With Cody at the helm and Derrick holding the reins, many Big Brother fans are expecting a mild week, but what’s this? Cody is considering a Frankie renom scenario? Let’s see how far Derrick lets that ride.
Flashback to 8:21PM BBT 8/22 Cams 1/2 on your Live Feeds. Get the Free Trial now to watch along.
Here we’ve got Cody in the HoH room and Derrick joining him to discuss an idea. What if, Cody proposes, he puts up Frankie should Donny come down with the Power of Veto? “Ohh, you’re talking big boy moves!” says Derrick. Heh.
Derrick lets that linger for a few seconds before telling Cody it’s a bad idea. Derrick agrees that yes, he could get Frankie out this week, but should he? No, says Derrick. He tells Cody it’s too risky for them to keep Donny and Nicole alive in the game and able to work together.
Derrick relays his earlier conversation with Donny (Flashback to around 7:54PM BBT that same evening.) to highlight Donny still has his game in the head and hasn’t given up.
Cody concedes that he’d be happy for Donny to go this week and he thinks it’d keep their alliance happy. But once that’s over, Cody says, he’s ready to turn on his own alliance and start going after them. He would have nominated Frankie and Donny had no one returned, but with Nicole there he had to use her. Great, thanks, Big Brother.
Derrick and Cody agree that Christine and Frankie need to be split up, but Derrick’s efforts to punt the evict-Frankie idea seems to have worked. Cody starts rationalizing why he can’t target Frankie this week. He says if he sent Frankie home then Caleb could be upset at him and target him using Christine to help make revenge happen. I think Christine would side with her cuddlebuddy, but he doesn’t seem so sure of that.
Derrick summarizes Cody’s new plan for him. Spoon fed strategy. Derrick says either Donny or Nicole goes this week with the other right behind, “barring any setbacks.” Though should any setbacks occur, Derrick says the plan should be to renom Frankie or Christine and split that duo up. (I say it’d probably be Christine since Derrick knows she’s in Cody’s pocket.)
It’ll take not only Donny winning the Veto but for the group to decide that evicting Frankie is there best move over sending Nicole right back to Jury and leaving Donny & Nicole there to fight together with one less in the guys alliance and another sitting on the bench in the next HoH comp. Yeah, not going to happen.
What do you think Cody should do? Better yet, what do you think Derrick should tell Cody to do?
Smart move by Derrick. Getting Frankie out would be a “big” move, but he’s made no indication at all that he’s going after Cody or Derrick at this point. Take care of business and get out Nicole and Donny, then go after each other.
Heck, even get out Donny or Nicole this week, then take a shot at Frankie next week. But leaving Nicole and Donny together would not be smart for Cody and Derrick’s game.
The only thing that will save them both this week is a Pandora’s Box or some other “twist”.
It’s a smart move for Derrick’s game, but not for Cody’s. Even with Frankie gone, they still have the numbers. If Cody backdoored Frankie it would be a bigger move for Cody’s game than evicting Nicole or Donny.
For the next HOH the alliance (counting Victoria, which I think we can) has a 5-1 advantage with Donny or Nicole gone—-it drops to 4-2 if one of them doesn’t go.
Right Helen. Its too soon. Next week.
Can we just switch the entire show to the jury house? This is super boring.
Cody needs to use his OWN BRAIN IF he has one and get Derrick out of there ! I can’t believe they are SO STUPID that they can’t see that Derrick is running them and will run it to being the winner !
You have to have one first.
Christine is leading him around by his “brain
LOL true.
Great idea. Cody should definitely get out his closest ally in the house. Even though he and Derrick have been tight since like week 3, Cody needs to backdoor him the first chance he gets -____-
I love how ya’ll say “these house guests are so dumb I can’t believe they’re not getting Derrick out”. It’s real easy to know what to do when you see everything that’s going on. Try being in that house with all the paranoia and lies. It’s a lot more challenging.
