Big Brother 15 – America Remains BBMVP In Week 5

Big Brother 15 MVP

For the second straight week, America will be acting as the Big Brother MVP and voting to nominate a third Houseguest. This could be the new trend for the season twist at least until Elissa is evicted. I guess production grew tired of handing the power over to the same person week after week.

Voting is open now at and will close tonight at 6PM PT (9PM ET) so you won’t want to wait too much longer. The official nominations likely won’t be revealed until after the voting has closed so if you are waiting for those details before voting then you will probably miss your chance to vote. Currently Aaryn is suggesting she’ll nominate Howard & Spencer, so adjust your voting plans accordingly.

A few reminders on how the voting works for BBMVP. The HoH can not be nominated. If you vote for Aaryn then your votes are basically tossed in the trash. Similarly, the HoH’s nominees can not be nominated for MVP either. If your vote target ends up nominated then those votes are also discarded. Production will go down the list to find the next available HGs in the results who is neither HoH nor nominated to name this week’s 3rd nomination.

So who do you want to become this week’s MVP nominated HG? Vote in our poll and share your thoughts below! Don’t forget to vote at before the polls close tonight.



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    • Looks like murica doesnt like amanda give the girl a break send some1 who deserves it like crazy ass mean girl elissa shes so fake & makes me sick everytime she opens her mouth…& 2 think i was rootin 4 her in th beginning not now send her packin already then the game wont b so predictable stupid muricains

      • I liked Amanda at first, but she’s been acting more and more each day like those mean girls. i hope snd good on The block and gets a reality check.

      • Do you watch the feeds? Probably not cause then you would know Amanda was acting. She said so after her crying scene. Don’t believe everything CBS edits. Amanda is as bad as Aaryn and now she’s rooting for her.

  1. Amanda needs to go. I don’t understand why she has been rallying for Howard or why he is such a threat. he hasn’t won anything to prove her theory and he isn’t really gunning for her or McCrae… Just Elissa and Helen.

    • Helen has become too cocky..,,.she should be the next to go. She thinks that shes running the house these days. She might not be good at comps but she is good at questions, etc. Honestly, I don’t think that any one person in that house is a big threat!!

    • Howard hasn’t won because he hasn’t tried. Anyone who lies on the Bible in a game doesn’t deserve to be there. While I really don’t want Amanda to win, she has played the best game. But, if she ends up on the block, she will probably go.

      • Howard exemplifies the dangers of being known as the deeply religious person in the house. If the others lie and are duplicitous it is considered less of an issue. However if Howard lies it is seen as being blasphemous. I’d say his problem isn’t lying but that he hasn’t played the social angle the way some of the others are. He sticks nearby Spencer and Candice. Any other deal he has tried to make has gone sour quickly.

      • So he says, but Big muscles do not necessarily mean he can win competitions. We have no idea if he is any good at BB comps.

      • Exactly, from what I recall, he only threw one competition. He failed the normal way with the rest. LMAO.

    • Amanda knows who Howard is. Howard is related to one of the smartest players of all time. And the way Howard acts (with a calm and collected attitude) Amanda knows he is the biggest threat in the game.

      • Amanda thinks Howard is related to Danielle from season 3. Don’t know if it is true or not… But I for one still think he is huge threat. Even if he hasn’t won a competition yet

      • Amanda should just worry about her own fail actor wanna-be ass. Howard doesn’t do anything in that house, doesn’t bother anyone, keeps to himself…the bitch is just mad cus he’s not a fan of her’s. Not that he should be a fan…she looks like a linebacker.

    • Howard and Spencer are absolutely looking to get Amanda out of the house. She is their #1 target. Howard has even convinced Candice to target her too. That’s why Amanda wants Howard out. She has known she is Howard’s target for a couple of weeks.

      • She was only targeted cus of McCrae. She used her mangina to control him cus he doesn’t get mangina in real life. If he knew how to control his cum bucket, she wouldnt be a target.

    • It would be great to see Amanda on the block just to stir things up and maybe go home.

