Big Brother 15 Week 4 Player Rankings


It was an interesting week in the Big Brother 15 house. And by interesting I mean almost no one deserves to be on the list of top players. That’s because every time someone made a good move, they’d make a terrible move to cancel out the good move. So this week’s player rankings list is going to be interesting. So let’s get to it.

Big Brother 15 Week 4 Player Rankings 

1. America. Yes, you are No. 1 this week. Simply because you “overwhelmingly” voted Aaryn as this week’s MVP nominee. Of course Judd nominated her, so America’s No. 2 pick – Elissa – went up. Which still baffles me. Does Elissa have just slightly few haters than she does fans? Because you guys voted her MVP three other times. Or were you really just confused as to what you were voting for. Maybe you really don’t deserve to be No. 1, America!

2. Aaryn. This is very painful to admit, but Aaryn is the only player who didn’t cancel out any good moves she made. She made all the right deals and threw all the right people under the bus to go from public enemy No. 1 to safe (and coincidentally the Week 5 Head of Household). I’m a credit where credit is due kind of guy. And while I’d love to put Aaryn in last place for all the things she’s said, I just can’t.

3. Judd. I’m a Judd fan, but technically he doesn’t deserve to be in this spot, but no one else does either. Not only did Judd not even mean to win HOH, he was instrumental in getting Kaitlin out this week instead of Aaryn. And he ruined America’s MVP vote by nominating Aaryn! But he did nominate her as she deserved, so I guess No. 3 is OK for Judd this week.

4. Andy. Because Andy is a great liar and managed to keep Kaitlin in the dark. That sucks for Kaitlin, but it shows Andy is more than just a conversation spoiler.

5. Elissa. She should be higher for winning the veto and getting herself off the block. But she went crazy during the house meeting and turned her whole alliance against her. They were all ready to evict her right then and there. Not a good move.

The Rest

6. Jessie. She’s getting much better at the game.

7. Helen. She had a curfew and gave our ears a rest a few nights on the Live Feeds.

8. Amanda. She managed to take over yet another HOH room.

9. Candice. She slept a lot and laid around on “Howie” a lot

10. Howard. He tried to form more horrible alliances with Spencer.

11. McCrae. He’s not Spencer or GinaMarie. There’s that.

12. Spencer. *See Howard

13. GinaMarie. Yeah. GM will basically always be last on the list, aside from the evictee.

14. Kaitlin. She was evicted. Enough said.



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  1. When will the house finally realize how pushy Amanda is? She wants to play everyone else’s game and then go and “lay up” with McPizza. Ridiculous! In the words of Judd the Stud ” Amanda, if you want to be HOH then win one for yourself!” I can’t stand this loud mouthed woman!

    • Agreed Amanda is the pits. She stays in the HOH bed more than the HOH! McCrae seems like a nice guy. I just hope he realizes what he’s dealing with.

      • Helen is getting annoying. I’m almost to the point where I can’t stand her already. She talks too freaking much! Just shut up already!!

    • so you dont like amanda because she attempts to manipulate people, in a game your supposed to manipulate people? wah?

  2. I think Aaryn needs a break. I don’t agree with what she did or what she said but she has changed enough for Candice to want to work with her now so America needs to stop being mean to her and just wait until she’s out and see if she apologizes for anything.

    • I disagree. Candice and Howard are in there to win the money, so they would work with a KKK member (which Aaryn may or may not be). However he being quiet does not mean she is any less of a racist, she’s just a quieter one.

      • True. She didn’t chamfw because she wanted to…she changed because she saw how being mean was landing her in danger. She isn’t genuine at all.

      • Thank God, no! But I’m not blind, deaf or dumb…so that’s pretty much how I know.

    • I don’t think she needs a break. I hope America keeps on being mean to her. Any apology will be a straight lie. If she felt remorse she would be feeling it already not after being evicted and seeing how America reacted.

      • What about Spencer and GM that make racist remarks everyday? Why is nobody bitching about them? They are 10 times worse then Aaryn. At least Aaryn is trying to act better.

      • I think you and I are the only ones who see it the same way. As of now I have not seen one HG that hasn’t made some sort of comment that is either racist or derogatory to women. I take that back I have not heard Howard say anything. The only one who continues to get blamed as being the only guilty party is Aaryn.

