Big Brother 16 HGs Breakout Bikinis & Bods [PICS]

The backyard was finally opened up again for the Big Brother 16 HGs last night and they were quick to put it to good use today. With beautiful weather as usual, HGs hung out by the pool and took a break from the game to enjoy some sun.

Big Brother 16 HGs Joey & Frankie
Big Brother 16 HGs Joey & Frankie – Source: Big Brother Feeds

With competitions wrapped up for the week with PoV yesterday (Veto spoilers here) and the Veto Ceremony days away everyone took the afternoon off and focused on relaxing and building alliances with the Sun instead. It was a nice change of pace, but probably won’t last long.

Here are a few pictures from the Live Feeds as the HGs hung out in the backyard. Doesn’t look like such a bad place to spend the afternoon! Click the little thumbnails to see them in full view.

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  1. Matt!!! All hell is about to break loose in the house…need your updates! I just heard Joey made a house announcement that everyone needs to go to Caleb and tell them who they want on the block otherwise he’ll just put up who he wants and say it was what the house wants. House announcements always get things moving so we need your updates!!

    • Matt does an excellent job. Joey did make that announcement and has been going around talking to people. Problem is she should have kept her mouth shut because everyone agrees she just put the focus on her. Yes she was already going to be the nom, but we all know that can change. By opening her mouth she double her chance of being the nom. That’s just my opinion.

      • History would tend to agree with you Brenda. I think it also depends on how much time is in between the meeting and the renom ceremony. The longer the time gap, the more people will ”overplay” and keep changing their minds because they think they’ve discovered a better strategy (which in most cases ends up being a worse strategy). ;)

      • My goodness. The moment Joey started talking to Devin at the living room and starting dropping bombs from her mouth, my jaws dropped thinking “What the hell are you doing, Joey?!”.

        I know she’s aware that her is being tossed up and she’s mentally prepped if her name gets called but she doesn’t have to push the subject, especially to the HOH himself. My goodness.

        I thought production had her watched past seasons to get herself oriented to how it works?

        On the one-hand, Caleb is screwed anyway.

      • Awww man, wish I had the live feeds so I could agree on the craziness of what you just said… Sounds nutso.

      • Matt does an excellent job Brenda which is why I sent up my Bat Signal for him. And I agree with Matt S that it depends on the timing. As far as I know the POV is on Monday so that gives the rest of Sat and all of Sun. She’s been repeatedly told that she was going up and home because it’s what the house wants so why not go for it and shake things up. I hear already Devin and Caleb are going around lying about what Joey has said. If nothing else all the girls are afraid because they know none of the guys are in danger. That is something that can come back and bite the guys in the butt if/when a girl is HOH.

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