      • I think she demonstrated her fakeness and meanness when she said what she said about Amanda the night she dressed up in her one piece bathing suit for McCrae’s birthday party. She has to remember her own sister Rachel and Rachel’s actions during her season. I think both Amanda and Rachel act very similar in many ways. She loves that fact that her sister’s fans are the ones that have kept her in the game. Is she forgetting her own sister and how she acted during her own two seasons? I have never heard her say I hated the way my sister put on the displays she did during her two seasons.

      • She says mean things to everyone and the house is finally seeing who she really is.

      • What mean things did Elissa say? She calls Aaryn a racist (which she is) she said Amanda’s fatass looked like a stripper (at the time Amanda was trying to look like a stripper so?) then what else? Aside from those things I havent her say anything worth listening to. Amanda’s the one sneaking around with Aaryn calling people nappy headed and greasy…saying people taste like won tons, egg rolls, crisco and watermelon. Both of those bitches are trash. Elissa is just crazy but she’s not mean.

      • Gee where should I start? The first week she was calling Aaryn out about her aderal, told her she could run a whore house, told Amanda her bathing suit was ugly, when they were talking about whip cream Elissa said she would vomit, all she does is talk down to people. She thinks she’s entitled. Talks about how BB should give her this and that like she’s miss princess. People that have had her back and been nice to her she’s turned on. They all can’t stand her now. And there’s a reason behind it and if you can’t see it oh well.

      • All 3 have that self entitled attitude. I only seen the after effects of what Elissa did when Amanda was crying in the bathroom…but if that’s all that she said, as thick skinned as Amanda is, i wouldn’t have thought that’d be something for her to cry about. I’ve never seen her say anything about BB giving her anything, but I’m not surprised if she did. I’m not an Elissa fan. I just like her over Amanda and Aaryn. I see it now and I get it. I guess with me, it comes down to who is the worse between the 3.

      • She’s a very fake mean girl. CBS has been giving her a good edit but at least the last 2 shows they showed just a little of how she is.

    • I don’t think she is fake. She may be awkward socially, but not fake. If anything, Ellisa seems to struggle with the tactful deceit part of the game. She is like a bull in a China shop with her social game.

      But in her defense, she knows she has been a target in the house since they found out she is Rachel’s sister. She seems to be under constant stress – some self-inflicted. But she has been on the block every week except one.

      She needs to learn to be more like Aaryn in game play. When Aaryn realized she was everyone’s target she kept a low profile and kept her wits about her. Elissa is going crazy.

    • Amanda’s faker. I’m not even an Elissa fan…but I’d rather keep her than Amanda.

  2. Why Amanda? Maybe she’s not “likeable” but at least she’s playing the game and is amusing to watch, unlike GM, Jessie, Andy, McCrae who I’ve literally forgotten are even there on multiple occasions. Does America really want to watch a show about people who nap and eat all day?

    • I think some are voting for Amanda because it would cause the most disruption. Maybe it’s to send a message that Amanda isn’t bulletproof.

      • I understand your point, but I though MVP was supposed to reward gameplay not punish it and reward floaters. Plus, once the handful of people in the house that are playing are gone, everyone will go back to complaining that BB is all floaters. I think it would be a WAY more exciting summer to watch the Amanda and Helen type players duke it out, rather than get stuck with Andy, Jessie and Judd.

      • I understand what you’re saying. Although I think it would be amusing to watch GM leave during Aaryn’s HOH, I think a vote for her is kind of a waste. She has a lot of sass but no real bite to back it up. There are HGs who haven’t been on the block yet. Unfortunately we are caught in a majority rules situation here. I can throw a vote for someone else, but if the majority wants GM as the 3rd nom, that’s what is most likely to happen.

      • I hope it’s GM and not Amanda! GM does nothing and then freaks out like she won an Olympic gold when her team wins a food comp. Plus, I can’t listen to her speak anymore. Amanda’s DR’s are hilarious, GM just yells slurred words and incomplete sentences at the camera. I know none of the hardcore floaters are going to get chosen to go up because I think most of the viewers don’t realize they’re there. I’m afraid if Amanda goes up, she’ll go home and this summer might get really boring.