    • I kind of agree, I don’t agree with how far everyone’s meanness has gotten, I feel like it’s just too horrible, and I myself am an ethnic minority, I think some people are taking it too far, she does deserve a level of punishment and backlash from the viewers but it shouldn’t be so bad that it might drive her into depression or something cos I’m pretty sure that’s what would happen to me if I kept reading about people calling me Aryan or KKK and all that, and no one even giving you a chance. I don’t even think she’s hugely racist, I just think she’s incredibly mean-spirited and then really ignorant about racial stuff.

      • I have trouble believing that in this day and age that someone can be blind to the racial comments that they make. I for one think that she is just a mean girl and a spoiled brat and has gotten away with it for far to long. There is consequences for your actions and words. I know of a six yrs old little boy who was suspended for just saying that his teacher was cute. What is the difference? A child or a grown woman?

      • So you approve of Spencer and GM. They talk that way everyday. At least Aaryn is trying to change that’s more than I can say about Spencer and GM.

      • Is her change genuine or is it strictly about the money… & no doubt, they are all there for the money so I don’t fault her. However let’s not pretend that this is something that didn’t happen because Amanda stayed in her ear about racial comments made, also Jeremy (her bullying partner) being kicked out & DR questions suggesting…in her opinion… she looked like a bigot to America. Change only counts if it is genuine, not for games sake. BTW, no one is excusing away anyone’s bigotry, including the lovely Amanda who has made her share. We know & it’s all inexcusable. Main topic is Aaryn because she managed to stay & make HOH after it all.

      • Or how about when she called Candice….. Shaniqua I hope I spelt that right lol! I think Aaron’s only being nicer now is because most of her alliance got evicted

    • Aaryn is the awful girl she is because people like you always want to give her a break!
      It’s not so much that Aaryn is a racist, she’s a racist with no integrity! She lies when people point out her racist crap and refuses to act like an adult. She’s lucky she has one more week of safety (HOH). However, no one in the house will forget what she is, a petty racist, bigot.

      • I think America is more concerned with Aaryn then the HGs are. I am by no means condoning what Aaryn said, but each and every person who had something said against them voted to keep Aaryn in. They used the excuse that Kaitlin was more of a physical threat. Just because she won 1 POV and came close on a couple of HOH comps. They saw what the comp. was going to be and it was anyone’s game. Just as I thought would happen did happen and Aaryn won. So for that reason alone I say that these HGs already forgot what she said to them just by their actions. They are more interested in winning the money.

      • Howard, Candice and Elissa have not forgotten about the racial slurs. They didn’t vote to evict Aryan, because it would have been pointless. The other hgs had the votes needed to evict Kaitlin.

      • Just before the show Elissa tried to get the house to flip and they still didn’t. What about the rice comment made to Helen? Helen overlooked it enough to make a deal with Aaryn and they have no intentions of voting Aaryn out next. I remember Shelly and how America hated her and went on a rampage. Granted it was not racial, but she was hated and her family was threatened. After all was said and done it was forgotten and Jeff and Jordan are great friends with Shelly and her husband. As of early this morning Candace was going to try and make a deal with Aaryn herself. She was going to make her a special breakfast of all her favorites. Again, not condoning the remarks, but the HGs are willing to overlook what was said to make deals. They don’t have to see Aaryn again after this game if they don’t want to.

      • Howard has his eyes on the prize. I believe Howard told Candice that she needs to try to work with Aryan. Candice did not want to do it, though. Candice and Howard are willing to put their pride aside (something that I would not be able to do), in order to win the big money. Howard knows that it is a good possibility that he might be leaving next week. So, they (Howard and Candice) have decided to do whatever they need to do, in order to keep each other safe.

      • Actually it was Candace and she spilled the beans about everything to Aaryn. Not that it worked, but now Aaryn knows everything. She then went back to Howard and told him what she did. He wasn’t to happy, but was going to talk to Aaryn, but she wasn’t there. Candace said she will probably get back doored, but she doesn’t care because she has a beautiful life at home. Please don’t think I condone these remarks at all because I don’t. I don’t condone a lot of things that this crew has said and it’s not all racist. So many remarks have been made against women that are degrading. I don’t think there is a HG in this cast that have not said something. Even Judd and Andy.

      • As I mentioned in one of my earlier remarks, Candice has been the epitome of grace under pressure with all that she has endured…. even with her consoling GM moments after the mattress flipping incident when GM got in her face yelling ‘Do you want the black to come out’. GM was laying on couch crying over Nick/Jeremy when Candice walked over rubbing her back & reassuring her that things would get better. Again, this is who Candice is…. make no mistake, it has absolutely nothing to do with Aaryns supposed ‘redemption’ as one poster put it.

