he didn’t. If he had it would have invalidated the entire game up to that point.
Unfortunately, Judd you didn’t do anything to improve your game. You returned and nothing happened except you latched on to Andy who couldn’t wait to get rid of you the second time around. You were given a second chance, you should have changed the game.
If he had the sense not to trust the same people who evicted him, the outcome could have been different. Elissa was there to work with but, Judd instead, voted to evict her. Bad decisions that did not help him. Hopefully, whoever comes back tonight has the better sense to “not trust anyone from the Detonators” and trust only Donny and work with him. They also, need to win HOH tonight to guarantee their safety as well as Donny’s. That is their only chance. Otherwise, whoever comes in be it Nicole, Hayden or Zach will wind up on the nominee seats with Donny if another Detonator wins HOH tonight!
My thoughts exactly! It will be a difficult challenge for two to get six other house guests out, but not impossible…take Frank (preash) for example. If he didn’t have to fight almost the whole time he was there and only at the end where it counted most, he could very well have won, but he showed his strengths way too early in the game.
ITA! That’s exactly what I meant… don’t latch on to the same people who evicted you. He should have stuck with Elissa and instead he votes to evict her. I hope whoever comes back and it looks like it’s going to be Zach, needs to join Donny, win HOH and change the game. This is not going to be easy as the detonators are a tight group. Since Caleb is not one them (he thinks the bomb squad still exists), he maybe a good person to flip. I hope Zach discloses the Detonators on his way out tonight since Caleb knows nothing about it.
Zach told Caleb and it didn’t register…Zach was lying (of course)
just my thought, but…you need to go in knowing you have maybe a week to cause as much havoc as possible.
props to Judd for lasting the longest of any returning house guest.
Actually that was Sharon from BB9, she was evicted first (with a partner) and a week later someone quit and she replaced them and made it to 4/16, then it would be Amy who was evicted week 3, then returned in week 6 and lasted until the final four.
Thank you. Are Judd, Brendon, and now Nicole the only ones that had to win a comp to get back in?
Others were America’s vote right? except Sharon. She came back when another player walked out.
Amy and James were both voted in by the house, Kaysar was America’s Vote, and the rest were competitions.
I agree with Judd that Hayden would be the juror most likely to shake things up and Hayden is aware that Derrick and Cody burned him and Nicole. Hayden also has the best chance at beating Caleb in an endurance competition.
I think you are right but these HGs seem to be mesmerized by Derrick. He manipulates them with ease. It reminds me of the scenes from Star Wars when the Jedi knights use the force on Empire soldiers.
Even Donny, who seems to have Derrick figured out has yet to take any decisive action – Derrick seems to be one step ahead of him too.
What decisive action can Donny possibly take other than to win vetoes at this point? His only other one would be to cast a vote. I think he’ll choose to evict Zach so he doesn’t put a target on his back especially when he’s basically all alone in the house with no alliance to speak of. Donny needs Hayden/Nicole to back him up and get several of the detonators out one by one…but they have to win HoH or vetoes to do that.
Sorry Judd. We all watched and you came back into the house and latched on to the same people who evicted you the first time. Your betrayal of Elissa, possibly your only ally in the house was something I would have expected from this year’s group of mentally challenge house guests.
Perhaps you realized your mistake after you were evicted a second time.
Elissa was much like Donny this season – Going it alone – She wanted to team up with Judd and he shunned her – I’m afraid if Zach goes back into the house it will be Judd 2.0 – Teaming up with the Bomb Squad/Detonators to get Donny out – Hopefully Hayden/Nicole will come back and work with Donny and knock Derrick off his throne
Nicole would be a disaster. Why does everyone seem to think she would help Donny?
She’s clueless as to what’s actually going on in the house. Her CURRENT target is Christine, but give her a few minutes and that will change. She has no strategy, she simply has a personal, petty, vindictive game.
Really Nicole would be Judd 2.
You’re assuming that Hayden has not filled Nicole in on what is actually going on inside the house (i.e. Derrick) – That being said I agree with you – Even if Nicole has the knowledge she is very wishy washy and might flip flop easily to assuage the Detonators
The game changes constantly in the house. Nicole has shown zero ability to adapt. Ultimately she would prove to be a liability to Donny. She never knew when to keep her mouth shut.
Nicole can win HoH which is a plus. Her game needs an adjustment as far as trusting other house guests in the Big Brother House. Hopefully, spending time with Hayden has knocked some sense into her. If she will only stick with Donny if she is able to comeback and trust no one else, she might be able to get some Detonators out! It is a tall order for anyone coming back in because Derrick and the others will target that house guest with Donny if they remain in power. Their only slim chance is to win HOH back to back and send two Detonators to the jury house for good! There is still 5 Detonators plus Victoria as a pawn or 6 vs 2 so, a tough hill to climb just the same!
Nicole’s going to come back in and get lost in the game, just like the last time.
She was mad during Julie’s interview and then after a couple nice messages, she liked everybody again!
A little “snuggle time” with Cody and she will be right back to fruit loop dingus mode!
She can’t even count to four, for heaven’s sake! All the coaching in the world from Hayden won’t change the fact that she can’t think on a game level.
