Big Brother 15 Week 4 House Meeting Exposes Eviction Plans & Raises Tensions

Big Brother 15 house meeting

House meetings are always fun and the one last night didn’t disappoint. This week the BB15 nominees are all coming from one side and it’s generating plenty of drama in just the past few days. Last night that boiled over when Elissa started asking around on the possibility of Aaryn sticking around this week. Elissa really doesn’t want that to happen.

As background info, flashback to 12:27PM BBT on Tuesday to find Helen telling Elissa and Amanda about Judd’s faux alliance with Spencer, Howard, Kaitlin, & GM that was loosely put together a few days back at the end of one of their all-nighters. It’s hard to consider the group much of an alliance when one member, Judd, isn’t really honoring it and two other members are on the block and powerless.

All the same, Helen wanted to tell Elissa so she could shift Elissa over to voting out Kaitlin instead of Aaryn from the Big Brother 15 house. Elissa agrees that they should accept that deal, but through the day she seems to backtrack on that idea.

Jump forward to 7:51PM BBT on Tuesday for Aaryn telling Helen about overhearing a conversation between Elissa and Kaitlin. Aaryn heard Elissa pushing Kaitlin to confront HGs about a secret deal to keep Aaryn because Elissa wants Kaitlin to stay, not Aaryn.

Meanwhile Kaitlin is dashing to GinaMarie to retell the story then she goes out to tell Spencer and Howard that she might have to confront them later (she will). While she’s doing that Helen is wandering the house saying Elissa is exposing their plan to get rid of Kaitlin. Sign-up for the Live Feeds now to watch all of these events on the Big Brother archives DVR feature.

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Move along to 7:59PM BBT and you’ll find Elissa working on GM and Judd as to why Aaryn needs to go. Um, neither of those people are voting this week, but anyway. So Helen pulls Judd out and reveals that Elissa is running her mouth. Helen heads back in to the back bedroom and things start to pile up from there.

It doesn’t take long for the room to fill up with GinaMarie, Helen, Elissa, Andy, Jessie, Judd, Howard, Spencer, and Kaitlin. Everyone but Candice (sleeping) and McC & Amanda (slothing in HoH room). The conversation focuses on Kaitlin’s effectively useless alliance which everyone is denying left and right.

Before too long the topic shifts to an Elissa-Aaryn feud which is far more entertaining, but eventually goes back to the upcoming BB15 vote. The debate circles around and around for nearly forty minutes before ending at 8:39PM BBT as HGs slowly start to file out of the bedroom past a dejected Kaitlin sitting there holding her head in her hands.

It’s definitely worth going back and watching the Big Brother chaos boiling over. This was not a good day for Elissa and won’t be helping her game in the long run as her own alliance could be weary of trusting her on future discussions. We’ll just have to wait and see if it gets her in trouble or just on the outs of in-depth planning.

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    • If America votes for Elissa this week then they are idiots. Or they don’t watch the feeds because she is the biggest bitch and mean girl in the house. On top of that she is very unstable. In the beginning I wanted her gone then I changed how I felt towards her. Kind of felt bad. But after watching her the last couple of days and especially yesterday wow she needs to go. And I think anyone that watches the feeds wants her gone also.

      • ARE you kidding me? She’s the biggest bitch and mean girl? OMG…where have you been when Aaryn was spewing all her crap?! Not to mention how mean she was to Candice. Aaryn, GM and Kaitlin are the epitome of “mean girls”.

      • What are you watching??? Oh the show that CBS edits to Elissas favor. Aaryn was acting that way the first 2 weeks. She has not done anything except act very mature the last couple of weeks while GM and Spencer continue with the racist and vile remarks. And Eissa is acting like a psycho bitch.

      • Lavendar-agreed, and totally lmao! Thanks for the giggle! I don’t know if Aryan is acting “mature”, but at least she’s muzzling herself. Thank goodness for small favors! Hehehehe

      • Well mature might be the wrong word. Lol. But she is acting a lot better. We will see if she continues to act this way if she stays.

      • Not picking sides, but Aaryn went after Candice and flipped her bed in week THREE (not the first two weeks). She did not start playing nice until this week when she was nominated on Friday.

      • I agree what was written on the BitchyBigBrother blog. Aaryn is ignorant. Elissa is malicious. She is psycho, absolutely. And I’m very curious to see how this will be edited. The MVP is decided by people who watch CBS not the feeds.

  1. I hope Elissa gets nom’d next week. She can’t play in the veto nom, so they can get her craziness out…then GM. I can’t handle the psycho bat crazy drama from those two. I used to like Elissa, but now? Yikes!

    • I totally agree. I’d be afraid to sleep in the same room as that crazy ass.

  2. Not to be sexist, but this is why female alliance never seem to work. One always goes crazy 2 have this season: GM + Ellisa. Men do also (Willie last season). They lie, gossip, and backstab each other (Every girl this season). Andy does also which is why Moving company was smart to not include him. Think about it there is no real close girl bond this season at all, they can’t trust each other and badmouth each other. Moving company would have run this house if Mcrae wasn’t tempted by Amanda, but who really saw that happening?