      • I think you have it all wrong. The HGs are inside the house playing the game. They have to do whatever it takes to stay in the game and try and win. That does not mean that they have forgotten what Aaryn is. She’s a racist and a bigot. Just because it’s not in the HGs best interest to get rid of Aaryn does not mean they have forgiven and forgotten what she said.

      • Thopper14 every single one of these HGs have said things that are not only racist, but degrading to all women. That is why I could never play this game especially with this cast. I would have self evicted. $500,000 isn’t worth it to me and no I am not rich. I have worked very hard all my life and will continue to do so. I was not born with money and will never be rich. I can live with that. That is just me and my opinion.

      • Not every single one… not at all. Please don’t excuse away this girls actions. I’m not implying that she is the antichrist, but this girl is a bigot through & through. Time will only tell if this experience will have changed her for the better. Right now she’s piped down due to Jeremy…her bullying partner…being gone & DR questions suggesting she may look like a bigot to America.

      • They haven’t forgotten… these are the same people who sat by & said nothing and/or laughed when comments were made, so no…. they have nOt forgotten. They are just more concerned about winning the money… & I don’t fault them, I just don’t agree.

      • So how come you just mentioning her? She’s been trying to change but Spencer or GM haven’t. But it’s ok for them. NOT

      • If you folow the string I responded to a poster who suggested “Aaryn needs a break.” I never suggested that what Spencer and GM say is OK. As a matter of fact I posted earlier that GM is likely to be suprsied at the reaction to her antics when she gets back to the Tri-state area. Although Staten Island is not the most inclusive section of NYC it’s still a part of NYC! Not only is GM a bigot, she’s ignorant with no grasp of the English language. Alternatively, Spencer has HICK written all over his face. I’m not certain that anyone would expect anything less from him. Moreover, he’d throw Howard under the bus in a hot second if necessary. That’s likely why he was chosen as a HG. This season is rife with shady HG. Take your pick.

    • Right now, I feel absolutely no sympathy for Aryan. However, if she were to give a sincere apology to Howard, Candice, and American, I might feel differently.

      • I’m with you, no sympathy. Again last night she made a comment about the black fish. Leopard don’t change their spot. Let just hope she’s evicted next week. They certainly won’t be able to say she is no threat now that she won another HOH.

      • Well, the good thing about Aryan winning HOH this week, is that she can’t win next week. Also, Aryan would be a fool to keep Elissa safe this week. I hope she does, though.

      • She was making a joke. Give me a break. Now everyone is going to twist and scrutinize every word that she says. And it wasn’t a racist comment.

      • You are right Lavendargirl she even said she was joking. Didn’t people hear Kaitlin when she was evicted and Julie brought it up and how surprised she was and said: “really guys?” She admitted that the house as a whole might be a bad influence, but my impression was that they all do it and that one may feed off the other. JMO, but Spencer would have caused me to self evict.

      • Oh yea, some joke. In her head she was making fun of production because they remove the black fish, making fun of the fact they think she a racist (they probably told her in DR). To me, that just show that she still doesn’t get it. She is still clueless.

    • I agree. Like I’ve said numerous times I am willing to give people a second chance and forgive. She has been so much better and we’ll just have to see if she continues to behave this way. Nobody says a friggin word about Spencer and GM and they talk racist/filth every single day. But all anyone talks about is Aaryn. People need to get over it.

      • Remember cbs does an awesome editing job. Thats probably why you feel this way. The live feeds paint a different picture. As soon as Aaryn got her hoh key, she made a racist comment as soon as she walked through the door.

      • Also it’s people like you saying she made a racist comment when she didn’t making the entire situation worse then it is.

    • I don’t believe she’s made a genuine change… after her partner-in-crime Jeremy was kicked out & DR questions suggested she looked like a bigot to America… not to mention Amanda telling her so…. she calmed down. Said she was going to play nice with these people though it was extremely hard for her to do so. Candice’s willingness to work with Aaryn isn’t a shocker…. for as annoying as she/they can be, both Candice and Howard have been the epitome of Grace under Pressure. After the bed flipping incident & GM got in her face asking if she wanted ‘the black to come out’, Candice still, only 15 or so minutes later, consoled a grieving (not due to incident) GM by rubbing her back & reassuring her that things would get better. There are several other incidents to mention because this is just who Candice is as a person.

      • I wonder if they will let her vent in the finale. She certainly would deserve it. Go ahead girl, have your day.

    • She won’t. when other houseguest told her she needed to apologize she said “for what! I haven’t said or done anything wrong”. She believes that.

