Big Brother 16: Final HoH – Two Comps Down & One To Go

There is just one episode left for Big Brother 16. On Wednesday, Sept. 24th at 9:30PM ET/PT we’ll see the third and final segment of the three-part last HoH competition on the season finale.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother
Julie Chen hosts Big Brother – Source: CBS

On Wednesday night the final three HGs, Cody, Derrick, and Victoria faced off in an endurance competition to move one step closer to F2. CBS teased just the start to that comp on Friday night’s show, but we’ve already got the full spoilers on round one if you want to get ahead.

Then last night the two HGs who didn’t win round one had to battle it out in a difficult and lengthy mental/physical comp. This was no quick “identify the faces” comp like that timed Veto challenge. Instead the players had to put nominees for the entire season in sequence as quickly as they could. Oh, and it to be done after climbing up and swinging through the air. Should be awesome to watch. Full spoilers here on Round 2 of the final HoH competition.

So where does that leave us? Just one part left to go. The winners of rounds one and two have a long wait ahead before Wednesday night when Julie will host part three during the live show. Which ever Houseguest wins that portion will be the final HoH of the season and cast one last eviction vote.

After that last elimination live on Wednesday night we’ll officially have our Final Two of the season. For now we’ll only have hints and discussions as the Final Three prepare for the finale.

That means we have reached the end of our summer of spoilers! Of course we’ll keep watching the Feeds and listening for clues to who the HGs are considering taking to the end, but there are no more comps to be had. Phew! Our work is nearly done for the BB16 season, but we’ll continue to share updates on the season’s HGs as they return to the world and their adventures outside the house.

Thanks again to the incredible fans here and the community we’ve all created together as a result. This site would be nothing without you and the discussions that you bring to the table. We get to share the season with each other and that’s the fun part for me. So thank you, faithful readers!



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  1. Just started reading this year and I absolutely love the commentary you have given throughout the season. Great job, Matt!

      • I second that! I was relying on other sites in previous seasons. Now BBN is my favorite and the first site I check! I’m glad that I know where to go for Survivor … SurvivorFandom!

      • Didn’t know you were new here as well redroses. It’s been so much fun talking about BB in real time as it happens instead of just the TV recaps.

  2. Thank you, Matt for your thorough recaps of every episode of BB16. You kept it interesting and thought provoking.. I’ll continue to read the last of your updates and I’ll be back next season to follow along with every entry you provide. You’ve done an awesome job and you’ve made so many of us glad you’ve taken the time to host this site. Thanks again.

  3. You do a fantastic job Matt. I always enjoy reading all of your articles and reading everyone’s thoughts of the game. Whether I agree or disagree it’s always fun to see how everyone feels. Some even change my opinion once in awhile. I just hope next season is a little bit less predictable. I’ve also met some wonderful people on your site that I’ve continued after the season ends. Can’t wait until next year. Thanks again for keeping this site running.

  4. Thank you, Matt! It’s fun for us, too. Love reading your blog, especially when you include your insight. Big shout out to Branden, Adam and Judd, for all of their hard work, too!

  5. Matt, this is the first year I’ve been on this site and I’m in absolute awe of how you manage to keep us informed. Half the time, my mind is boggled at everything going on, and you help me understand. My house has gone to the dogs this summer, but don’t regret a moment interacting with all these fantastic BB fans. Looking forward to Survivor. Get some rest for a few days and thank you.

  6. Seems like CBS told Pao Poa not to wear a certain dress. I guess they have to submit what they will wear for the finale for approval. Wow.
    https://twitter (dot) com/paolashea/status/513443622344478721/photo/1

    All the comments are fun to read.

  7. Thank you, Matt, for all of your hard work in keeping us BB lovers informed of what goes on 24/7. I was proud of one post I made that got over 50 up votes. It helps to get on here and be able to vent your frustrations with other lovers of this game. Brenda Harbin and redroses..we usually have the same thoughts! I have enjoyed reading each and every one’s comments on here, even the ones I totally disagree with, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.. It has been a frustrating season at times, not much fun when one guy has basically ran the house from day one..Who knows what producers will come up with next season. I know you have to try new things. I am hoping for a Derrick/Cody F2..they deserve to be there.,with Derrick winning the game. See everyone on Wednesday night! Enjoy the show!

    • I’m hoping you will choose to come to SurvivorFandom and watch Survivor with us. Lots of us here are there. Another site run by Matt.
      And if you’re on FB you can join some of us you also exchange there. Look for Captaine Cinq and I’ll hook you up with the others.

      • I am a Survivor fan also, since season one. Looking forward to posting on Survivor fandom..does it get as much feedback as this one?

      • During the week it’s more quiet, because there no live feeds. But during the show there are quite a few of the people you know from here that chat at the site. You will have to come by and see for yourself.

    • Thank you for the compliment! I feel the same way about you and several other posters on here (too many to name.) See you at Survivor Fandom!

  8. Matt, You’re the best on what you’re doing. So, thanks for all the work you’ve done here on BBN. I think we have the smartest posters on any BB site. So thank you guys !……and oh ! thank you to some trolls that has multiple names..thank you and come again ! lol

  9. Although I’ve been a BB fan from the beginning, I had never participated here (or any where) before. I’m so happy I found your informative and thought provoking site Matt! Thanx ~ I look forward to Survivor and BB next year.

  10. Thank you Matt, for all the time you spent watching and keeping us in the loop on everything. Your comments were always entertaining and insightful~ even when the HG’s weren’t! :)

  11. Love this site and reading all the comments. Looking forward to Wednesday. BB and Survivor can’t wait.

  12. My fellow namesake, thank you once again for another great season of informative fun and for putting up with the rest of us… Best of wishes to you throughout the year until next summer when we all connect again.

  13. Always prefer this site over Jokers or Hamsterwatch, always attempting to be objective and honest about what’s actually happening. You and Branden do a hell of a job.

  14. Thank you, Matthew. I love this site, been reading it for years. So again thank you, and thank you to all the contributors and the people who post comments on here regularly for, as always, making my summer more entertaining!

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