They are dumb, we do get to see things they don’t but Derrick hasn’t been on the block once and no one seems to notice that or give a damn. They signed on to win 500k not willingly hand it over to someone else. for crying out loud Zach’s suggested they let Frankie win because he allegedly was playing for charity. ijs
he was on it once
Yes, but, Caleb has voiced it out loud, Donny has, Zach has. They don’t have to see what we do. Its all been put on display. They still say Derrick is gonna win. Its like they are ok with that. Did they not come to win 500k?
I believe Cody’s new name should Scarecrow…..If he only had a brain LOL.
They need to show more footage of the Jury House. I actually enjoy that more. Especially with the people in the Jury House everyone in there are good people.
Everybody wants that every year. We never get it.
But maybe if enough people say it production will get the hint and either a) show more footage of the Jury house or b) do something to stir up the game and make it more exciting
I think it’d be kinda unfair for the houseguests, they’re already evicted, give them a break and let them wind down so they don’t have to have their guard up all the time being worried about what they say.
If Derrick tells Cody to put Cody on the block. Cody will do.
Exactly right on point.
Cody will never win unless he is up against Frankie and even doubtful then. He has done nothing. This was his 1st HOH. Isn’t that the ONLY comp he has won? Hope Donny wins POV. I new Hayden needed to go back in he probably would have won that comp. He knew all the dates and people on comps and evictions.
LOL, don’t you think Cody could beat Victoria? I hope anyone could!
not sure
It depends on how she talks to the jury. She has won more comps than him and survived the block several times.
Cody has won HOH twice, though. Victoria was part of a team when winning BotB twice (did her partner really do most of the work?), and she won veto only because Caleb chose to take cash instead of the win. It’s easier to shoot holes in what she did. Plus she’s really only survived being nominated because people think she’s very weak–not a point in her favor. I think the jury would have her for a snack, can’t really see her being able to make a strong case for herself.
are all delusional and think ‘THEY’ are the ones playing the best game, hahahaha!!!!!! Victoria thinks ‘I’m still here, I have played a great game’ not I am still here cause either I am easy to get out at any time, OR take me to the final 2 and get 500K for yourself, she really thinks if she makes it to the finals she has chance of winning, OR cody or Christine thinking that they stand a chance winning against either Donny or derrick, [or nichole] DELUSIONAL should have been the ‘alliance name’ lol
You’re prob right about that, but I don’t remember Cody winning HOH the first time. I’m sure everyone is right….it’s just all just a blur with that whole alliance for me. Was it in the beginning??
For most of the game I’ve thought that Victoria was least likely to win. I now that think title goes to Cody.
I agree…. need something to happen to make the remainder of the season worth watching. Some how create a special pov like they had before, to where it can be used even after the votes.
But Frankie can persuade the jurors that he won a lot of competitors then Frankie could win, I don’t think Cody knows how to persuade the jurors unless Derrick is teaching him what to say. So I hope they’ll really consider kicking queen Frankie out of the house. It
It’s funny bc on the feeds the other night Cody was talking to Caleb I think saying how it’s crazy that they actually have fans and can’t wait to see what people think about them….Cody, trust me bud, you def CAN wait. I’m not a huge fan of Derrick, but Derrick has manipulated a lot of people in the game. Cody….well you’re just derricks little puppet.
Derrick’s right. They need to get rid of Donny and Nicole first. One of them this week, the other next week if their alliance wins HOH then. Next week, if their target wins veto, they might consider Frankie as Plan B. But this week? Bad idea.
Everybody kept saying that last year about Amanda. It’s not the right time. Every week one of them went. Donny and Frankie have won more comps than anybody else in the house.
Since Amanda didn’t win last year, you’re not really making a case here. She didn’t even make final five. Frankie has to go sometime for Derrick or Cody to win, obviously, but it doesn’t have to be now. Why should they turn on their own alliance when they still have two non-alliance HGs to deal with?
