Big Brother 16 Debuts ‘Beast Mode Adam & Princess Eve’ [PICS]

As part of Friday’s Battle of the Block competition Big Brother 16 HGs Caleb Reynolds and Victoria Rafaeli received a new, but familiar punishment much to the entertainment of their fellow HGs and the viewing Feedsters.

Caleb & Victoria wearing a new costume
Caleb & Victoria wearing a new costume – Source: CBS

To gain an advantage in Friday’s competition Caleb & Victoria decided to take on the punishment of being tethered and wearing an “Adam & Eve” costume for 48-hours. Caleb wasted no time “improving” on the costume’s name by dubbing themselves “Beast Mode Adam & Princess Eve.”

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 7:18PM BBT 8/1 (Free Trial) to find Caleb and Victoria arriving from the Diary Room dressed in their new clothes. Victoria is immediately concerned that she can not wear any shoes with her outfit. Caleb describes how they had to change in the DR and both were worried that production was standing behind the mirrors watching them get naked.

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Caleb and Victoria must remain tethered at all times even for showers and going to the bathroom. When one goes in to DR the other has to stand outside while hooked to the door. Caleb was stuck hanging out there for about forty-five minutes at one point last night. It’s going to be a long weekend for those two, but you know they’ll love the attention.

What do you think of Victoria and Caleb dressed up in their costumes? Good luck or not?



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  1. I think it is great. These two deserve each other. Caleb is an embarrassment to the state of Kentucky.

  2. Well now Caleb can get even more attention. Perfect pair to be tied together. They deserve each other v

  3. From a purely eye candy standpoint this is infinitely preferable to Zach and Jocasta.

  4. Caleb is Smoking Hot!! He’s the reason I watch the show thank you so much big brother!!!

    • yeah he’s the type that would be hot in bed as long as you kept the duct tape over his mouth.

  5. I think they’ve decided to sleep for the next 48 hours so they just don’t have to deal with each other.

  6. Did you notice Caleb looks at himself in the mirrors as much as Victoria does? rofl They are two narcissist in a pod!!

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 16: Caleb Reynolds Goes Bald For Punishment [PICS] | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother Caleb In His ‘Adam’ Outfit Leaves Little To Imagination « 103.7 KVIL

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