Here are my concerns on Nicole, Hayden and Zach. Zach probably will run back to Frankie as soon as he gets back into the Big Brother House and probably will get him or Donny evicted fast enough. Hayden, although probably good in social interactions and probably can think strategically, has won one POV and has not won one HOH even when he and Nicole were in danger. If a Detonator wins HOH, he or Donny will get evicted for sure!
Nicole, able to win HOHs which is a plus, her being able to think strategically is a concern. Will she be able to shake it off and use her head? There are no easy answers. I do not know what these guys are going to do but, inclined to root for Nicole or Hayden. If it is Hayden, I hope he can win HOH because if not, he or Donny could be sent to the jury house. They have to win HOH whoever gets sent back in or Donny for them to have even a chance!
I agree with a lot of your thoughts.
Although Zach would like to win the game, he is interested in self-promotion and is infatuated with Frankie. He may work with Donny, but his lack of focus would be his and Donny’s undoing.
I’ve expressed my feelings about Nicole several times in this thread. I agree that she can win comps, but winning comps is useless without strategy. She had NONE. I don’t think that will change.
Hayden also has his flaws, but he is smart and seems to be able to pick up things quickly. (Has the ability to count to four). I also think he would work with Donny and not get “lost” in the game.
So I’m Hayden all the way with Zach a clear second.
I watched her on Jeff,s show and she is an airhead,she still thinks that Frankie is running the house,Jeff would ask her questions and her answer would be uh,uh,uh, i,m not sure,and then i don,t know,she acted just like the fruitloop dingus that Zach described,so i don,tt see her teaming up with Donny
You are a much stronger person than I am! I couldn’t make it through more than a couple minutes of that show! Nicole is painfully clueless!
Seems like a super-nice girl. Probably is good to kids and pets. And with the proper supervision, may even be a great nurse.
As a Big Brother player, she was, is and forever will be…
a fruit loop dingus!
Elyssa was a challenged hG. Just ask Helen, who Elyssa wigged out on. Hayden can help Donny, but Nichol, all the way to eviction still continued to trust Derrick. Zach still does. Derrick knows which ones he can control. It won’t be hayden or Donny. Hayden may be able to push Cody away from Derrick too. As far as Donny doing anything to Derrick, he has. Last night Derrick was showing a lot of stress. Donny is making him nervous. That makes people screw up .
Right..and that is what I am worried about if Zach gets back in tonight..he will run right back to Frankie. Even though Frankie has burned him twice already. I really want to see Hayden come back in..I wouldn’t mind Nicole, but she is just too wishy washy for me. I am sure that Hayden has been filled in by Nicole on everything. so I hope it is him. Derrick, Frankie and Cody need to come down from those very high horses that they have been on for a long time!
Haha. Zach will not be running back to Frankie, he will try using him maybe but… run back to him? Highly doubtful… I expect him more to try and take Frankie out instead of Derrick, but I hope Donny helps his game by pointing his hothead in the right direction. Frankie and Beastmode Cowboy are BFFs but it doesn’t change the fact that if Donny wants to get Victoria’s vote, he’s going to have to take out the only person close to her, Derrick! Getting anyone else out will be a waste of time imo, only letting them last one more week. Take out Derrick, gain Victoria and increase your numbers. It could then be 3-4, much better than 2-5 I’d say.
If Nicole returns, she would need to try and patch things up between her and Christine. Hard, but not impossible… Especially if you win HOH and promise not to put her up in exchange for her vote. Then we could potentially see a 4-3 change. Vote Derrick out and have (Donny, Nicole, Christine and Victoria). Leaving Cody, Caleb and Frankie in panic mode :D
Whoever returns (Hayden, Nicole, or Zach) needs to shake things up and not realign with the same alliances. I fear that Zach trusts Derrick too much to do anything and will be easily fooled and evicted.
How does Frankie know about “the buy back”?
They were all told by Julie that just because they get evicted doesn’t mean they’re out of the game. She said that on a live show so all HGs heard the same thing. But that’s all they know. No concrete details.
I thought Julie only said it to the evicted players. I didn’t think they heard her say it. For instance with Nicole she at the end Julie would say “what would you say if there is a chance you could go back into the house”? They always look surprised like they had not heard of it before. My bad misunderstood
Yeah that just shows how clueless they all are.
Well Judd, you never mentioned the mistakes you did when you got back in the house. We know and you know, you did.
Mistakes by each HG could fill a novel. This was just a discussion on the experience of returning to the game since that’s what we’re going to get on tonight’s show.
As thrilling as I’m sure it is to get a second chance at Big Brother, I still think it’s ridiculous. You’ve already been got. You weren’t good enough the first time around. Take Hayden for example. He NOW clearly knows that Derrick and Cody duped him, but since he got evicted, there was nothing he could do about it. Cody and Derrick played him perfectly. He wasn’t smart enough the first time around to realize he was getting duped. Why should he get another chance to redeem himself?
All of the Detonators work to get him out would be in vain.
I think Jocasta is ready to come back and start BUSTIN” SOME HEADS!