    • The MC was a terrible alliance. They were not going to run anything despite McCrae. Nick was a terrible BB player. He was scheming WAY to much. When Elissa asked him if he was voting for her… he just stood there and did not answer… Just dumb. Spencer is a homophbic racist that nobody in the house likes. Jeremy… well he was never going far in this game. Howard is a TERRIBLE liar… not a bad person but a bad trait to have in the game of BB. McCrae would have been fine in the long run with Amanda, eventually everyone goes.
      Look at the Brigade as an example. They made their alliance and then just let the house do what ever but they voted together and had side alliances… with girls to protect themselves.
      The MC was one of the worst alliances EVER and it did not even last 2 weeks. They were not going to run anything.

      • At that time Nick had just woken up and a bunch were listening, not real good time to have the conversation. Doesn’t matter if they were horrible players/ppl they would of had numbers and 4 physical threats.

    • In my opinion, the Moving Company could have been a very good alliance. It failed because of the showmances (Amanda/McCrea and Katilin/Jeremy/Aryan). The Moving Company had some of the best, if not the best, hgs. When I say the best, I mean some were strong mentally and others were strong physically.

    • Exactly-guys are more likely to avoid each other or just flat out say what they are thinking and move on so that there is no question. The ladies are more likely to lie because they can’t walk away from the situation. Ladies are more likely to talk themselves into a hole and then lie to get out or blame others. And has anyone heard one guy plot against another because he finds that guy a threat because he is better looking? NOPE! Several of the HGs have said things like “I’m the hottest girl here,” (Jessie, I believe like day one) and GM thinks that she is on the block bc she is hot and others are jealous.

    • Someone else on another blog made an interesting comment about this house. They all have multiple alliances, fake or real , but when they learns something from one alliance they repeat it to the other. In a short time, everyone in the house becomes aware of who said what. There are never any real secrets. Yet none of them realize this is what is happening!

  3. Well, Elissa is getting on my nerves, but I can’t say I blame her, really. She wants Aaryn gone, and I probably might have done the same thing.

  4. Random-will the MVP voting affect the final 2 or 3? There is always a comp at the end that involves three games to advance to the final, with the main winner ultimately choosing who he/she will face off against for the prize. I wonder how that will work at the end?

  5. I don’t mind Elissa going nuts. Puts a nice target on her. I understand her campaign for Aaryn to be evicted. Look even though Aaryn has muzzled herself, ppl in the house are letting her ride. By thinking just having her on the block every week is punishment enough, is dumb game play.

  6. I picked this week to go to the live eviction show believing that Aryan would go. Wanted to be there to boo her when you leaves the house but I guess this will not happen this week.

    • I was very angry to know that they’re keeping her! I loved that elissa stay being my favorite for planning on evicting aaryn

    • Now that all these people will be on the block Aryan is going to slip through and at least be on the jury. I was reading Rachel’ s twitter. She said Elissa is just passionate about Aryan getting voted out. I believe Rachel when she says this. So I too want Elissa hoh and MVP

  7. When would they find out that Andy is the Editor in Chief of National Enquirer?..Now that would be a good episode, to see him on the block. He will be the “saddest orange” in the house.

    • I do not even like watching Andy. Andy appears harmless, but he isn’t. I love how he keeps telling people that they are safe. I want to know who told him that he was safe.

  8. There are not too many people worth rooting for in this game. I am not sure I would be disappointed if any of them get evicted. But I am beginning to believe I will be disappointed with the winner no matter who it is.

    Its funny. This group has made more alliances than I can remember in any Big Brother before, yet none of these people trust anyone except maybe 1 person. Oddly, the Knockouts have a good chance to control the house for weeks but instead of realizing what they have, they are starting to crumble over the stupidest stuff.

  9. Everyone in the big brother house claim they’re saints but they’re mischievous manipulative folks only only some are less than others.

    Everyone babbles, and nothing is ever kept under wraps. It’s funny how hypocritical every house guest can be. Very entertaining for us all.

  10. *sigh* It was only a matter of time before one of the HGs lost their heads. It happens at least two or three times a season, and who can blame them? Locked up in that house 24/7, cut off from the world completely with only 16- other people to talk to all day, and you tend to go a little stir-crazy.

  11. Do any of these HGs understand how to be in an alliance?

    Step 1: Agree to be in an alliance

    Step 2: Vote to keep people in your alliance

    Step 3: Keep what’s said in the alliance in the alliance

  12. Gotta say I’m surprised we’re already seeing HG have meltdowns. I’ve been listening close to Elissa over the past couple of weeks and that girl has some serious issues. Her ability to socialize or lack thereof is peculiar. She can say the most inappropriate things and that’s to the people she feels are part of her alliance and she likes! Odd duck.
    I love the level of paranoia already in the house! It makes for entertaining live feeds especially in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep and need something fun to watch! Keep it up folks! I’m getting a kick out of it for sure! LOL

  13. She is racists! So what how they edit people. The editing wasn’t the cause for Aaryn saying racial stuff about other house guests. Her true colors where shown within the first two weeks because she was cocky and thought she had power. Now that she doesn’t she’s laying low and trying not to ruffle any feathers. Either way…she still showed herself to be racists and I’m not talking about the fact that she flipped Candice’s bed.

    • Maybe you should read my posts before you comment. I never said she didn’t make racist remarks. I said she is behaving better and we will see if she continues if she stays. I also said I am willing to forgive and give people a second chance. Also GM and Spencer are 10 times worse then Aaryn. They continue with their remarks every single day.

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  1. Big Brother 15: Week 4 – Counting The Votes | Big Brother Network
  2. Big Brother 15 Episode 12: Week 4 Veto Show Tonight | Big Brother Network

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