Exactly. Alex you’re spot on. Get out Donny or Nicole this week, target the one who stays next week, and if they win the veto, THEN you take a shot at Frankie. Heck, even if Nicole stays this week and doesn’t win the veto next week, you could still take a shot at Frankie because he’s so dang good at the comps.
Frankie has made no indication that he’s coming after Cody or Derrick soon. Cody would be dumb to get out Frankie this week and leave two people in the house who he knows 100% are coming after him.
it makes for a boring season when there are no big moves.
My point was she got out members of her alliance and picked off members of the other alliance before she went. Frankie wins lots of comps which Amanda didn’t do.
That’s true, I dont like Derrick i know he needs the money as everyone else the fact the some one goes and play for charity is nice of them, at list i want to see frank and caleb till the end of the season…..
To put it simply as to why. Votes! Cody would have at least a vote from whoever comes off and another from Christine. Plus if Cody did it anyway I am sure Derrick would call in line or if not there’s caleb promise caleb f3 with him and Christine and he will fall in line
There are only 8 people left. Six of them are in an alliance. Time is running out and if you have the chance to make a big move you do it. You might not have that chance again. It’s not like it’s the first few weeks of the season. It’s the end of the season.
Yes, Ma’am, you are correct , and we are in for another failed HOH if Frankie or Derrick for that matter is not evicted this week.
Hey Karen, I’d really like to stay in contact with you outside of the blog. Are you on FB? If yes, please find and friend me. I’m Sharon.Frye.35@facebook.com. Reply back ASAP that you saw this message, so that I can delete it. I hate having my name or email posted, but if it was the only way I could think of to keep in touch. Whether you want to or not, we’ll still be friends in here. :) Just let me know! Thanks!
I am just learning to use a computer. I don’t text. I know. That’s bad. I bought the computer for my grandchildren and they started showing me a few things but I just recently had enough confidence to venture out a little. My husband isn’t thrilled because he thinks someone is going to use my info. We’re both just not in the know. Maybe after a little time and more experience I will become more confident. I do have an email but I don’t feel good about putting it on here. If you would like it, Captain555 has it and I would be happy for him to share it with you. Thanks for the interest, Redroses, it means a lot to me.
You’re welcome to email me. It’s redrosesdz@comcast.net I’m Sharon. Let me know when you see this, so I can erase it. Edit your message to “.” to delete it.
I’ll email you, Sharon, and thanks for letting me know how to delete. I never knew, but could have used that knowledge a few times.LOL..now I’m going to test it out.
It’s why I picked a post from 10 days ago. By the time anyone notices this conversation, it will be gone! :)
I’ll talk to you soon via email and in here. I’m watching BB Australia and trying to finish the episode before America’s Got Talent starts. LOL (By the way, BB AU is hilarious!)
You take your shot when it is there. Remember Judd and Helen last season? They kept saying week after week even when Amanda was handed to them on a silver platter that now, is not a good week to take her out. We all saw what happened Helen and Judd both got evicted, way before Amanda did! Amanda got evicted by Gina Marie only because those house guests are a lot smarter than this year’s bunch! That speaks volumes. If you do not, you will be the one going home because your target will now target you first! And if you are in the jury house—-you have already lost the game! No more 2nd chances from here on in!
If they keep waiting to make a big move time will be up and they will be sitting in jury. Derrick is targeting everyone he can’t use. He’s so paranoid about Nicole and knows she is closer to Cody so she has to go. Next it will be Christine over Frankie because Christine is closer to Cody. If Cody would grow a pair he would backdoor Frankie and play his own game. Frankie can win comps and who do you think Frankie will target as soon as Donny and Nicole are gone? CODY.
Exactly, whoever waits and waits will get evicted because the others will take you out the first chance they get while, you are deciding when to make your move! Counter argument is if you still have Donny and Nicole, you can use two votes to get someone out if you make your move! When those two house guests are gone, you are left on your own devices and luck. Now, whoever wins HOH can take you out and there will not be enough votes to save you! Obviously, the latter HOH and POV will matter more because they will decide who ends up in Final 2.