      • A vote for GM is a vote against Aaryn and gets another mean girl out. Anything to hurt Aaryn is a good move.

      • There are a lot of people who agree with you. GM is currently in 2nd place in this unofficial poll.

      • You guys need to get over this mean girl thing. The HGs have.

        Not sure if it hurts Aaryn, she flops off anybody to save herself. No loyalty there.

        I still don’t think they vote out Aaryn for a while, she’s a non-threat with a big target to them.

      • If she is a non-threat, why is she HOH this week? Perhaps her latest HOH win will put a bigger target on her back than ever.

      • Nope the people that kept her safe are the ones that want to work with her and they have the numbers to do it if they aren’t all on the block at the same time. They all want Howard, Spencer, Candice and Elissa gone and in that order.

      • Why are you so obsessed with Elissa?… Every post you make on here mentions her name in some form or another. Obsessed much?… It’s kinda creepy, you’re as bad as Amanda always mentioning Howard anywhere she goes… Chill out, she’s gonna go home eventually.. Likely in the next couple weeks…. quit being so obsessive..

      • Why are you so obsessed with me??? STALKER!!! If you know how to read you can clearly see my posts pertain to the subject at hand. Maybe you need to chill out and don’t worry about what I post.

      • falconut I so agree about the need to get over the mean girl thing. The HGs definitely have and at this point I think everyone can claim the title of mean girl. The HGs are trying to win the money and they had their chance to get rid of Aaryn who was suppose to be the meanest of the so called mean girls. She was the one who flipped Candace’s bed and made the most racial slurs. She made the rice comment to Helen. Yet you notice the vote was 9-0 to keep Aaryn over Kaitlin. They have clearly decided to forget what she said to further their own game. A vote for GM is wasted imo. These HGs don’t want her out.

      • At this point I don’t care if Aaryn stays because no one really likes her but GM. She would be a vote to keep others in. It’s Amanda they need to get out.

      • That’s a bad way to play the game unless you don’t care about the end prize.

    • CBS gives Andy absolutely no air time. You would never know he was on the program. I guess when you haven’t done anything, there is nothing to cover. I would like to see him on the block this week. Hell, I would like to see Judd, Amanda, McCrea, GM (number one pick), Helen, Aryan (fat chance since she is HOH). Howard is playing the game, but people never forgave him for lying very early on. Howard knows how to play the game, though. Spencer, I don’t know anything about him. For some reason, I tune him out when he is talking (BBAD). Candice is sweet, but I would like for her to just be herself. I would like to see her do what she wants to do and stop listening to Howard so much. Candice needs to come up with a plan to save Candice.

      • Candice and Howard are playing separate games. Candice couldn’t handle the pressure of trying to keep both of them safe. She was boo hooing about it a couple of hours ago. I think it’s too late, tho. Team aMANda was bashing her in HoH…and we all know Aaryn hates her anyway.

  3. I’ve pretty much turned on Elissa due to the fact that CBS keeps editing her to make her look so good.

    • I don’t see this at all. If this were true, why have so many people turned on her? CBS has limited time to show all of the guests so we see a little bit of each. To address the concerns about racism, they did focus on Aaryn for one or two weeks. If anything GM, Kaitlyn and Spencer were the beneficiaries of good editing since their racist remarks were not seen by all of America. I watch BBAD every night and Elissa shows up as who she is on CBS, for the most part. She is a terrible game player. This past week they absolutely showed how she lied about her conversation with Kaitlyn so I am not sure how it could be said that she has been edited to look good.

      If you think about it, Elissa is like everyone else. She does what Amanda and Helen want her too.

