CBS has released the Big Brother 16 application for online submissions to the 2014 summer season of their reality TV series. Having previously confirmed their commitment to Big Brother with a renewal announcement last month the next step for BB16 became pulling together a new cast of Houseguests. Kassting Inc. is ready for that challenge.
Many frustrated viewers called for a change of casting control following this past season’s HGs’ disappointing behavior, but after many years of success CBS wasn’t ready to call it quits on Robyn Kass and Kassting Inc. just yet. In a message to a Big Brother 16 hopeful Kass said via Twitter they would be releasing casting event details in the spring, but wouldn’t be working on the new season’s search process until 2014.
For those hopefuls who don’t want to wait that long or potentially travel a long distance to an open casting call event, CBS has reopened the online applications for immediate submissions. CBS notes, “These are reviewed as we receive them and considered for the season that we are casting at the time.”
Per the usual requirements, applicants must be 21 years of age at the time of submission and a US citizen. BB16 hopefuls considering both submitting an online application and attending a spring casting event should keep in mind that this would be completely unnecessary and redundant. Pick one option or the other based on what you would find most comfortable. Check out Big Brother’s own Matt Hoffman’s detailed guide, “How a Regular Dude Can Get Cast on Big Brother” for more info on becoming part of the next season’s cast. His plan is completely free and very thorough.
No deadline has been announced yet, but CBS indicates callbacks will be held during April and June 2014. Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email updates to get the latest Big Brother 16 casting information sent directly to you.
Big Brother sucks!!!…just another MTV realworld for hipsters..