Uh, Cody can’t win HoH next week and unlikely Vic will so Derrick would have to be the boss to Plan B Frankie.
Helen says its too soon. Next week.
Derrick was the worst casting choice this year
You mean because nobody else is playing. IMO Frankie was the worst cast choice.
LMAO!! Derrick is a boss. Get out of here.
Derrick is the best cast choice. He is playing the best game. He is controlling and manipulating everyone. He deserves to be in the F2 and deserves to win. If the others are following him like sheep that’s on them.
If you’re speaking from the aspect of entertainment, I agree. He has virtually controlled everything which has resulted in a season of boring predictability. Imagine how different the entire season would have been if he had never been cast. Not one other person could you say that about.
if anything we need more people like him haha he’s been playing the best game all season
He’s playing the best game, and his strategy is working for hm. His character is not compelling and quite honestly, I find him boring. If he makes it to F2, he should win. The show would have been more entertaining without him though…that’s all I’m saying
As always I agree.
I think Cody needs to strap on a pair and stop being controlled by Derrick.
Frankie needs to win the next HoH and put derrick and victoria on tge block, caleb needs to win the veto and safe vic and put back cody and they have to send derrick home next week.
Not gonna happen
If Nicole goes this week and Cody can’t win HoH next week and it’s unlikely Victoria will, what does Derrick think will happen? That he will control Donny and Get Frankie to put up Donny against Christine so Der, Cody, Vic can evict Christine (since Donny’s alone) leaving Frankie with just Caleb to rely on to keep him safe the following week?
Where’s the solitary confinement punishment when you need it? Derrick needs a “time-out” IMO.
Agreed – Would be very interesting too see what the other house guests would do with Derrick out of the picture for 24 hrs – Last I checked Big Brother was being produced for entertainment value – Producers need to do something to shake things up and bring the heat again
Well entertain the hell out of me and send Frankie and Derrick home
Now that would be entertaining. Lol
It’s the right call. Donny and Christine pose a more immediate threat to Derrick’s game than Frankie
(Psst… Donny and Nicole, but I know what you mean.) Totally right, by far the best move right now.
Good catch
What do they mean, “not now”? You are half-way into the game and getting Frankie out is a huge move. If he turned on his best friend, then he will turn on others eventually and they are going to have to start doing that. I get that Frankie is not immediately targeting them, but it’s better to do that than to wait until Frankie wins more competitions and eventually gets them out. For their game, Donny and Nicole together is not a good thing, but Cody has no mind of his own, neither does Christine or Victoria. Last week, Frankie didn’t either. But let’s say Donny or Nicole wins POV and Cody puts up Frankie or Christine (maybe not Christine because she is the closest to him and Victoria won’t go up there because Derrick wants to keep her and I don’t know about Caleb). Do you think the house is more obligated to send Frankie out over Donny or Nicole?
They need to consider getting Frankie out soon, he has proven to be a good competitor whether physical or not. Don’t like him but he could win this season if the jurors based it on who won the most competitions.
If Donny or Nicole win POV and pull themselves off the block then Cody should put Derrick up for his insulting comment of “Ohh, you’re talking big boy moves!” Can’t Cody see how belittling that comment was. Derrick was basically saying he is thinking beyond his capabilities
NoBalls would only see that as belittling if it came from Donny.
Hoping Vic’s tooth problem sends her home due to “unforeseen medical problems”, and that eliminates the need for an eviction this week….Derrick needs to keep trying to convince her that she shouldn’t participate in the POV, then she can go to the diary room and explain she is too ill to compete in the POV and maybe they will remove her from the house….would be the first time Derrick’s “managing of the Minions” backfired.
Cody should back door Frankie………………..continuously !
You’re bad! But they both would like that.
Derrick’s game, to me at least, is a combination of Dan’s mist and Dr. Will’s mind games. As much as I hate to say it…he deserves to win
agree, except playing “mind” games with the mindless isn’t really a difficult task….sadly, because of the casting this year, he may not get the credit he deserves….although, maybe if they had cast a different crew, (people with brains), he may not have had the success he is having….