      • No Elissa does not always do what Amanda wants, she wanted her to put up Howard when she was MVP but instead put up Spencer

  4. It is becoming obvious that Helen is using Elissa to keep the heat off herself. If she can talk about Elissa and make the other HG’s believe that Elissa is creating drama and is unstable she is safe. Helen knows that Jessee told Candice about the deal that was made with Aaryn but she is saying it was Elissa. Also she would not want to be directly responsible for Elissa being evicted. Helen is smart in that she relays info to another HG and says “don’t tell anybody” knowing they will. I do hope that Helen is publicly outted by Amanda Candice and Jessee as to the lie she told on Elissa. IMO they all cut their own throats when they kept Aaryn over Katlin but u live and learn. Time will tell. I am gonna use one of my mails to vote for Helen and another to vote Amanda. Third choice is a toss up between GM and Spencer. And how does Elissa not talk about Aaryn when she (Aaryn) is constantly being brought up in conversations?? Elissa needs to stand back and take a deep breath and access her situation. She is not a stupid person and she realized that she was being used for her MVP status. Elissa needs to realize how Helen is spinning the wheels to get her evicted “when” she no longer has use for her. When Rachel told Elissa that BB was a fun gig evidently Rachel forgot to tell her about the down side.

    • I think Helen does wan to protect Elissa but she also realizes Elissa is not helping and it may rub off on Helen. So behind the scenes she will protect Elissa but at the same time she needs to make it look like there is some distance there.

      • Had Helen wanted to protect Elissa she would not have lied about the Candice conversation. Helen is only trying to protect herself.

    • Elissa is a crazy bitch. She attacks everyone in the house. Just in 24hrs she attacked McCrae, Andy, Amanda and Helen. Can’t wait until she goes. When things don’t go her way she cries and wants to go home. Well then GO you mental case.

    • Elissa is a wild car…she moves the way the wind blows depending on who offended her that day, even if it was unintentional. Helen doesn’t need much help in showing everyone how unstable Elissa is. Elissa does the job fine on her own. As for the lies. They have all lied at one time or another…as well as thrown people under the bus. The only people I have seen that haven’t back-stabbed one another yet is Howard and Spencer.

  5. Why is Elissa so low and Amanda so high? Seriously hate that the Reilly sisters (inside and out) get to mess with this game so much. Elissa has been so destructive in the house and was SO mean to Amanda and others. Why do people let her skate through this game? And on top of that she can’t handle having no control in the game without her precious MVP and losing HOH. It’s a game and she needs to start playing it – well that is. I know Amanda is playing too hard but how can she have THAT many votes against her? At least she is playing smart and not alienating people the way Elissa is. And Elissa seems to get away with all of her bad behaviour but then villifies others. She acts like such a victim! Come on people get this houseguest with a ridiculous advantage out of the game and let’s start playing fair!

    • You answered yourself. She is Rachel’s sister, so RR fans will just back her no matter what. Reason she won MVP, cause she certainly didn’t do anything in the beginning to earn it.

    • I think a lot of people were willing to judge Elissa for who she is not because she is Rachel’s sister, which would be superficial. To me, Elissa was the anti-Aaryn in the beginning. She got my votes because of my dislike for Aaryn and the mean girls. Elissa is a bad BB player but there is something to be said for her principled stance against Aaryn and her racist remarks.

      Also, which player in this house does not target their biggest threat like Elissa target’s Aaryn? Amanda want Howard gone. Elissa wants Aaryn gone and Aaryn want Elissa gone. The just evicted Kaitlyn and Jeremy because of the threat they posed to everyone.

      • You are absolutely right about that – everyone has a target. And I admit I like the style of game Amanda is playing because she seems to understand the game better than Elissa (or Aaryn for that matter). But frankly, while I do not condone any of the comments Aaryn has made, they are in this house to play for 500, 000$ not to make a moral stance. And if Elissa really wants to win, she needs to swallow her pride and start playing. Aaryn will get her just desserts when she leaves the house, and America has already villified her (which the houseguests MUST know by now). I think there are way bigger fish to fry in terms of targets for her. I am glad production has switched up the MVP a bit (as I am sure they can see it wasn’t working out the way it was intended to).
        I want to see Aaryn go as much as the next person but she isn’t for this week so shouldn’t people be focusing on the major targets? I think she should put up Elissa/Helen. They (like McManda) need a rude awakening. McManda is a powerhouse but Amanda has won nothing and is playing solely on her social skills alone. I think Helen is a huge threat and that Elissa is a danger to everyones game and cannot be trusted. I just wish people were smarter with who they single out as targets.