  3. Simple math on the Elissa MVP nomination. If Aaryn was “overwhelmingly” number 1, her percentage of votes would be quite high. Say she got 75% of the vote (not an unreasonable number IMO). Then, with the remaining 25% being split among 13 players, as little as 3% of the vote may have been enough to finish as number 2. It’s not hard to imagine a few extra votes going Elissa’s way from the Brenchel-haters, so it’s actually really easy to see how she could finish second with relatively few votes.

  4. okay – here’s my thought – as horrible as Aaryn is – wouldn’t you want to keep her in the game for the F2 to win it? Nobody is going to vote for her to win, so you want her in the game and next to you at the end. And someone please wake up and break up Amanda and McCrae – one of them have to go home – preferably Amanda – she does nothing but run her mouth.

  5. I think now I would like to see Amanda and Helen go home before anyone else. Helen thinks she is the boss and everyone is going to do exactly what she says, and Amanda she is just annoying! I hope Judd wins the game.

  6. Just saying Aaryn has won more comps than any1: 2 hoh’s every have not comp… and they still don’t think she’s a threat?

      • Doubt it everyone is much more concerned with gettiing out howard, amanda, or ellisa

      • They will still be concerned by whichever of the two is left and aaryn is perfect final 2 goat

      • Mike I agree and you summed it up nice and short. I went the long route, but we see it the same way.

      • Captain555 On the live feeds Candace told Aaryn she was going to make all her favorites for breakfast and she was in there this morning trying to make a deal. She was spilling everything that happened from the time that David got evicted until this HOH. She is telling her about all the lies that everyone has said. She wanted to make a deal with Aaryn for herself and Howard.. Aaryn told her how she needs to get to Helen and Elissa that she made a deal with them for getting to stay.. And that basically it is their decision… The truth is that she made deals with both Helen and Amanda, but will blame it on Helen and Elissa and leave Amanda out of it since Amanda and McCrae have a deal with her as well. She plans on saying that Helen and Elissa are responsible for her noms, not her so she escapes getting the blame. After Candace left she told Howard that she told Aaryn everything and as a result will probably be put up on the block, but she doesn’t care because she has a beautiful life outside the game. Long way around saying that I don’t think Aaryn will be leaving next week. Of course everything changes day by day with this crew or should I say minute by minute. lol

  7. I am glad that Aaryn stayed, as I have hopes that she will have time to redeem herself a little. I absolutely don’t agree with what she said but don’t wish for anyone’s life to be ruined. I pray that this experience opens her eyes to the hatred that spewed out of her mouth and out of others as well.

    • She’ll be fake enough to try to win the $500,000, that’s for sure, but redeeming oneself should come from a place of genuineness, IMHO. Just because you finally decide to play nice after your crew starts dropping like flies & DR questions suggest you look like a bigot to America doesn’t mean you’re redeeming yourself… however, I understand your point.

  8. I accidentally voted for Elissa I thought we were voting for MVP how do I change my vote!

  9. If Elissa has say 30% of the fan base, when they voted her MVP 30% of the people may have voted for her, while the other 70% would have split between many people. But when putting someone up those 30% would have voted Aaryn and the 70% would have voted for either Aaryn or Elissa pretty much .. That’s why she is up. “America” didn’t really do anything unexpected!

  10. I agree with almost all your rankings. But America never should of got the #1 spot. They all knew that Aaryn would be nominated so how stupid to waste all their votes on Aaryn.

  11. Love it! U got some good points. I like the Howard/Spencer theory. I was cracking up laughing. So true about Amanda. Lol. You tell em like it is! I agree with you 100%!

  12. I’m so sick of watching Amanda and Cray Cray lying down in every freaking room! It’s so annoying. BB after dark sucks. Amanda needs to go. They need to split from each other. She should leave this week.

      • She got my vote to go. I would like to see Aaryn put up Andy and Elissa, then America put up Amanda. If none of them come off the block the house could vote out Amanda because Andy is one of her votes. Howard, Candace, Spencer and GM would vote for her. So would Helen. That would leave McCrae, Jessie and Judd to vote for Elissa. Or they could have a 4 to 4 and make Aaryn get the blood on her hands.

  13. Jessie is ranked 6th because her game is getting better? I guess you count her latching onto Judd. Jessie should be last in the BB rankings because she has no game play. Candice then McCrae next on the bottom of rankings. I am very disappointed in McCrae. He had potential in the beginning, but he got caught up in his own showmance and now Amanda is leading him around.

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