If they do another All-Stars season (which they should) I am really hoping they put Derrick and Dan in the same house. That would be interesting…
Dan has indicated that he won’t be playing again, hopefully he does though!
That would be great but the players would already know Derrick is a cop and how good he manipulates people.
Derrick would be the first to go.
Not necessarily. When Dan came back in season 14 he made it to Final 2! Dr. Will made it to final 4 in the all star season. Both of them were already winners in their previous season and everyone knew it. What people are forgetting is that Derrick, like Dan, makes people feel that they can trust him.
But if Derprick came back every time he tried to talk game with someone they would immediately say NARC!
I read this and I get so aggravated…just give Derrick the money now and call it done. The “big boy move” comment was insulting to Cody..but, he deserves it with the way he has been treating Donny lately. Somebody please make a move soon!!!
I stop watching the show, tell me when Derrick wins. FCK YOU PRODUCTION!
If Cody were to make a move like that, I’d give him props. It blows my mind that one day they are gunning for Frankie to go, and then Frankie reveals their secret and it seems like everyone is his friend again. I think it bugged Cody the most about Frankie’s secret so why not take a shot at him again? I feel Donny and Nicole would be a better Ally for Cody than Frankie and Caleb. But it would mess with Derricks game because Donny is on to Derrick.
Bring back the coup d’état! I was happy when Jeff got it because he spilt a power couple.
That was the moment when America’s vote never got wasted! We need that this season.
Victoria is on floor in BH Nicole yells for help and Derrick runs to help
feeds go to fish
wow wonder if it has anything to do with her ‘tooth’ problem?
if she has to leave does that mean no eviction this week?
we can hope??
well who is going to miss Victorialol
I so hope VapidVic has to go out due to medical and then to the jury house. She would be much happier and if they cancelled the eviction this week the rest of the house would be sucking up to Donny/Nic in case one of them won HOH Thursday. That would be fun to see. Ratine would sh!t herself!
I just love the nicknames in here hope the HG gets to see what they are called and would love to be a fly on the wall to see their reaction lmao
Derprick is a big Jokers fan. When he reads what they are calling him over there he will not be happy.
Derprick OMG I am dying with laughter and what do they call him there?
I don’t use that kind of language on this board out of respect for Matt.
off course I understand I’ll go to the site and check
ok so last year the behaviour of the HG I did not like racial slurs personal attacks it was just bad and this year I just dislike some of this people Cody should be gone since he treathens bodily arm on Donny Christine gone because helped the other people on the BOTB competition why does BB have rules that they do not practice?
After Christine gave Caleb the bone in the BotB competition they told her she couldn’t do that and they made Caleb put the bone back. Funny how editing seemed to have left this bit out, tricking the viewers into thinking Donny overcame even more obstacles than he already did. Don’t get me wrong. Donny won that competition fair and square, but the bone Christine gave to Caleb was not used, despite what the editors made us think on the live show.
also, I think that bone Christine gave Caleb was not even a good bone! so even if they did allow it to be used, it wouldn’t of worked!
But on the tv show it looked like Donny pulled out an amazing win (which he did, rightfully) against THREE competitors instead of just Caleb and Cody holding hands the whole time.
Since this wasn’t on the live feeds are you sure you saw this? How? Also she gave Caleb a bone with the XXX on it and it did not fit so unless I’m remembering wrong (very possible) Caleb tried to get the bone Christine gave him to fit…
The houseguests talked about it after the competition. It was very clear that production didn’t allow Caleb to use the bone Christine gave him. Whether production told Christine in her ear piece or on the loud speakers is unclear. But the edit was intentionally manipulative.
How did production tell her she couldn’t do that? Open mikes or ear piece?
It wasn’t clear, as we of course didn’t get to see the competition taking place, but it sounds like all the houseguests knew about it.
wow wonder if it has anything to do with her ‘tooth’ problem?
probably constipation…….