  6. The hgs asked last night if we could vote for Gina Marie. It gives them a safe person to vote out for all of them. VOTE GM

  7. It would satisfy me to see GM on the block once again just to agitate her, but I’m realistic too. She’s not the target and she’s not going home. I’m not wasting my vote. So I’m voting for Amanda to spook a good player.

    • That’s a wasted vote because Amanda has the numbers to stay. Unless you just want to see the look on her face and freeking out trying to figure who is MVP. Lol

      • Exactly ! Girl from Lavendar. Do you see how happy she is now? Well, I want to change that. I wanna see her on a schizoid state. lol

  8. People seem to be going after people they don’t like rather than the ones who are just coasting through the game. You may not like Amanda, but at least she’s playing the game. Shouldn’t we be voting to help the
    game rather than to get those we don’t like out? We have been given
    the chance to be a part of the game even if it’s only a small part. We
    should take this opportunity to work with the HGs who are playing the

    • Howard is playing the game so I choose to nominate. That is how the game works inside the house, nominate those who are coming after your alliance.

    • NO, people vote for different reasons. They might vote for Elissa because they don’t like her

      • True, just like in real life politics. Some people vote for their candidate, some vote for their party… but many vote against a person or a party.

  9. Oddly enough, as boring as they might be for some people to watch, I think Andy, Jessie, and Judd have the best positions in the house right now. Andy is privy to all the information, knows all the deals, and is far down the target list. He manages to weave his way through the shrapnel without getting a scratch. Maybe cause he moves so fast. LOL

    • Unfortunately for us, they will probably make it far. Nothing against them, just keep forgetting they’re in there.

    • Why is why Andy deserve to be on the block. He is the consummate floater. With each new HOH, Andy runs to the HOH room and sits there acting all chummy to save his skinny rear end. He is trying to float all the way to the end.

    • She is and I wonder what’s up with her. Is she manic or something? Her behavior at times is very hard to watch. I was a huge Elissa supporter at one time but right now I think she needs to go before she has a breakdown. Howard too. He stalks around the house like his head is about to explode.

      At the same time, Elissa has been in constant fear of going home. I don’t think she trusts anyone and the last nomination by America sent her over the edge completely. But at the same time she put herself in the position she is in. Her situation with Aaryn outside teh house would be fine. But inside teh house it is just bad game play. She should have done what everyone else did, even Candice – she should have bitten her lip and made amends. Now she sits in a most precarious position and this was always a possibility.

  10. I wouldn’t vote to put up GinaMarie. It is a waste because no one would want to vote her out. She is useless in the game. However, I do want Elissa or Amanda to be put up because then Howard has a chance of staying. I believe that Howard is the most respectable person and player in the house

    • How is Howard the most respectable person in the game when he lies like everyone else and he has thrown the contests (he said that himself). Also he is trying to turn everyone against Amanda, especially Candace, who he talks to like she is a child and not an adult and basically treats her really bad, tells her everything that happens is Amanda’s fault so she will make sure that is what she tells everyone else that will listen to her. Helen on the other hand is throwing everyone under the bus to further herself in the game, including her so called best friends (Elissa and Candace).

      • Why would Howard not want Amanda out? Amanda has been on everyone’s a$$ a long time now trying to get Howard out. He is her #1 target. Hence, Howard should try to get her out. Second of all, Howard is treating Candice very kindly. He doesn’t have to have a showmance if he doesn’t have feelings for her. Lastly, throwing competitions is a good strategy for a person of his physique because winning would just put a bigger target on his back. He has made some bad moves, such as lying to Helen, but would it really have made that much of a difference? Spencer told the truth, but he is still a big target. However, I do agree with what you said about Helen. It is going to come back to bite her.