Okay I usually don’t wish anyone ill health but if VapidVic has to go to the doctor/oral surgeon then BB should sent her straight to jury and wipe the noms. That would mean both Donny and Nic would be safe for the week and it would drive the others INSANE! Can you imagine how they would have to start sucking up to Donny/Nic for the rest of the week just in case one of them won HOH?
Oh please take VapidVic for medical care and then to the jury. She would be much healthier and happier and we might still have a chance for a game.
As much as I don’t like Victoria, I sincerely hope that she isn’t dealing with an impacted wisdom tooth. They are extremely painful. I had 4 at once. I don’t wish that kind of pain on anyone.
(I’m not implying that you do. I read your post as that you don’t want her to be in pain, either. I just didn’t have another good spot to post my thought.)
I am hoping that she doesn’t return, too!
I don’t wish pain on her…I’m not Zach. But she is already in extreme pain and if she has to have surgery she shouldn’t be back in the house but the jury house would allow her to recover and get any follow up needed. And would allow production to save Nic/Donny and make everyone else crazy.
Unfortunately, at this point, with them being so close to finale night, these HGs do need to start thinking long term WITHOUT losing hindsight of where they are in the game now. In order to win, they need to convince the jury that they’re worthy of the crown. Making big moves does have the power to sway the jury. The way Cody’s been going, he’s playing for second place unless he’s sitting next to Victoria. Pretty much everyone else would beat him right now.
Which just goes to show how good Derrick really is. Cody may have been starting to realize that, but Derrick nipped it in the bud. So now, Cody is back to basically second place and one of the two best choices to take to the finale.
Derprick and Ratine were eating and talking jury this morning. They agreed it would be a bitter jury and Ratine says everyone in there hates her.
12:18 BBT Rock Room. Ratine has left the HOH and has the covers up and is rocking away…ewwwwww.
That is gross. Even grosser is if you read your comment and James’ comment directly below together.
Cody needs to man up and play his own game.
ok on another site they are saying that if vapidvick leaves it could be like when Chima left there was no eviction that week or they could be bringing back Zack and go on as is
Donny and Derprick just has a convo in the SR. Donny said TA mission this week was to come up with their own mission and complete it by veto meeting and America would decide if it was good enough and if they completed it. I don’t know if he made this up–pretty good lie if he did. And of course Derprick jumped on the idea. Donny then talked about the mission could be saving him. Maybe Derprick and Fakie could not throw the POV but not come out guns blazing, etc. They have to talk to Fakie when he wakes up.
I wish America could have had the opportunity to give Donny the Coup d’Etat, to take himself and Nicole off the block and place Derrick and Frankie on. How sweet would that have been !!!
Since they extended the season one week if VapidVic is out they would need to do one of two things. Either bring back another jury member or cancel this weeks eviction.
yes that’s what I posted they were speculating that on another site and somebody said on twitter to I don’t do twitter so I don’t know
Derrick can tell Cody to jump off a bridge and pretty boy would do it. IF Cody had a brain and IF Cody has balls he would put up Derrick and get him out of the house so they all would have a shot at the $$$$.
If Victoria does not come back, maybe it will count as this week’s eviction as in Survivor.
Mr. Manipulator really lucked out. He was put in a house with so many people who don’t seem to have the ability to think for themselves. It’s been quite interesting to watch him at work. lol I can’t wait until they all find out what his REAL occupation is back home.
It seems that Cody may have won the POV….DAM DAM DAAAAMMM
I think that Cody needs to start playing and thinking for himself. When will they realize that Derick is making all the decisions. probably on finale night when Derrick says it and wins.
I would like to be a fly on the wall at each alliance members learning they lost and didn’t win because they were to stupid to listen to Donny about Derrick.
A bunch of idiots this year. If, Donny or Nicole doesn’t make it to the end; Derrick should win because none of the rest have any brains to make a decision on their own.
These idiots seems to be perfectly fine with Derrick running things and going all the way to the end to win $500k.