      • Is this your first season of big brother? Howard is throwing comps because he doesnt want to be viewed as a physical threat. That’s smart. He wants Amanda out because Amanda is very vocal about getting Howard out. And i’m not sure whats giving you the indication of mistreatment between howard and candice…

    • I just commented to one of your other posts below and I agree a vote for GM is a total waste. She won’t be voted out and the HGs proved that they got over anything that had been said against them during this game when they voted 9-0 against Kaitlin. I said previously that they were using the excuse to vote out Kaitlin because she was this so called threat just because she won one POV and came close on a couple of HOH comps. I even said they saw the comp. and knew it could be anyone’s game and they still went forward with their plans. They don’t care what has been said against them because they care more about winning the money. Amanda and McCrae are over the moon that Aaryn won and Amanda immediately wanted Howard out. She has been after him for awhile now and she said we still have no blood on our hands or ever have been on the block. Helen made the deal with Aaryn even after the rice comment to be able to name the noms and made it known she has no problem with Elissa going home. If Amanda gets the nom. I don’t think she will go home, but will get a wake-up call. McCrae has been trying to get her to slow down. Elissa possibly may go home if nominated because I think all the HGs see her as a loose cannon (their words).

  11. The name of this game is big brother where you lie and cheat it is not called the stupid game which i give Candice the award to be one of the dummies person every to play this game the guy Howard lies to her and she knows he’s lying and he gives her another story and she falls for it, big brother should give an award for the biggest lair and for the dummies persons to play, Howard (lair award) he lies with a stare the you have to love) and (dummies) goes to Candice she melts when Howard talks to her, I feel sorry for her ………………………

    • Candice is pro-active in dealing with a difficult situation she’s in. A dumb player just lay down and die. She’s no dummy.

  12. People are wasting their votes if they vote for Amanda. Stupid choice. If Amanda goes up she has the votes to stay. Only need 4 and Aaryn breaks the tie. She would have McCrae, Judd, Jessie, Andy, Helen for sure. Don’t know about the others.

    • it would bring some more paranoia. who really cared when gina marie went up last week? If amanda goes up, she might lose it.

    • If Amanda gets put up, there is a little chance for Howard to prove his case why he deserves to stay more than Amanda. Maybe he can pull a Dan Gheesling….that is if he quit playing pool !

  13. Elisa showed her true colors this week, thinking of only what she wanted, not a good team player, almost bought the alliance down with her selfish ways.

  14. Get Amanda tf out! That hermaphrodite is annoying as hell and seeing his feet grosses me tf out. She’s a closet racist, too….I heard what you said on the live feeds, you fake bitch.

  15. I’m hoping everyone votes Amanda to be the 3rd nominee. She may have the votes to stay but it’ll cause paranoia and she’s been worse than Aaryn the past week or so. She was mocking Candice in a stereotypical black woman voice. It’s disgusting as Candice does not talk that way whatsoever.

    • Exactly!!! She made me sick this week! Did you see their conversation about what people taste like? If that wasn’t racist, I don’t know what is. And to be honest, I usually brush sh*t like that off…but since Amanda was so big on telling Aaryn how racist the show was making her look, she needs to look at her damn self, too!

      • I did. She said Howard would taste like cocoa butter and then she said watermelon. It’s insane how ignorant these people are. Amanda is just as bad as Aaryn. I cannot wait to see them both gone! They’re both disgusting human beings and need to look at themselves before they go about talking like that about others.

      • Amanda has been skirting by making derogatory comments for awhile now because she is supposedly “joking.” That was not joking to me. I have never been so disgusted with people on a show than I am watching this.

      • I couldn’t agree more! It’s insane how disrespectful this group of people are. Mostly the girls though. Very sad tbh.

  16. Can America be put up by the MVP cause it sure feels like we’re all in that house now.

  17. If amanda is nomed, she will be leaving I would bet. Votes against her would be Helen, Elissa, Candice, Judd and Jesse

    • Well considering Helen finally woke up that Elissa needs to go home judging by the sites that already tell you what happened Elissa will hopefully be going home…Other sites already have all the info up to who has the POV

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